Ispitatel 2 continues on from Ispitatel, where you finished in the large office building.
You seem to have been contracted by the Gman, who decides to send you on more missions.
Don’t get too comfortable though, as you move around a lot.
100 Summer Days of Nostalgia. A special event in 2011 where 100 older Half-Life maps and mods were played or replayed. For more details. see the event’s dedicated page.
Follow these releases via RSSIspitatel 2 continues on from Ispitatel, where you finished in the large office building.
You seem to have been contracted by the Gman, who decides to send you on more missions.
Don’t get too comfortable though, as you move around a lot.
You play a Russian scientist, Ravil Unisovich, who unwittingly unleashes a plague of monsters after an unsuccessful experiment.
Sound familiar?
In this, the first of 4 mods, you simiply need to escape the research facility, where you started everything.
Total Downloads: 2,44727th July 2011
and 17 recommendations with no significant bias
This mod continues exactly where Hard left off – you on the tram and the track exploding! Can you reach the spaceship? Can you save humanity? Only one way to find out! Basic Details Title: Hard 2 File Name: hl1-sp-hard-2.7z Original File Name: Size : 29.0Mb Author: W. Broisch Date Released: 01 Septemebr 2003… Read More
Total Downloads: 2,93326th July 2011
and 18 recommendations with no significant bias
You play as FBI agent Jeremy Hard, who has been sent in to Black Mesa to do something (sorry, but I didn’t pay much attention to the text on the screen).
You have Freeman’s identity card, so everybody thinks you are him.
Go do what you do best – shoot enemies and press buttons!
Total Downloads: 3,14125th July 2011
and 16 recommendations with no significant bias
“One of Gordy’s alternate adventures finds him in the company of a small group of scientists and a few barneys holed up in a cement bunker deep within the bowels of Black Mesa. It is shortly after the resonance cascade and as all hell breaks loose around them, they seal off the few exits, determined to work on solving the mess they’ve gotten into.
Total Downloads: 1,96324th July 2011
and 18 recommendations, 9 say "Maybe?"
You play as Thomas Redgrave, a friend of Gordon Freeman, who works in different laboratories of Black Mesa on the same day of the accident.
You are taking a refresher training course when things go wrong. Do your best to survive until you meet some other scientists, who tell you exactly what you need to do.
Total Downloads: 7,82123rd July 2011
and 27 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
A rather generic: “You are sent in to some base to do some thing”.
It’s not exactly Black Mesa but it looks like it.
Take your time and look everywhere.
Total Downloads: 1,86822nd July 2011
and 11 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
After the incidents at Black Mesa three years ago, Gordon Freeman was recruited by a curious FBI Agent, known simply by the common nickname given to his kind, ‘G-Man’.
Now working as a highly-trained special operative, Gordon Freeman is the only man the US Government fully trusts in highly hostile situations.
Total Downloads: 1,89121st July 2011
and 15 recommendations with no significant bias
USS Darkstar is a futuristic episode for Half-Life set on a Zoological Research Vessel.
Total Downloads: 14,94120th July 2011
and 45 recommendations, most say "Personal Favourite"
This is the demo of the unfinished mod.
The first section sets the scene and you even get to “play” as Gina, Gordon’s Sister.
The second section is all action, with some puzzling solving required.
Total Downloads: 1,85419th July 2011
and 15 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
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Total Downloads: 2,32428th July 2011
19 Comments and 15 recommendations with no significant bias