You wake up in some sort of holding tube and on what seems to be a space station.
Explore the areas and find a way to open the door leading to the portal room.
Be careful, as enemies are everywhere.
Basic Details
- Title: Supernova Space Station
- File Name: of-sp-supernova-space-station.7z
- Size : 2.08MB
- Author: Xaoc
- Date Released: 12 December 2008
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 7 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 14 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 9 Mins by Unq
Longest: 0 Hours, 25 Mins by Hec
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 35 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 14 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 9 Mins by Unq
Longest: 0 Hours, 25 Mins by Hec
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 35 Mins
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Firstly let me say that I cheated to finish this map. The purists amongst you will be disappointed but realists will realize that sometimes unless I cheat I wouldn’t be able to post the maps!
Anyway, I found this map quite fun but also quite hard. The lift didn’t work for me to go backup and I had jumped the trip mines to get past them and couldn’t find a way to not only get back up a level but also pass the mines.
Finding the button to open the door to the portal was pretty hard too.
5 Words Or less Review
I prefer Black Mesa.
If this map were a park..
I would be disappointed it didn’t have a slide.
It was a fantastic map.
Still I wonder why it was created as mod if it doesn’t run as such one. I had to put the files into my Gearbox folder.
no u have to put the file “sn” in valve not gear box and copy op4.wad from gearbox folder to valve folder
OK – I found the ammo in the graveyard, and the button in the morgue, now I need to go back up to the office ??
How? Do I hitch a ride on a barnacle or what?
So, apart from that, yes, play it – it’s not so bad.
Ahhhh! Went back and tried again – sussed it, easy really!
Won’t post it unless asked “cos it would be a real spoiler.
Phil, how can you prefer Black Mesa, when it’s not out yet?? :wtf:
What do you think Half-Life 1 was set? I am talking about prefer mods set in Black Mesa rather than elsewhere, like space stations. Anyway, how do you know I haven’t played BMS? I haven’t but I could have!
you are right black mesa mods are better
good but I prefare mods in black mesa especialy ones that have parts of black mesa that look like c1a0 but this mod is cool too but short
The first time I played this I had fun but this time I started looking at more at the details.
The vest charger on the top of a ladder is just crazy, as is the cemetery. Don’t even get me started on how a Voltigore got in there.
The gameplay was fun and the author did quite a good job of making back-tracking bearable.
All in all the overall designed lacked thought but the environments were generally well-designed.
Using Gauge
14 Minutes
I remember playing this one years ago. The solution to opening locked rooms was not so obvious and is easily missed. This is one of those maps where you look at the design and say to yourself “why would anyone build it that way?”. It’s kind of fun, but you may get frustrated looking for the solutions
Better looking than Space Disaster and more fun, but it’s still a space station!
Who would put a cemetery on a space station? Oh I forgot Xaoc did, weird idea but amusing nonetheless! To be fair, for looks it was better than a lot of OP4 maps but along with the gameplay it gave the impression the author worked on the principle “what shall I do/add next?”. As there was no real logic to it, I would have thought the crematorium room might have been fun if there were a few zombies in there and the coffin was openable/breakable releasing snarks.
Using Gauge
10 Minutes
Well the graphics are nice…
Other than that this map is just weird. The environments really don’t make sense, with ladders leading to health chargers, graveyards on a spaceship etc. The gameplay is also pretty weird, as in the first room you have to face an alien grunt and a dozen other NPCs with only a crowbar! There are a few unconventional puzzles, but they often broke (stupid sliding boxes!) forcing me to cheat.
Try it out if you want a bizarre distraction for 10 minutes.
Using Gauge
10 Minutes
This just worth it because the neat textures in the whole map, they are bright and vissually atractive, and many other OpF maps have darker and really low polished textures.
The gameplay is Ok and you only fight aliens, 0 grunts, that cemntery in the middle of the space ship was really akward, conssidering u are in space, also the puzzle involving the missing cable piece to complete the detonator is wierd and I just couldn’t find the solution, so I nocliped to have the final battle.
I spent 25 minutes becuase I noclip to explore for missing areas in the map.
Using Gauge
25 Minutes
This is a small map that probably took me longer to complete than it should have.
I like the part where you had to use the metal box to complete the circuit in the charge. Reminded me of Blue Shift. Nice texturing also
I got a bit lost after visiting the graveyard (!) but I then figured out there was a ladder.
17 Minutes
There were some bizarre choices in the design of this map, supposedly set in a space station. The window looking out to the stars was about the only space station touch I could see. The rest was a strange lab of sorts, albeit pretty well designed and textured and generally nice-looking.
The gameplay was decent, there can be some tough combat here. Be sure not to miss all the ammo in the graveyard (!) part of the space station. And watch the sparking wire that will silently sap your health in a matter of seconds if you touch it – it’s right above a doorway that difficult to crouch through, yet if you hop to get over the rubble you’ll likely hit the wire. Poor design there.
I did like the opening section, where you were forced to run through some enemies since you only had a crowbar, it was hectic but exciting. I can’t say the same for the voltigore, he shows up in a very cramped area so you can just pick him off from a distance.
Overall there’s some fun but it’s a very odd map and I think the areas and enemies could have really been planned out better to improve the experience.
Using Gauge
9 Minutes
Good map, it’s tough in the beginning but not so much later.
10 Minutes