All of your friends and family left just before the Combine arrived and took over your part of the town. They left you behind for some reason.
You wake up with just zombies and Combine as company.
Fortunately, there is your cousin’s airboat in the yard.
If only you could get it to the canals. You could probably escape that way!
Basic Details
- Title: Sudden Departure
- Filename: hl2-sp-sudden-departure.7z
- Size : 1.69MB
- Author: Mark AKA Strontvlieg
- Date Released: 21 May 2016
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- Copy TroubleDutch2.bsp into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\maps\ folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2
- Open the console and type map TroubleDutch2 and now press ENTER.
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Shortest: 0 Hours, 6 Mins by Miigga1
Longest: 0 Hours, 20 Mins by PlanetPhillip
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 57 Mins
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Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 10 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 6 Mins by Miigga1
Longest: 0 Hours, 20 Mins by PlanetPhillip
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 57 Mins
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I spent 15 minutes trying to work out where to take the airboat and feel the gap in the fence should be clearer.
I managed to jump over the wall where the airboat is parked and that meant I was stuck later. That said, I couldn’t recreate the jump, so I might have been really lucky.
This is an improvement on Mark’s last map, Trouble Dutch, with more interesting outside areas.
The combat wasn’t much better though as they still come at you from one direction.
It’s clear that the author is improving but I would suggest starting with a combat plan and then building the areas around that – at least for one map, just to see how it works.
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
Hello Philippe! I could not find how to write to you, so I’m writing here. Tell me please, there are no links for so many maps and mods. Do you have an archive of all the maps and mods presented on the site? Maybe not on the network but on a personal computer? P.S. Sorry for the inaccurate translation.
A small simple map with that 2005 feel to it.
Personally I didn’t had any problems figuring out where to go and what to do but I think that “special ability” comes naturally when you play a lot of mods and maps. I understand if some people will have troubles understanding what to do because there’s no real guidance in this map, nothing attracts player’s attention.
The combat was quite weak even comparing to the previous Mark’s map. Enemies placement wasn’t that entertaining, especially in the beginning – CP Units aren’t that challenging in the first place without the fact that the player has a shotgun from the start. On the bright side, I liked that moment with Combine Soldiers on the other side of the canal but it could’ve been much more entertaining if the player would not have 100% of Health and Suit by that time.
I also really liked that small puzzle at the end of the map because it’s quite rare to see a map or a mod for Half-Life 2 actually using Source engine’s amazing physics as a gameplay mechanic even if it’s that simple, but again, it suffers from the lack of guidance – I bet many players will waste some time figuring out what to actually do.
13 Minutes
-Crowbar, Gravity gun and Shotgun are completely miss-able despite being essential items, even worse is two of those items are hidden in crates and the crowbar blends in with the crate it is placed on.
-No checkpoints
-First gunfight is alright, you get to place a hopper mine as a trap for CPs but only if you didn’t miss the gravity gun and aren’t fighting this battle with just a grenade and a pistol
-Finding out what the button did wasn’t very easy, especially behind that blurry combine shield, could have enabled a trigger when you get closer to the door for a zombie to walk through the newly opened passage
-Ladder isn’t obvious atall, could’ve extended the part of the wall the ladder is on to make it stick out
-Dropship battle is a bit much, died and was reminded about the lack of checkpoints and decided to call it a day
I liked his first map better in the gameplay department even if it was very short, it had checkpoints and the battles weren’t too hard aside from the gunship fight. This new map certainly looks better though so it’s better to look at though.
Hmmm. It seems that creating a SP-map isn’t that hard, but fabricating a well-balanced one is a rather delicate matter. I’m gonna play a bunch of well-received maps and some official Half-life titles. Just for fun, but also to see how decent gameplay is actually set up.
At least I haven’t seen reports yet about players escaping the map and venturing into places they aren’t supposed to be. Hooray for Playerclip brushes ๐
Gotta say I haven’t paid attention to Checkpoints in my maps. I assume it is something that can be regulated in the Source SDK? Believe me, I know replaying significant parts of maps due to multiple deaths can get old really fast.
With “Checkpoints”, i think “Autosaves” is the intention. They’re really easy to set up. It’s a trigger called autosave or something similar, when the player touches it, the game autosaves.
Here’s my playthrough complete with annotations: My specific criticisms can be found there.
My biggest issues:
– The gunfights were not interesting (too little cover in the dropship fight; and also fighting single civil protection units seems silly because they just die in one shotgun blast)
– Aesthetically the map looks pretty bad
Overall this map is an improvement over Trouble Dutch. I like that you are starting to incorporate puzzles into your maps.
Oh, and it’s still quite easy to escape into areas where the player is not supposed to go.
6 Minutes
I never knew one could jump that high with a prop and the Gravity Gun. You’ve managed to bypass the Playerclip Brushes … !
Thanks for posting the vids, they clarify a few things … ! Do you mean the lighting regarding aesthetics or the map appearance in overall?
Can you clarify the question?
You say the map aesthetics are bad. Do you mean the lighting of the map or the architecture in overall?
Edit: meant as reaction to Miigga1 but I accidentally anwered myself ๐ฎ
I mean both. Most of the buildings in this map are essentially rectangular, and buildings with sloped roofs don’t have any eaves that stick out past the wall. That, and there generally isn’t enough “stuff” there to make the map look detailed.
For lighting I suggest you look at some other, nicer lit maps. I could toot my own horn here, but instead I’ll link you to this map by Jason Gimba: If you look at the screenshots, you’ll find that there is contrast in the lighting, along with more variance in different colours being used. Compared to this, your map has very constant lighting all around, which looks less interesting.
For your light_environment, you can find some nice-looking settings from this page: These are settings Valve has used in their maps. You don’t have to limit yourself to these settings only, but these can serve as a nice guideline for what kind of settings tend to lead to good lighting results.
Best of luck on your next map ๐ This one got close to a “play it later” for me.
Ah, I see … !
Gotta admit this map had initially more contrast in lighting. Here a screenshot I took roughly halfway through development:
Later I went for a more bleak appearance. Although I have to say that the map you linked is more pleasing for the eyes.
If you really care about blocking the player in, your player clips have to touch the sky. Or put an invisible ceiling on top of the level at the point where they’d see out of the world. Most players won’t play like this, of course – Valve itself is pretty careless about trigger and collision height themselves which makes speedruns thrilling to watch – but it’s something to keep in mind.
While itโs relatively shorter than Trouble Dutch, it pays off in quality. The creator improved his skills and this is obvious by the little gimmicks that are present.
One thing I should note, like many others, was that the fence gap was too small and that it should be enlarged. Even though I passed that section fast it is obviously quite hard to notice.
Overall it plays well and you should give it a try. I hope Trouble Dutch 3 will be even better !
8 Minutes
Running this map under linux. I had to noclip the ladder, because climbing was not possible. I could not jump over the last border with the airboat.
What other people said applies to my review as well.
Off-topic, if you read this and you’d like testers, I’d like to help you out. Hit me up, my steamname is ‘Erigo’ although you can find it with my site name here. Perhaps you can help me with testing as well.
Keep up the work. Seriously. You’ll be churning out VALVe-tier maps in no time!
Sounds like a great plan … ! My Steam-name is: ‘Silverthunder84’.
Are you working on a map at this moment … ?
I’d add you, but can’t find you. I’m Erigo, from Denmark on Steam. Add me and I’ll accept your request.
Yes, I’m also working on a map and I’d love more feedback.
A bit too easy even on hard.
Players can easily escape the map and essential gameplay items can be missed by the player.
Overall the average Half-Life 2 map.
Using Gauge
7 Minutes
My opinion is:
Go on with mapping, your ideas aren’t bad!
I had fun playing, but it was too short…5 minutes.
The same with the first part of this map^^
This is a short mod compare to others and I think it’s a bit too easy, I didn’t die once(which isn’t normal to me). I was looking forward to some chase when driving the airboat in the canal, but it just ends suddenly.{Sorry about my grammar}
I think the first one(Trouble Dutch) is harder than this one in my opinion.
My playthrough with the commentary:
9 Minutes
A quick mod, a bit easy. for the rest, I found it good.
7 Minutes
This map was pretty good, the sounds, the puzzles and the shooting. But it was really poor. you was living in a isolate city?
Some textures are meh and there are a lot of “fake doors” that you think they are real, but then, they are just textures.
8 Minutes
I enjoyed this, although I can see the mapper is new and, after playing, I read the reviews above so I’ve little more to add. I’m sure the video by Miigga will help the author tremendously! Essentially this is a fun map to play and I enjoyed the outdoor aspect of it also. The textures and overall look is pretty lame and needs a lot work – but the gameplay is what matters and I enjoyed it.
The back alley scenes were a little weird and one soldier just popped up from nowhere. Right in front of me lol. Walking back to these areas and suddenly the dead-end places had soldiers! Wow… I also found that ladder near the end battle was annoying and I took hits whilst trying to climb it.
Later, I built my makeshift bridge and went on to complete the game. Thought, hmm that was quite nice, so played it again. It’s easy, basic to look at and I imagine the mapper is enjoying learning and getting experience? I hope so and I can only imagine much better is to come – I can’t wait!
I liked the start. Feels a little weird just found an airboat parked in from of your house and then you’re located closer to a toxic canals. I quite enjoyed small puzzles and ways out to proceed to the next part of the map. I felt a little lost to find a way out of the street when I succeed to open the wood gate and drive my boat – but to where? haha.
Overall details could have been good if you put more enforce on it. Combine battles were very nice to play, you did good on that. Can’t wait for your next project.
15 Minutes
This map is worth a play. The map is a good challenge and has some close to Valve quality level design except for a few things. I feel the other room with the zombies should have been locked or maybe had a bit of extra ammo or a different gun to award the player for going in there, otherwise it is pointless to go in that room. I do think the end bit with moving the prop so the airboat could go up it was pretty clever and is like something Valve would do. The dedication for this map is definitely there, I give this map a 9/10. Great map, the biggest problem I have is that it is too short.
9 Minutes
Actually just replayed the level there is a reward for going in the room, there are some batteries outside the window. But this isn’t made obvious. I still retract a point for it not being made clear to the player, maybe there should have been a lambda on the wall or something to make it more obvious.
Compared to Trouble Dutch, Strontvlieg’s first map, this is definitely a step up. Better looking environments and better combat.
Some people will argue that the streets look bad, but me being Dutch like Strontvlieg, I recognize the Dutch architecture.
Biggest complaint is that it’s too short. This will take you about 5 minutes to complete.
7 Minutes