SR Rally

for Half-Life 2

24th January 2004

Basic Details
  • Title: SR Rally
  • File Name:
  • Size : 3.1Mb
  • Author: Flugel
  • Date Released: 24 January 2004
  • Download: SR RAlly at FilesNetwork
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1 recommendation, average score: 3 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0 (what's that?)
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Meta Review Data
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Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 2 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 2 Mins by OnThePaper
Longest: 0 Hours, 2 Mins by OnThePaper
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 2 Mins
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  1. So I started this one yesterday to make a ride on the hoovercraft like the screenshot added in the file…sadly I didn’t find any hovercraft? is this map design to be played on a server sothat you don’t find the hoover or is there an updated version where it works?

  2. after loading this one up and viewing the developer console it seems this bsp is missing alot of things including the airboat

    1. You should be able to spawn vehicles with the impulse command. 82 and 83 are the jeep and the airboat. They come from the game the map was made for..Hovercraft? I want to see that.

  3. so not worth… thanks andy

  4. cubedude89

    is this like the first hl2 map put on PP?

  5. Guess I won’t see that hovercraft.. got the good old 404 Not Found on this server carp

  6. Maybe?

    Yeah, the download link is dead. But you can download this map here:
    Unfortunately, airboat is absent on the map, so I recommend to turn cheats on (sv_cheats 1) and spawn airboat with console command “impulse 83”.
    Now onto my review:

    This map is actual fun! I mean, it’s interesting to see water rally being the first map released on this website. There are some trampolines and obstacles, and design is OK. Although it would be more fun playing it in Synergy or some other multiplayer mod for Half-Life 2. After all, it’s a race!

    Overall, water races are for MEN.

  7. xDDGx

    This is not an SP map, this map is for MP SourceRacer mod:
    24th January of 2004?.. This is before the game is actually came! Timestamp of the unarchived files, however, is 22th January of 2005, which is more likely to be the real date.

    Haven’t seen it in-game yet, but screenshots look nice (they included in the archive).

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