
for Half-Life

21st February 2000

Basic Details
  • Title: Sproutch
  • File Name: hl1-sp-sproutch.7z
  • Original File Name: Sproutch.zip
  • Size : 237Kb
  • Author: PABOU
  • Date Released: 20 February 2000
PlanetPhillip Download Servers
Reader Recommendations
Avoid It!
Think Twice
Play It Later
Play It Now!

3 recommendations, average score: 1 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0 (what's that?)
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  • 900
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Avoid It!Avoid It!Avoid It!


  1. Kyle

    I thought Ide let you know that there is at least one different version of this MOD out there…..

    Maybe more.

    All I know is there is another version with a huge headcrab room and a very poor crowbar replacement.

    It’s nice to have for the sheer…
    insipidness of it all. XD

  2. The readme is in French if anybody would like to properly translate. This is what I came up with from google:

    “The goal of this MOD is to die stupidly… It contains already 4 rooms:
    it room of the beginning with armour.
    it room of the ceiling sproutchor…
    it bath of acid.
    it hole with points.”

  3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    Please if you downloaded the mod post some review.

  4. No offence but you have asked about 10 or so mods now.Why not download and leave your own review instead of asking everyone else to do your work.If you want to know what its like play it.Don’t like it delete it

  5. Ade
    Avoid It!

    it’s the stupidest mod ever.. sry

  6. TheRipper
    Avoid It!

    The french readme says you need the tfc.wad, it goes into the valve folder.
    But it’s really to silly to play…

  7. Avoid It!

    3 rooms to die. What kind of creativity is that? Die for what? For reloading?

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