This map was entered in TWHL’s competition 28 “map a dream.
You are Gordon Freeman who comes home after a long day in the lab.
Explore the house and follow any instructions you might find.
Sweet dreams!
Basic Details
- Title: Somewhere in Time
- File Name: hl1-sp-somewhere-in-time.7z
- Size : 72.6MB
- Author: zeeba-G
- Date Released: 06 September 2010
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Manual Installation Instructions
- Copy all the folders and files in the archive into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\ folder.
- Launch Half-Life
- Open the console and type map home and press ENTER.
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The playthrough/walkthrough below is provided by PlanetPhillip. See more of my playthroughs on this site: VP: PlanetPhillip.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 9 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 6 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 40 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 26 Mins by Sheajay
Longest: 1 Hours by vancanucksfan
Total Time Played: 5 Hours, 58 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 6 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 40 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 26 Mins by Sheajay
Longest: 1 Hours by vancanucksfan
Total Time Played: 5 Hours, 58 Mins
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As with a lot of maps and mods I have been posting recently, I have given this a MAYBE purely because it’s an Alt mod. You basically just wander around and have very little interaction with the environment.
That’s not to say it’s bad, I just don’t really enjoy this sort of mod.
You do get a weapon, but I don’t think there is a need to use it.
There are two possible “endings” from the deathclock map, so make sure you save when you see two clocks on a Ying and Yang symbol.
Using Gauge
31 Minutes
Visually this is a very impressive HL1 map. So many interesting effects and moments. Looking up at the raindrops pooling on the skylight, the waterfall effects in the dreaming… Amazing! Also just adored the ‘Little Nemo’ style bed-boat ride. And the tower, wow.
Not much to it, though I loved exploring the house. I do wish there were *lights* in the house, notably missing it seems.
Phillip, I used the gun to open the vents.
Sort of difficult to tell when it was ‘over’, and also not really sure what to make of how you’re meant to get the different endings.
Good little HL1 mod, visually quite impressive for the most part. The lack of certain details (well I know that’s supposed to be a laundry room but there are just two white blocks in there…) can easily be given a pass, for the overall effect is that good.
30 Minutes
The mod crashes for me on the old WON HL when the dream begins. Any ideas what I could do?
To be honest, no. I was designed for Steam HL, so I wouldn’t know where to start looking. Hopefully, another reader can help.
Okay, it did work with my Steam version of HL, but with so many added files the modder should have used the usual subfolder setup. Maybe it would have worked with the WON version then too!
This was pretty good map, and the boat ride sequence was very cool. However, once I got to the deathclock map and chose either of the 2 paths then there was no discernible ending. I don’t know if I missed something or not. Also, sometimes when I got near the bed at the end some kind of bug happened where I got trapped there and the whole screen started shaking. the gun is in the drawer by your bedroom windows and extra ammo is in the bedroom closet
1 Hour
There were enough visual treats to give it a Play It Later, however in terms of gameplay I found it frustrating and a bit boring. The ending is just ‘back to normal’ from the dream I think, however then there are some exceptions. Which may be “the point”?
Using Gauge
1 Hour
I found that the fact that there were three somewhat distinct versions of the same location to be quite neat. If you take a look around during the dream, you’ll find dead fish in the aquarium, live fish in the tub, the hellish or dream like windows, etc. The ‘wilted’ ceiling fan was neat, along with the flooded rooms (where I got caught on the fan and spun around like crazy). It might not have had a final ‘point’, per se, but it certainly did well in conveying a number of dream- and nightmarish sequences for being in the same location.
This is a Play It Later, because is really special. I mean there are very few HL1 maps and mods set up in an artsy style. Of course the whole point for the mod is to recreate a dream, and in fact the whole dream is recreated very well; from surrealistic scenes to spooky-nightmare scenes.
The stuff I like the most about this one were definitely the textures and how all of them look pretty nice ensembled. Also that rain tower was impressive maybe the most beautiful scenario i’ve ever been in a HL1 map so it was pretty good.
Now, about the shortfalls of this I think the main one is that it doesn’t have a clear end. I mean NOTHING start a trigger to say; “OK its done you got the A or B finale you can go home now”. I think that was a pretty important detail that just ruined the ending of this mod. Also if you give me a Magnum, please be kind and give me some targets to shoot at it; I don’t know maybe a spooky monster to shoot at in the spooky finale would have been just nice…
Anyway, overall I found this entertaining; and though it could’ve been better Is just a crazy Freeman’s dream mod so I warn you about that.
Using Gauge
45 Minutes
This map is one of those maps that are ruined, not because of mapping or texturing, but because of combat.
As far as visuals go…. WOW. This is one of the best looking mods EVER for Half-Life 1. The mapping is great and all, but apart from that, there’s nothing else really. There is no combat, no real ending and some rooms were pointless, like the library. But overall, if you like typical BM mods, then this is not for you. If you like Alt Mods or you’re just curious, then you should play it.
I loved this! Let me tell you, it was a great experience.
Anyway, this mod is not about action. It’s pretty much a spiritual journey through Gordon Freeman’s dreams. You start at the garage and your goal is to go to bed and sleep. Gordon and Alyx are apparently married and have a beautiful house (I’d like to have one like that myself). There isn’t much to do except looking for a key to the bedroom. Believe it or not, it took me at least 15 minutes to find it. I felt like a fool when I found it.
As you fall asleep, the amazing world of your mind surrounds you. It’s got many forms and each form is unique. Not only is the mapping absolutely great, but the author also added some fitting music which makes the overall mood perfect. I was in quite a stress and playing this mod really helped me chill out.
So, as I stated at the beginning, this is not about action. Just walking around looking at things and enjoying the environment. That doesn’t matter to me at all though. Mods like this are a welcome change in this long string of shooting. There are even two endings but they don’t seem to be too different.
The only downside here is that the mod doesn’t have any ending. Or maybe I haven’t found it, who knows. Well, that’s all I’ve got to say. Go play it if you are in the right mood for this kind of gameplay. I’m sure you won’t regret it.
45 Minutes
Thanks for the awesome feedback guys! Maybe i’ll have another go at this mod again someday to clean it up and make it nicer. Been wanting to do so for some years now.
Somewhere in Time contains no combat and the enjoyment from it 100% lies in the exploration. If this is not your kind of thing I recommend against this as there is nothing else here; I myself enjoy this style of mod and this is easily among my favourites in Goldsrc, if you do enjoy exploration then this is a must play.
Somewhere in Time is gorgeous, the vast majority of the textures here are custom, and they are used to perfection, nothing looks out of place and everything fits its purpose. The house you start in has the most effort put into it and it is the best looking thing about the map series, considering that this house makes up 5 of the 8 maps in the pack it makes sense why this is the centrepiece. There is some very impressive use of brushes in this map pack and it adds to the beauty, my favourite is the door to the tower on the beach.
The story here is minimal: Gordon comes back to his and Alyx’s house, falls asleep and then wakes up. The rest of the story can only be inferred through the environments, but even then there’s not much of it. This mod has two endings, both are maps after Gordon wakes up from his slumber, it should be obvious which map is which and it’s determined via a single decision, which again is obvious.
As for negatives, I have none. This mod has a niche appeal but it completely achieves what it tries to accomplish. I do wish it were longer and had a few extra maps with different environments. There’s also a few weird triggers here and there, like prematurely raising the water by pressing a starfish, and being able to open the stairs to the attic by pressing the corner of the pantry, a washing machine, some clothes, a toilet, a fish tank, I don’t understand why these exist.
If you’re a fan of exploration-styled gameplay this is essential.
26 Minutes
I didn’t know what to do at the end.
30 Minutes
Zeeba-G’s entry for the Map a Dream Competition over at TWHL over a decade ago. I was blown away by this map back then and I still am now.
Zeeba is well known around TWHL for making visually striking maps and this is no exception. There is no combat so the difficulty I played at is irrelevant.
I don’t know if Zeeba has considered making more singleplayer maps of this kind, or even a more traditional run and gun affair, but his environment work speaks for itself and you should definitely give this a go.
31 Minutes