Your objective it to protect Breen and you are working with the Combine against Antlions. Good luck.
Basic Details
- Title: Snow Mission
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-snow-mission.7z
- Size : 394kB
- Author: Shirk
- Date Released: 12 October 2008
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Installation Instructions
- Copy Snow_mission1_final.bsp into your Half-Life 2: Episode Two Maps folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- Open the console and type map Snow_mission1_final.
- Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
- Play and Enjoy.
File Note
There are two versions of the map included in the file. You can play both if you want. I didn’t notice any gameplay difference. I think there were diffreences of skins but it’s been a while since I have played. Sorry.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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Longest: 0 Hours, 7 Mins by JellyGal
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Longest: 0 Hours, 7 Mins by JellyGal
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 7 Mins
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Not exactly the greatest map ever released but I am sure some amongst you will enjoy it. I should really call it an Arena map because it seems to be a never-ending attack of Antlions. Kept me amused for 5 minutes or there abouts. I ended up killing the Combine for something to do!
Oh, and there are missing textures.
I will take your word for it Phillip and give it a miss, don’t like arena maps nor Antlions got to be the worst combination imaginable, but some people will like it, which in some ways is a good thing no point in us all having the same likes.
Eh… I should’ve given this one a miss from the word “arena,” but I don’t seem to learn that lesson.
Arena seems to be more and more of an excuse than a type of gameplay. The formula seems to consist of heavy (or infinite) amounts of enemies, barely one room (or area) to fit them in, little consideration to ammo placement (other than infinite ammo crates), and no ending.
Yeah, there’s good ones, but this isn’t among them, sorry to say.
Some notes:
1. It’s combine versus antlions, a fight I never really thought was that interesting in HL2, but is still over popular…
2. It takes place in some territory with snow (which is kinda strange because you’re fighting antlions)
3. There’s a gate behind you that opens after some random event occurs, then instantly closes (and doesn’t seem to do anything)
4. Kill Breen (I know the level tells you not to, but that’s reverse psychology and the game ends if you kill him :D)
5. There’s two of the same map here. Don’t know why…
Was it just me or was this map extremely buggy? The skymap was missing; there were missing models and textures… I have a feeling this was my fault because no one else is reporting this.
What the heck are these levels nowadays man… Every once and then some guy load up a bunch of rubbish and make it into a map. This rubbish is terrible and it has no point!!!!!
The third word isn’t censored in the footer, in the RECENT COMMENTS section, PP.. sry for the offtopic.
I’ve marked it for moderation untill Philip has a chance to see it.
I finally gaves this one a try and it has all the faults listed above.
CubicVirtuoso said;
Was it just me or was this map extremely buggy? The skymap was missing; there were missing models and textures… I have a feeling this was my fault because no one else is reporting this.
No you are not on your own.
Think twice or even three times before downloading this one, nothing to play.
WOW I made this nearly 2 years ago, can’t believe I used to be that bad at mapping.
The concept is fine–there’s at least one “help the Combine fend off antlions” mod or map that worked well.
In this one, there are too many Combine at first, so you can really just stand around and watch. And watch. And watch… Then I hurried things along by killing some of the Combine. Even after all of them in the main combat areas were dead (meaning all except those guarding Breen), the antlions still stayed back.
It wasn’t until Breen was dead (after I killed some of his guards) that the antlions actually seemed to find their AI.
I suppose if you want to watch Combine kill antlions and occasionally help, or kill Combine without them shooting you back you might want to waste 15 minutes or so on this map.
This is an “antlion attack” map, but it’s very poorly made. It has missing textures, the world ends at an invisible wall, antlions just randomly fall from the sky, there’s no skybox so it’s one huge HOM up there and it has no challenge whatsoever. I don’t know if it has an ending, I shot antlions for seven minutes and got really bored. Definitely NOT recommended.
7 Minutes
Appears to be an ‘improvement’ of this map:
Improvements include: Hall of Mirrors skybox, ERROR models, Breen staring at you, some extra defenders, a glitchy ladder, Poorly set up barricades, A snowy setting which looks kinda cool. I’d give it maybe if it didnt have some of those ‘improvements’