After finding yourself the sole survivor of a train crash, you must search for a way out of the canyon you find yourself in.
Basic Details
- Title: Six Feet Under
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-six-feet-under.7z
- Size : 2.03MB
- Author: theMinIMUS
- Date Released: 29 January 2008
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Installation Instructions
- Copy the sixfeetunder.bsp filer into your Episode 2 Maps folder.
- Start Episode 2.
- Open the console and type map sixfeetunder.
- Press return/enter and play.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
Reader Recommendations
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69365 days
Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 2 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 10 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 9 Mins by JellyGal
Longest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by Daken50
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 19 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 10 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 9 Mins by JellyGal
Longest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by Daken50
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 19 Mins
This is a great little map and I definitely recommend you play it now!
The map stuttered a lot at the beginning but once I left the crashed train behind everything smoothed out. When I returned to the train it was smooth again.
Even though I really enjoyed it there were a couple of problems. Firstly, the ladder outside the cabin is a little confusing. It’s possible to climb up but iI couldn’t get on the roof. I’m pretty sure the author didn’t want me up there but in that case I shouldn’t be able to climb it.
Secondly I couldn’t work out how to get the crowbar in the shaft within the cabin. I tried blowing the table up, shooting it, jumping on it. Nothing! In the end I cheated and noclipped down.
I’m the first to admit I can be a fool when it comes to playing but I couldn’t see a way to get past the forcefield slates. The shotgun didn’t work. Once I had the crowbar I eased past.
The layout seemed a little strange because of expecting to find more tunnels but I was outside agian, I suppose that’s possible but it seemed a bit strange.
Lastly, one of the Combine soldiers was shooting at me from behind the rock wall and it took a while to figure out what had happened. Screenshot 12 shows the soldier and wall.
The ending was slightly disappointing but at least it had an ending.
Now it sound as though I am only complaining but there were plenty of things I liked. The overall impression is one of professionalism and the action is well spaced. I liked the way the Combine soldier held their station instead of just running in at me, although where they came from I’ll never know.
The underground sections were very well done and the flowing river was a nice touch. It even feature a moving cart which was kinda cool.
So, a great little map and well worth your time and effort in downloading it. GO!
Architecture: This level looks beautiful all the way through. Some structures are a bit basic but overall it’s very pleasing to the eye. A lot of time went into the map looking good and it’s paid off. Unfortunately it is also loaded with bugs and quite a few times I had to walk through buggy cliff faces to hunt down the last few soldiers.
Layout: The layout is mostly good however the level suffers from little or no beta testing and this really ruined the level in a few parts. For instance at the very start I completely missed the shotgun and ammo so found myself stuck with no idea what to do, what’s more the combine soldiers and zombies seemed completely clueless and just stood there looking annoyed unless I actually ran into their face. There were a few parts where I was stuck on what to do and the designer has added in multiple routes to take which is always a good feature but in this case it backfired and I found myself stuck in a half-flooded room with no idea how to get up a wood passage above only to find I wasn’t supposed to enter this route from the direction I had.
Lighting: Lighting is fantastic in this map and really adds to the setting. Every area had its own lighting style and it worked perfectly.
Atmosphere: The atmosphere seemed to change from one instance to another and I got the strong impression the designer was trying out different styles and types of setting throughout the level.
Difficulty: If you know what you are doing and you know the map I imagine this map would be pretty easy however I found myself stuck in a rut several times with no idea what I was supposed to do next. Because I had missed weapon cashes along the way which weren’t placed in spots the player is defiantly going to pass I found myself taking on overwhelming odds with naught but my pistol, a spare magazine and the crowbar.
Other notes: This map is worth playing just for the visuals alone however it could have really been improved if the designer had taken the time to do some beta testing and altered the map from that. There were quite a few bugs through the level and the enemies weren’t set up properly which meant soldiers would literally stand around until you wondered into their crosshair, zombies also suffered from this. A very well designed map that suffers from inexperience in my opinion. If the designer improves his game play and has a proper session of beta testing they could really release some fine work I think. A good map overall but just failing slightly in a few critical areas, keep up the good work.
Great stuff,
Simply Awesome Play it more than once!
I had this on my pc for over a month before I played it.When I did I was like wow this aint to bad.Short but good.So I sent it to Phillip and I’m glad others are like me conidering it a decent mod/map.I hope the authour keeps it up.Just wish I could remember where I got it from lol.
I forgot to send you an email but this is the updated version.
TWHL is where it first appeared.
I seem to be the only one with problems. I got the gravity gun but now I can’t get out of the area. I don’t fit through the shaft although according to the screen capture (16th) it looks like I should be able to. After finding a number of arcitectural and trigger oddities earlier I wonder if I missed something? Can somone help me out without spoiler for others?
I think I needed to jump a fraction before I fit through the space.
Great map! Thank you to IMUS!
I did however have to “cheat” a bit to get through some of the stuff, like going up the shaft. I had to noclip it, I assume the idea was to jump up those little peg thingys to get to the top but I’m too lazy/uncoordinated for that LOL
Kinda dissapointed at the shortness of it though. It’s like it was just getting started and it was over.
Good little map, short but well designed with plenty of detail and great light effects. This author seems to know both what he is doing and attempting to achieve. I never had any problems playing through and can only assume those that did miss the correct route some how. Not sure what the point of the force fields were when you can just work through them.
amazing, the map was beautiful and very fun to play. the only complaint I have is that it’s too short.
I appreciate the visuals and the effort it took to develop this map, but towards the end I was continually surprised to find myself alternately above and below ground without actually going up or down. It was also quite claustrophobic, even in the man-made rooms… made me think I was a 10-foot tall giant or somesuch. I had to take a point off for the ending, since I kept on trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Cheap shot.
The beginning was very good, even though I missed seeing the shotgun so I waded into the cabin with nothing! Got the pistol & crowbar, took care of the headcrabs, then killed the soldiers. Since I ran out of ammo, I ran up to finish off the last one with the crowbar. That’s when I saw the shotgun.
So I started over, and this time I got stuck in the cabin. Finally noclipped out and the soldiers and zombies just stood around while I killed them.
I guess all paths lead to the same end, but it was hard to figure out where to go in the tunnels. [spoiler]That way kills me quickly, the other way the fall doesn’t, but I guess the fire would have (I had god mode on by then since I wanted to figure out where I should have gone). It seems there is no way to get out of the canyon alive.[/spoiler]
Great level. Many many nice ideas.
[spoiler]Example how the enemies spawn when I go inside the house[/spoiler]
There was couple small bugs that annoyed me. (Tunnel where I should jump 2-3px to get in…) And it was HARD… Had to use sv_cheats 1 + noclip to get trough… 😛
I”m honestly having trouble praising much of this. The opening area had a beautiful look to it and after exploring the grounds and roof, then taking care of 4-5 combine, I left and so did any interest I had in the map. The author is skilled, but this one just left me cold.
Fascinatingly peculiar.
I rather enjoyed it much to my surprise.
Even more peculiar;
I played again in Hard skill and somehow found an alternate route.
Both routes played OK so the author must have done this intentionally.
I gave this a lower recommendation because personally I just didnt enjoy it that much, as stated in other posts this author has a lot of talent and the map itself is really beautiful however the gameplay just lacked for me.
It may look pretty, but it DOESN’t WORK. Ugly and functional is fine, broken is not. Everything was wrong, duff ladders, walk-through forcefields (of every description), random sticky doors, spud “planted” NPCs, unbreakable breakable items, randomly spawned caches in daft locations, very short (thank goodness), pointless & frustrating with a limp end. The author should have a look at Miigga’s or Baltic.Forever’s (Leon, SpyMaps) mechanisms – all work properly. Having to “noclip” is failure.
However the scenery was very nice, so that’s something.
I love the atmosphere, architecture and lighting in this map. It’s kind of like Ravenholm in the White Forest. My main complaint is that, for the most part, it’s very linear. There’s also another problem, that’s getting into the mine. I walked right through a combine forcefield and something that looked like a wall. I have no idea if I was intended to do so or not.
The combat is pretty nice usually, I like the enemy placement and I’ll be honest, that fast zombie torso made me jump the first time. There aren’t many combine, the battle with them at the start is pretty fun but the second seems very out of place, especially with the sudden environment change. Also, when did it start snowing?
If you don’t mind linearity, go ahead and play it for the visuals and atmosphere. Otherwise, look elsewhere.
9 Minutes
Random semi-horror map. It was confusing you can pass thru the combine forcefield. Very cramped as well. Not much sense can be made of it. I fell into a pit, some rocks did like 5 damage and the map ended.
Well, if ever there was a confusing map this is it. I loved the visuals from the start which are stunning but there’s lots of ambient lighting throughout – at last – a mapper who likes light! ;o)
However, I was left baffled by the cabin area which didn’t seem to lead to anything other than crabville hell. As soon as I carefully walked in, I backtracked to avoid a flying headcrab from my right. But I think I was meant to stay in the cabin because this door locked and a couple of zombies spawned outside, from outta freshair. I noclipped back inside and killed everything but there was no switch or anything much else so I didn’t know how to deactive the force-field outside. Silly me, it didn’t need to be and I walked straight through into a head-biting trap lol. Yes, this map is weird!!
It continues this weirdness throughout until I ended up falling into a pit and hit by rocks. Oh and I did like the Doom 3 room! All in all, a map worth playing but not something I’ll play again if I’m honest. Not bad.
Looks ok. Plays ok.
10 Minutes