
for Half-Life

13th September 2005


I discovered this map whilst talking on ICQ with Psykoman, he’s involved in the Time Shock mod and we swapped urls. There were three maps listed on his page but he said one has been deleted! Pity. Anyway, download this one and leave a brief review.

Basic Details
  • Title: Shortcut
  • File Name: hl1-sp-shortcut.7z
  • Original File Name: shortcut.exe
  • Size : 610.38kB
  • Author: Psykoman
  • Date Released: 01 June 2004
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Sci- Fi Single Player First Person Shooter Games Half Life 2 Doom 3 Far Cry Unreal UT2004 Quake Mods
Sci- Fi Single Player First Person Shooter Games Half Life 2 Doom 3 Far Cry Unreal UT2004 Quake Mods
Sci- Fi Single Player First Person Shooter Games Half Life 2 Doom 3 Far Cry Unreal UT2004 Quake Mods
Sci- Fi Single Player First Person Shooter Games Half Life 2 Doom 3 Far Cry Unreal UT2004 Quake Mods
Reader Recommendations
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2 recommendations, average score: 1 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0 (what's that?)
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Avoid It!Avoid It!


  1. Tom(i love mods)

    its ok but a little too dark,but,then again my screen is stuffed rite now……..EVERYBODY LEAVE COMMENTS SO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT TO MAKE IN THE FUTURE

  2. Installer and game text in German. The .exe installs and starts the mod but you can start it from custom games. Nice menu. New font for the HUD. Atmospheric background sound. Short intro sequence in a big corridor. Short 1st map in a big corridor. Whack a couple of zombies. Through a door. Short 2nd map in a big corridor. Shoot a slave. Enter a big room. Lights flash. The end. It’s a beta. about five minutes play.

  3. geekofalltrades
    Avoid It!

    Um, wow… two minutes play. Quite literally. And most of that is taken up by a sweeping intro cutscene. Definitely avoid this one.

  4. piledriver

    As it says in the txt file, this one is a beta, not intended to be a complete game.

  5. Mel
    Avoid It!

    This has got to be the shortest game ever also the shortest beta ever. There’s very little content a few zombies you can skirt around without taking on. I think I killed something, not sure what, what little there is was not done well with big over size corridors and very questionable scaling. I would like to say something nice, but cant

    I would not recommend a download, there most be over 400 HL 1 mods/maps for you to play and I would put this 399 on my download list. Sorry to the author for being so negative but if I had made this mod I would not have released it, but there again I could not make a mod of any kind be it as good or as bad as this one.

  6. Ade

    There was/is a shorter mod, the one that had 2 rooms, in each one the purpose was to “die stupidly” (I remember that comment, but not the name of the mod :)) )
    It’s like finishing the mapping sandbox and releasing the map. It has very little or no value except for the author and that’s a sentimental value!

  7. Mel

    Petty you can’t remember the name of the mod Ad3, I would hate to downloaded.

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