A single player mod featuring 5 – 10 maps, a new hand skin,a gray colored HUD and new models. If anybody can tell me more about it I will add it to this page. I would also like some new screenshots – thanks!
Basic Details
- Title: Sewers
- File Name: hl2-sp-sewers.7z
- Size : 10.85MB
- Author: EuRoGuY3D
- Date Released: 05 March 2007
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Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. Images kindly supplied by Stef and Andyb.
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I didn’t succeed in finishing it since encounter personal problem with custom mod but played through more than 80% it’s a quite basic but honest design (Mostly design is a succession of squared room slightly detailed with simple texturing)I didn’t noticed that they were new stuffs and for a average player (like me) it should be finished in arround half an hour i’m sending you the screenshot I took I gave already my rating.
update I finally manage to finish it. I Firstly encounter a lot of problem with map and mod..this was hopefully corrected by simply updating HL2 through steam.
Nothing really more to tell except that the last map take place in the outside, but still with a squary design, and ended abruptly by going through a foggy hole with classic HL1 music theme
Can someone please make a mod where you don’t have to use your crappy flashlight? What I’ve been able to play, not bad but since my graphics don’t allow my flashlight to display properly, it’s pretty much useless for me. Not the developer’s problem, but the mod looks really cool from all the screenshots!
Haven’t played this mod yet but… screenshot #19…. What the hell?!
Its under the water in the sewers.A continuation from pic #18
This maod doesn’t seem to be attracting favourable comments, so I’ll stick up for it.
It is very good.
Not excellent, as it could have been more challenging. But yeah, it was pretty darned good, I thought. Better than a lot of HL2 map/mods I’ve played recently.
I enjoyed it too, though did get totally stuck in the loos, after the man-hack bit……re-traced my steps and looked at every surface & object (not that there were many) and still couldn’t progress without cheating a teensy bit….
Well thought out mod though, & thank-you EuRoGuY3D, more, please….
(Is this a first work, or have you done others?)
Try it peeps, if you haven’t already……
I enjoyed it but found it relied on the flash light to much but was good overall.
3 outa 5 just for effert
I’m on image 16 where there’s a grate in the corner. Through there is a room with a bed & health pack on top of the mattress, a health unit on the wall & a fire in the floor. Where am I suppose to go from here? I can’t see with my flashlight.
From your description, I think this is a room with a weak wall, which means going around the perimeter whacking the wall with your crowbar.
A good but limited mod. Design a bit boxy in parts with topside colours a bit over rich, however an enjoyable romp through the sewers with a bit too much reliance on the flashlight. If you get stuck knock or blow a hole in the wall.
I was commenting on the corpse face down in the sink. Is a dead body really able to stand up like that?
Technical glitch, don’t know if there’s a workaround, hope somebody knows.
I was playing this, fairly good mod. I saved part way through and retired for the night. Now it won’t open because it was searching for widescreen background .vtf files which don’t exist. Yet it played fine in widescreen.
I just finished this mod , and it ran great for me using Vista . The game play is good but a little short.
Thank you Author: EuRoGuY3D
I loved it. Thought it was alot of fun and even though it was mainly underground I had no lighting problem but I turned it up in settings first. I did get stuck at first, the way out of the room with the dead guy is to break the wall on the opposite side from where you dropped in.. This mod worked good for me and it flowed along at a nice pace. It could have used a little more fighting but overall it was well worth the download.