“It is based in a house that you mysteriously wake up in..and the apparent owner of the house has a little sinister game for you…the puzzles in this map are quite hard (There are clues lying around, but you need to look carefully!) and the best of it is…you only have 30 (Real life mins) to collect the five “Keys” and get the hell out of there or be trapped in there forever..”
This map needs to be placed in your hl2mp folder and then you need to start a Deathmatch game, choose Create Server and select sp_sawlife. That’s what worked for me.
- Title: Saw Life
- File Name: hl2-sp-saw-life-2.7z
- Size : 891.62kB
- Author: Megdude
- Date Released: 14 September 2006
Download directly into MapTap [892kB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image.
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These videos contain SPOILERS and should only be used if you are REALLY stuck. You have been warned!!
Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010
1Last 7 days
9Last 30 days
67365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 0 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 30 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by Ttiki
Longest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by Ttiki
Total Time Played: 1 Hours
WHAT!! this sounds SO COOL.
It would be even better if their was an info_plyare_start entity so that you can spawn on the map =.=
Yeah, I just tried to play it and found I couldn’t. I’ll look for an updated versions.
well that sucks
I have added instructions on how to get this map working in the main body of the post. Please see the Important section for details.
I played for 15 minutes and couldn’t get past the first puzzle. I’m going to try again in a minute. Perhaps this would be a perfect opportunity for somebody to write a walkthrough. HOWEVER, it should help the player not explain every single puzzle solution. Well, not to begin with anyway!
OK, I’ve managed to find four balls before my time ran out. I think I’ll have one or two more attempts.
Hahaha a single player map made for DM. hahaha. funny.
OK, ill give it another try,
Looking for an update whit an info player start.
cool idea, got through 2 puzzles but the 3rd, i’m stumped.
don’t think this is a spoiler but I guess all comments are moderated so here goes.
i found the “x” but don’t have a clue on what to do w it.
a wee hint would be cool, thx
Regarding the player start Ezequielhl, please read comment 5 which refers to the new INSTRUCTIONS section in the main post.
hyoxic, it’s hard writing clues that don’t give everything away! Here goes:
“Where did you learn about the X?”
My progress has stopped on the fifth ball. I think I have the solution but implementing it is another matter.
This is a puzzle map, pure and simple. Whilst I admit I haven’t finished the map at the time of writing I would be very surprised if there were any actual shooting involved. When I say actual shooting I mean shooting that helps you find the balls. There is a pistol and plenty of ammo but nothing really to shoot at.
There are a couple of spooky situations that add an element of suspense to the gameplay. There also seems to be certain random elements, either that or they are bugs! On that topic I noticed the first time I played it I had the hazard suit but the next two times I didn’t. Does anybody else have this problem?
I’ve played this map for at least 90 minutes, which is not bad considering it’s a small map. I think there are lessons here for all level designers in that if you create situations that require more than just a simple “run and shoot” solutions then players will replay a level.
It also helps with the time limit. Although it’s frustrating to have to replay puzzles again, somehow because of the time it seems less important. I rush to finish them as quickly as possible thereby allowing myself more time on the current one.
It might have been nice to have some random elements in the puzzles but that is probably asking for too much.
If you like puzzles then I heartily recommend this map and commend the author for tying to do something different.
The concept of this map sounded pretty cool but I was expecting something pretty newbieish (considering the general quality of HL2 custom maps, although it does seem to be picking up to some degree). However, I was pleasantly surprised.
While it’s a puzzle map it’s also partially a horror map and certain parts creeped me out a little.
I guess I sort of cheated, since the first time I didn’t have the flashlight turned on for deathmatch, so I had to restart to see in dark areas and I was interrupted the second time, so I could blast through the earlier puzzles very quick, but considering the time I had left when I finished it I get the impression I would have just got through with a minute or two to spare the first time
The only real problem I had was that the puzzles seemed to tail off a bit at the end, ball 4 was very simple (the nature of it means it would have been frustrating if it had been too involved, but I didn’t really even have to try) and the deathtraps at ball 5 were annoyingly sensitive which caused me to die a bunch of times (you seem to respawn in a chair sometimes if you don’t move it and it’s tough to get out) despite being careful. The horror elements also seem to dry up and don’t really get a climax. Other than that it managed to pull off something different pretty well.
As another issue, the solution to ball 3 seemed kind of random (I found out what to do, but didn’t really work out why).
Hey guys I have played the map for …i think.. 3 or 4 month!!!!! But with player strat!
HELP!!! I go into the room with XYZ and ABC but what do I do?!?
please help.
Did you put the player start in yourself F-Killa?
Cude, see comment 10 or contact me for the direct answer.
not bad for a puzzle,although I must admit i’m stuck on 5
yeah, w/o some sort of spoiler tag its hard, but cubedude already let the cat out of the bag
puzz 3 says x marks the spot, and I found a letter x in the room w all the letters, and there’s a flash of an x going up the steps, but haven’t a clue on how to get either to do something, i’ve tried putting the x on a shelf and and in other rooms, but no go.
tips? suggestions, etc?
Where to put the X: (Highlight the space below to reveal the answer)
Take it back to the room where you were first given the clue, should be where you smashed the light. You may have to move it around within the room until the ball drops from the ceiling.
Room 5 is by far the hardest, and in my opinion, the most poorly designed puzzle. Its nearly impossible to get through it without getting killed. I even tried spawning medkits via the console as I tried to get through, yet it was a no go. I ended up noclipping to the back and flipping the switch. Has anyone been able to make it through the final puzzle?
Yeah, I just crawled carefully around the traps (following the non-trapped path via a little trial and error). Then when I was close I just pressed the switch through the flames and they turn off after that.
It definitely seemed the weakest puzzle (it could easily have been much better if the size of each tile was increased a little).
thanks for the tip, finally finished it!
#3 was the weakest puzzle for me, and agree solving was pretty random at least once you figured out what to do.
#5 took a bit, but croutching and using the metal filing cabinet helped lead the way.
overall the puzzle aspect w/o combast was refreshing and I hope the genre grows.
thanks for the dl phillip!
This mod is so awsome, Im just ashamed at myself that I cant figure it out.
Im stuck on what to do when I get into the basement part.
Any one like to help me?
think small boxes
when I download it and put in my hl2mp folder and I go to createa deathmatch game and there is no map that says sp_sawlife what am I doing wrong do I have to put the file into another folder within hl2mp or what???
Thanks in advance!!!
You need to but the map within you “maps” folder that is within your “hl2mp” folder.
Here is my path (With my username removed!)
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps
Hope that helps!
Thanks!!!!!i’ll try!!!!
hmmmm when I put it in the maps folder and I started DM the was no new map… :/ does it have to go into the graphs or soundcache folder?
No, definitely in the maps folder. Try restarting Steam.
OK, so let’s recap:
You have copied the file into the correct folder. Please double check the path above. It is possibleyour path is different. You can see it via Windows explorer. The file’s name is “sp_sawlife2.bsp” without quotes and it should be 4,606Kb.
When you start Steam, you choose HL2 Deathmatch. On the Menu screen you select “Create Server”. You are then presented with an options box. From the dropdown list of maps available, “sp_sawlife2.bsp” is not visible.
Is that correct?
that is exactly correct except that the saw life folder is 1,141 KB :/
Then this could be our problem or problems. Firstly you say folder. Exactly what “folder” are you taking about. You are not taking about the zip file are you?
You have to extract the .rar file. This means “opening” it to reveal the .bsp file listed above.
If the .bsp file is only 1,141Kb then it is corrupted and you should download the .rar file again.
no I am not talking about the .zip file and by the way how do you extract a .rar file sorry im a newb at this
what I meant in the above post was how do I turn the .rar file into .bsp
its a compressed file.you need to extract it.use winrar from http://www.rarlabs.com
ok thanks!!! you helped me immensly I think I can do the rest from here thank you!!
That was my mistake I meant to type rar file.
As andyb says you need to uncompress (extract) the file. If you still have trouble I can always upload the .bsp file.
or download it from Download.com
andyb, I edited you last comment. You missed the text between the tags.
cool.wondered how ya did that.so many boards use different code for things that I forget half the time.
yesssssssssssssssss!!! I got it to work! Now I know how to manipulate these stupid .rar files lol. NOw ill always know how to do this thanks to you
PlanetPhillip comments just use regular tags
Glad we (andyb and I) could help. Now all you have to do is beat the map!!
Where can I find the dog’s chewtoy im stuck???
I already tried putting that extra ball in the box(the ball in the room at the beginning) and nothing happens so I dont think thats it
look for a metal ring.cant give ya anymore help than that
QUOTE: think small boxes.
Im Thinking Im Thinking! LOL. I need more help. Im going to feel so stupid aint I.
small boxes should be removed.think shelves
I did that in the basement lol. It did nothing. or something I didnt notice.
You are still at basement level?There are 2 shelves.
ok, so there are some shelves with little boxes. Did I miss a clue or something.
I shot them off the shelves
So did I? What does it do.
do you see a hole in the floor now near the wall opposite where the stairs are?
I just went through it again.There are 3 shelves with boxes.Also dont forget to use the red button.
red button? lol, Ill go through it again.
I’ll get it sometime.
yea.every room you need to activate the red button/switch
lol. oh ya. I did that.
did a short vid of that puzzle for ya
saw vid
That’s very niice of you! I think that’s the future of wlakthroughs. The VideoThrough! I claim copyright on that name!
Seriously we should create a really cool walkthrough of the next big HL/HL2 mod released and include an overhead view with plenty of screenshots and videos like that.
Too late, I just found somebody used that word in 2004 meaning a video walkthrough.
andyb, maybe you could record and upload a video for part 5?
BTW, I’m uploading the video to youtube and will embed it in a comment (Or the post) as soon as it’s finished. Hope that’s okay!
Okay, I’ve added the embeded video but it is part of the post, I couldn’t get it to work as a comment, sorry.
I will do a video of the whole thing upto the last part .That I have not beat yet(havent really looked at the puzzle to figure it out yet).
puzzle 1
puzzle 2
I wish these were better quality but fraps uses about 1 gig of space for each avi(more for more FPS) then I got a free avi compressor to get them down to a sharable limit(under 100MB).If I did the whole thing at once it would probably be(after compressing)about 300-500MB so I did it in sections.
Part 2 with the levers is tricky because its hard to get the right lever to move.I seems the one you want to move never happens but the one beside has no problem.
Wooo im downloading now andyb. Thanks. Maybe think about compressing to WMV next time.
Don’t worry about downloading, look to the bottom of the main post, that will be much quicker!
I’ve uploaded them to youtube for you.
LOL, crap. Well too late lol.
Ive already downloaded it.
i did the boxes like that and that didnt happen for me. Ill try again later.
Thanks guys.
If no text showed on the screen for you when you did the puzzle then you didnt hit the red button right.Only time text will show is after pressing the button or putting a ball in the gallery.Just a thought of something you may of overlooked.I cant show anything else to help ya since the vid shows it all.
ok I beat #5. I’m gonna show my attemps at it also.This is unedited footage of me being stupid in a game.I’m uploading it know so Phillip will have it when he wakes up.
ok I did puzzle 3, and then hes asking a favor to put some toy in a box? wheres the toy, and what box?
Phillip is slacking.He’s had the files for a week now
anyway check post 45
OK, I’m uplaoding the 3rd puzzle as I type and WIll uplaod the 5th later. I will have to edit the 5th because it is over the Yuotube limit and I’ve neveredited a video before. Hopefully it’s easy!
whats the max size? I’ll reupload an edited one.
No need, I’ve done it and it’s uplaoding now. The max file size is 100MB or 10 Minutes.
Part 3 and Part 5 videos have been uploaded. A big thanks to andyb for supplying them.
WOOOT SAW 3 rocked!!!
GUESS WHAT PEOPLE!! I finally beat this mod. WOOOOOOOOO lol I started it on 16th of September and today is November 28 lol. LOL!!!! Congrats to Me!!
LoL have a beer and relax.Wait for the puzzle map
WAS FUN I FIGURED OUT I NEEDED TO REMOVE SHADOWS TO PLAY SO I COULD SEE THE DOG TOY IN THAT ROOM, also I don’t know if the basement level worked right, I escaped with 90 health and went to the last room and then I crossed the fire and died but I pulled the lever before I did so when I came back I got the last ball and then used the first one you see as the key to escape. Is this the right way I don’t want a video, I want a FAQ
cause downloading those videos takes too long.
I played this map a few weeks ago and after a while solved all the puzzles. I just watched the videos of the solutions and in a few cases my methods were totally different.
This is how I solved the puzzles. I’m fairly certain most of these aren’t the official ways…
Puzzle 1: I didn’t even notice the numbers on the ceiling but I did notice the four people in the picture. I picked up the shape with four sides and fired it at the picture. It turns out any shape will break the picture.
Puzzle 2: Your host bangs on about 5 levers and 5 doors. After much trial and error I invented a new numeral system called binary. 5 in binary is 00101.
Puzzle 3: Stand in the doorway and shoot the light with the gravity gun a few times. Find the door that opened and from the doorway aim for the back right corner of the room. Grab the X with the gravity gun and take it back to the first room and from the doorway fire it into the room.
Puzzle 4: While your host is banging on about something grab one of the little gas tanks and drop it in the hole with the ball. Wait till he shuts up. Get out of the room quickly!
Puzzle 5: I can’t figure out an easy way to do this one. Pick up the metal box with the gravity gun and holding it in front of you work out which squares shoot flames and which ones don’t. DON’t walk on the ones that do!
I really like this map! I am a huge saw fan.
Could I make a mod from this map? Thx 4 teh map!!
You will need to contact the author. I can’t find the file at the moment but there should be an email address for MegaDude in the readme.
There is no email address in the readme file:
Readme for sp_sawlife2: Created by Megadude
This is a small co-op or single player, (hence the map being called sp_sawlife2), map for HL2DM, set in an abandoned house. You awaken trapped in a dirty, run down room, to the sound of a loud alarm. It soons quietens, to be replaced by a person's voice. They tell you that you have to complete a series of challenges. If you succedd, you can go free. If you fail, you will be trapped in the house forever. You only have 30 minutes to complete the challenges and escape, so you should hurry.
To play this map, put it in your half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps folder.
This map is for personal or server use only. It is not to be uploaded or made available to other websites, without my permission.
his profile with a couple steam contacts is here
A greater cause for concern is the lack of informative reasons for his negative review. Is my opinion less valid because I choose not to use my real name, or my real pseudonym, or any more or less permanent affiliation with my current identity? Would Anonymous” opinion carry greater weight if it were attributed to polyhedronfellow21?
Yeah I agree, a lack of explanation is the greatest “cause for concern”
I’m stuck at dogs toy, where is it, what is it? help!
can someone help me plz?i dont get it, I download the mod and put it in D:\Archivos de programa\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\peternu1\half-life 2\hl2\maps I guess is like this but….create a server ? I dont see any multiplayer in half life 2 menu..i try counter strike source but wtf.. Xp NOTHING can someone plz tell me how do I play this puzzle? I need to download half life 2 multi?
Have you tried the video walkthroughs?
Yes, you need to download and install Half-Life 2 Deathmatch.
wow vista has a use know I dont need to extarct it hahahahahahahahahhah vista finally wins.
Yes peoples. I’m a little late, but play it NOW. Rawr.
i have a question… after the game, what happpens, all thet happens is that you dissapear!
Hmm really good work. Make something new, something great! But this is really good. Thanks for the map.
Any luck with the link update?
Working links added.
I recently broke down and installed HL2:DM JUST to play this mod. Was it worth it? Yes, but only because I had gotten HL2:DM free as part of an NVIDIA deal. I uninstalled it as soon as I beat it.
This is a puzzle mod. A GOOD puzzle mod. Hardly on the level of R&D, but considering it was released 3 years prior, I think that’s a moot point.
The first puzzle was relatively easy, just requiring a bit of observation.
Second puzzle just required you to pay attention and keep at it.
Third puzzle was when things got difficult, up until then I thought all puzzles would always be contained within just one room.
Fouth puzzle was a short little aside, nice little pallet cleanser after puzzle #3, particularly frustrating if you were running short on time.
Fifth puzzle was easy, provided you didn’t panic, but was also the first real sign of being in danger.
Sixth puzzle was a pain in the butt. I figured out easily how to tell what path to take without getting hurt, but the path itself was so narrow that I died about 16 times before completing it successfully the first time.
The last puzzle was the simplest of all, but also the most ingenious.
I really think all of this could have easily been done in HL2 though, by merely disabling saves, but DM does ensure that pausing the game still lets the timer run down.
All in all, if you’ve got any interest in puzzle mods, this warrants at LEAST one play through. Both NVIDIA and ATI offer deals that allow you to download DeathMatch for free if you have their graphics card, and you only need a computer with that brand graphics card for the initial installation. After that you can use your profile on any computer and it’ll still work.
If puzzle mods aren’t your thing though, you’ll undoubtedly hate it.
i just have a black screen with the crosshair in the middle
@ devtenty
I think you might have missed that you need Half-Life 2: Deathmatch in the main post.
If you haven’t got Deathmatch it’s just GPD£2.99 from Steam
Just type deathmatch into the Steam search box and select:
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and pay up.
After download then as BadPrankster says
“put it in your half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps folder.”
If you have Steam open, shut it and then restart it.
Then as Phillip says in the main post:
“start a Deathmatch game, choose Create Server and select sp_sawlife”
or you can start Deathmatch in your games tab.
how to download saw mod for half-life 2
We tend to use one of the download links listed beneath
PlanetPhillip Download Servers
in the main post at the top of the page.
Works well for me.
You woke up in a strange room, with a big monitor.
In this mod you will have 6 room to visit where you have to solve a puzzle to get a ball.
The story is not a big story but the moder have made a pretty good “disturbing” mapping, with a “good sound design” aswell!
Jigsaw’s puzzle
The puzzle are very well made, not as disturbing as the movie, but they have been been designed
very well!
For a total of 6 puzzle, the mod have a good lifetime.
I’ve just got 1 sentence.
Do you want to play a (great) mod?
If you want to download it and have fun!
Using Gauge
30 Minutes
You woke up in a strange room, with a big monitor.
In this mod you will have 6 room to visit where you have to solve a puzzle to get a ball.
The story is not a big story but the moder have made a pretty good “disturbing” level design, with a “good sound design” aswell!
The puzzle are very well made, not as disturbing as the movie, but they have been been designed
very well!
For a total of 6 puzzle, the mod have a good lifetime.
I’ve just got 1 sentence.
If you want to download it and have fun!
Using Gauge
30 Minutes
You start in a dead zone. You can clip out but not sure where your supposed to start.