Save The Zombies

for Half-Life 2

5th January 2007

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3

“This is a relaxation, exploration, enjoy the music, button pushing, flying, floating and skating with and saving the Zombies. It’s a break from the typical kill the crap out of everything, everywhere, all the time, get your blood pressure up game.

Zombies were people once and you can help them become people again. Remove those headcrabs and reverse the process. Protect them as you lead them to a safe place underground where they can get medical attention, take a swim, shoot some pool, dance or just get tanked at the bar. Read the readme files and please install the sound files. It’s quite the dead map without the music. feedback email to “[email protected]

Basic Details
  • Title: Save The Zombies
  • File Name: hl2-sp-save-the-zombies.
  • Size : 51.30MB
  • Author: WASNTME777
  • Date Released: 22 May 2006
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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
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1 recommendation, average score: 2 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0 (what's that?)
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  1. Fluffy The Hamster

    Number of Maps: 3

    Score: 2 out of 5

    Annoyance Rating: If you really attempt to transverse zombies across maps, you may feel more sane by twirling a large serrated knife into your skull and singing Beatles songs.

    Lighting: Appropriately disco. Expect colours usually learnt in pre-school.

    Architecture: Big.. Lego…

    Textures: Good enough.

    New Models/Skins/Etc.: Nope\Naught\New textures, sounds and music.

    Gameplay: Zombie-saving combine-sniping disco deuce!

    You, possibly Gordon “A+ In Arse Kicking, D- in Groove” Freeman, foregoes crowbar slaughter and takes up the job of disc jockey/zombie converter. You and Father “WWuuAAASAAAPP?!” Gregori must convert these 80s” dancing ice-skating zombies into 80s” dancing, ice-skating citizens, and bring them down to safety. Somewhere, somehow, someone is laughing at you, and you don’t know why…

    This map is 54 mb. Why is it so big? 45MB of that is music. What kind of music, you may sullenly ask? Music your dad used to dance to when he had heart glasses and unforgivable amounts of chest hair. Yep. Welcomes to the 80s, baby. Grab your afro, because we’re going back to the past!

    Second thing you may notice apon launching the map is HOLY FUCK MY EYEES AND BLEEDING! Apparently, the creator happened to forget to warrant the placement of a skybox. Thus, it is recommended that you look as far down as possible. The map is properly downside from there, having to press an amount of buttons in order to “convince” the zombies to leave the ice skating rink and follow you to the church for a forceful removement.

    Another aspect that I mentioned before is the music. If you want to illegally download dance music from the 80s, this is your dream boat today! That being said, this is practically worth it just for the music. You will get your half-life bootay jigging to the sounds of ‘stayin” Alive!” by the Bee Gees. It’s not all dance music, with some Queen and other rocksnrolls from the past.

    The 3rd map (Recovery) is the one I like most. It is reminiscent to those many thousands of clan maps designed on Jedi Outcast. Accessable via a teleporter in the hanger, the entrance includes a secret button opening a stairway in the ground, which goes to an elevator which takes to you down to the base. Inside, you can take a dip into the pool, visit Vorti’s Place and shake your booty with the ladies on the dance floor. It’s crappily designed, but I enjoyed it. Why can’t other people make cool maps like this?

    Depends whom you ask. I found it fun, but anyone who plays maps and expects to conduct mass slaughter on all living entities in your fields of view will be somewhat disappointed. Map errors are abundant and mapping it’s self isn’t particularly good.

    This review was written by Fluffy The Hampster and first appeared on Combine Destiny and is republished by express permission.

  2. WASNTME777

    Not sure how to respond to Fluffy’s review but that’s not why I’m posting anyway. The updated version with the custom skybox can be found at

    And yes I am a noob map maker..

    contact info [email protected]

  3. Just think of fluffy as the hardest critic you will ever meet and any score above zero is good 😉

  4. WASNTME777

    Well Thanks andyb…….. I needed that…

  5. WASNTME777

    One last thing…If and after you decide to download the updated version at the location in the post or two above this one, There is a total of 42 zombies that can be saved and converted back to civilians. Counting the civilians you will encounter along the way you can potentially end up with 45 civilians and 1 doctor. That is if you can protect them along the way. It’s been nine months since I released this series of 3 maps and only a few good men have even come close. If you need help email me at [email protected] and I’ll send you some hints. Don’t get too frustrated before you ask for help and thanks for trying out my maps… I’ve had an absolute blast making them.

  6. Think Twice

    just found this older map. I wanted to like it and I might in time. it seems its files are messed up. I loaded them into hl2 as described in the readme but I have broken maps. I understand the puzzle concept of buttons to “herd” the zombies and I really like the idea for a change from combat and fight and this would be fun (i think) if it worked right. Even the story of possibly reversing the effects of returning zombies back to civilians is a pretty cool and believable idea. I have played thru some of the 1st map, glitches and all and I think I will keep this one around for the heck of it, I don’t know maybe im a glutton for punishment. I kind of wish someone would make this correctly and package it better.

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