The Colonel has been captured.
It’s your job to rescue him.
You know very little about where he is being held, except that it is heavily guarded.
Good Luck Freeman!
- Title: Save the Colonel
- File Name: hl2-sp-save-the-colonel.7z
- Size : 930KB
- Author: Foofinoo
- Date Released: 19 January 2014
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
Download directly into MapTap [930KB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
- Copy Save_The_Colonel.bsp into your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\maps folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2
- Open the console and type map Save_the_Colonel and press ENTER tab.
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The playthrough/walkthrough below is provided by PlanetPhillip. See more of my playthroughs on this site: VP: PlanetPhillip.
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All sizes are the same screenshots, just in different resolutions.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 5 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 7 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 5 Mins by CK_The_Boss
Longest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by Hec
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 54 Mins
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Well, after a promising start, this map lost my interest. The actual mapping is pretty good and the place feels more or less real, but after the door closes in the Colonel’s cell, (why?) you then exit to a never-ending spawn of Combine Elite, which is just silly.
It’s only 9 minutes long, actually, half of that was my faffing about, so it would probably only take 4 minutes to actually play through seriously.
This is a good example, of design choices spoiling an otherwise nice layout and build.
Using Gauge
9 Minutes
This map can be fun. CAN. Not “is fun”. It depends if you love being some power god and massacring hundreds of Combine.
The combat is not really thought out, and it’s usually a case of “first time die, second time win”. The only reason I don’t give this a avoid or think later is because the mapper didn’t make it impossible. There is explosives for the soldiers and PLENTY of energy balls for the elite. Still, I would of preferred less enemies and more environment to fight in. the First combat is just killing them in a door way which could have been improved if the Combine were more spread out, and didn’t all know of your presence.
Only play this to just mow down an army.
P.S I did it without the shotgun cause I couldn’t find it.
Using Gauge
5 Minutes
Ok, first glance, the enviroment is actually pretty good. A pretty enviroment don’t cover the poor gameplay though. Lots and lots of enemies and not enough room to move. The enviroment do not take advantage of the Combines “advanced” tactical AI, wich is a shame cuz that’s where the soldiers really shine.
I was not enjoying myself when playing, but I was not bored either.
5 Minutes
Blink and you’ll miss it. A very short, simple map that’s over before you know it. It feels like a map built for learning the basics of Half-Life 2 map construction, specifically enemy spawning and triggers. You witness the entire progression of weapon and Combine ranks in the span of 5 minutes. Not a whole lot of creativity in terms of enemy tactics – just spawn a clump of Combine and watch them go. The infinite Elites were just silly.
On his GameBanana page, the author says this was his second map and he has a few more recent works as well. As early maps go, it’s not that bad, but it’s way too short to be worth your time.
5 Minutes
Same here 🙂
5 Minutes
I thought this could be better as it sounded like you have to perform a realistic mission like save the colonel so I imagined like a CS hostage rescue but was not at all like that.
Here we have a bunch of enemies scattered in a very narrow building, and that’s it. No more, so the battles are maybe OK but quite hard and at some point annoying. To spawn never ending CMB elites at the end was just too much for me. And frankly to found the colonel dead was like a big middle finger pointed to the gamer from my point of view.
I didn’t like it, think twice.
10 Minutes
This felt more or less like the Half-Life 2 version of the mod Rogat.
The environment is okay, the visuals are ok, and the gameplay was just BORING. It’s just a huge never ending Combine massacre. I don’t know who would rate a PIN for this, maybe Rambo.
You wanna kill some people? Then this mod is just for you. Hooray.
It was… interesting, the ending was very anti-climatic, once you reach the truck the map just exits to the menu, and you could easily skip the combines by just using the door before it closes and running to the truck, you can get out before the combine even spawn.
Using Gauge
5 Minutes
This was the first map made by Foofinoo, who has improved a lot since then. It’s more difficult than I expected on hard, but the enemy placement wasn’t really given much thought. The metrocops are pretty nicely placed but the soldiers and elites are just clustered up. It’s made a lot easier towards the end due to how many energy balls the elites drop, and the ending is nothing special. I am glad the mapper put a believable environment behind the car even though you can’t get to it. It’s certainly not an awful map but I wouldn’t say it’s worth playing.
10 Minutes
The end destroys a great start.