Basic Details
- Title: Resistance 3
- File Name: hl1-sp-resistance-3.7z
- Original File Name:
- Size : 1.57Mb
- Author: Barry A Bollinger
- Date Released: 01 January 1998
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ditto part 2.
Continuation of part 2, obviously. This time taking place only on Xen.
People might know already I dislike any Xen-world maps or mods. And this one’s no exception.
But that’s not the main reason I’m giving it only two stars here.
Mapping is again very quadratic and somehow basic, reminded me of part 1.
There’s just nothing exciting to await and the textures bored me even more.
Combat is finally a bit better balanced than in part 2, but again you have quite much ammo and weapons. Play on medium or hard.
The story continues from part 2 and now your goal is to fight soldiers AND the new leader of the aliens, Nexus. He tries to climb Nihilanth’s throne after his death.
Some music is playing again at a few spots, but that doesn’t help much to increase atmosphere.
What’s weird is, that in all “Resistance” parts you can find a longjump module, but it’s never needed! Here in part 3 there’s one time you have to jump over a unhealthy liquid, but due to other gravity than on Earth you can do a simple duckjump to cross it, NO longjumping required!
The final fight against Nexus can be tricky, cause you’ll lose ALL weapons!
However, there is a way to kill him, just take a look around 😉
All in all it’s a bad way to end the “Resistance” trilogy.
I liked part 1+2 most, part 3 is shorter than part 2, but longer than part 1.
Playtime: around 10 minutes
Resistance 3 is the final installment of the Resistance series. And its nice to see that the series has improved over time. Although the level is set on Xen, the author has steered well clear of the floating platforms that featured so heavily in Valve’s Xen. Instead its orientated firmly towards blasting your way through hordes of aliens and marines (the marines are trying to destroy all sentient alien life). In fact you do very little besides shooting, and there are no real puzzles. These maps often run the risk of becoming repetitive, to the point where you don’t want to play. Resistance 3 is probably somewhere on the border line between repetitive and action packed. The combat has been made as varied as possible with the use of the larger ‘boss’ monster such as the Gargantuan, Gonarch and an Apache. The fights are fun, the positioning of monsters was generally good and the balance of ammunition was fine. I didn’t experience any technical problems and there are no terrible flaws in the gameplay.
But still, I personally feel that its lacking originality and polish. There is no true sense of purpose of through-out the level, except the limited one of finding the end. A more immediate and structured set of objectives and tasks would have helped alleviate the monotony. There were some set pieces, such as a truck ride and some fights between the military and the aliens, but nothing that hasn’t been seen before and done better. And although it doesn’t need taxing puzzles, some form of interaction with the environment would have improved the level.
Considering the difficulty of doing organic shapes using Half-Life’s engine, the landscape was a reasonable attempt at natural rock formations. But I didn’t feel that it really represented an alien planet – large numbers areas were simply open plains surrounded by tall cliffs. Although it is a good thing that the floating platforms don’t make an appearance I would liked some more interesting shapes to have been used to break up the bland areas such as the huge spires. As well as alien plains there are some buildings constructed by the military that wouldn’t look out of place in Black Mesa. The buildings are of a higher standard than the alien landscape, and the interiors are particularly good. Unfortunately the Earth technology and Xen clash quite badly. There is a very abrupt change from one style to the other and it would have been nice if there was a gradual metamorphosis from Xen’s weird organic rock formations, to the concrete walls of a military installation. There were some high-quality prefabs (particularly inside the buildings), many made by the author, that added detail to the architecture. While playing I was vaguely aware that something was subtly missing and eventually I realised that very little use was made of height. There were only 3 places where vertical movement is needed. Everywhere else consists of level plains and corridors. Making good use of the 3D nature of the environment can really help improve the quality of architecture, in terms of appearance and in some ways the combat benefits from the tactical aspects of different heights. The lighting was not bad, there weren’t any areas where lighting caused problems, but it was unimpressive – very little use was made of coloration and it generally didn’t feel right for Xen. There are several fights that take place in large open areas and due to the size of the area and the number of monsters used framerates drop slightly lower than are acceptable.
Resistance 3 is good end to a series that began with a rather basic grunt-fest. Don’t let the Xen setting put you off, as it has very little in common with the style of Valve’s Xen. Its just as action packed as previous instalments. And although it lacks professional polish and some of Half-Life’s deeper elements, the combat is still a lot of fun and of a high standard.
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Wednesday, 5th January, 2000 by Chris.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
Resistance 3 once again picks up where the previous part left off. The teleporter at the end of Resistance 2 apparently leads straight to the border world where the HECU are in an all out war against the remaining Xen forces. That being said, they don’t seem to be doing particularly well, considering Xen is supposed to be on the ropes.
One alien controller, Nexus, has taken charge of teh remaining Xen forces in an attempt to push the military back and mount another offensive against Earth. You are tasked with eliminating this controller and putting a stop to those plans.
I’ve no idea how the player is supposed to know this, or how they know Nexus by name. They just know.
Sadly, while the combat is once again pretty good and jumping into the middle of a HECU Xen clash to mop up the weakened victors is always a blast. In spite of that, the level design just isn’t very good. For the most part it has taken a step back towards the basic geometry of Resistance 1, with the added bonus of using Xen textures. In a word, it’s ugly. In two: Really ugly.
Another gripe of mine is the lack of a crowbar. Whether it simply was not there or I was able to miss it, that’s always a red flag for me. The crowbar is your feeler in Half-Life maps and the lack of it means wasting your finite ammo on breakable crates and surfaces.
So think twice about this one. Resistance 2 was two steps forwards, 3 is one step back.
27 Minutes
Stream of thoughts I jotted down as I played:
Interesting start but the crowbar should not be hidden. Hm, I wonder how well helicopters would actually fly in low gravity. Took me a while to figure out I had to drive the truck from the back.Big Momma died after ~3 seconds of egon damage on Medium.
Ew, Mr Friendly walking around is very gross. I saw chum toad earlier too, it’s cool to see these cut monsters and actually be able to interact with them i.e shoot and kill them.
Ending is very anticlimactic after fighting Big Momma and a garg :/
20 Minutes