Starting in a courtyard area, you must work your way through certain parts of the hospital.
It almost seems alive and aware of your presence.
Can you reach the main exit or will you succumb to the horrors that await you.
Only time will tell.
- Title: Project Hospital
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-project-hospital.7z
- Size : 77.72MB
- Author: Jesper Lindström
- Date Released: 24 March 2012
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
Download directly into MapTap [77.72MB]
Please note that once MapTap starts, the pause is not a bug, just the application downloading the file. The bigger the file – the longer the wait.
Download to your HDD [77.72MB]
- Copy the maps, materials, models, scripts and sound folders into your Half-Life 2: Episode Two/ep2 folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- Open the console and type map project_hospital.
- Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
- Play and Enjoy.
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.
The playthrough below is provided by Custom Gamer. See more of his playthroughs on this site: VP: Custom Gamer
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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0Last 7 days
0Last 30 days
56365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 7 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 4 Mins by ArctixSnowPup
Longest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by Steve
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 14 Mins
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I don’t particularly like scary/horror-themed maps but that’s not why I have only given this a MAYBE.
It just seems like a collection of “events” or ideas merged together, rather than a flowing series.
There’s too many areas that join with other areas that just don’t seem to make sense and also “jumping” between rooms for no apparent reason.
I have the feeling the Jesper didn’t really plan this through enough and maybe took too many ideas from other people and put them into his map.
My, admittedly unsolicited, advice is to have a better plan before you start and make the flow feel real. Don’t jump me into other areas with black screens and have one area where the atmosphere builds up in stages.
A short, somewhat unsettling experience.
In short: Some good ideas that didn’t quite follow through
In long: This map is a series of scares and strangeness most of which are triggered whenever you enter a new area this approach gives the sense that the player is helpless and has no control over the situation however in this map the triggered events are over used and grow dull and predictable towards the end.
It seems that not enough consideration was given to pacing, the author seems a bit too keen to jam the next idea into the map often at the expense of the previous event.
The atmosphere is creepy, the music and sound effects are well done and the environment, though at times lacking in polish is good enough to have the desired effect.
I downloaded it to MapTap and it came up with a client config error. So I went to the manual install method. The map ran then turned on the power in one room and it freaked out the map in the elevator when I turned it on. Then went to try to crawl under the gate near the shotgun and could not proceed. I would have not commented, but I found the lighting and the disorientation brought forth by the backtracking. I would like to finish the map to see how it ends.
Sorry to hear MapTap didn’t work for you. If you want to send me the client error, that would be appreciated.
You are not supposed to go under that gate, so don’t worry. When you say “freaked out the map in the elevator” what do you mean?
I have not been able to load it with Maptap,,
Client library error?
and the manual download still shows pages of strange text
Are there any more details of the client error? I use MapTap to play all my maps now and it ran perfectly for me.
The second issue is that your browser is not set up to save .7z but open them. It’s probably the same browser you have been using for a long time and I don’t know why the issue has suddenly appeared. Perhaps you used to right click and chose “save as”.
Have you tried another browser?
The second problem seems to be a problem with Firefox, I have downloaded other mods from this site before so I think something must have changed recently but Chrome downloaded it fine.
On firefox it comes up with a page of nonsense as shown by pedro, haven’t tested it on IE but frankly who cares about IE anymore?
It’s not really FF but probably all browsers. I suspect it’s this CloudFlare I have just started using. I have turned it off now but it may take a while to filter down.
I’ve sent an email to support.
The problem is that it works for me, so I didn’t know about it until long after the change.
Fingers crossed it will be back to normal very soon.
download to HDD works fine with IE,
I tested the download to HDD with some other maps using FF and they all show the same nonsense,,
All browsers should work now, I turned off CloudFlare, which is the only change I have made to the backend in the last few days.
This might be a bit picky, and I don’t mean to be a meanie, but I don’t much like the idea of putting a bunch of folders with generic names in my ep2/maps folder. It’ll quickly become a morass and be impossible to delete individual maps if some other developer comes along using the same folder names which are quite logical and common. It’ll turn into one big jumble… This really should be set up as a mod for the sourcemods folder.
You are absolutely right, which is one of the reasons we created MapTap! Takes care of all of that for you and doesn’t touch your base installation. See the link at the top of the page.
I have to report: a “Could not load library client” error, when attempt launching via Map Tap, I had to unistall it from that plataform and im gonna try it manually.
Well this map was odd, really is more like a collection of the normal conssidered “scary” elements in HL2 not more than that, some movements triger other sequences and goes like that, thats sometimes a good surprise scary element but aslso can sin of being a big clich modding horror.
Overall I didn’t like this also the files for the setup are heavy for just that little experiment, and was hectic at the time of the installation, maptap didn’t work for me at all neither.
In few words: this is just an experiment with really wasted HL2 scary elements that at least for me doesn’t scare anymore.
this is actually a good map… however I spent 5 minutes going back on myself thinking I missed a crowbar or handgun.not realising theres no weapons in the map
the map is also difficult at parts since you cant use any flashlights … however easy maps wouldnt be any fun.. would they
allthough many of the guys gave “project hospital” a maybe I think it deserves a play it now…. and I gave this recommendation since I enjoyed the map and because it dosent deserve a maybe
i look forward to more maps from jesper…
I thought it was too short and didn’t really have much interesting to hold my attention. If you like the spooky hospital theme I would recommend “Nightmare House 2” instead. I also don’t like wandering around enemies without at least a crowbar or wrench or something to defend myself. That and no flashlight made this less enjoyable for me
Sigh – needs a flashlight. But video shows enough.
Its showing potential I imagine, but just doesn’t really deliver it. I really didn’t enjoy this, sorry.
10 Minutes
There is nothing spooky in this map. Jumpscares are cheap as if they don’t scare me. The map is very linear, avoiding every enemy and I almost forgot, there is no HEV suit at all. So without the flashlight, traversing through the dark is a huge pain.
This map only took me about 4 minute to beat. It’s very short, and the jumpscares are cheap.
Usage of space and world brushes: 3/10
30% sounds like a good way to put it. It’s just so short and boxy with very tight corridors
Visuals 2/10
Cheap jumpscares and lots of darkness with sudden bright lights.
Gameplay: 0/10
There is no gameplay. It’s a walking simulator.
Final Score: 5/30 – 16%
4 Minutes