“How good are you really?
Project:Blue Room is a research mod, designed to measure skill and difficulty in a single-player game.
It is a simple, short, single player game designed to test the player’s abilities over a few levels.”
- Title: Data Place
- File Name: hl2-sp-project-blue-room-v103.7z
- Size : 8.13MB
- Author: Druckles
- Date Released: 04 August 2014
If you are interested in learning more about the development and its objectives, you can listen to an audio interview with David Buckley and Alex Frazer.
The download has been removed at the request of the authors. The second phase of the project is due out soon and data collection has finished. Even if you can find a working downlaod it might not work as it needs to connect to the server, which is currently offline.
- Copy the blueroom folder into your …\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Project: Blue Rooma should now be listed in your Library tab.
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.
The playthrough/walkthrough below is provided by PlanetPhillip. See more of my playthroughs on this site: VP: PlanetPhillip.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
0Last 7 days
0Last 30 days
0365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 3 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 52 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 20 Mins by vancanucksfan
Longest: 1 Hours, 5 Mins by PlanetPhillip
Total Time Played: 4 Hours, 22 Mins
If you believe this release is missing important tags, please suggest them in a comment?

This is an interesting project and besides a few teething issues at the beginning, I had a lot of fun with this.
In fact, I haven’t finished it yet but have reached the final level, so feel confident enough to write my review.
The difficulty progression is very smooth and the author manages to make each level not only harder but more complicated, which don’t always go hand in hand.
The development textures add to the feeling of being an experiment, as does the idea that we are miniature and in somebody’s lab.
Technically, I am curious as to how things work behind the curtain and I plan to email the author as soon as I have posted this review and request a podcast interview.
You’ll have fun solving the puzzles, killing the enemies and hoping you are a good single player.
Using Gauge
1 Hour, 5 Minutes
This is quite enjoyable to play. It starts out very simple and progresses from there. There is a clever twist at the end which I won’t spoil by writing about. The only thing I didn’t like was when I tried to reload a save and it took me back to the beginning of a level. That’s no big deal but keep it in mind if you are going to play it.
20 Minutes
After the boring and tedius start this map really hit it off, it was awesome!
1 Hour
I’m by no means a fan of orange maps, but if you keep at it you’ll realise that it’s set out this way for a reason.
I would have liked to see my eventual results but apparently there was an issue contacting the server? Not sure if everyone else got this message? Either way, I only died the once during the final battle which was utterly terrifying and very well done. This is a good example of the gameplay element being planned out first in a plain environment before throwing in tons of detail and polish.
I kind of figured out what was going on when looking out of the huge glass container at the lab but the ending was still really cool, being able to look at the various chambers I’d been through. Really enjoyed this and I highly recommend it.
Using Gauge
57 Minutes
I’m just getting serious lag and errors when “trying to upload events”. It seems that this needs to be live on both ends of the internet to be functional. Nothing wrong with MY connection, steam’s working fine. Apparently I’m also doing something wrong, as several images in the list above show things I have never seen on the first two maps. I installed the current correct version, though I know over on the steam forums he said something was wrong with one. Are we sure that this is the right one?
Sorry about that. The link now points to an updated file.
I can’t even get it started, something about not being able to contact the server.
Same here. It seems like a neat idea, but the infrastructure needs work. We might have to wait for the offline version to come out.
Bad luck. It’s definitely worth keep trying.
Hi dougjp,
Sorry about the connection problems. The infrastructure surrounding it is somewhat weak, and was hacked together. Time constraints were one of the biggest factors.
I’ve reset the server though and it should be up and working again. It appears the attention it got from this site was too much for the server to handle 😉
I had actually finished with this phase of the experiment, so was surprised to see if on here. I’m very happy for the attention though.
Please let me know if you encounter any more server issues.
Thanks for fixing it. I only had a connection issue at the very end, where it couldn’t get my data, but I had fun playing.
I think that’s an issue on the client, unfortunately, (not your fault, my fault for coding it wrong), and as the database has grown bigger, the client times out before the server’s read the results.
It’s an issue everyone who finishes will likely face, but you can find a more thorough set of results at projectblueroom.com/[your-steam-id]. I’ll try to fix it for the next release.
Is there a possibility to just have the data stored locally until quitting or purposefully uploading it? Ironically just after having posted “I’m not having any internet issues” my net DID go down (thank you time warner L.A. hub) but obviously that wasn’t the problem this time.
I’m afraid not, simply because of the nature of the experiment. And it would require a lot more coding ;-). We hope to have an offline version eventually (Phase III, but that’s unlikely to be before September).
Thanks. I got it going and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was thinking it would be either a Play It Now or even a Personal Favorite. However then I got to the final map with the Strider and seemingly endless new enemies. Its unfortunate that saves are not possible. I’ve played the last map more times than I can count, sometimes for over 1/2 hour before finally getting killed or out of useful ammo. It just became too frustrating for me, so I won’t rate it.
Given how frustrated I already was at map 2’s puzzle elements, I’m unlikely to bother finishing it at this point. Saves are a must, I guess I’m just ‘not hardcore enough’.
Yeah, this mod started off nicely until the final map, which was much too hard compared to the rest of it and no fun at all! I mean how many rockets is this strider going to take? No saves, one error and you can start it over. Console disabled too, unless I can’t enable it on Steam for some reason.
This one was genuinely good!! Pretty original and overall I loved the concept. We’re evidently in someone’s room, in fact a lab, and at the end you discover you’re like in a real time combat simulation!! .
So once said that, I think the pretty cool thing about this mod is that it seems to start bland, but as soon as you progress you realize how cool it is.
The last scenario or combat arena, with the Strider on it it was beautiful, but I didn’t like the fact that once you kill the Strider the mod says goodbye in a very cliché fade to white screen. I’d loved to spent some more time in there exploring the arena, and discover a portal or a way out, instead that automatic finish.
Also another turn down for me that makes this mod a PN and not a PF, was the unavailable Quick load F9. You know, in fact the mod is designed as if you were into the simulation and not actually in control, that was kind of annoying because if you die you have to start the section where you are all over again.
Despite those shortfalls, This mod is awesome! and definitely is the best mod that came out from a School-Professional game designer stuff, like guildhall, you know those guildhall style maps and mods…
This is a PN, I truly enjoyed it.
1 Hour
Why removed in 2014 and still this day It’s not available I would think it be updated by now.
That’s completely my fault. I’ll update very soon.
I was updated and I forgot to inlcude the new file. The problem is that there is no server online so you can’t play it.
I am going to email the authors now and see what I can arrange.
File was removed.