Poll Question 067 – Which single player Half-Life games do you own?

26th January 2008

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Now, at first glance you would probably think that most visitors to PlanetPhillip.com have all the games in the Half-Life series but I have a suspicion that many are younger gamers and as such don’t have all of them. So this week’s (late again!!) question is

Which single player Half-Life games do you own?

I’m sure many players started right from the beginning and worked there way through the series but I’m also sure that a lot started with Half-Life 2 and have only moved forward. I considered making this poll more of a survey and trying to get the order in which players played/bought the games but it just seemed like overkill.

I’m curious to know whether the younger players who started with Half-Life 2 have gone and bought (Downloaded?) the earlier games?

Will they be able to play without laughing at the blocky graphics and stupid A.I.?

This poll touches on one subject I find continually interesting: How does playing games in different order affect their feeling for that game? That’s too big a question for this site but maybe one day.

The Poll


  1. Gonome

    I have licensed half-Life 1 Antology, cracked HL 2 and HL 2 Е 1 and maybe I will byou Orange Box.

  2. Jerry

    Great place to tell everybody of your cracked games…

  3. Bought Half-Life first in “98 when a friend of mine at school hyped it like crazy. Later when Opposing Force were announced that was one of the most anticipated game I’ve ever looked forward to. I literally shaked when I played the demo. ;D
    Apart from Half-Life: Decay I’ve played all of them in the order they were released.

    Anyways, yeah I own every game in the series not only because it’s one of the best in the genre, in my opinion of course, but also because I’m just so addicted to the games and all the gazillion mods out there, both SP and MP. Doubt I’ll ever let go of them either any time soon.

  4. MikeS

    I joined the HL Universe in 2005 when I played HL2 and HL:Source concurrently. Very recently, after buying the Orange Box, I bought all the old stuff like the original HL, Blue Shift and Opposing Force. They were cheap on Steam and I’ve heard so much about them on this website. I even installed the old Sierra demo HL:Uplink so I have the full set! But unfortunately because of work commitments I haven’t played any of the old games yet.

  5. Memobot

    All of them to date.
    I feel proud to say that 🙂

  6. Splatzone

    All except Ep2 – Looking forward very much to getting it!

  7. cubedude89

    I own them ALL!

    None Cracked.

  8. Got em all also and splatzone get it soon.Probably the best so far,depending on your likes and dislikes.

    I have played them out of order also but they seem to be set up so that if you didn’t play the others it doesn’t matter.Like I said in the forum I’d like to see a HL 1.5 to explain what happened between 1 and 2 or guide you through the path.You gotta admit it was a big jump.

  9. MASTER74 (formerly known as JC)

    I have all SP-HL games so far…
    BTW, do you guys remember “Gunman Chronicles”? does it count as a SP-HL game? 😉

  10. Afro-Dude

    I own Half-Life 1 and expansions for WON and half Life 2 and Episode 1 as gifts.

    All licenced.

  11. firba1

    I first bought the Half-Life Platinum Pack in 2003 through Amazon.com when there were very few left. This bought me Half-Life, Blue Shift, Opposing Force, TFC, Day of Defeat, Counter-Strike, and Deathmatch Classic. I didn’t have the world’s greatest computer back then (I like to call it my “craptop”), but I really loved those games. Half-Life for one was one of the greatest FPSs I’d ever played, even though it was 6 years old at that point. Along the same vein, I loved Blue Shift as well as Opposing Force. Later, I went through my CS phase. This lasted for about 6 months, ending in about July of 2004. Afterwards, I was pretty apart from my PC games, as Halo 2 came out, and afterwards I became an MMOer with Guild Wars, which lasted about a year before I became interested in HL2. So I bought the HL2 Game of the Year Edition, netting me HL2, HL2DM, Half-Life: Source, and Counter-Strike: Source, along with getting a new computer actually capable of playing these games. Pretty soon afterwards, I went through another CS phase, this time with Source. In December of 2005 I got Day of Defeat: Source, which captivated me for a while. I then became interested in Episode One, which I got a few weeks after it came out. I thought that Episode One was a pretty dang good game, and I really liked it. I sort of became distracted with making skins for CSS after that, and then when the Orange Box came out, I bought it through Steam immediately. I played Portal, and I realized I just played the best game I have ever owned right after I beat it.

    In a sentence, yes, I own every Half-Life franchise SP game.

  12. BTW, do you guys remember “Gunman Chronicles”? does it count as a SP-HL game?

    I didn’t add it to the list becasue although it used the half-Life Gold Source engine, it wasn’t part of the storyline. More of a retail total conversion.

    Like I said in the forum I’d like to see a HL 1.5 to explain what happened between 1 and 2 or guide you through the path.You gotta admit it was a big jump.

    Yes, I agree that would be fun. You could play as Barney.

    I first bought the Half-Life Platinum Pack in 2003 through Amazon.com when there were very few left. ………………………………….
    played the best game I have ever owned right after I beat it.

    In a sentence, yes, I own every Half-Life franchise SP game.

    Thank you for your detailed diary. Please provide exact playing dates and times! 🙂

    I’m probably not along in this but I think I have 3 or 4 copies (Originals) of Half-Life.

    I went through a stage of collecting Sci-Fi SP games and I bought some Half-Lifes specifically for the boxes.

    In fact I even bought a Half-Life 2 for the box, along with a Steam version.

    Later this year I am going to sell my complete collection of games. Somewhere around 100 or so.

  13. I played all Half-Life games, except Opposing Force.
    I don’t have HL anymore, I lost it long ago, but have been meaning to pick up the anthology box. Do I haven’t found it in any store where I live. Might try it online.

  14. Manual_Monaro

    Being 15 years old as of writing, I guess I’m a young’n.

    Many, many years ago (I was probably under the double digits in age) I played the Half-Life Uplink demo. I didn’t like it.

    2005 is when I got Half-Life 2 from my brother. I was reluctant to play it, considering my previous “engagement” but I’m glad I trudged forward, because it’s now pretty much my favourite FPS. I loved it to pieces at the time. The story really pulled me in, the characters were engrossing and being inside the Citadel sent shivers down my spine.

    A few months later, I went to Sydney on holiday with (my other) brother. We brought with us our laptop and I paid 20 bucks for Half-Life before leaving. I played it over my holiday and finished it when I got home.

    I bought Blue Shift (which also came with Opposing Force) months after that, along with pre-ordering F.E.A.R.

    When HL2: Episode 1 was released here in Australia, I snatched it up in about a week.

    After a long wait, I finally (excitedly) pre-ordered The Orange Box. It was persistently delayed here in Oz. We left the bugger in-store for a while after it was released and I went off on a (tiring) week-long school camp. I came back to The Orange Box. Awesome.

    I’ve failed to play HL: Decay. I realise there’s a mod porting it. I almost considered grabbing HL for the PS2 one day, when I was borrowing one, but I passed it up. (This was before I played HL2, so you might see why)

    And that’s me. By the way, I do like Half-Life 1 now. But, unlike most people, I find Half-Life 2 superior.

    Oh yeah, about the thing with the ” blocky graphics” and such:

    don’t care. When I bought HL after HL2, I didn’t care. To this day, I still buy old, $15-30 games when I need something to do. Not just FPSs, either.

    And ” stupid A.I.?” I didn’t and don’t find the A.I. stupid! Well, really only the marines are ” smart.” I’m on that party that says HL’s marines are ” smarter” than HL2’s Combine soldiers.

    Still, that’s your opinion, mate.

    Anyway, you could say Crysis and F.E.A.R. have since overshadowed the Half-Life marines…

  15. I have…

    *takes a deep breath*

    Half-Life 1, which I bought while I was in Switzerland (in German, mind you) and lost on the move to America. This was replaced with the Half-Life Adrenaline Pack (Half-Life, Opposing Force) which I bought from Walmart and have to this current day. While in England afterwards, I bought Half-Life: Decay and Blue Shift (both of which were not worth the thirty pounds they cost each..). In Canada, I downloaded and cracked Half-Life 2 (for the express reason of figuring out whether the game was really worth the seventy dollar price tag) and later bought Half-Life 2 at the nearby store. After two weeks of CD installation problems, I swapped my Half-Life 2 CD Key with a best friend (who was also experiancing issues) and downloaded Half-Life 2 via Steam. I re-bought Half-Life 1 on Steam (the CD Key no longer works). After a long time of constantly playing through both games (Counter-Life and SMOD Tactical are two of the best mods in existance), I bought Half-Life 2: Episode One as soon as it came out. Due to bandwidth limitations and my hard drive crash, I no longer have any Half-Life games besides the Adrenaline Pack.

  16. CrowbarSka

    Got all of them pretty much on release, except for Blue Shift which I got as part of the HL Generations pack a while later when my HL disc got scratched.

  17. i first heard about half life in 2004,when I got my pc and started playing half life in 2005.
    I own all of them,but half life1 ,opposing force,blue shift are crack hehehe!But I bought this 25th of december the orange box I did not get the chance to play it yet due to my crappy computer ill get a new one this summer

  18. fragmaster

    I had several problems with Steam in the past that I had to uninstall the program twice making all previously bought HL2 collectors edition & later HL2 which cost me around 150 dollars total/ Im happy to say the orange box solved that problem of all the games in 1 package.Tho sadly if Steam dies on me again I wont buy the orange box or any hl2 games again.
    Tho back in 1999 Half-life 1 came to by my 1st custom built computer which included the Beta version which gave me a first look at a new & very fun 1st person shooter.
    I enjoy playing alot of the Mods posted here & have a large list 🙂
    I hope Valve doesnt end it with Episode 3 I hope more games will continue onward & outward.

  19. fragmaster you dont lose your games on steam.You just redownload them.

  20. Ezequielhl

    I got all licensed software except for Blue Shift. I’m looking forward to buy it even if I hace ayed it seven times: Valve deserves my money! =D

  21. I own all of the poll options.

    I bought the Half-Life platinum edition in… either 1999 or 2000, I can’t remember. That included Half-Life, Opposing Force, Counter-Strike and Team Fortress Classic. About two years later I bought Blue Shift.

    I bought Half-Life 2 on release in 2004, Episode One on release in 2006, and Episode Two on release in 2007.

  22. Oops, that was me, MattyDienhoff, having trouble with the log-in again.

  23. I dont remember my true name

    I have all of those cited, plus Half-Life: Source, HL:S DM, HL2: DM, Lost Coast and some others.

  24. I dont remember my true name

    I enjoy playing alot of the Mods posted here have a large list 🙂

    I wouldn’t say that too loud. People might even hack you account (there are ways, they can intercept your dates here and into Valve servers).

  25. I dont remember my true name

    I have all of those cited, plus Half-Life: Source, HL:S DM, HL2: DM, Lost Coast and some others.

    I comitted the same mistake.

  26. I comitted the same mistake.

    I was thinking exactly the same thing!

  27. All Half Life games (except HL:source) totally legit, through steam (unless otherwise specified), twice:

    HL1 – $1, $10 – avg $5.50
    BS – $1, $1 – avg $1
    Op4 – $1, $1 – avg $1

    Orange Box – $30(retail), $10 – avg $20
    Lost Coast – Free with Nvidia’s Portal: First Slice deal.

    So I spent less than $30 on all games in the series. Best deals I’ve ever gotten.

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