After last weeks very successful poll I thought I would continue the theme of “Most Anticipated..”. This week we have Mods. Now a quick look at Moddb.com’s filtered list shows a lot of mods, so I had to make a choice about which ones to list. If you feel I missed one you can add your on choice in the comments. Below is a small selection of what I think are interesting mods. All of the text is taken from the respective homepage.
“My homeworld is a distant memory. The things I cannot remember in my waking hours come back to me in my nightmares. It’s my greatest fear….going back. Sometimes I wake up sweating in my Nali hut because I think I’m right back in the filth of the society I left behind. Sometimes I have dreams about the Bodega Bay as it descended into hell like a flaming chariot. Sometimes I imagine myself being trapped inside. To me the Bodega Bay represented Earth…a smoldering wreck spiraling downward to meet its inevitable demise. I was saved from that fate. The Nali who rescued me from my escape pod didn’t fear me because I was different. So many aliens fall from the sky on this planet and while nearly all of them have been hostile to this benevolent race, they still meet each new arrival with open arms. I knew right away that I had found where I belonged. I had to travel thousands of lightyears but I got here. I found my sanctuary. There are many threats to the harmony I have so cherished here. For 15 years since the fall of the Bodega Bay, my new family and I have been fortunate enough to avoid those dangers. But I fear our time is running out. Na Pali is a series of epic struggles between those seeking power and those aiming to lose it. It won’t be long until the cruel brutality of others threatens to invade our humble society. If the history of Earth’s people has taught me anything, tyranny spreads like a plague…”
PlanetPhilllip Note: I Loved Unreal but it has been a long time since I had it installed and played it. I hope that this mod doesn’t suffer because noit enough people have Unreal installed or can’t be bothered to install it.
“Black Mesa (formerly Black Mesa: Source) is a Half-Life 2 total conversion remaking VALVe Software’s award-winning PC game, Half-Life. Utilizing the Source engine, Black Mesa will reintroduce the player as Doctor Gordon Freeman, along with the original cast of memorable characters and environments seen in Half-Life. Black Mesa was built and founded on the basis that Half-Life: Source was inadequate as the Source engine port of Half-Life, regardless of the intentions of VALVe Software. As such, Black Mesa was founded to fully reconstruct the Half-Life universe utilizing Source to its fullest potential in terms of art detail, level sizes and code features. This total conversion will not require Half-Life: Source to play – only legitimate copies of Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source on Steam.”
PlanetPhilllip Note: This is without doubt my most anticpated mod ever! I prefered HL1 to HL2, and being able to replay it in the Source engine is (hopefully) going to be great!.
“Facing Hell is an add-on, or in other words, a mission pack to the 3D-Shooter “Doom 3″, id Software’s latest game in the famous Doom series. Often, the term ‘mod’ is used to describe such types of add-ons, but due to the nature of the story in FH, we rather call it an unofficial mission pack for Doom 3. In FH, we continue the story of original Doom 3 and surprise the player with a deep story, that tells the truth about the origin of all evil and hell. The player will discover some interesting things about the UAC, their artifacts from the archaeological excavation on mars and the weird network of evil thoughts and research that leaded to where we are now: a never ending painful mission for the Doom Marine.”
PlanetPhilllip Note: I never finished Doom 3, so a mod of the same engine is unlikely to get me too excited. However these guys are certainly putting in a lot of work and this one looks very good.
“We want to create one of the most intense and atmospheric game experiences, like you have originally expected it from Doom! In order to do that we will further expand the strong points of the game and reasonably add to them, among others the display of light and shadows – as well as get rid of weak points like the predictable monotony. Of course otherwise we are trying to get some distance to the original game and create an independent game environment. We are going to play some real pranks on you and toy with your fears impressively by means of enemies and ambience. It is supposed to turn into the most appalling and sneaky game experience for you, which will thoroughly shock you time and again in situations where you expect it the least. Together with a complex story full of intrigues it is going to form a hellish symbiosis. “
PlanetPhilllip Note: I tend to tune out when I read the kinda stuff written above because everybody makes similar claims, let’s just wait and see shall we.
“The Original Gate used the famous Half-life 1 engine, and was released over 2 years ago……. On its release it received award after award as more and more gaming sites reviewed it! 4 months after its release it was Reviewed and Featured on Pc Zones Magazine, it received a very healthy 72% and was featured on the cover disk! The Gate also was featured in two top European magazines one of which was PC Benelux…Up to over 90000 people have lived the Adventure of The Gate.. The first mod in history to use classical music scores to accompany the Players adventure! The Gate had a bit of everything for everyone!”
PlanetPhilllip Note: I couldn’t find any basic description of the SOurce version, so I add some text about the first one! I never finished it because I got bored but I’ll certainly try this one.
“They Hunger: Lost Souls is a first-person action commercial game powered by the award-winning Half-Life 2 Source engine from Valve Software. Based upon the highly popular They Hunger mod series, the upcoming title features a completely new horror-survival adventure. In North-Eastern Europe during the early 1960’s, strange anomalies culminate with dead corpses rising from their graves. As a tourist recovering from a tragic accident, you seek shelter in an ancient monastery overrun by bloodthirsty zombies, and become involved in an escalating cascade of calamities.”
PlanetPhilllip Note: There are a LOT of Zombie overs out there (Not in the literal sense, geez!)
“Enterprise – Temporal Cold War is a fan mod based on Gene Roddenberry’s “STAR TREK” Enterprise series. It will include the main characters from the series “Enterprise” and you will play the part of either an Ensign or one of the actual characters from the series (This has not been finalized as yet)”
PlanetPhilllip Note: Let’s hipe this one gets finished and released.
Which is your most anticipated Mod for 2007?
- Battle for NaPali – Unreal…13%
- Black Mesa Source – Source…51%
- Facing Hell – Doom 3…7%
- Recall to Hell – Doom 3…1%
- The Gate 2 – Half-Life 2…4%
- They Hunger Lost Souls – Half-Life 2…16%
- Temporal Cold War – Half-Life 2…7%
- Total votes…134
As I only own HL2, and I agree with Phillip that HL1 was better than HL2, the decision was made for me: Black Mesa!
without esitation regarding the previous release of black widow game (Coconut monkey, USS Darkstar and They Hunger) They Hunger Lost souls
HL2 was a great game, but for me, it just didn’t have that spark that made HL stand out from the crowd, so I’ve sat here like some sort of watchman, patiently awaiting the greatest mod of them all, allowing me to play HL again in all new wonder graphics!
To tell the truth, I’m quite intrigued by the Star Trek mod as well…it has been way to long since the last ST FPS.
Hopefully this year will see some fantastic mods released.
I want to support the mod I’m working on (BFNP), but that would feel like cheating 🙂 .
Other than that, definitely Black Mesa source, based on all the media it’ll be great the play the superior game with superior graphics 😉 .
I do not have high hopes for Black Mesa Source, so I will definitely wait for TH:LS.
Cheers for now
I voted for Battle For NaPali cause
i still like this game very much.
Finally posted the results; sorry about the delay.
Clear win for BMS which I expected as you did probably. Glad to see that Battle For Na Pali was close to second, although I suspect that the team might have had something to do with that!
I didn’t anticipate mods back in 2007, but Black Mesa is pretty much the only mod I’ve ever really anticipated at all. Kinda strange considering I only played HL1 for the first time last year, just a few months before I heard about Black Mesa for the first time.
I’m glad they dropped the requirement for CS:S. That would have pretty much killed any anticipation I might have had for the mod. I’ve gotten rather resigned about the whole idea that it will release whenever the hell it’s going to release. Glad I didn’t hear about it until just this year though. Waiting for 5+ years for it would be a bitch.
Lost Souls Will never be… However, we got Nightmare House, sort of “spiritual successor”.
So I guess we could say that Lost Souls is a lost soul?…..
Yea that was really bad I’m sorry…