“You are a Gordon Freeman in a time after deciding to take the chance, which G-man offered to you. First he commandeds you to carry unidentified materials for research to Black Mesa Research Facility in New Mexico. You arrive to laboratory and there should be someone to receive you, but you see nobody and hear only blowing wind. Something makes you think there has happened an accident or something like that again. You decide to take a little look around…”
Basic Details
- Title: Outwards
- File Name: hl1-sp-outwards.7z
- Original File Name: outwards_day1.exe
- Size : 7.82Mb
- Author: Visa Alanko AKA Zandramas
- Date Released: 11 August 2001
PlanetPhillip Download Servers
Installation Instructions
- Copy the outwards folder into your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Outwards should now be listed in your Library tab.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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Longest: 1 Hours by Qwertyus
Total Time Played: 2 Hours, 15 Mins
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Manually: 3 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 45 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by Dmitry
Longest: 1 Hours by Qwertyus
Total Time Played: 2 Hours, 15 Mins
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When I first started playing this mod I was quite disappointed. The boxy design led me to believe that it was not worth my time. However, I decided to continue and it certainly wasn’t as bad as the first impression.
I found it incredibly hard and had to switch to GOD mode. Normally I wouldn’t recommend this but because I wanted to get screenshots for the page I had too.
The design is lacking detail and the enemies often just spawn in front of you but I am sure many HL1 players will enjoy the challenge.
Thanks go to Vicpas for sending me the link, he has the uncanny ability to find releases that I have never heard of.
You mean you’re making you own screenshots???!!

Aagh! My life has no meaning anymore!
To sum up my feelings with this rather mediocre mod; too many spawning aliens, annoying Doom 3-esque with enemies showing up behind you, too few health packs, no batteries to be found, no health nor HEV stations whatsoever, frustrating even to the more experienced players.
Takes way too long before you get the crowbar; and by that time you’re probably near death – and also, why don’t you get a firearm BEFORE reaching the grunts? Seriously? Glad that he at least gave you the satchel charges otherwise it’d be impossible.
Near the end when you’re dropping down the ventilation shaft that break is a serious design flaw. I had 30 HP left whend dropping down, most of the time I died but if I were lucky I’d survive it with less than 5 HP. Problem is you’re attacked by a pair of grunts immediately as you land. Another problem is that there’s NO health packs to pick up at this area. God Mode is your friend.
Hey Andyb, I’m “reviewing” again! I hope this gratifies your day!
So, to continue the Half-Life 1 reviewing trend I seem to be going on these days I decided to check out Outwards, a mod brought to us by Zandramas (presumably because he’s bored of creating deathmatch maps). The result? A resounding ‘meh” echoed by pirate-flavoured swearing and screams of pain.
You are Gordon “Quando prandimus?” Freeman and apparently you’ve free contracting to G-Man in order to fund your new-fangled interdimensional loan shark operation scheme. G-Man sends you to New Mexico for some plot-related reason and once you get there, you are ordered to wander around aimlessly, ransack the locals of their health kits and high-power weaponry, eliminate scores of the local wildlife and exit via a standard alien whirlpool of dimensional parking. Woo.
Because I want people to like me, I’ll focus on the good parts… Well, there arn’t any, but the mod entirely of it’s self with all of it’s mediocre details adds up to a pretty good deal of fun. The level design, though either ranging from unnecessarily large and bland to claustrophobic and bland, is more then serviceable. Combat is hard-hitting and your standard Half-Life fair. The story is non-existant despite what I just said above and no particular part of the mod screamed out as a problem to me. This mod, in essence, sounds like just an ordinary mediocre mod that will be swept by the seas of memetic content sorting within a few days of it’s existance. What makes it stand out from the others?
Welp, this mod is difficult. I don’t mean “Oh, man, I’d better reform my tactics, this encounter is tense!” difficult, I mean “Oh man, the mod really expects me to kill two grunts two rooms across with a crowbar?” difficult. This mod will make you double over in pain and will give inflated ego l337 tossers like me who beat the mod on Hard something to brag about. If you arn’t cheating, then you will be alternatively hitting F6 and F7 like a hyperactive four year old with a hammer. Fortunately, this mod refuses to give you particularly hard opponents, choosing instead to opt for Vortigaunts and small squads of grunts as opposed to Alien Grunts and helicopters, which lessens the daunting difficulty that comes with providing no HEV batteries and very few health kits.
In short, this mod is mediocre with, every once in awhile, a team of grunts happily introducing you to your own puddle of blood on the floor. If that’s your thing, by all means download this modification and have your way! Otherwise, you really should be playing Heart Of Evil.
All the above sums this mod up well with even Fluffy staying on the point and giving an accurate account, guess he will hate me for saying that. IF you are one of those unfortunate gamers having mental breakdowns due to trying to complete the ‘trap” then this will be a welcome relief. Yes it’s boxy, basic with large and questionable scale sets but at least it’s Half-Life with fun to be had. It’s also difficult in parts and you will need to cheat due to the fact the author does not give enough health. I enjoyed the mod finding it had a nice balance of gameplay if limited in content. So if you have been part-off due to the above comments I would say give it a go, there is not much around at the moment. However, you will need to cheat, I think I went God at least twice and noclip about three times.
first off all I recommand to play this one in easy mode, after it’s a basic release with average design and dispaointing ambush…this all to the building6 map where you fall into the building and die…the author tell that if you did you simply need to use god mod…i don’t understand that creators allow you to cheat to succeed…ok it’s is meaning but sadly I have look for tutorial add the console command and so on but I really cannot use the god mod so i’m stuck there and really get p… off if somebody could explain this to me or give me a ‘save” just after I can also send my save before
Assuming you have the console, quicksave your game, type “sv_cheats 1” and load another map for it to take effect, then reload your quicksave and enter “god” to turn godmode on or off.
I’ve emailed a quicksave, although that’s the last playable map.
For won users C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\hl.exe -dev -console (This works from a desk top shortcut and depends on HL version) some also work with C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\”hl.exe” -dev -console or something similar and again it must be done on a shortcut.
For steam it can be enabled just by selecting that game in the steam menu and selecting properties.Under launch options put in -console
Thats it.
thanks for the quicksave guilfarry
it was not really a spoiler since it was really close to the end I will try to make a review at spmapcorner for it
for all the tips according console I have try most of them but it didn’t succeed perhaps it’s simply because I need this line before “hl.exe -32bpp -gl -” if I don’t use this when I launch HL it tels me that my video card is not strong enough to use opengl this is since I use a 22-23′” TFT screen
I also try the run console but got the same problem
You know you can always add more parameters, right? I don’t think they exclude one another. It would be something like: “Path\hl.exe” -32bpp -gl -dev -console. Try it.
Ade I exactly try this so when you load the hl game you have a new link in the panel calling console then you click on it and type for example god en you ‘re in god mod that’s ok but when I first choose outwards mod and click on the console I get exactly to this quite black screen with hl symbol but cannot right anything I have no “]” where I just need to start typing something perhaps because i’m using classic HL with only patch
neverteless I finish it and don’t think I miss any important experience there
Then it might be, like in other posts, a problem with the key binding. Waiting for a full review of the mod
seems like I’m too stupid for this…
Im in that room that you cann see on picture 4, with the vents… and I cant find anything to do in there… what to do next? or is there a crowbar hidden somewhere nearby?
thanks to anyone who can help me!
No, there’s nothing in the room behind that door. You can climb on top of the square L-shaped vent in front of the door by taking advantage of its slight curve on one side. From there jump onto the roof, on the pipe, and in the window, which will break when you jump in it.
You’re welcome.
thanks gilfarry!
I’m right back to it!
I played it on hard, and finished it without great problems. Yes, you must be ready to hard game and save your progress wisely, with minimal possible loss of health – medkits are rare here. But this mod have it own original style, and challenge is a part of it.
there was one part where snarks drop into the vents… I died like 20 times there. And yep, there isn’t alot of health lying around so stay sharp.
Hmmm.. this one’s weird, the story is typical Gman-offers-Gordon-a-new-job one blabla but the mod itself is just odd. Sorry, but I didn’t had any fun as the balance and much more things (see below) are ruining it totally.
-Some nice mapping, textures, sounds etc.
-A few puzzles
-Some neat scripts
-Balancing, too hard cause of less health and many grunts (except the ones who are stupid or far away)
-Long walkways
-Quite many closed doors – find another way
-Some poor, basic leveldesign
-Horrible beginning
-Falling damage
-A few more flaws which I can’t remember, but there were more..
IMPORTANT EDIT: Clicked the wrong recommendation button, it’s NOT “think twice”, it should be “AVOID IT!”
Good small episode, not too much too say else
1 Hour
A lot of enemies and quite a challenge. After a few tries of surviving and desperately searching for any for of health, I decided to switch to God mode, so I could at least finish the mod.
The mod wasn’t too bad, but the amount of enemies and healing items surely is a fixing point.
Another old-school mappack with goals that are not always clear, especially in the beginning. Somewhat unbalanced but not impossible or frustrating to play, just difficult. The interior maps are better designed than the ones that takes place topside.
45 Minutes
Very bad map design with too many enemies without weapons at start. 0/10
Managed to beat on Hard after playing several times. But people are right, health sucks too much. I believe damage is increased in close range and with combination of low kits they created a tough to win atmosphere. It like you start a mod, have problems and then have to restart the mod again to be able to reach the same place with higher health and try to solve the situation with higher health. Maybe this is the purpose, not giving all that you need, but the just quantity. Since the mod isn’t too long, maybe they though on that.
30 Minutes