There doesn’t seem to be a background story but the situation seems clear. Enter a secret base/lab and kill everything you find. Not very original but still fun.
Basic Details
- Title: Operation Krautsalat
- File Name: hl1-sp-operation-krautsalat-1.1.7z
- Original File Name: operation_krautsalat_1_1.exe
- Size : 24.2Mb
- Author: Ragman
- Date Released: 22 September 2007
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Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers. The images are generally dark but that’s how the mod is.
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Like all Ragman’s levels this one is hard. I tried really hard not to cheat but in the end I had to. I got stuck and used a noclip. Beside that it has a great Nazi feel and the use of textures is very good. Gameplay was ok, even on easy I died many, many times. Definitely not one for players that like to walk around and shot the occasional enemy.
The double doors were annoying because you need to walk right in the middle or only one opens.
If anybody can tell me what to door after I have killed all the Alien Grunts.
I managed to find myself in an underwater tunnel that eventually leads to a room with no exit. Going back along the tunnel engages some sort of rock block that quickly killed me.
I had fun playing it, although having to cheat spoils it a bit. The frame rates in the main complex were very low and even worse with the flashlight on.
If you like a challenge and think you can provide the answer to my being stuck then I suggest you play it. Mere mortals like most readers (Myself included) should:
That’s enough for me to say Avoid It!
I prefer readers to post recommendation only AFTER they have played it. Perhaps you won’t suffer the same problems I did.
Try it and see what happens.
I have been told that the author used textures from Return to Castle Wolfentstein, which makes perfect sense.
The gameplay isn’t good, the monsters are placed badly, the second map have soldiers cliped trough each other, also you start only with a crowbar against soldiers and one sentry gun, very hard map. But the good point is, I consider more the way the mapper designed the map, a bit bare corridors, lacks of detail in some areas, but the second level is well designed, the textures looks very good in the maps, lightining is good too, needs more use of “trim’s” and things to separate materials from each other and such. Still a good option for someone who wants to see a good work on the design, but you may cheat counting on the gameplay.
I’m stuck like you phillip…and don’t know what to do?
I even went back to the developers page and downloaded the mod from there and reloaded it. Stuck same place?
Hello there!I’m glad to see my mod on this website and also to read your comments. But I wonder where you people get stuck in this very small level. 😀 The only thing I know is the elevator. If the elevator stops and you crouch on it, you get stuck in the brush.The central room seems to be the biggest problem, doesn’t it? You enter the room at the first door, two other doors are open. One leads to a platform with a console, the other to some higher path around the central cage. Go through one and find the console to open the small cages. 8 alien grunts step out and want to kill you. IMPORTANT: Do not attack or kill one of the grunts before the last has left his cage!! (The AI-Scripting has to be altered, I know) The last grunt’s AI unlocks the last door. After killing all 8 grunts, go ahead to the central control room and … Enter the central cage, jump down into the water and exit the water at the concrete room. That’s it for now! I’m working on the next maps. :-)Low frame rates? I didn’t have that problem. Maybe because the central map is too large, especially the mass of large textures. Yes it’s hard, but you can make it without any cheats. Yes, the textures are taken from Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Half-Life. The fact that doubledoors are annoying, ok. Maybe I change some of them. The brushwork isn’t absolutely finished yet. A story isn’t made yet, too, but will follow with the next maps.
Unfortunately I acutally don’t have much time for working on it, because studies (applied informatics) require most of it.
If new levels are finished, I’ll let you know first.:-) Hope you enjoyed the first 3 small maps. CYa
Nice to see the author here on PP. Thankyou for your imput I will download and play.
Definitely very hard.
You’re thrown into a huge room with two grunts and a sentry gun at the top, what a way to start. I understand the placement of the sandbags for enemy cover, but from a game design perspective, it makes it nearly impossible to nail those annoying grunts.
Honestly, playing through this mod without cheats requires you to be extremely-super-humanely cautious with an overemphasis on quick saving and loading, on easy.Later on, the enemies are grouped so closely together that they’re actually clipped within each other (leading to one usually dying, so I can’t really complain there =P).
And in response to the author, at least one group of the grunts in the cages was super-stuck or super-clumped, so I had to noclip my way through their death trigger.
Textures induce a very Wolfenstein-esque nostalgia (especially the swastikas haha).
Also, there is no ending, just a big room with a big door. It would be great if this mod was finished and properly balanced, but until then, I’d have to say
For those of you (i.e., me) without that sixth Half-Life sense, be ready to cheat.
lol awsome played it played it played it couldnt get past that room, because its over :{ still fun, hard but fun.
version 1.1 now available at http://www.ragmaps.com/mapdb/#hl1sp . please leave a comment, critics and good ideas welcome. :), cya.
1.1 is much better.The AI acctually works now and they come out of the cages.Also I see you added to the length.Good job.I still hate the amount of turrets in the garge section thou.
Instalation for 1.1-
Extract files
copy kraut.wad from your original install of this mod to the new folder.
Delete old mod folder.
restart steam (if using steam)
getting better so I say
Confused what is the new version 1:1 or 1:11
It is 1.1 You are probably misreading the 1.1 and 11.25Mb.
the new version works perfectly for me. I decided to play it on easy and I had a real good time general design is quite interesting and the section that was added really makes me hope there will be more… for 30 min of playtime it’s enjoyable enough to
Starts bad and you need to rename some .wad files to play this.
Ugh, I like the setting much cause of the RTCW textures (I also loved to play that game) and lots of action but this is like you’re thrown in a room to commit suicide, sorry
I usually play all mods on medium difficulty but surviving in here is like impossible, and I’m not the baddest FPS player, trust me.
So I had cheat god mode, but then was stuck after killing the titan in the middle cage, jumping down into the water where the next map should load and got a *.wad file error which I can’t solve, even after renaming the files. (I use a HRP HL1 version, looking like Steam, not sure lol)
The author’s page isn’t available anymore and I’m too lazy to google some fix / patch or instruction how to rename the files, whatever it was fun as long as it lasted.
I only wish the author would have made it easier, not starting like hopeless with only a crowbar against soldiers and sentry towers, at least there is a large weapon + ammo room later, true but still…
Balance is the magic word here, nonetheless it’s worth playing for skilled FPS gamers
-Atmosphere (Wolfenstein style)
-Challenging (if you don’t cheat)
-After a while, loads of weapons+ammonition
-Very hard beginning
-Annoying doors
-Mapcycle loading issue
So play it later