
for Half-Life

24th July 2007

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

This is a mod I presume is based on Nosferatu The Vampyre. It’s a partial conversion and has new weapons and enemies.


This mod has been made by a Czech team and the homepage is in Czech.

Basic Details
  • Title: Nosferatu
  • File Name: hl1-sp-nosferatu.7z
  • Original File Name: Nosferatu.exe
  • Size : 20.5Mb
  • Author: Nosferatu Team
  • Date Released: 24 July 2007
PlanetPhillip Download Servers


Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. All images taken from the homepage.

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Reader Recommendations
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11 recommendations, average score: 2 (out of 5), standard deviation: 1.64 (what's that?)
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Time Taken:
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Longest: 1 Hours by Big Bad Brad (-|-)
Total Time Played: 1 Hours
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  1. For those of you who try this the installer does NOT make its own Nosferatu folder but dumps all the files into your half-life folder.So to save yourself a headache make one.

    EDIT: On the second attempt it did make one.Very strange.

  2. fasteddie

    I’m stuck at the train station. I’ve used the key card to open the bridge over the tracks. Only one door opens into the restrooms. Now what? Thanks

  3. if you got the gun look for a flamable sign.

  4. bkadar

    ooooohhhhh cant wait, love my hl1 mods,thanks pp for the site i’m saving up to donate.

  5. Anonymous
    Avoid It!

    This one is BAD… I apologize to the czech team for having to receive this, but it deserves a bad review. Do not play this unless you are a masochist, especially without hearing the time-saving spoilers I’m going to give.

    *Spoilers a’plenty*

    First off, let’s assume the beginning of the mod as the most important part. You start off inside the room of either the most hardcore goth/punk/metal fan in existance with a boarded up window, a poster of a band, and a computer. Because you’re shrouded in darkness with vampire claws, you can only assume that you’re Nosferatu himself.

    Now if that sounds like a cool intro, let me say that you don’t start there. You start off reading. Reading what? I have no idea because it’s not in English. It would be really cool to have some sort of back story to explain why exactly all the vampires are dead when you start and why zombies and alien slaves from Black Mesa are out to kill you, but unless you can read Czech, you are completely out of luck in the beginning and already bored (To make this worse, there ARE parts in English which completely blows my mind why the insignificant stuff like credits can’t also be unread).

    THEN you find yourself in that awesome room I described, which isn’t that awesome. You can only break parts of the boarded up window, which for some reason gave me the impression that players actually gave up and tried to kill themselves with the sun to get out of this game. No luck for us. You’ll see a lot of these incomplete parts like areas that don’t completely break, work, etc.

    My biggest complaint about the first room, however, is that the computer explodes when you hit it, which is actually a funny aspect in Half-life mods in general, but this one takes your health down to 30 hp.

    Normal people would just reload the game again to get back to 100, but I didn’t. I wanted to see if the modders accounted for their own trap and left some medkits for my stupidity. I can honestly say that not only was there no nearby healthkit, but I was at no time able to bring myself back up to 100% in the game. Let THIS set the tone for how I felt about the rest of this map set.

    Let me also say that all the vampires are dead in this game, as well as all but one of the security guards. This ultimately kills off any allied interaction you would hope for, which also brings me to the first warning, DO NOT TRUST THE SCIENTISTS IN THIS MOD. Unlike normal Half-life, these scientists are out to kill you with syringes of death. To make it worse, they don’t just attack you like most baddies. You have to come up to them and ask them for health. They’ll say the generic “Don’t worry. I’m a doctor…” and then suddenly you’re dead. What the hell?

    But with that aside, it’s important to note that it’s not the difficulty of enemies that will kill you, it’s the environment itself. From the computers to electric tracks to collapsing bridges to even the most random explosions, the environment is out to get you. And even worse, you’ll be completely lost half the time.

    There are at least three spots where you will be absolutely stumped, as was I, and if you managed to figure them out, you’re a freaking genious.

    First off, there’s a part with the train track of death that will electricute you without mercy. The modders expect you to solve a puzzle to form a bridge over, but even better, you can just jump it.

    That’s not the hard part, the part right after is the hard part. The part with two doors. Most importantly, DO NOT GO IN THROUGH THE RIGHT DOOR. It won’t kill you in any way, but it’s very easy to get stuck because of overcomplicated geometry. I guarantee you’ll get stuck in the same place again and again. If your screen looks like image 16 of 18, you went the wrong way and should get out.

    You need to get in the left door, but how? Well, see that metal grate on the ceiling with pipes inside it? Shoot it, but don’t shoot just anywhere. Shoot it dead center. This is what took me an hour to figure out before going nuts and blasting at random. The puzzle seems really easy, but if you miss that dead center when shooting the grate, you will go insane from assuming that it’s useless to shoot.

    Second part is a laboratory with a helicopter hovering over it. I don’t even know what to do. As far as I’m concerned, neither the fence or the red laser beams go away, so your only option is to use tripmines to form a crude ladder, and climb over both obstacles. It may seem like cheating, but there’s just no other answer I can see.

    Third part and most horrifying is the graveyard with a large church nearby. Why? Because I don’t know what I actually did to get through that part. I just don’t know.All I can say is that there’s a ladder behind the church that has no purpose, there’s a large wood cross in the graveyard that is only partly breakable (which means you have to figure out which part) and that somehow magically activates a walking trigger in the graveyard that will let you continue. Good luck with that. You’re gonna need it with this map.

    But with those three annoyances aside, this mod will still make you feel like crap for playing because at the very end, all you get is a list of credits. There’s no cutscene or text to explain what happened. Just credits. Even worse, the game doesn’t end. You’re just trapped there, in the darkness of the fade out, reading credits.

    By all means for the sake of your sanity,

    Oh and by the way, if you wait for the end fade to stop, there is a red wiggly lazer beam that hurts you if you run into it. The whole purpose of this game was apparently to activate that lazer…

  6. Gypsy James
    Avoid It!

    Thank goodness for “Noclip” is all I can say, utterly disappointed with this one….

  7. vampire_goblin

    1. I am not from czech republic but from slovakia.
    2. walkthrough is in docs directory but it is in slovak language because I am not so good in english but there are some pictures how to do it…
    3.for english languange in game just overwrite titles with same named file which can be founded in docs/eng and there is also readme in english

    4. “Oh and by the way, if you wait for the end fade to stop, there is a red wiggly lazer beam that hurts you if you run into it. The whole purpose of this game was apparently to activate that lazer…”

    no the purpose of this game was to destroy just the stone with runes

    and btw: I didn’t done my mod without errors.the list of some errors is written in readme but just in slovak language

  8. vampire_goblin

    my first mod was worst holiday so you can compare it… I think nosferatu isn’t worse than worst holiday :-/

  9. Thankyou Vampire_goblin.I usually allways check the folders but this time I forgot.

  10. Mel
    Avoid It!

    Only played a part of this mod, just enough to know I dont want to play any more. Very rough and boxy mapping, lost interest afterabout 5 minutes of play.

    But someone out there will like it, I am sure.

  11. Mel

    Nice of the author to show up. Sorry I could not find something nice to say about your mod.
    Your English is much better then any bodies Slova on this site. 10 out of 10 for coming here and facing all up front.

    Good luck to you, although I did not like your mod, we are all pleased to have you here on PlanetPhillip.

  12. Maybe?

    After playing the slovak and english versions I still found this mod hard to play.I’m not a good jumper so going up trip mines is not cool for me.A lot of places you really had to think about what to do next.The church yard had me baffled for over an hour.The other thing I found anoying was the lack of ammo.There really wasn’t enough to finish properly.

    The mod has potential with some reworking.If you like a good challenge then

  13. bum
    Avoid It!

    well, … the shootout would be atleast regular if the mod was well built, but its not. As said there are many parts that are needed to noclip. Idid not go that far but I can say it;

  14. fasteddie

    Ok, I went up the ladder, got the crossbow. There’s a rock out there that moves, the chopper keeps spinning and blasting, what am I suppose to do? Frustrating to say the least. But I would like to finish it. I think?

  15. fasteddie
    Avoid It!

    Finally figured out those tripmines. Very tough puzzle. Only to start down the stairs and it starts loading, only for it to crash with this message. Mod load brush model, sprites enter 1 spr. has wrong version number(_1962819391 should be 30) What the heck does that mean? Is the author still around or how do you noclip?

  16. vampire_goblin

    hmmm… I don’t know nothing about this bug…
    and tripmines – I did these passages with tripmines because I think it is original…
    but now I understand that it wasn’t good idea 🙁

  17. monkey_555

    I think it may have had potential, and is certainly an interesting concept, but this is really not a very high quality mod. Not only was it difficult, but I had no idea of what the storyline was (an english version would have been nice!). I found myself using noclip on several different occations. Overall, the atmosphere really didnt suit my tastes, either. A different setting would have better suited a Nosferatu themed mod, like maybe Victorian era England or Romania. The maps were a bit blocky and buggy, but I have see worse. My advice would be to keep at it. My first map was god awful, but I progressed and got better. It takes practise to get good, and once you master the basics, then you can focus more on detail. Just make sure you make the gameplay smooth, and keep the bugs to a minimum. Good luck vampire_goblin on any future projects!

  18. well I am giving this mod a fair shot. trouble is it isn’t saving my quick saves. I got past the train track bridge and past the air duct. then went into a area with 4 doors. first on the right had some scientists. killed them but the guy behind the desk. when I jumped up thier I was stuck. couldn’t move. tried to reload from the quick and the game crashes.
    the only save that shows is when I stopped playing last night when I was in the tunnel with the ladder. any ideas?

  19. Maybe?

    I give up. if I move a bit in the game then die I am back in the pit by the light in the very beginning. I save hard and quick save but they all crash the game.
    good luck to those who venture to pay…

  20. vamp.

    im stuck at the very beginning. but I did find something cool. at the start of the game, go to the very bottom floor and there is a big cement wall by the elevator. start clawing at it and it should break after a long while. you can tell if its the right wall by listening for the different sound it makes as apposed to a wall that wont break. anyway break it and there is a cube of nice stuff(if your a guy). but im still stuck so now im bored.

  21. TheRipper

    So how do I get out of the vent, or whatever it, is in the beginning of the second map? The ladder is too short, I can’t get out. I can break the lid by jumping, but I can’t get out.

  22. TheRipper

    I noclipped out there, because I think it was just bad design, not a puzzle or something. Now I have the same problem as some other person here, my saved games crash. Time to give up
    I was going to put the ‘too buggy for my system button” here, but it isn’t available?

  23. Qinetix
    Think Twice

    eh is god

  24. Ade
    Avoid It!

    It’s hard at first, not because of some puzzles I thought I needed to solve, but because of two hard jumps. Not long, but hard. Hard to figure out what to jump on and hard to actually accomplish. That’s why I feel I need to give 2 spoilers/hints: 1. jump on the trash can’s lid; 2. where the ladder is broken, jump on that source of light. Also it felt really cool to be able to break things with my own hands, I felt strong!
    The metal grate wasn’t hard to figure out. I know, it seems easier when you already know the answer, BUT if you think about it, you usually shoot things in the middle AND I actually saw a black spot there that I aimed for.
    Now, despite what monkey_555 said, it IS set in Romania, it says in English (if you replaced the titles) “small city near Transylvania”, which is a region of Romania. Too bad the only connection I saw in the beginning was a picture of Vlad Tepes.On one side, it feels nice to know someone intended to set a mod in my country, also sad no Romanian did that. But mad because it’s another thing that says this country is all/just about vampires, which of course is far from the truth.
    About the rest of the game. The spray wasn’t working in the vent, I usually use it in mazes just in case I get stuck. Which I did, but was a motion stuck thinging; I said to myself, let’s give it another try, shall we? and ended up falling and dying. So don’t go left. Moving along, met some army forces and scientists, no interaction, no use for my weapon so far, except that grate and pipe. And got to the part where my quick saves crash the game and other savings are way at the beginning, therefore, useless. Too bad, it looks and sounds different and has some work put into it, I could tell from the beginning, with the story and the music.
    So that’s it for me, I’m rating it too buggy.

  25. rafar

    Personal’m stuck on the map show where various buzzed and a hanging and burning houses … kill the zombies and I entered the building .. but not out of this map!!…can someone give a clue?

  26. 2muchvideogames

    in this mod, weapon damage of both you and soldiers are beefed up (at 80 HP I got killed in one hit by a shotgun grunt) But the real problem, per the comments above, is that the puzzles are extremely non-intuitive. Kudos for the attempt at originality, but puzzles should at least have some kind of logic to it, right? Also I’d like to point out some poor choices in map design, such as scant health and no armor, inexplicably evil scientists, and the fact that when you teleport into the church graveyard, vorts on roofs take potshots at you. With barely any health and the malicious scientists, I’m not quite sure how one can survive in this mod.

    Of course it’s not all bad, what with custom content and everything. I assure you that I have seen much more pointless maps than this one. Anyone here remember 3rd505th and Interview part 1?

  27. Ben

    This is good mod, it seems you need to be pretty smart to beat it, cuz I got stuck on the last map, no hidden teleports, nothing, just the sun so you can kill yourself, nebody know how to beat the last level.

  28. Play It Now!

    Personally, I absolutely LOVE this mod! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not crazy or anything! Maybe?
    And yes, I DID need to manually ‘search engine’ this sh!t just to be able to progress through to the end of this mod so I could beat it 100% fair and square, since I HATE CHEATING!!
    I don’t know why this mod so cryptic! It kinda frustrated the first time around.
    Like, it is cryptic as HECK to know to shoot a black dot without any kind of motive in one level, and shoot a tombstone AFTER you did a bunch of other stuff in the next level. I understand that you gave us some hints outside the game, I respect you for doing so, otherwise it would take Mensa or some other CERN geniuses to get by those bombshell enigmas. No offense.
    Does it tie into the old 1922 film, cause I only watched half of it?
    I just know I keep on coming back to playing it! This mod is really badass and I recommend it since it tends to keep you on your toes and moving around looking where to go next!
    I’m actually playing this right now!!!

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