Nightmare House 2

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

28th August 2010

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Nightmare House 2 is a free, horror-themed first person shooter modification, and the direct successor of “Nightmare House”.

The story resumes with the player lost and confused in a hospital known as “Never Lose Hope”. With no understanding of how you came to be there, there’s only a vague memory of the mysterious, haunting girl from Nightmare House. Soon it will be difficult to determine between a dream and reality. How long will it take you to realize that escape is not an option?

Basic Details
  • Title: Nightmare House 2
  • File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-nightmare-house-2.7z
  • Size : 243.15MB
  • Author: We Create Stuff
  • Date Released: 22 August 2010

Download Options

Download to your HDD [243.1MB]

Installation Instructions
  • Copy the NH2 folder into your SourceMods folder.
  • Restart or start Steam.
  • Nightmare House 2 should now be listed in your Library tab.

If you require more help, please visit the Help page.

Easter Egss

The mod features extensive use of Easter Eggs and an unofficial list can be found on this Face Punch thread.

2010 Mod Of The Year Award Nominations

None (Alt mods are not part of the awards)

Panoramic View


Gameplay Teaser Video



Click on the thumbnails below to open a 800 pixel wide image and are taken from the mods’s homepage.

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Reader Recommendations
Avoid It!
Think Twice
Play It Later
Play It Now!

8 recommendations, average score: 4.75 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.44 (what's that?)
Total Downloads

Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010

  • 4,323
  • 0
  • 4
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  • 19
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  • 244
    365 days
Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 5 comment(s) with meta review data.

Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 5 Users

Time Taken:
Average: 3 Hours, 8 Mins
Shortest: 2 Hours by Daft8monk
Longest: 4 Hours, 30 Mins by DarkShift
Total Time Played: 15 Hours, 40 Mins
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Phillip says Play It!Personal FavouritePersonal FavouritePersonal FavouritePlay It Now!Maybe?Personal FavouritePersonal Favourite


  1. Phillip says Play It!

    I’m not a fan or horror mods, even great horror mods. This is a great horror mod, but I really didn’t like it.

    Normally it’s because I get scared and I did get scared with this one but my dislike comes from something else.

    I found it too repetitive. It was the same thing over and over. I only got to the middle of the third chapter and maybe things change after that but I didn’t have the desire to keep playing.

    Some off the effects are really great, but if you don’t like a particular genre then no matter how good a mod is, you probably won’t enjoy it.

    I’ve seen players say this is one of the best mods they have ever played and I am happy for Hen (the author) and his team, but the all I would say is that it’s a great horror mod.

    The basic idea of waking up in a hospital and having somebody on the radio guiding you is just too clichd for me, not matter how well done.

    The voice acting goes between okay and good, although the intro voice over is excellent. The script is mediocre, but that’s mostly to do with the setting.

    The models, textures and mapping is very good, I have no complaints here, as are the sounds effects and music – great job.

    The scary effects are well done, but not being somebody who players any other horror games, it’s hard to say if they stand out.

    The repetitive part was really the gameplay and style. Flashing lights, doors that lock while you perform some task in a room and then suddenly unlock are over used. Sure, the place is haunted and that’s a reason for the locking doors, but does it have to be so often?

    As mentioned in the main post, there are lots of Easter Eggs, but they seem to be too much out of context. Seeing a mini Mario on the floor is cheap, adding a little more detailed information about the background via some hidden room is better.

    That said, players seem to like that sort of thing but I feel it should be done properly.

    All in all, I highly recommend you play it, even if you don’t like horror mods, but don’t be afraid to stop playing if you don’t enjoy it.

    Don’t like peer pressure keep you playing in the hope that you will eventually get to something you enjoy. That style of mod should not be encouraged.

    Well done Hen and team, you have created something you should all be proud of.

    1. Hec

      Hey phillip, i’d like to ask you if you knew something about the nightmare house 1 MOD where can I download it?, I hear that you need to use the counter strike source game in order to play the first NH mod, anyway do you know something about NH 1??

      1. NH1 is include in NH2, it’s the Prologue, so you don’t need to download anything extra.

        1. Hec

          Oh ok, thanks phillip!!

    2. Toper

      Really? REALLLY?

      Repetitive? Nightmare House 2 is REPETITIVE? What about those other dozens of “‘Hall of fame'” mods where all you do is shoot some generic combines and zombies? NH2 is the only mod that does not feel like you are playing just another Half Life 2 mod. You are not Gordon Freeman, you are not fighting headcrabs and combines, you are not in HL universe! Every texture and model is unique! (The moving vents and walls was one of the coolest things Ive ever seen done in a mod)

      Complaining about how waking up in hospitale is cliche and…ugh. Maybe you should stop playing mods like they are THE REAL DEAL. Just enjoy for what they are. FREE.

      About the flashing light – the flashlight starts flashling like crazy when its low on thats not even part of the gameplay.
      And the doors often are locked&unlocked because 1) They are supposed to lead you to the next story area LATER 2) If you notice – the doors lock when there is a some sort of cinematic event. That is how they keep you from ruining the event. (Cmon, HL2 and bunch of other mods also do this. Only in NH2 its very noticable)

      It feels like you got mad at the mod for some reason (My guess would be that it scared you so hard from the start that you subconsciously developed some sort of hatred for the mod).

      I appreciate when a game can scare ME so thats why I love it so much and try to defend it. I couldnt stop playing it and finished it in 1 sittng (If someone would tell me that NH2 is repetitive – I would LAUGH). My MOTY so far for sure.

      (Oh my… WALL OF TEXT)

      1. Da Fat Cat

        There are some sections where the flashlight is still usable but it flickers a lot

        1. Yeah, but I was talking about the flashing lights in the corridors, not the flash light.

      2. Hec

        Just about the hospital topic, Korsakovia mod, another great horror mod, is also placed in a hospital-kind of mental institution and I think its concept was also inovative, anyway I would recommend korsakovia mod also, personaly I love horror mods tough they can scared me with the sounds I used to get out my head phones before I feel something bad its going to happen…..

        1. Hec

          Oh also mistake, mistake-1 are set in a hospital, and of course!!! the terrific Afraid of monsters and AoDc,, of rumpel are set in the “Markland Hospital”to be precise,, just looked at new rumppels mod cry of fear and it just look its going to b l o w our minds!!!!!, cant wait to play it

      3. I could not agree more with your statements Toper.
        Nightmare House 2 is by far the most well constructed and executed mod I have ever had the privilege of playing. Its use of sound, music and effects to projects scares and horror is unparalleled by any of the hundred or so mods I have played so far!
        Funny thing; I thought I hated horror mods but this one I love!
        So I say play it and have fun and horror in that weird house and weirder hospital………10/10, Personal Favourite, etc.

  2. Beez-one

    For starters, sorry for my poor English. 🙂
    Everything below is my personal “gamer opinion”.
    First of all this mod is constant rip-off. You could name exactly every game which is quoted there. F.E.A.R., Condemned, Silent Hill etc, etc. Have you played them through? If your answer is yes, well… you’ll be bored with direct quotes – in scares, I mean. Oh, did I mention they are repetitive?
    And second thing — the script. Personally I had a feeling it existed just to tie up the whole box of quotes. It could be way better and original.
    Overall 5 of 5 for level design and technical stuff, 3 of 5 for gameplay and script.

    P.S. Find good script writer and game designer and you could create a bomb, guys! Just don’t stop!
    P.P.S. Right now, horror fans should wait for Cry of Fear, upcoming mod from Rumpel, creator of Afraid of monsters DC.

    1. For starters, sorry for my poor English.

      You NEVER need to apologize for your level of English on Planetphillip. It’s much better than 99% of readers” Russian!

      It must be incredibly hard to create a truly original horror mod/book/film.

    2. MikeS

      It’s hardly a rip-off when the mod is free and no one benefits. I think you mean “homage’. 🙂

      1. Beez-one

        Whatever, you still got the point 🙂

    3. Hec

      Ohh Rumpel is doing another mod??? wow, I didn’t know that, lets see how its going to be…., sure it is a preview on mod db, isn’t it??

  3. This is a very well made mod. Technically, wow.
    The attention to detail is fantastic.

    It is repetitive in places but that does not detract.
    The end is very silly. A solid metal structure supposedly held up by thin wooden planks. Dear me.

    The gameplay experience is a matter of personal preference.

    Very many will thoroughly enjoy this and probably replay.
    For them it’s a PIN for sure

    Very many will not.
    For us HL2 warriors, it’s a ‘think Twice” or an “Avoid It’.

  4. Shadowmancer471

    I thought the good horror, the subtle stuff came AFTER where phillip got up to.
    Im talking about the [spoiler] shadow people, the SWAT guys turning into skeletons and the mannequins.[/spoiler]
    The mannequins in particular were excellent.

    I also liked [spoiler] The bit with the coridor that got smaller and smaller, then when it was as close as possible….you look up and she’s right above you[/spoiler]

    The spoiler tags never worked for me, lets hope they do this time.

    All in all, yeah the combat isn’t great, detail in some areas is sparse, but if you’re looking for a horror game, this is number one on the list.

  5. AI

    First of all I’m not going to “pick this apart” What’s the point?? I finished this up (with lots and lots of quicksaves) the other nite, this was only played with lights out, I have a backlit gamming keyboard so the “effect” was great!! The battle was just right for me, the not knowing where you are scenes that reminded me of the 60’s (hehe) The reference in the game to F.E.A.R and Silent Hill were great!! A nice touch was the author included “Nightmare House 1” that rolled into “Nightmare House 2”!! I love this type of mod/game, Nice and scary! All in all a personal favorite for me, and a must replay! But hey what do I know, I’m just an old man!! (64) 😉

  6. john

    looks great. I awoke after wrecking my truck, I find the house. but find nothing to break the celler door. any hints.

    1. AI

      Look fo an axe!!!

      1. john

        thanks I shall look for a axe. any hints on near where? I walked around in the woods and could not find a thing.

        1. Hint: there is only one other structure in the mod. Look inside.

          1. john

            thanks for the hint I shall see me another structure. will be playing in about an hour. wish me luck surviving the nightmare house II.
            the first mod was real good. the horror the horror. sorry. hehe.

            1. john

              man it was very hard to see the tool shed. I did find the axe and have made my way in to nightmare house II. this is going to be CREEPY to the max, looks like loads of fun.
              thanks to the developers.
              If I survive I shall post.
              if not I will haunt you. hehe. maybe even make it in to nightmare house III as a ghost.
              off to play….

          2. GreyStar

            The axe is missing in the shed.. what the hell!? 🙁
            Please help me

            1. Which version are you playing?

              1. GreyStar

                I’m playing the latest downloadable version.
                I’m not sure which version it is.. I just downloaded it yesterday at the NH2 mainpage.

                1. In that case, it’s possible they removed the axe from that shed. I know that’s not much help, but I just wanted to make you aware there are different versions.

                  1. GreyStar

                    Oh.. I see.. hm.
                    Goddamn, does that mean there’s no possibility to get in the house anyway?
                    I mean.. sure, I could skip the prologue, but that’s kinda.. lame.
                    I’d like to see what happens when I enter the house.. :/
                    But thanks for the info!

        2. andyb

          Turn up the brightness in the menu.Otherwise you may not see the other structure.

          As for the MOD I give it personal fave for horror mods.It was great.Only time I needed to make a save was the Boss ending as I didnt know how to kill it.Once I figured that out out it easy sailing.I played it in the afternoon and still had a few parts make me jump.





    1. cwook

      my horse is amazing

      1. andyb

        What is that?You cant do nothing with it so why make spoiler?

        1. Cyo

          Remove the _ after map.


          1. MikeS

            Ha! OK, that was the maddest thing I ever saw. Thanks for pointing it out.

          2. andyb

            Ok I thought that was what needed to be done but it didnt work.Just remembered I was not in NH2 when I tried it.DUH.I need some sleep lol

  8. Zekiran

    If I could give this mod 3 or 4 Personal Faves, I would. I actually think it IS the best mod of the year, bar none.

    The suspense and shock-value moments of this mod are way beyond what I’d expect out of a typical half life story, which is nice, because even if it’s not a “standard” mod designed around hl2, it’s utilizing the Source engine and many textures in unique and very clever ways.

    Had me leaping out of my seat several times, but always with the intent to get past whatever scare was there.

    The easter eggs are AMAZING and EVERYWHERE.

    All in all I’m kind of disappointed that folks don’t think more strongly about this being in the running for best mod here. I seriously doubt we’ll be seeing much better than this, from anyone, this year anyway.

    I’ve never played, and probably won’t be able to afford to play FEAR or STALKER or whatever else I’m missing .’s out of, though I did play Bioshock and the most scary bits in that were BLOWN AWAY by the same ideas in this mod for me.

    The technical genius that Hen shows in manipulating visuals, spaces and mood really deserve the kudos. He’s just the best, honest and for true… 🙂

  9. MarkSA

    The positives outweigh the negatives for this mod. It is well done and as good as some commercial games I have played.

    I have played F.E.A.R and it wasn’t as good as or atmospheric as this mod.

    Right now it is my favourite mod.

  10. Rog

    @planetphillip: I would strongly recommend finishing the rest of the mod.

    My only complaint was that it went on too long before the story started to progress and that’s around Chapter 5 or so. Even then, it’s on a curve but I think it’s well worth it.

    I’m only a moderate fan of horror games, mostly because most of the tricks don’t scare me. This one, well I think it works a lot better than most and is clever in so many places. Are the kinds of scares repetitive? I guess so and if I’d focused on that I’d have probably lost my suspension of disbelief too much. If that’s what happened for you, I could see where you ended up with it.

    Still, I think you may find the ending satisfying.

    This blew me away more than a hundred single-player Antion-centric maps ever could.

    1. I would strongly recommend finishing the rest of the mod.

      I want to and plan to try again tomorrow. Fingers crossed. perhaps I’ll love it when I get to the best parts.

  11. I played this mod a few days ago and have to say I thougt it excellent. It is properly thought out and well constructed, resulting in very entertaining gameplay. I found the ‘swat team” a refreshing addition to the game. For a change the ‘swat team” acually functioned and contributed something to the realism. I definitely would have made it a Personal Favourite. It still bowls me over that someone would put so much work into such a project and then give it away for free.

  12. This is a different kind of mod.

    It’s the kind of mod that makes you wonder “why aren’t these guys working at Valve?”

    I won’t even dare to talk about this game. It has EVERYTHING you would love. Scaryness, atmosphere, comedy, fun, puzzles, and it actually makes you think, not only get scared but think.

    Go download this mod. Its my PERSONAL FAVOURITE.

  13. CubicVirtuoso

    I see a lot of concerns about this mod and its originality… and to me I welcomed the cheeky play on AAA titles and AAA horror games like FEAR. Like I said on Podcast 17 this mod doesn’t take itself seriously in all the right areas… for example the ending battle – it was cliche and corny… just like every other horror mod.

    Sometimes I like to just sit down and play something I’m familiar with… I don’t always want anything too off the wall or too experimental. In the Half-life community when someone does a AAA rip-off… they usually come out bland or boring. I think NH2 did a great job keeping itself unique while still holding true to common gameplay mechanics.

    I’m a little shocked phillip that you thought this mod was so repetitive… I felt every chapter had it’s own theme and there was a nice ballance between the action chapters (with the SWAT) and the freak chapters (where the SWAT basically abandons you).

    I’m also a little disappointed that you labelled it an ALT mod thereby baring it from any nominations for this years awards, but I understand your restrictions.

    Either way – for me this mod was excellently produced – I was a little shocked by your review, but like you said… horror mods are not your genre.

  14. House

    I LOVED THE GAME! It Freaked me out everywhere I went! Such a super good Horror mod! I’d Say this game should be a OFFICIAL Game, Maybe should be a free mod at the STORE! This game is so fun! I suggest you should play it!

  15. Tobytoolbag

    Whilst I can see why Phillip would have made the decision to stick NH2 in Alt. Mods, it’s a great shame that this is not included in the running for Mod Of The Year, as it’s absolutely awesome. OK, so it’s not obviously set in the Half-Life universe crawling with Combine, antlions and headcrabs, but I only hope he relents in his policy decision to keep it out in the cold, because it’s right up there with Minerva: Metastasis, Mission Improbable, and Research And Development for its design, gameplay, and sheer inventiveness.

    Yes – sometimes it’s difficult to play because you’re heart’s thumping, and your entire being wants to quit playing and run away. It’s a natural “fight-or-flight” response, and one which the game authors (who really should be working for Valve or a movie studio) have designed the gameplay to generate – it’s a horror mod – Get over it!

    Yes, sometimes the effects are sometimes repetitive and over-done [spoiler](flickering corridor lights, doors locking whilst an effect takes place, torch refusing to stay on so you’ve got no idea where you are)[/spoiler], but some of the fresh ideas for creepy ideas to keep the adrenaline pumping easily outweigh the negatives.[spoiler]The mannequins and the missing SWAT guy, the SWAT team mysteriously transforming into skeletons whilst you’re in the vent and then back, and the ever-compressing corridor with Emily making a surprise appearance at the end, were just some of the ideas which, although they may have been done elsewhere, were new to me, and I loved them.[/spoiler] Full marks to the We Create Stuff team for being so imaginative in getting me to “wasn’t-expecting-that” jump clean off my seat at least a couple of times…

    I can only recommend you download this and stick it out ’til the end. as it’s worth it, and all of a sudden the general cut scene weirdness and terror will all make sense. Storytelling at its best.

    Personally, having had to play this mod in twenty-minute sessions (as I couldn’t take being creeped-out for much longer), I’m going to keep this top of my personal favourites list.

  16. I found this hard work all the way through,
    I don’t think there’s much, if any, horror in this. Just a bit startling in a few places.
    There’s far too much just walking around.
    The end felt as though the developer ran out of ideas.

  17. just got done and I am still quaking in my slippers. PLAY IT NOW. the final battle is very confusing but you will eventually figure it out.
    10 out of 10 for creepy
    10 out of 10 for scary
    10 out of 10 for “it’s going to make you jump”
    looking forward for the next installment in the series. thanks guy’s it was great!

  18. vancanucksfan

    Still working my way through it, but it is definitely a great mod and very scary. Very enjoyable.

  19. Yes, you should definitely finish playing this one Phillip. I’m not a big horror fan either but this one’s got some really good qualities. You probably quit before meeting up with your squad mates. Why doesn’t this have the rating system on it? On a scale of 1 to 5 I think I’d give it a 4 (play it now?).

    1. Yes, you should definitely finish playing this one Phillip. I’m not a big horror fan either but this one’s got some really good qualities. You probably quit before meeting up with your squad mates.

      I have. It got better, but I still didn’t enjoy it. The final battle was pretty good though.

      Why doesn’t this have the rating system on it? On a scale of 1 to 5 I think I’d give it a 4 (play it now?).

      Because it is an Alt Mod.

  20. bschou

    Fantastic! Loved almost every minute of this
    The pacing is great with a good mix of squad based fighting and corridor crawling.
    There were some issues I had with the mod however:
    Some of the tongue in cheek writing could have been left out as it takes you takes you out of the game in a bad way. Just my personal preference though.
    Also the story was so derivative I couldn’t really get into it(although even having a story is rare in mods these days so this is a minor quibble)

    The set pieces and script work are the real highlight of this mod. I was very rarely “scared” since I’m fairly jaded but there were so many moments in this map that had me grinning ear to ear with how clever and inventive they were [spoiler] The missing swat guy and mannequin scenes for example [/spoiler]. I could go on but any fan of fun inventive and extremely well produced mods need to download this now. This was obviously a labor of passion and love for the makers and it shows through in almost every aspect.

  21. Duke

    Well, I thought it was brilliant, played it yesterday in one go…took me a while to spot how to win the end battle…but good, really good. 🙂

  22. denizen50

    Well I liked it….
    * Play it now *

  23. PERSONAL FAVOURITE!!!! Hell, it was IMHO even better than F.E.A.R.!!! Action, scary moments, epic soundtrack, very good story…

    By far my MOTY!!! Too bad it’s an alt. mod :(((( , but seriously Phillip, if you consider THAT as an “alt. mod”, what about THEY HUNGER, Random Quest, …??
    For me, it’s the same!!! the same!!

    No set up in the HL Universe, but re-appropriations of some elements (here, the zombies, they are basically the same, or different models used…), but overall, it should be, IMHO again, in the list.

    1. There are also NUMEROUS easter eggs, many laughables, which are easly foundable on YouTube, I let you check it out 🙂 (and yes, there is in fact more more than the ‘map this_is_not_an_easter_egg” ^^ ).

  24. MrHappy

    Honestly I have to say that this mod was a HUGE letdown. NH1 is one of my favorite mods of all time, it is one of very very few that I have replayed SEVERAL times. NH1 truly scared the everliving crap out of me and had a few puzzlish parts that confused me. NH2 seems like a big-budget Uwe Bolls capitalization on the success of the first. The mod is completely transformed from a horror adventure to an action-FPS. It is no longer scary, only a small few moments made me jump. The idea for the setting was good and the level design clean but the implementation poor: it lacked atmosphere I felt. That type of location should do very well for horror but it felt so safe!

    Last but not least was the ending, it was interesting, story wise, but there was sort of this massive explosion of story that should have weaved more through the mod. Everything was explained all at once, and had that quality that bad sci-fi has where the writers attempt to squeeze fifteen paragraphs of information into a few sentences. Not to mention the voice acting at the end was goofy, as was the contraption. The whole ending had a feeling of disjointed sillyness to it, it was as different from the rest of NH2 as NH2 was different from NH1. Plus the game mechanic was a bit confusing and had frustrating quirks that made if very difficult at times. I died dozens of times trying to beat it.

    All that said the mod is well made and stands better on it’s own. If it was not the sequel to NH and I did not know it was made by the same person/team I would have enjoyed it more. The first Nightmare House was a MASTERPIECE, but this, this is average.

  25. For me this is definitely my PERSONAL FAVORITE AND MOTY. Played it in the dark with headphone sound up scared me at every turn. I have absolutely no negatives to say about this, It for me was EPIC.

    I cant begin to say enough to the team that put this together, as some have said and I agree its a Masterpiece. Thank You Hen and the – We Create Stuff Team – for a most enjoyable Mod. This one will be tucked away for a definite replay value. Time for an Easter Egg Hunt.

  26. I wonder why we cannot do recomendations for this mod. 🙁

    1. Because it’s part of the ALT mods category and therefore not part of the Recommendation Image system. This post will be removed in a few days anyway, as it’s being moved to my new website.

  27. Nightmare House 2 is seven chapters of excellence with a prologue! And if you visit the website, enough extras to make your head spin. Love that secret room of the mannequins!
    Back to that house of nightmares, well zombies and unseen horrors thanks to the brilliant auto scare system, scared my A.S.S. of a few times! Such well-done apparition cameo scenes add to the horrific fun with expertly executed sound cues! Nearly fell off my chair! Had the volume up a tad too far.
    Rebirth: Exposure: Maintenance:
    These three chapters see you traipsing around the worst kind of hospital. “Never Loose Hope Hospital” is a nightmare of blood, gore and so many things that go bump in the dark!
    Sound is so key here. What with the whispers in one ear or the other, ghostly advise given in reverse and that static hiss coming from the monitors making your skin crawl. Its frankly, quite spooky!
    The female announcer is an absolute joy of droll humour and the odd helpful bits of advise.
    Spookiest scares are by far the peopless shadows and the bizarre mannequins. Something very creepy about things that move when you’re not looking at them!
    Operation: Dead Signal: Evac:
    Now these chapters provide you with help from the military and big guns! Oh, they seem to bring with them a lot more creepy horrors requiring great amounts of ammo! Who’d have thought bringing the military in would make things worse!
    Well there’s fun in the pitch black, he said sarcastically, where flares and quick saves are needed, along with a quick trip to “You Tube” to find a hint or two. I don’t mind the dark if I have a torch!
    Then there’s fire and running, weirdness, then waking up to see those friendly gas masks. it’s an evac, so why do I have to lead!
    Time to sort out the walkers, no not the imperial kind, the morbidly dead kind!
    You get to the helipad and its all roses until there’s running and smoke and flames and the final chapter.
    You are given the choice of a swift exit, ha ha! Or the chance to meet a crazy genius’s masterpiece of technology and somehow derive a more satisfactory ending for yourself. A good end?
    This is now my favourite mod ever, having played it through numerous times and had a blast each time. And played the extra maps from the website too. Some of which would have fitted into the mod perfectly, especially the mannequin room. But they are much appreciated as extras!
    This is well created stuff!

    The only negative comment I have is with the two times I had a very tardy soldier and the door-opening scene didn’t kick in. I ” noclipped” into a vent the first time and the other, after checking a walkthrough, I managed to return to find him stuck in a room between a cupboard and the doorframe wall! It took a lot to get him to shift his arse so he could die and I get my door opened!
    So 10/10 and a PERSONNAL FAVOURITE!

  28. Personal Favourite

    At last I can give this mod what it deserves!

  29. Hec
    Personal Favourite

    Thanks to Phillip’s mod gaming matrix statistics, i’m here!! why the heck I haven’t reviewed on this one??, well I really don’t know, but for sure this is a fantastic great CLASSIC survival superb horror mod u have to play!

    Great story, great mapping and especially models in there!!, I just loved the new weaponery, and the mod has some extreme scary parts I love!

    No more details, I mean u have to play this and just see for yourself!!

  30. Personal Favourite

    The best HL2 horror mod so far, a total conversion, which we could call “F.E.A.R. Source”, with custom enemies, random scary events, nice story, some funny scenes, epic moments…

    This is genius-level modding.

    1. by, “custom enemies” do you mean the game has completely new npcs? not just reskinned default HL2 npc’s?
      cause i’m seeing some console messages like:

      Unknown command “sk_nh_zombie_health”
      Unknown command “sk_nh_guard_health”
      Unknown command “sk_nh_demon_health”
      Unknown command “sk_nh_creeper_health”
      Precache called on a point_template that has no templates: firstzombie_door_phy_maker
      Precache called on a point_template that has no templates: ct_zombie_maker
      Precache called on a point_template that has no templates: zombies_fuse_maker
      Precache called on a point_template that has no templates: window_zombie_maker

      which makes me think that there’s something that should be there, but isn’t

      and yes, i’m playing this in Episode 2, not Source SDK, because Source SDK is Windows Only….and i don’t do Windows, EVER

      1. OJJ

        It’s because steampipe broke all mods pre-2013, here’s the official version that still works;
        Needs SDK 2013

  31. Alex_Kill

    Horror! wow and wow!

  32. Jürgen Hanfler

    Wenn ich Nightmare House starte,
    folgt eine Ladebalken und dann stürzt das Spiel ab.
    Half Life 2.exe reagiert nicht mehr und steam support aantwortet nicht.
    Gruß Jürgen.

  33. Play It Now!

    Nightmare House 2 doesn’t age that well, but it is still a good Source experience you can try.

    The story is decent, despite the fact that it is filled with oh-so-many horror clichés. We have an abandoned house, a hospital, undead zombies, ghost girl, etc. I would also say that it also feels like the story is almost identical to F.E.A.R. In a sense, a B-rated movie plot.

    In terms of gameplay, Nightmare House 2 doesn’t change the gameplay from Half-Life 2 that much. But you have to hold RMB to make crosshair appear now? Although, you have an ax instead of a crowbar. It swings slow and kind of made breaking planks and crates a bit awkwardly slow too. You will face zombies, and only zombies, for the entire game. I loathe the armored zombies, good god they ate all of my revolver ammo.

    Why am I still recommending this? That is because the mod cleverly uses the Source engine to create hallucination moments and scares. The results are very impressive. It’s not a good horror mod, but it’s still worth a try.

  34. Maybe?

    Not my cup of tea. Looks great though.

  35. This was one of the first Half Life 2 Episode two horror mods I played a long time ago. I had not played horror games like this, and didn’t even know this “inspired” by F.E.A.R. One could say this was indeed a ripoff of F.E.A.R., but I like it anyways; nearly 2 hours of highly atmospheric horror and although I usually hate jump scares, I liked them in this because of the way they were scripted. The most memorable moment for me was going through vent and seeing your companions… well, I won’t spoil it even if I’m a decade late to write this.
    I thought the story was interesting with nice twists, but today they might seem predictable for new players, maybe. Still, this will leave an impact, even if it’s not original. Watch out for easter eggs, they are fun, especially that lady on the mic.

  36. Personal Favourite

    This is the best hl2 horror mod ever.

    Everything is stunningly good in this mod.

    It’s beginner friendly
    Puzzle aren’t overall difficult.

    Combat in this mod is very simple as well.

    The boss fight was memorable as well, it has amazing soundtracks.

    Play it you won’t be disappointed!

  37. Personal Favourite

    Very good horror mod

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