You are Gordon in a parallel world and the city is under attack from unknown enemies.
You have to find out a way to stop the invasion by traveling into their world and correcting the “mistake.”
You’ll experience unique single player experience spanning 3 chapters, 10 maps.
This file below contains the latest version of the mod AND the Malorite Source SDK 2013 patch. Full isntalation instruction are in the MOP folder.
- Title: Mistake of Pythagoras
- File Name: hl2-sp-mistake-of-pythagoras-sdk-2013-patched.7z
- Size : 48.10MB
- Author: Koumei satou
- Date Released: 17 February 2006
Download to your HDD [48.10MB]
You can still use it with Gauge once you have downloaded it.
This mod contains fixes most issues related to engine branch incompatibility and is designed to run using the latest “Beta” of Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer.
The patch which has been incorporated into the file was created by Marc-Antoine Lortie AKA malortie and Koneko created the RTSL file with the patch incorporated.
More detailed installation instructions are included in the file, in a file called “README_fix.txt”
Ensure that you have Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer installed and configured to use the latest beta, “incoming”.
If not set it:
- Right-click on Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer.
- Go to the “Betas” tab.
- Change “Select the beta you would opt into” option to “incoming”.
- (Optionally restart Steam).
Next verify the integrity of game cache for Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer.
- Right-click on Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer.
- Go to the “Local Files” tab.
- Click “Verify Integrity of Tool cache…”
- Wait until game cache inspection is completed.
- Optionally launch Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer to update game data files).
Continue with the instructions below.
- Copy the MOP folder into your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Mistake Of Pythagoras should now be listed in your Library tab.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image.
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Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010
9Last 7 days
16Last 30 days
411365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 7 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 1 Hours, 32 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by Repus
Longest: 3 Hours by Diclonius Limeony
Total Time Played: 10 Hours, 45 Mins
If you believe this release is missing important tags, please suggest them in a comment?

I am currently stumbling my way through this mess for the second time. It really makes no sense to me, which is too bad as he is an excellent mapper.
It’s hardly a “mess”. Perhaps something simpler would appeal to you. Try one of the garden-variety mods instead, they are plentiful.
I mean it’s called Mistake Of Pythagoras. From the name you expect something weird. And you say he’s an execellent mapper? Maybe he’s trying something new.
Some brilliant ideas have been icorporated into this mod, giving a unique feel to it. Large tracts of it didn’t feel like I was playing HL2. Indeed, there was one section, a puzzle with a rolling block and two keys, when I was reminded of the old Freescape games on my Amiga – it had that kind of vibe.
Highly recommended if you fancy somthing unusual. A word of caution though. This mod is quite buggy, and the author has not addressed the problems. It’s been out awhile so I can’t see the problems being rectified any day soon.
This is a rarity for me in that I was very happy to finish it and put it behind me. If I had not used cheats extensively, I would have gone nuttier than I am. My bad.
Somewhat the same reaction as the other posters.
I must think differently than the mod maker, or this mod was purposely made as an exercise in frustration, not fun after a while. And the “after a while” came soon for me. I quit at the rolling block and two keys. Yes visually its very well done and obviously much work went into it.
If this has been out for some time, is there a walkthrough in English anywhere?
There’s no normal walkthrough but the author has posted two types of help: Hint and Spoil (sic).
Both can be found on his website.
Thank Phillip, that got me much further along and past the teleport sequence, at which point I gave up out of growing dislike for the whole thing. To me, the mod repesents a sad waste of good mapping talents.
Excellent map, tho the hints/spoils in places weren’t very helpful. I enjoyed it very much, especially the soundtrack. I hope he does more mods/sp levels.
This game is not related to the story of the Half-life2. Something goes mad because the human race failed in the experiment, and it connects with another world. The resident in the other world is crazy due to the mistake. We should restore the situation. Very exciting and interesting gameplay with a very good introduction which makes you start wondering what the hell is going on. Throughout the whole modification is a lot of action and some interesting puzzles. There are also some very tension building cut scenes and other interesting elements I don’t wish to spoil. This modification uses some very good ideas throughout making this one stand out from the other modifications. When you get closer to the end though, you get some interesting power which is both fun and hilarious to use, ever wanted to fling trains across a map? I’ll leave it at that.
Some very interesting locations are made within this modification and a lot of good ideas and well designed buildings, but sometimes they can feel a bit flat or average with some rooms being empty and basic texturing. But that doesn’t make the modification bad because of all the great ideas and structures make up for it, especially in the other world. I also found the numbers dropping from the sky quite scary as well, because it’s not normal!
Interesting modification with great ideas and a lot of good action and cut scenes.
Weird, but good, 7.5/10
Some interesting ideas; maps and music very good. Unfortunately, the game is buggy (try the patch) and some locations are under-utilized, frustratingly difficult and/or a little monotous. Had the potential to be something special. 6/10
After two really atmospheric releases for HL (sweet half-life and piece like us) Koumei is back with a new hl2 release in a kind of same style altenating tremandous puzzle design with effect and interesting architecture, all being added by custom sound music and textures. Gameplay could look wierd (through understanding puzzle and a lack of cohesive storyline between episode) but certainly show us something different for HL2. It’s a quite enjoyable experience that has in several places an interesting design and layout. Worth the effort to understand the puzzles…at your own risk
When writing a walkthrough it is difficult to know quite how much to give away. The original pages for my walkthrough has some films included and they will not provide many clue’s either. I simply love KS’s mods, and it is a shame if people give up because the game seems too wacky. So, a bit more than just a hint is required sometimes.
BTW, If anyone is really stuck on this mod or is pulling out their hair trying to solve the puzzle (yellow dog and blue cat or some such!) just google me, my email is all over the net, and write to me. My last film has a clue..
And finally, finally Philip…I like the lay out of the walkthough…but really, my name should be included. I forgive you for referering to me as a “he” as everyone knows that women never play Half-Life, LOL!
I’m confused! (Happens a lot at my age)
After receiving permission from you to post your walkthroughs here on PlanetPhillip I am embarrassed to say I have done nothing.
The only reference I could find to gender was
This seems correct since the author is male.
Sorry if I have misunderstood and please feel free to be specific.
I really enjoyed this mod. The atmosphere was awesome & the music plays right along with it. I enjoyed the “unique” style in which it was developed and felt like I had been taken out of the HL element for a change. I enjoyed the puzzles that were set about & some of the action was a bit insane but well worth the time to play. Kudos.
This is utterly brilliant.
I wish I could come up with stuff this good and imaginative…
The entire mod is reminiscent of his “Peaces Like Us” mod for the original half-life; I was especially reminded of the “anotherworld” chapter from that mod.
At the moment, I’m stuck in a room with a large saucer that is spawning poison headcrabs and zombies en masse, and I’m not too sure how to proceed.
Thr best way is to “Quake it” 🙂 ie RUN!!! You need to shoot the red lights under the flying thing. When they are all gone, the saucer will crash.
Hope that helps.
Oh wow… I’ve just finished this mod for the third time, and I’ve just now realized how deep it is. It even has a sad ending! See if you can spot why…
The cherry trees at the end…?
No, I don’t understand why it is sad, but I agree, it does seem sad. Can you explain what you see and why you understand it to be sad? I’m fascinated now, what did I miss!
This mod is awsome and freaky at the same time. Numbers falling from the sky???
The combine on your side???
This is like starwars all twisted up!
I am really enjoying this mod and all the interesting scripting. Everything that happens is very unexpected and makes you want to play more just to see what happens next.
I havn’t finished it yet, so I don’t know the full story, but man, I am impressed!
If you pay close attention in the “Twisted Space” section, you’ll see that there are two warring factions of “Pythagoreons:” Black and White. You’ll notice that the black ones are winning out, and that the architecture of the level is turning slowly from white to black. You can even watch it happening in some places. Now, remember the spot where you get line-of-sight psychokinesis? It was the big, white boss-ship that was laying there that gave it to you… it teleported you out to a white space, and a white saucer came and bestowed the psychokinesis on you. In the final boss battle, you take out the black boss-ship. When you go to the final puzzle, you’ll notice that the area around the square is riddled with black spots, and when you’ve corrected the mistake… all of the black spots dissapear. Then you teleport back to earth, where the white boss-ship teleports in a few moments later, presumably to thank the Earthlings and to share the secrets of their race in a long and fruitful alliance (that is KS’s style after all). But sadly, the earthlings mistake it for the black ship and shoot it down… so Gordon erects a memorial in its honor.
I’m going to sound like such a dork saying this, but I found the whole affair very touching.
This is the first mod for Half-Life 2 from Koumei Satou (KS). He’s the author of excellent Half-Life mods Peaces Like Us and Sweet Half-Life. If you’ve played either of those then you’ll be better prepared for Mistake Of Pythagoras (MoP) as they have similar quirky styles.
It opens with a short title sequence and then you find yourself in a small apartment where you receive a brief message from Dr Kleiner. When you’re free to move about, take a look out of the window and you’ll get a quick taste of what the author has in store for you.
The first time I ever played this mod I found the opening map a little confusing and spent ages walking around trying to figure out where to go but once I’d passed this small hurdle it became a bit more obvious. The second map is where the real action starts but you’ll have to hang around for a while before you can get hold of a weapon. Things soon start to get weird with strange craft flying through the air and enormous experiments going wrong.
The architecture that is featured in the next few set pieces is outstanding. It’s based on the work of French architect Claude Nicolas Ledoux and it’s obvious that KS has put a lot of time and effort into research. I don’t mean to imply that the rest of the design is anything other than first class but the two large white buildings are in a league of their own. He’s also created some elaborate machinery that wouldn’t be out of place back in the 19th century. With spinning wheels and spot on sound effects it’s a joy to watch. The contraption looks and feels like it might actually work!
KS has chosen some unique pieces of music. If you heard them on their own you’d struggle to see how they could possibly work in a Half-Life 2 mod. Yet somehow they do work perfectly and add another layer of depth to an already atmospheric mod.
At times the mapping doesn’t seem to fit with any of the Half-Life universe that we’ve seen before and sometimes it even feels like it’s grand and elaborate just for the sake of being grand and elaborate. To me, however, that’s part of the charm of this mod – it offers some totally unique locations to explore and marvel at.
The puzzles range from figuring out how to get up a wall that’s too high for a duck-jump to fitting shapes into the correct slot. There isn’t anything ground breaking but KS offers us a new take on these tried and tested themes and they’re always stylishly done.
Eventually you’ll lose all your physical weapons but that doesn’t stop the killing. If anything it gets more extreme! I won’t spoil it for those that haven’t played MoP yet but I’ve never seen this done in any other mod and I’ve played a lot of mods!
I haven’t said much about the storyline; the various enemies you’ll encounter or any of the action sequences but this is deliberate. I believe this mod to be so different from any other out there that it should be experienced first hand with as little prior knowledge as possible.
– Beautiful architecture and machinery
– New enemies
– Unconventional
– The way forward is sometimes far from obvious
– Difficult in places
– Sequences don’t always trigger
This mod seems to divide players with some despising it and others singing its praises.
The gameplay is often uneven and the puzzles can be quite confusing, but what really lifts this mod way above the norm is the stunning architecture and mapping. It’s worth playing for this alone.
If you’ve never played it before I highly recommend trying it and if you’re one of the many who couldn’t get into it the first time then I urge you to give it another go.
My Recommendation:
I just love those gameplay videos by Joats.
I thoroughly enjoyed playing thru this add-on the 1st couple of times, but I went back to it a few days ago and got to a spot (just after jumping up to the ledge mentioned in the review above) where if I tried to advance, the game would crash to my desktop. I tried everything, including re-installing it, but nothing helped.
Have Valve made some code changes that make this add-on no longer playable? If so, I hope the author will bring out a patch….this add-on is too good to delete from my hard-drive.
So, my rating now is
Never mind….I found that patch 1c fixes this bug (previous saves don’t work smoothly after this patch is installed). Now my recommendation is
I haven’t finished this mod yet, but have enjoyed it so far, and wanted to put in a good word for it.
The mod shows creativity, and quite a bit of length. It’s kept me busy for a few hours, and I’m not done yet.
There are variations on half-life that I’ve never seen before. I’d list them, but don’t want to spoil the surprises.
Yes, the mod is confusing in places: what’s the story line? where do I go next? And sometimes a puzzle solution seems unguessable from the context (I was supposed to *pull* that??). Yes, you can occasionally get stuck. But there is a walkthrough available, and workarounds for being stuck. If you’re up for some interesting and experimental gameplay, this mod is definitely worth a look.
There is plenty of attention to detail, and the kind of new perspective on the half-life world that you might expect from another culture.
If you need a mod with polish, clarity of purpose, and game balance, this one may not be for you. But if you can take it as it comes, and enjoy mysterious new situations, Mistake of Pythagoras is worth your time.
I thoroughly enjoyed playing this mod. Certainly the architecture sets it apart from all the other mods I’ve seen thus far, and from HL2-2, as well. There were two other aspects of this mod that added a level of play that I have not experienced: 1. Pythagoras — I kept reaching back into my distant educational past trying to recall the theories of Pythagoras, the Pythagorean Triangle, the significance of Pythagoras himself — I refused to stop play to research these things, but will do so after I write this praise. Requiring the player to ponder Pythagoras added to the perceived depth and sense of mystery for me — the author conjured our shared history into the game-play. 2. This was a mod in which I felt connected to other characters — the interaction was at least as good as HL2-2 — throughout the play I came to feel that I’d connect again with Barnie and/or Alyx. I have felt very lonely in even the mods I have truly liked: Offshore, MINERVA, Coastline to Atmosphere, and Riot Act.
I have not played all available mods — but, Mistake of Pythagoras – Half-Life 2 is very very cool, and is now in my top five.
Anyone know how to get to the bonus level? The Web address (supplied at the end of the game when youv’e doen the number+colour puzzle) doesn’t work!
The guy doing the video walkthrough (on this site) says he managed to find the corrected address, but doesn’t tell you where or what it is. Help please.
Still replaying this mod even after owning it for years… I’ll just leave this here.
On Part 7 with the at the ramp puzzle, I used that white circle to get past that. I just jumped on it, hit it with the Grav-gun and used the bounce height to assist my jump. Call it resourcefulness or just not seeing those other pieces there. Anyway, just wanted to see how to get past that headcrap-dropping part.
I had cast this mod aside a while back when I got stuck trying to find the gravity gun. I started again from scratch today, and experienced the most bizarre, innovative mod that has ever been made. It’s just that mindbending. Ignore the things you don’t understand, and try to soldier on — just like in real life. 🙂
The bonus map is Ledoux at night time, has anyone else played it and worked out what one is supposed to do?
I get to the top floor, kill the vortigaunts, the black triangle thing arrives, I shoot it, it tips up, I try (because there doesn’t seem anything else to do) to jump into it and fall to my death.
Hmm, what am I missing?
Played this mod a number of years ago. Did at least four run-throughs and loved it every time. Has some very good atmosphere, puzzles, and music. I thinks its one of those mods that everyone has to play at one point or another.
short words:
great mod, freaking crazy ideas, nice gameplay
would be favourite if stupid Alyx wouldn’t always run into the rotors of the boss and the part with the physic powers which are reacting too slow.
Oh, and crazy nice little city at the beginning.
Where’s the file? Filecloud servers aren’t responding and there’s no other link?
Great mod! Although no character said anything about the Combine and the human race teaming up. Is this the events after HL2: EP3?
Wow, just wow. A great combination of great map’s, epic battles with awesome enemies never seen before, some new gameplay using the Havok to his best (this should have been made more times after this mod!! Giant battles using everything like in a blockbuster super hero movie!), the music is also great, there are multiple action-puzzles scenes, surely you won’t be disappointed by this mod!!!
The download link does not work anymore 🙁
Love it!
I’ll probably play it again soon. This guy certainly knows how to make a mod which is memorable and doesnt rely on simply re-arranging the same things, in an unimaginative way, just for the sake of a ‘mod’.
This is what a MOD is all about, a very different approach to the same basic materials.
Well done!
The mod is broken i cannot enter the game
It’s very rare that a mod like this really jumps out at me as being something I really love, but it’s practically everything I could want in a mod. Engrossing atmosphere, clever use of storytelling and the environment to create a surreal but believable world, and the musical score…my goodness, the SCORE! The creator of the mod, Koumei Satou, made the music entirely by himself and it is captivating and in many cases, exhilarating such as the incredible moment when you gain telekinetic powers and start killing the invaders by just looking at them, lifting trains and tanks into the sky, pulling computer monitors off the wall; all this while an immensely heartpounding music track reminiscent of The Matrix begins to build and build…it’s truly something else. In addition, the alternative universe idea of having the Combine and Humans be allies was a very cool idea, and I hope more mods continue to do this. All this from a mod from 2005! My only two complaints is that the AI path-finding can be pretty bad and at the beginning of the chapter ‘Twisted Space’, if you’re not careful, you’ll be killed quickly from the sheer amount of enemies and the fact that you can’t really see them as they are transparent (for plot reasons); this, I felt was a bit unfair. Apart from that though, this mod is an absolute must-play. If you haven’t played Mistake Of Pythagoras, you owe it to yourself to play it (just be prepared as it can be a bit weird).
1 Hour
This release has now been updated to work with the Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer engine.
Full details have been added to the post and in the new download.
You can see all the other releases that have been update via the TAG: SDK2013 Updated. Remember, releases get updated regularly, so check back often.
Fun mod with some interesting mechanics, although I encountered a bug where I played through an entire map without triggering an event, and had to consult a walk through at a few points.
1 Hour
A bit of a mixed bag for me.
I really liked the use of abstraction in this mod, really makes it stand out among others. This is also supported by some great geometry- and brushwork.
Apart from that, the visuals were underwhelming, but that’s to be expected considering when it was made.
My main issue with this mod is the lack of clarity at times; sometimes I walked around for about 5-10 minutes not knowing what to do, only for the way forward to be almost hidden or very unclear.
There are also some issues that prevent a smooth experience. For me, the NPC’s didn’t appear after the sequence where a ship was shot down by rebels, and I didn’t know that they were supposed to be there, so I walked to the next area and I found it to be way too difficult, because of course I didn’t have a squad with me. When I eventually got stuck I looked up a playthrough and saw those NPC’s there after the sequence, and I had to play the entire map over again, which was quite frustrating.
Some of the design choices are also questionable. The enemies in this game (the Combine ones atleast) are recognizable because they’re transparent (you can see through them). This is a good choice, but it makes a later section, which takes place at night and is therefore a bit dark, really frustrating because you can barely see the Soldiers.
Sometimes this mod also think it’s Serious Sam or something because it just throws dozens of enemies at you, there was one section where there were about 50 or so fast headcrabs walking around.
Overall, I suggest you consider whether you want to play this; it’s worth playing if you want to see some interesting ideas and concepts, but you’ll be let down if you’re gonna play this for the visuals and gameplay.
2 Hours
Well, there’s not much to write about this “masterpiece”. Very poor level design (despite the other comments from (apparently) primitive design fans) – squarish rooms, narrow corridors, awkward textures, locations are not detailed.
The gameplay seems out of place, time and sense. After playing for about half an hour and seeing another outer space “mechanisms” I decided it was enough. Maybe in next life, when I’m born in Japan, I might somehow understand all this, but not this time.
30 Minutes
Mistake of Pythagoras
Definitely an experience, I enjoyed it throughout.
There were a few technical errors that I ran into, such as phasing through a ladder gate breaking the scripting up ahead.
But, the minor errors are far outweighed by the unique style of the mod.
1 Hour, 15 Minutes
Mistake of Pythagoras is an utterly fascinating mod that is definitely worth your time if you can stomach its more surreal aspects. I will be putting the rest of this review in spoiler tags, as I recommend you go in completely blind, like I did.
As a fan of more surreal games, I absolutely loved this mod. While it is not as abstract as some other mods, it certainly gets weird, but it has a sense of restraint often missing from some of these weirder mods. It felt like another dimension, rather than just all out insanity.
I didn’t exactly agree with all of the music choices. I found the music when you first get teleported to be particularly weird, but I mostly agree with most of the other music.
However, I loved almost everything else about this mod!
The beginning, while a little confusing at first, is amazing. I loved seeing humanity and the combine working together, especially to fight a new threat. Also, the beginning where all hell broke loose was very nicely done, even somewhat better than HL1 in some respects!
The story, while a bit confusing, was fun to figure out. I’ll attempt to explain it for anyone who might not have been able to figure it out: There are two warring groups of “Pythagoreans,” as I’ve seen them called. The black Pythagoreans have taken over most of the white Pythagoreans, and move to Earth in an attempt to conquer it. However, with the help of the humans and the white Pythagoreans, Gordon is able to stop the invasion of the black Pythagoreans and wipe them out. Afterwards, one of the white Pythagoreans comes to Earth, presumably to offer some sort of friendship or alliance. Unfortunately, the humans mistake it for one of the evil Pythagoreans, and kill it. A memorial is constructed for it, which can be seen at the end of the mod.
I found a lot of sections to be really fresh, but unfortunately said sections were marred by bugs/instabilities. I remember the line of sight telekinesis to be particularly buggy, and I just ended up using “ent_remove_all npc_manhack” over and over again when constructing the “weapon” to use against the big black Pythagorean. Bugs like this poked holes in a lot of otherwise amazing moments.
Overall, I’d wholeheartedly recommend this mod, even with its little imperfections. There’s definitely a reason why this mod is so well remembered!
2 Hours
well shit, I guess I forgot to put spoiler tags
This is a pretty good mod for Half-Life 2 in a year 2006 but there are downsides. First let’s go for the good ones.
First off is the uniqueness of the mod where enemies are not the combine but another civilization with triangle ships. It appears to look bizarre as if there are giant falling numbers drop down on you. The story has nothing to do with Half-Life 2 but that’s okay because it is still interesting to the point that I want to see the ending. The flow of the sequences are pretty good as well and the architecture of some level designs are good.
Now here are the bad stuffs. Going back to level designs, the architecture is good yes but with some deductions to blocky and square like design. The combat can be good but I’m giving this a huge deduction to this mod because there are unbalanced battles. What makes things unbalanced is that the author spammed one enemy from one area to another. Example is where I got to encounter a horde of zombies and by the next area, I get spammed with tons of manhacks. It gets annoying as the spamming of one enemy that doesn’t stop making some combats unbalanced.
I’m giving this a “Maybe” to be fair but I agree with some players here that this is a good mod. But as for me, I’ve seen better, this might not be one of my top 10 Half-Life 2 mods.
Very Good, there are some problems, but it was definitely a lot of fun to play and see what happens.
3 Hours