Starting in a dark tunnel, move towards the light.
You will find yourself in the main area of a mine.
Don’t think for a second it’s just a case of getting into the lift!
Basic Details
- Title: Minehole
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-minehole.7z
- Size : 568.32B
- Author: OperationTK
- Date Released: 29 July 2012
MapTap Users
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Installation Instructions
- Copy Minehole.bsp into your EP2 maps folder.
- Launch Episode Two
- Open the console and type map Minehole and press ENTER.
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Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Reader Recommendations
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 11 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 5 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 10 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 5 Mins by datguykirt
Longest: 0 Hours, 20 Mins by brianthesnail
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 51 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 5 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 10 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 5 Mins by datguykirt
Longest: 0 Hours, 20 Mins by brianthesnail
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 51 Mins
There’s not really much in this and I couldn’t find a proper end. The main area is a little sparse and the action not as exciting as it could have been considering there are four distinct directions the enemies could come from.
Seems like this was more of a learning process that was released rather than something the author said “It’s finished: go play it!”.
I spent longer playing it than you probably need to because I though I had missed something, but now you know you haven’t you can stop it yourself.
Using Gauge
15 Minutes
What a disappointing anti-climax. The arena is all set up & ready, there’s enough ammo for a small army and more gravity gun friendly junk than you could shake a.. well, gravity gun at. All that’s needed is some enemies! Sadly, 2 combine & a few headcrabs don’t count, and the less said about the chopper flown (briefly) by Blind Bob, the better.
Missing the crossbow, I couldn’t let that clutch of zombine escape and I admit to noclip in order to get at them. Might as well, there’s nothing else to do..
Surely this is a chunk of map made for something else? As usual, it would be great in its proper place, but on its own it’s just frustrating. Don’t bother.
Using Gauge
6 Minutes
On its own it’s kind of disappointing. If it was part of something bigger I would like the layout. It’s very much like the chapter in EP2 where you fight off the ant lions coming from multiple directions while the Vortigaunts revive Alyx. I am not sure why the author put the Combine and Combine Zombies fighting in that elevated location without giving me a way to at least see what was going on.
10 Minutes
initially it reminded me of the chapter in episode 2 were you had to defend injured alyx from the antlions … it had a similar layout with 3 tunnels and the incline to the lift ….
the map was nicely made,but that were it ends… once I reached the central area I had to fight off around 4 combine soldiers and approx 6 headcrabs and that was it … there were more combine soldiers above,however without any snipers rifle these were hard to take out … however you can use the Z key to zoom and aim and then take them out with the smg
I did explore the remaining 2 tunnels however apart from a few ammo crates they were empty …..
this would be a good beginning to a larger map or mod so I hope the developer may consider this …. a good idea would be to have a exit or lift in one of the remaining tunnels which would then get you to the surface to tackle the combine .. this could then go to another area/level
so theres potential there,however in its current state its more of a test map or part of a larger map
lets hope we see this map again as part of a larger project ….
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
Small little okay looking map (mine pit,shaft from HL2Ep2ish) There’s quite a bit going on for about 5minuutes and thats pretty much it there’s Ammo in severe abundance so I was hoping on more to go on all in all about 15enemy’s in a arena not much about it
Using Gauge
10 Minutes
Well this is like the previous “trauma” map, just feels like a mapping experiment of those thousands many mappers don’t release because they are just unfinished.
And here even the combat was not challenging at all. Maybe adding some hunters or even some fast zombies or ant lions would have make this more interesting, but nothing of that you will find in this map.
And once you are in the lift pit the next logical step you thing is “go up”, but that is just also impossible with noclip.
Overall, play this if you want to be some minutes into an HL2 unfinished map…
Using Gauge
10 Minutes
Aww, another random chunk of map with nothing to it. There’s a little scripted event and barely any combat. Just a nice big arena with nothing in it!
Using Gauge
7 Minutes
Not much to it really. A watered down version of Ep2 main mine area, trying to save Alyx. Better than I could do though. LOL
5 Minutes
The main area looked all right, and you really got me going when all hell broke loose and I though that I had to fight a horde of enemies to survive!
Sadly, you only dropped down 4-5 soldiers and 4-5 headcrabs. There is also a chopper, which explodes on it’s own… So that is that…
It takes 5 minues to beat. I spent another 5 looking for something else to do, before quitting out. Not really worth playing, but at least it has some potential for future updates.
10 Minutes
Am I missing something here? After the initial fights plus a chopper that falls down..well.. I looked for something else to do. Do you go up to the surface, climb down, explore? What? Oh! Nothing! Because that appears to be it. Kinda gutted :/
10 Minutes
There is hardly anything here to even score. Avoid it. Here’s why.
Usage of space and world brushes: 2/10
Boxy rooms with little to no detail.
Visuals 2/10
Hardly anything to even look at. A good fight between the combine and the zombies.
Gameplay: 0/10
There is no gameplay. Just watching a few zombines take on a few soldiers.
Final Score: 4/30 – 13%
Final Comments: There is nothing here to even play.
8 Minutes