This is a map made for a mod called Afterlife that never quite made it. You mission is quite simple; after being dropped off at Ground Zero by a chopper, find a way inside the shopping centre and then make you way to the roof, killing everything in your path.
- Title: Mall Brawl
- File Name: hl2-sp-mall-brawl.7z
- Size : 8.43MB
- Author: Hunter Woodlee
- Date Released: 05 January 2006
Download directly into MapTap [8.4MB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
Copy the entire Music folder into
“…\SteamApps\*Your Account*\half-life 2\hl2\sound”
then copy the “al_mallbrawl_Demo.bsp” into
“…\SteamApps\*Your Account*\half-life 2\hl2\maps”.
You can start the map by enabling your in-game console and then typing “map al_mallbrawl_Demo” followed by enter.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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57365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 4 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 14 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 9 Mins by JellyBeanDude27
Longest: 0 Hours, 19 Mins by juanchoclo
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 11 Mins
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This was originally conceived as part of a larger pack called Afterlife. You start in a helicopter on your way to the mission. You receive instructions via your radio from a typical army sergeant.
Once inside the shopping center you need to make your way to the roof. Looking back I wondered why I needed to get to the roof if the helicopter couldn’t just drop me, but I had to clear out the area — that’s your mission.
The design and layout feel unfinished and I get the feeling that as part of the larger pack it may have been a great level. My disappointment lies in expecting more because the screenshots looked so good and the setting seems perfect for multi-level attacks and movement.
it’s a shame that the designer didn’t include various ways to ascend and descend the two levels at multiple points, especially if he or she were chasing some Combine.
– It lacked enough detail to make it seem real.
– Not enough variety of action.
– Too much use of force fields to control the player’s movement.
– Starting sequence after jumping out of the chopper…Where did it go!
– It was nice to see something completely new.
– The Combine Gunship was not too hard.
– Running across the roof supports.
It was clearly part of a larger pack and as such it’s unfair to judge it as a stand alone map. That said it didn’t get me excited and with such a fine layout I would expect more. It would be interesting to see somebody re-position the Combine to greater effect.
Not enough ammunition, not enough meds and framerates are awfull. Running acroos the roof supports was nice, if you make it, that is…
While the concept design of this map was well done with visual sequences and a short story, I felt it lacked heavily in the “playability” aspect. I find it hard to even consider this map as a “beta,” let alone a ‘demo.’
Considering that almost every “burned down” shop in the mall was a gateway to invisible walls and jagged edges of ash, I found myself asking “Was this map meant for release?” Some walls didn’t even reach down to the floors supporting them, a lot of the combine force fields were asininely simple to sneak behind, there are structures that I can walk through for some reason, and the accidental dead ends dragged on forever. The parking structure, for example, was the biggest dead end and likely wasn’t supposed to be entered at all. Why even place an entrance if it’s not supposed to be entered?
Strangely enough, the gameplay and design of this map reminds of some of the gameplay videos of the leaked Half-life 2 beta from yesteryear, so there is a certain amount of professionalism in the creation of this map. However, finding myself trapped on the first floor after falling off a one-way elevator is enough to make me demand that this level be more complete.
All in all, this map is very linear and easy to get through. I didn’t really find myself low on ammo, and I mostly used nothing but the pistol/ar2. I think it’s fair to argue that when enemies are very distant and spread apart, like in this map, the collected SMG and shotgun are both very useless.
Anyways, without more rambling:
Five Words: Nice mall, but dead-ends stink.
Pretty “eh?” over this really, fairly decent map design but it felt so uninspiring, absolutely zero story, awful framerate when in the huge mall, extremely dull fights both with the Combine and zombies.
The end fight was decent but the “find-the-rocket-launcher-and-unlimited-ammo-box” is starting to get really overdone. Where’s the creativity, people?
Thanks for the interest in the level. Haven’t looked it up in years. This was a level design project for school about three years ago. I’m currently a game designer for Ghostbusters which comes out this year. I hope my skills have improved since then and I hope you guys enjoy it.
Mall Brawl is a single map originally made for a larger mod called “Afterlife”. Looking at it, I kind of wish the entire mod was made. I really enjoyed this level. It’s almost like a Left 4 Dead level with Combine instead of zombies (there are headcrabs and HL2 zombies though). It has a large space to battle in and there aren’t enough enemies to render you completely helpless to the endless gunfire like some amateur maps. There’s not really any puzzles apart from pressing a button to turn the power on but I don’t mind that. There’s even a Gunship battle at the end which are always fun. The major downside is that it’s in beta form which is quite obvious looking at it. The visuals are blocky and at times nonsensical (there’s a sideways tree on a floating brick vase). Other than that I recommend this short but fun map.
9 Minutes
Deaths: 3
Saves: 1
God used?: No
Noclip used?: No
Glitches found: 3
You know, Normally, I count places where i can see thru the map as “Glitches”, But, In this map, In the moment i get out of the chopper-box-thing-that-disappear-once-you-are-out-of-it, I see destroyed buildings floating in the void and bloky trash piles with freaking graffiti on them, This is one of the WORST looking maps that i have play, The mapping suck combine ass.
The 3 glitches that i found, Where:
1) 2 combines that respawn (Or at least i thing so) and they where kind of stuck, I trow a granade at them, And they don’t do anything.
2) The elevator don’t let me exit it.
3) When i kill gunship at the end nothing happen.
But hey, How the map looks is not everything, And the gameplay is… Well, It doesn’t have puzzles with breakable crates, And beside one point, It was pretty easy, The map doesn’t give you enough pick-ups, But i still have fun, And there are way worse maps out there, If i need only 19 minutes to beat the map, Then you will probably finish it in 5 minutes or so.
If you have time, Give it a try, It short as hell.
Using Gauge
19 Minutes
Map is unpolished. Game play is ok, lots of very open areas. Maybe one play through.
10 Minutes
This is a classic 2006 mod. I had a lot of fun with this mod and played it again since it was only 15 minutes of gameplay.
I didn’t encounter a single glitch, and there was lots of cover. I only died once and that was to fall damage since I fell off the trusses on my way to the roof.
Usage of space and world brushes: 6.5/10
Could use some more polishing, but a solid understanding of how half-life 2’s combat system works. There was plenty of cover and I was still able to push my way to the extraction point. The mall was vast, so there was a lot of ground to cover, but most of it was clipped off anyway, so not too much wandering.
Visuals: 4/10
There isn’t much to look at, and certainly not eye-candy levels of visuals. However, there was enough to make it seem like I was in a mall and was fighting my way through it. It needs a lot more work though.
Gameplay was average, nothing too crazy, but just enough to put a smile on my face. I really enjoyed the combat, despite the fact that there wasn’t too many combine to fight off. There wasn’t any resupply crates either, so once you are down to low health, you might have to restart. Fortunately that wasn’t an issue for me.
Final Score: 15.5/30 – 51%
Final Comments: It could use a lot of polish, but with a bit of effort, this could really be a good map. Voice acting was hilarious and they nailed their lines.
15 Minutes