Little Skyscraper of Horrors

for Opposing Force

13th November 2012

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

“The Bad Guys have taken over a building in a Generic American City, and they’ve kidnapped some Innocent Scientists and forced them to genetically engineer Evil Mutated Monsters as part of a fiendish plan for World Domination.

But the creations have turned on their creators and escaped, and are running amok inside the building, in an orgy of Death and Destruction.

It’s up to you, the Good Guys, to recapture the building, rescue the Innocent Scientists, and kill all the Bad Guys and Evil Mutated Monsters. (Actually it doesn’t really matter all that much about the scientists.)

You will be airlifted onto the top of the building by helicopter, along with a small squad of Elite US Marines who will be under your command. You must fight your way down to the genetics labs on the lower floors (A lot of skyscrapers have genetics labs on the lower floors, you know), where the Innocent Scientists are being held.

One of the members of your squad is a highly skilled engineer and systems analyst, trained by the NSA. You’ll need him to hack into the artificially intelligent central computer terminal (name of HAL), contained within the labs. Once the central computer has been compromised evil will be defeated. If he dies the mission will be terminated. His skills are needed in other, similar, hostage-scientists-in-mutant-infested-skyscraper situations as well, so he must not be allowed to die. The other two marines are expendable.

We have learned that your Evil Arch-Nemesis is in the building at this very moment so this could be your chance to finally bring him to justice, although it’s possible that he might just slip out of your clutches at the very last moment.

Good Luck… and God Bless America!”

Basic Details
  • Title: Little Skyscraper of Horrors
  • File Name: of-sp-little-skyscraper-of-horrors.7z
  • Original File Name:
  • Size : 1.5MB
  • Author: Nathan Ruck
  • Date Released: 16 May 2000
MapTap Users

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Manual Installation Instructions

I recommend using MapTap for this release.

  • Copy all the folders within the gearbox files into your gearbox folder.
  • Launch Opposing Force
  • Open the console and type map skyscraper0.
  • Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
  • Play and Enjoy.

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Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Reader Recommendations
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12 recommendations, average score: 4.42 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.58 (what's that?)
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 10 comment(s) with meta review data.

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Manually: 5 Users

Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 15 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by Bolx
Longest: 0 Hours, 25 Mins by EmoLevelDesigner
Total Time Played: 2 Hours, 29 Mins
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  1. piledriver
    Play It Now!

    This is what “Night at the Office” should have been like, “cept it’s too short. Nice layout, fairly good fights and one really good apache set-piece. The author Nathan Ruck has a good sense of humour too! This guy should write a long one, judging by this, it would be excellent.

    1. Hec

      This guy should write a long one, judging by this, it would be excellent.

      Abssolutely agree I wish we could play a longer verssion!

  2. I’m lost in this one. I dunno wat to do after I fell into the pool from the building.

  3. piledriver

    rzx150, climb out of the pool, go in the door in the corner find the big glass double doors, you’re nearly at the end.

  4. Hec
    Play It Now!

    Absolutely play this little jewl, I liked not only because is made by the author of my favourite all the time HL1 mod “Heart of Evil”, beyond than that, this simple map pack is cool itself u are in a well built or mapped building combat against aliens and ennemy darker-green grunts and black ops guys, so is cool, I like the end it was really good to see sgt. Barnes again and be able to actually kill him in the meiddle of his nagging prattle hahaha :), so I really liked this little mod and if it would have been little longer I would give this a Personal Fav grade almost without thinking it!

    I don’t know what have OpF mods that actually taste fresher or just different than the original HL1 rest of the mods, I like play OpF mods, i’d love to play something like 30 or 20 days of Opposing Force Nostalgia, here in PP, that would definitely kick ass!!!, I say 20 or 30 days because OpF has only few mods and maybe maps compared against the masive HL1 modding production, I hope Phillip could conssider this idea even for a little that would be so nice and cool.

  5. megaman951

    I’m stuck right after coming out the elevator….there is a lab with 2 scientists, 1 bullsquid and an explosive barrel in it. bullsquid kills scientists, I blow up the barrel with a grenade….then what do I do? all dorrs are locked, and I can’t seem to break any windows either….

  6. There’s a walkthrough of sorts in the included skyscraper.txt. Sometimes it doesn’t happen right away, you have to walk back and forth.

  7. Ten Four Reviews

    Most of you will probably have played Nathan Ruck’s previous release, the Half-Life mission pack The Evil Thing. Chris accurately summed up the good points of that and, happily, many of them put in a reappearance here.

    The same sense of humour pervades these levels, though perhaps in a slightly sillier fashion than previously. Not that this is a bad thing; half the reason Neil Manke’s maps are so much fun is that keep you amused. There was maybe one laugh-out-loud moment but there’s plenty of spots that will put a smile on your face.

    As you may have noticed from the level count, however, Little Skyscraper of Horrors is a lot shorter than The Evil Thing, weighing in at around a third of the size. Consequently, it won’t last all that long; the second time I played it through, for screenshot purposes, took maybe three or four minutes on difficult. There’s not an awful lot of enemies to challenge you, and those that do crop up are quickly dispatched with the M249 that you’ll have at your disposal. It was a bit of a shame that there wasn’t more because this is certainly one of those units you don’t want to end. There’s a tremendous amount of imagination packed into such a short running time and the necessity of your teammates – the engineer in particular – is much greater, without the additional burden ever becoming frustrating.

    It would be unfair to comment on LSOH’s merits in comparison with Dark Operations, the only other Opposing Force release worth considering. They’re very different units, in terms of size and perhaps the author’s objective, and it would be difficult to say one was more worthy than the other. In the end, it suffices to simply tell you that LSOH more than justifies the two-megabyte download and that I’m looking forward to Nathan’s next map.

    This review was originally published Monday, 22nd May, 2000 by Morgan.

    This review was originally posted on the Ten Four website, which is now offline. The full review is republished here by permission and more details can be found on the About page.

  8. Phillip says Maybe

    Well, this was not too bad. It was a nice idea to have to sue the engineer to keep the action moving forward and to have the additional feature of having to keep him alive.

    I didn’t managed to get the other squad to follow me, but I didn’t try too hard.

    The actually levels are quite plain and the levels changes are in some strange places but what it lacks in design it makes it up it gameplay.

    All in all a fun 10 minutes with some hints of something deeper.

  9. Play It Now!

    This was a little odd in places but was actually fun to play!

    WTF was a air shaft/chamber of that size doing in a skyscraper? The whole thing seemed to be about playing and not any ground breaking map design or graphics. If I were a mapper or modder I’m sure I could find faults in the way it is constructed and totally miss the point. it’s not difficult but is well worth 10/15mins of your time.

  10. Play It Later

    What an overcomplicated description for such a short map! Any way, I was pleasantly surprised by this map; it is built entirely around using the Opposing Force squadmates. You constantly need them for assistance, and there are a couple of places where you will have to go on without them before returning with a way forward.

    There are also a couple of nice effects, for example the engineer cutting through a window or a chopper shooting holes through a blast door. The biggest issue was actually getting the marines to follow you, but overall it was a fun and creative experience.

  11. Unq

    There are some nice ideas and touches in this short 5-map pack, but unfortunately there’s really no payoff. I liked the idea of using the engineer a handful of times, and the section with the helicopter attack is clever. But beyond that we have some cramped hallway crawling which really makes dragging a squad around tedious.

    Combat is moderate – you’ll fight against the Race X aliens and a few from Xen, but you’re practically armed to the teeth (and I didn’t even find the RPG as this post’s tag indicates). It’s decent fun for a bit, but the end is a total letdown and kind of taints the experience.

    Nathan of course went on to bigger and better things. There’s Heart of Evil, of course, and it looks like he works in the game development industry now too.

  12. Play It Now!

    A fun little set of maps set in the OF world. I had difficulty getting the NPC’s to do what I wanted, but other than that it was good. You can see the author’s sense of humor if you [spoiler]shoot the sergeant at the end[/spoiler]

  13. Play It Now!

    The beginning of this mod was a bit odd by not giving you a vest for a bit but at least it gave you one.

    You fight HGrunts with different colored models (!) and later Massn’s and Fassn’s.

    The mod had a nice sense of humor although the new Game over messages are missing from the MapTap version.

    This Had some great sequences like the Industrial sized Fan and the Helicopter but the Squad didn’t really like following me that much (Has Shepard not taken a shower in awhile?).

  14. Anon_572049

    This was one of my favorite back in like ahh 1999, maybe, wow is it a new rerelease.

    As I remember I waited to shoot at the helicopter afte I landed in the pool.

    I think I want to see if I can shoot it while I am jumping out the window.

    My most famouse ending is when the chopper come crashing straight into the pool and you have to run like heck.

  15. Play It Later

    Very first impressions: So, our soldiers killed an enemy. Wait, how did I get that high? Oh wow, it’s a brush-made helicopter!

    I also noticed an oddity: if you go under one of helicopter’s “legs”, it will make you perform sharp turns. You can try it yourself or find a video in “Nitpicking” playlist of my YouTube channel.

    Engineer breaks the door, and we enter. In the next room, if you jump while standing close to the window, you’ll see that there’s a sky instead of the road at the bottom of cityscape!

    Then we go through skyscraper rooms where enemy soldiers and aliens fight each other. There’s nothing spectacular in the design of the first level – just unpleasantly cramped office corridors and rooms with prefabs, as for the gameplay, good to have the chaingun.

    Next level – research labs. Design looks better here, although the layout is flat. There are nice views from the windows: basin, entrance. And the road has finally appeared.

    During the mod, author shows some nice finds:

    [spoiler]Engineer breaks the glass, moment where we need one of the soldiers to boost us so we can get to the ventilation. What’s annoying here is that soldier refuses to stand still, so we have to jump quickly. Nice scene – escape from enemy helicopter. [/spoiler]

    Eventually we exit to the street level, the game writes “END” and nothing else happens. That’s not how I prefer it, I prefer the mod to return us to main menu.

    Overall it’s a good small mod which offers nice variety of places and situations.

  16. Play It Later

    I’d say this is nearly as good as a 15-minute-mod can get. I didn’t bother to take the whole squad with me, but took just the engineer, as you need only him to proceed. The levels are a bit plain, but all in all, it’s good fun!

    “Engineer breaks the glass, moment where we need one of the soldiers to boost us so we can get to the ventilation.”

    You don’t need a soldier for this, because not too far away is a movable crate.

  17. Play It Now!

    This was really fun but waaaaay too easy.

  18. Personal Favourite
    I gave a Favorite Rank

    Because he tried it hard
    and made a nice job after all
    This is an excelent team who abandoned a project and left us without taste of good mods.
    But also, take in mind, the only free thing valve left of creativity is structures and enemy positions. You can create hundreds or thousands of maps with many environment differences and enemies.
    But people are looking for functions. Well, functions are quite limited though. These is where less possibilities are.

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