Want to breakout from jail and leave Alyx behind? If so, then this is the mod for you!
A very basic, linear map with a simple objective: escape.
Combine soldiers stand in your way, but don’t let them stop you.
Basic Details
- Title: Jail Breakout
- File Name: hl2-sp-jail-breakout.rar
- Size : 748.67kB
- Author: kgbed
- Date Released: 12 January 2010
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Installation Instructions
- Copy jail_breakout.bsp into your Half-Life 2 Maps folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2
- Open the console and type map jail_breakout.
- Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
- Play and Enjoy.
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I really didn’t think much of this at all. Firstly, the breakable doors used strange textures, had no handles and looked completely out of place.
The Combine soldier and Elite Guard at the beginning do nothing and one looks like he is stuck there.
The rooms are badly proportioned and poorly designed, some are just too low to jump properly.
It’s incredibly easy to jump out of the map and get stuck.
There seems to be invisible soldiers that kept shooting at me and even “noclipping” around couldn’t find them.
I have little doubt the author tried hard but it is maps like this that show me the need for a proper online school, not just a list of tutorials, to help new mappers.
Overall, I find little to recommend this map to you but wish the author well in the future.
I didn’t find the same problems as Phillip so my experience was slightly more positive. There is not a lot of combat game play but I enjoyed what little there is.
On the pro side, if the author is new or newish to modding it’s not a bad start at all.
On the con side, having to break down doors instead of using the “use” key is mightily tedious.
Get you future maps tested, please. The dreaded “ai disabled” is incredibly frustrating. It breaks the immersion completely when you have to go to console and type in ai_disable 1.
Recommended for playing? Um, probably not. Better to wait for the authors next issue. The author shows a lot of promise and imagination but need to do a bit more work yet.
If your curious, have a go.
This is fairly basic stuff and no doubt the work of a new mapper, the above comments have summed-up all the faults and shortcomings of the map. The AI disable each time you load a saved is a bind, and this sort of problem even with a first release should be sorted before released to players.
This could have served as a good learning curve for the author if released to a limited public for feedback, then the author could have progressed to a more sound and error free 2nd map for general release.
As it is, Play it only if you a desperate, other wise don’t bother.
It just a rush through a quite poor design piece of work but playing through it was not frustrating
you just kill the combines and progress till the “quite fast” end
i have said many times before that I never would give any map (how bad it may be) a recommendation of Avoid it, simply because I aplaud to each mapping atempt. but, I have to break with this for the first time, because as you can see do I give this map a Avoid It !
everything is allready said by Phillip, Jasper, Mel and Stef. I had the same issues, but I asume something did go wrong with me playing this map. ones I did get outside (as far as you can name it outside) and walked in to that last corridor, there happend something strange. I asume the mapper did place a jump trigger, that makes you get pushed up. but at the same time I did get hurt hugely what made me get killed allways the second time I tried. and I had to try it always a second time, this jump brush, simply because it only pushed me up for 1 meter or so. I asume it had to trow me on the roof, so I could get out. so, I looked around from there with no_clip, because there was nothing else to do. no combines or other enemies to shoot at, (beside that one invisble combine that was placed under the floor somewere, and I too couldn’t find him, even with no_clip he couldn’t be found, like you tried Phillip).
so, all that was left for me to do from this point on was to end the map by pressing Esc. I did see the 2 gunships in the air, but there was no RPG placed to take them down.
it was mainly frustrating and not satisfying at all.
no, I really can’t make more of this then a big Avoid It !
even for a first release this is really BAD mapping, there we’re to many issues to name here that we’re badly made.
sorry mapper, I do apriciate each mapping atempt, I really do!!
but this never had to be released like this, this map was clearly not done yet.
a fellow mapper,
This is the best map I have ever played.
Oh wait. No it isn’t.
I fell for the blunder of wanting to see how bad it was. It seems to be what everyone else was doing.
If you don’t take it at face value its not so terrible. The creator wasn’t completely stupid. They know some basics. yet have left out the more important vital stuff (Like a suit so you can actually change weapons.) I encourage the maker to learn a bit more before they release anything else. Though I spent far longer than I should have trying to get out the cell, I cracked up when I pushed the door over.
what I forgot to say was that this map is a great example of a beginner mapper who starts out very well, but after a while (hours or days) he doesn’t feel like mapping on. probebly the awareness of how much time the making of a good map takes does this to most beginner mappers.
when you compair the first half of the map with the last half you clearly see a difference in mapping. from the start on he clearly takes time to make things right, but after the first few rooms or open places you can clearly see that he starts to rush things.
a real shame, because should he have taken the same time as in the beginning for the last 50% then map wouldn’t have been so bad after all.
a real shame !!
Hmm. This is obviously incomplete and work of a new mapper, but this is not an excuse.
Texture choices:
Wrong! Align them a little bit for god’s sake. They won’t look this irrelevant then. And you can’t use asphalt texture on a wall! I understand being new but this is just stupid (if you are not six).
Enemy placement:
Wrong! Door – Enemy – Door – Enemy. What is that? At least put them in believable positions, you can’t just put them side by side in an empty room!
Hmm. Don’t get me started on that.
Maybe most of readers don’t care about my previous points. The most important things is fun right? OK, here it is then, this is not fun. Some of you may think “Well, I shoot at things, so it’s fun.” My answer is “Don’t support bad mapping or you’ll get more of this!”
Conclusion: Like I said, if you are not six or five, you don’t have right to release something like this and expect good comments. But it can be Phillip’s fault too. Maybe this wasn’t supposed to be released. (just kiddin 😛 )
Maybe I should give it an Avoid. There really wasn’t any challenge–like civanT said: Door — Enemy — Door — Enemy.
When I got through the last door, the jump pad (or whatever) seemed like it might work the second time I hit it, but after that it just didn’t want to go very far.
I never did see G-Man as Phillip’s pics show. And I got to things in a little different order. Maybe I could replay it to see, but I’m frankly not that interested.
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