It’s a comical adventure about a Russian scientist – Ravil Unisovich, who unwittingly unleashes a plague of monsters after an unsuccessful experiment. The story takes place between 1986 – 2007 with lots of new locations to visit and new characters to meet.
Basic Details
- Title: Ispitatel 4
- File Name: hl1-sp-ispitatel-4.7z
- Original File Name: ispitatel4_classic_english.rar
- Size : 95.1Mb
- Author: Twenty One
- Date Released: 20 March 2007
PlanetPhillip Download Servers
- Exciting new adventure gameplay
- 21 new maps with new textures and objects
- New voice acting and music scores created by Scheidenbach band
- English and Russian subtitles
- Can be run on “classic” (WON) Half-Life version 1110, on default non-steam version (for example on every non-steam Counter-Strike 1.6) and on steam version Half-Life (1120)
A walkthrough for this mod is available. It is in PDF format. You may be able to open this directly in your browser, depending on which one you use and its version or alternatively you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Ispitatel 4 Walkthrough PDF (228Kb)
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. Screenshots kindly supplied by Rob.
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Longest: 3 Hours by Diclonius Limeony
Total Time Played: 5 Hours, 55 Mins
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Longest: 3 Hours by Diclonius Limeony
Total Time Played: 5 Hours, 55 Mins
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I’ve broken my self-imposed rule of not adding In-Dev maps or mods because this one is so close to release. I have asked the author for an FSO PP, so we will see what happens.
What? Only a steam version? Great since I can’t get hl to work properly under Steam. So incredibly unfair!
I suspect there’ll be a way of getting it to work under a non-steamed HL. Wait for it to be released, then give it a couple of hours/days for folks like me to have a play around.
You’re not alone – I don’t have Steam either.
I have Steam, I just can’t get Half Life to work “properly” in it.
strange there is a demo of ispitatel 3 unfinished and now there is already the ispitatel 4…
The PlanetPhillip reviewing team is standing by.
I’ll definitely try it out when its ready.
The pictures look great. I know it will run great also since half-life runs smooth.
How do you know? Maybe it runs at 2 frames per second! Maybe the man put 300 vortigaunts in one area with a huge, RAM sucking particle in the middle.
Someone needs to lay off the caffine… 😉
We’ll know when we know.
usually you can get steam mods to run just fine of WON versons. For example on my computer steam lags too much to run Poke646: Vendetta, so I installed it to my WON and it worked fine, despite theri claims it wouldn’t. You should be fine
They never said it wouldn’t work, they said it ‘tsupported.
Haha 😀
News on moddb front page today.
“If anyone wants the chance to play it a little earlier, I recommend visiting http://www.planetphillip.com on 20th of March. It will be released here exclusively, one day early! ”
It will be very busy here that day I’d imagine
Great thanks to the developers.
I very very like Ispitatel 1 and Ispitatel 2. And now – all four Ispitatel’s in one mod! Great.
As Quagmire says, “Giggety giggety!”
Lots of screenshots required, along with reader reviews. Get playing!!
Can someone please tell me the filesize of the “ispitatel4_classic_english” folder when fully extracted and in the HL1 directory?
Just a few problems with copy/extraction is all. (The program I use, ICEOWS, seems to always crash windows explorer when extracting or copying out of .rar files. I just need to make sure I’ve got everything. Currently it’s about 169 MB.)
Size : 251 MB (263 762 735 bytes)
Size on disk : 254 MB (267 157 504 bytes)
It is on NTFS file system.
Size: 251 MB (263,634,223 bytes)
Size on Disk: 254 MB (267,026,432 bytes)
Contains: 1,446 Files, 116 Folders
In opposite to what I said, I won’t be reviewing this on the case of it’s large size. Downloading on a low speed from the other side of america doesn’t do wonders for a large file on an internet which doesn’t like straight downloading for more then 10 minutes.
Those security guards sound familiar….
Just finished it.
Why, who do you think they sound like?
I extracted it into my steam/steamapps/username/halflife as it said but still wont work.
It appears on my steam games list and loads but when I click newgame/medium nothing happens.
Well, I could finally get my Half-Life to run on Steam… Right now I’m pretty much into Death-Match, but I might give this a try (I love to see SP maps coming out for Half-Life).
Why, who do you think they sound like?[/quote]
Ah, I see what you mean (I think) but it’s not the same person.. in fact it’s me.. they’ve just credited it wrong for now 😉
Well, as I said, I started playing the mod as soon as I finished downloading, and finished after 1 hour and a hlaf (I think, it was really short, but you don’t notice)
And you don’t really notice because of the variety of the content, this mod, is funny, very funny at a Peanut Houndeye M&M rate, yes, hilarious!
The story is somewhat simple, I coulnd’t follow because, I was laughing almost all the way through it, and I couldn’t concentrate on the subititles with Russian voices (by the way, very good job phillip!).
The level design is far superior than the half-life average, the texture work is beautiful, but the sky boxes lack quality (but that doesn’t matter, you won’t be looking at the sky the whole time ;)) Incredible architecture. the models are a little outdated though.
The gameplay, oh boy, the gameplay is so, well, you should play it that’s all I’m saying. Also, dont expect brutal firefights, although you have a little variety of weapons, there aren’t any marines to shoot at, and believe me, you don’t need them ;).
Very cool mod, lots of innovations, and a funny robot.
Cheers! I better go play this now!
This mod is so freaking crazy. I don’t know If I’m missing things or most of the time He’s on drugs.. I can’t help thinking the mod author is covering up some serious plotholes.. Or not trying at all..
whats the diff between rar and other file types?,cant get most rar types to run on steam hl1 or hl2.
The best thing to use is winrar from http://www.rarlabs.com as other unpackers sometimes dont update properly.
well thank you,now to get those mods,more games:)
.rar files are just another compression format. Most people agree that they have a better compression ratio, meaning the files sizes are smaller. Winrar is probably the best (As andyb say) but it is Shareware, meaning you should pay after its trial period is over. I usually use 7zip for my compression work, it supports many different file formats including .rar
I’ve added another 35 screenshots, kindly sent to me by Rob.
I have as main winzip and use 7zip (i think it’s free) for all those rar files. Why because actually the two biggest archiver are winrar and winzip but both are not compatible at least you can’t open rar file with winzip and both cannot be installed without acting against each other but with 7 zip it doesn’t interfere with winzip and it’s easily accessing through right clicking on the file
This is possibly the most insane mod I’ve ever played for Half-Life, or any game, for that matter. I couldn’t follow the plot at all – the fact that the speach was in Russian wasn’t helpful, and although the subtitles were funny, they didn’t convey a whole lot of backstory. Not that it mattered though. This is definately a mod where plot really isn’t important.
What was important was gameplay, and that was pretty damned good, if short. Although the only enemies you face are modified houndeyes that explode when they die (!), you’ll still find a fair amount to do. One thing trhat did slightly irritate me was the inexplicable loss of my weapons on more than one occasion, but given the style of the mod, it’s not as if they were needed.
This was certainly an entertaining use of 2 hours, and although I probably won’t play this again in the near future, I will keep it on my hard-drive for when I’m feeling in need of a Half-Life pick-me-up. Recommended.
It’s like playing an episode of Monty Python.. Giant monkeys, jazz singing silver Houndeyes, MnM snarks, Siberian black market DVD salesmen, random explosions, car crashes, time travel, a scientist stored in a glass tube… It’s mad.
The bonus ways of increasing your maximum health were genius (I wont spoil it for you if you haven’t found them yet) and the whole drugs trip section was really innovative.
It’s weird, clever and funny as well as being very original. The mapping is solid and the scripting works very well. The extra features, like the subtitles and the mission indicators (Hud sprites?) were good too.
I didn’t understand it, but I did enjoy it.
Top-notch. A few minor bugs, but the whole thing has been done with such great enthusiasm, humor and sheer mischievous glee that you just have to love it. Gets my vote hands down for the best “alternative concept mod” out there.
I love funny, but this was just plain silly. Enjoyed for a once play and that’s about it.
when I try to climb a ladder it seems like its changing levels but this error comes up
ERROR: env_model poedatel_mdl: unknown sequence “poedatel_sq”
using hl1 with op4 non steam on a winxp sp2.
anyone else with this problem?
I’ve never seen that before kd4tkm. Perhaps one of these fine gentleman here that like to help people could be of assistance.
kd4tkm, if nobody does seem to help, might I suggest emailing the author himself. His email can be found on his website.
I removed the email address because It can be harvested for spam. (On his website it is an image not text.)
Oops: thanks Phillip. I didn’t even think about that. Sorry!
Talking rats, mad trippy bits and absolutely no idea what the story was, but hey what an entertaining and well put together mod!
One question though, which I suppose I’ll have to find out the answer to myself…but, someone (sorry didn’t spot who) said this was all 4 Ispitatels together….is that true?I haven’t tried the others, or I probably have but can’t remember……If not then on the strength of this one alone then I’ll have to look them up….
Well done to “Twenty One” keep up the good work!
may be close to the end.
it’s the ladder at the cabbage storage area
on map pc4
there never was a #3 only a demo.I’m not even sure these are the same people.
I use Zip Genius which seems to “unzip” many formats but still am having difficulties on “transferring” the files to Steam….Any suggestions-please.
7-Zip does more or less all of them…..and is free.
Unless I’m much mistaken you need to cut & paste the unzipped folder to your Half-Life folder, it really is as simple as that. If you’re on Steam then next time you open Steam it simply shows up in your “My Games”, at least it did with mine….
If you read the readme files it usually tells you how it goes.If you don’t read them then its your problem.It’s also your problem if your choice of unzipper does not work properly.Once and once only did I have a problem with winrar and thats because I didnt update it to do the new zip files..
Also a mod folder cannot be in another folder ie:name a folder something and put it into it.It wont work.The mod folder must be as it was packed ie: ispitatel4_classic_english and that folder goes into the Half life folder not the source mods folder.
That’s exactly what I did, but still wouldn’t work. I’ve used two different unzippers. I’ve even downloaded the file several times. The title screen works but the actual game wont load.
I really enjoyed the mod ,nice touch the little homage to Marioworld collecting the cabbages to get more life energy.
So this is basically how a game is defined “random”. I love it!
my fish broke.. I was so sad. thier I was just waiting to wack some poor soul with my trout. oh, well. maybe in the next installment. great funny mod.
Here’s a little recommendation to anyone not sure if they should donwload this mod.
I found the snark temple but nothing happens. I also found a key, but it doesn’t open anything 🙁 Help, anyone?
never mind.. I found the LITTLE hole I was supposed to put the key in
it really bugs me that I don’t have the target in the center of the screen. other than that, it’s an enjoyable ride (not that hilarious as I thought, though)
kd4tkm, try it without the console. I`ve had the same problem, but works fine when I play it without the console. Good luck!
I’m mesmerized!Great fun, quite weird. I liked the modified HUD with the pointers to show if you can use something. Very deus-exy
A very enjoyable and wacky mod. Had me chuckling throughout. I just wish I could understand Russian; there was the odd moment that I was distracted from reading the subtitles.I love the amount of effort put into this mod. The HUD, the weapon decals, the sounds and music all add to the atmosphere and distinctifies (is that a word?) Ispitel from other HL mods. A pet peeve is playing a mod that relies on its storyline to tell you that’s you’re not Gordon Freeman while the visuals and some voices clearly indicate you are.
Play Ispitatel. Don’t expect to play Half-Life per say. Just accept that this is somewhere in the HL world. Or the world HL could be after taking some recreational narcotics 😉
Hahaha… very well, This is…. a “Great” crazy mod…
This is a good sightseeing mod with lots of strangness however it has almost zero action and so I can;t really recommend it. No replay value, interesting but i’ve seen more action in a point and click adventure game. Only download if you’d like to see a movie rather than play a game.
This mod very strange even for a russian soul. And it forms very strange opinion and feelings too.
THE LIGHT SIDE: Impressive parody humor like nothing; unlimited imagination of authors that broken all standarts of other mods; incredible quality of voice recording; good custom textures, sounds, models; minimum bugs.
THE DARK SIDE: Feeling of no-control (for sample, episode at bridge with bricks, my character tell me what I must to doo + invisible wall, and final scene, there’s not working second variant of choice); noclips on a way when isn’t need; one type of enemy at all time; stupid missions like “find that and put it here”. I have felt strange emptiness and senselessness upon the end of game.
My vote 3 of 5.
Oh, sorry, I said “noclips”, it means “player clips”, haha.
Most of you liked it?
Sorry, I didn’t like Ispitatel1,2,3 at all. Nr 4 is a lot better, I played it once but won’t play it any longer. Find it just too stupid.
A huge map, I expected a lot of it but – comparing it with other huge maps – I find it of a lower class…
Vind het gewoon te stom om dood te doen, graphics trekken op niks, als je al aan wapens raakt, ‘verdwijnen” ze steevast als je in een nieuw level raakt. Houterige figuurtjes, enfin… prul. (mijn mening)
This is quite a good mod, nice story, but I seem to have seen some unused models like v_laserrifle(s), or others, I think the author planed a other storys, but got canceled, I think I just put a Maybe on it.
For me excellent !
Very fun.
This was an amazing mod! A better, improved sequel for the Ispitatel series. The mapping, modelling, etc, was awesome! The story was non-sensical but the atmosphere of the mod was awesome. Unfortunately this mod was too short and it was very easy to play.
1 Hour, 25 Minutes
Ispitatel 4 was one of the most enjoyable Half-Life experiences I’ve had in awhile. It was quirky, it was weird, but it was good-natured fun, through and through.
The mod exudes creativity from start to finish, and it was a pleasure to see familiar HL elements used in unexpected ways. The music was very good and made the mod seem polished and even professional. I usually hate music in mods as it’s often obnoxious and played in the heat of battle–not the time when I need to be annoyed by someone else’s favorite maximum decibel high energy music–but this time I didn’t.
I’ll grant you this wasn’t the standard run and gun, so you more experience Ispitatel 4, than play it. And I also have to say that if I were in a different mood (in the mood to blast grunts and bash headcrabs) I might have been less receptive.
I say play it now. It’s super duper fun!
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
Very Good, after the lost third installment of the saga of the Ispitatel, the fourth become one of the greatest sequels ever, with silly dialogue and fun gameplay.
3 Hours