Take control of Jane Doe, a HECU grunt, while hunting for the assassin who left you and your buddies for the Grim Reaper.
Play through a variety of locations and explore new parts of Black Mesa.
Can you beat the final boss?
- Title: Hunt The C-nt (HTC)
- Filename: hl1-sp-hunt-the-c-nt.7z
- Size : 51MB
- Author: Thobias Fast AKA Forsete
- Date Released: 03 February 2017
As you probably know, the name of this mod contains a very offensive word.
As RTSL is a family friendly site, I have removed a letter from this word.
The chances are you know this word, but I will not be publishing it.
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- Copy htc folder into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life folder.
- Start or restart Steam.
- HTC should now be listed in your LIBRARY tab.
Coming Soon.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers and are in 1600 x 900 resolution.
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Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 14 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 60 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 41 Mins by Sheajay
Longest: 1 Hours, 30 Mins by Emaz
Total Time Played: 14 Hours, 54 Mins
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From the same guy who brought us the equally good The Evasion (a continuation of Shephard’s adventures after Opposing Force), HTC is the same kind of mod’s, short but very well done, with each part of the mod being very different and challenging in differents ways.
What I particularly enjoyed was some of the Xen locations, with strange spheric and glowing structures which could have fitted well in HL/Valve lore, I’m still impressed some people, nearly 20 years after the original release, can still do original things with vanilla HL/Valve material.
Playing a female HECU is an interesting idea but doesn’t really plays a part in the story. Story which is as simple as effective, you were shot by a female Black Ops but you survived and now you must track her and kill her.
Which you do… in the end… or not… well, it’s up to you to see what’s happen!! But I really enjoyed this ending.
Like the guy who did the Hopelessness series, the modder is doing every 3-4 years a short but really inventive mod which can make you discover Black Mesa again in original and differents ways, with especially well-detailed maps.
1 Hour, 15 Minutes
This is a great set of maps. They’re well designed and really capture the look and feel of the Black Mesa facility / Half Life 1 game. Shame about the name, which makes it sound like a crude joke mod.
I played through it some while ago.. It’s nice to see it here. I thought Phillip didn’t like Hl1 mods anymore due to the age of the engine they’re based up upon.
It’s indeed a very well made – very nice mod. The mapping is great and so is the gameplay.
While there were plenty of sections where I thought that things were partially to easy or repetitive things will increase considerably during late game.
One of the nicer aspects about this mod is possibly the npc scripting there’s always plenty to see and experience. That + the fact that the mapping and texture choices are well chosen. It even comes with a tiny bit of story that you will discover during your play through. In essence you’re hunting down a Black Op that annihilated your marine unit and as we all know it payback is a bit**. 🙂
The actual mod name lacks some sort of creativity but still fits for the purpose of it so don’t worry about it.
Play it now or later if you have to but make sure to play it at all. 🙂
1 Hour, 9 Minutes
I don’t think that’s the case at all – he maps in Goldsource!
Ah very well. I must have misunderstood Phillip then. I once asked for a mapping contest based on gold source engine but he said it was to old and he isn’t into hl1 that much anymore. I took this as some sort of sign that he wont longer support hl1 all together. Good thing I was wrong. 🙂
if you want more goldsrc mapping, come on twhl sometimes, we actually are making another collab mod right now
well f-ck, that sh-t really solved the naming problem. c-nt is way less offensive .
Simple question, how do you get to the wrench, I drop down through the floor, and end up looking through a window at a wrench, but when I use the scanner, it only rises a bit, cannot crawl through as door is too low. Ended up just wandering round lost.
I can’t recall exactly where you are. Could you tell me which image in the screenshots is closest to your position please?
I’m guessing your in the beginning of the mod, and have no weapons in a room full of crates. One of the large doors should be open-able If I remember right.
If I remember rightly there is a vent to the left of the broken door which leads to the room with the wrench. To get to the vent you need to get a moveable crate. There isn’t one in that room so you need to move on. Follow signs for the storage area and search around in there until you find a couple of locked metal gates with some crates and a couple of demised scientists behind them. Climb over the fence and the gates will be openable from the inside. The moveable crate is in there and you need to slide it all the way back to the previous room to climb up to the vent.
I can not get out of the first screen. Movable box won’t come out of the corner. Any Help would be appreciated
Yes it is a bit tricky to get the box out but it will come. Just keep moving it around and trying from different angles.
Thank you for that. Eventually got out but now stuck in passage after falling through grate. I like all these games except this one.
Yep I think that happened to me too. Landed around some creates and couldn’t move. I loaded the saved game from the point where I entered the vent and tried again, making sure to land differently, and was able to move on.
In HTC you play as a HECU assassin only known as “Jane Doe”. She’s on a mission to kill another assassin who left her and her squad to die.
Story is the good old revenge scenario, mod takes place at a different part of the Black Mesa, so that familiar feeling is there.
Mapping is fantastic, they are some of the most detailed and gorgeous looking maps I have ever seen.You get the visit Xen once again and it’s designed well, also the creator put a Half Life 2 reference in one of the teleportation segments, it was also well made and familiar at the same time.
Overall it was a solid mod, wasn’t short either.
Waiting for the creator’s next mod which is going to be a sequel to this.
1 Hour
A pretty solid mod here. It definitely has shortcomings so it doesn’t get a Play it Now recommendation, but overall it’s worth playing.
Overall it’s a decent rendition of Black Mesa. HTC generally gets the look and feel right, and I liked the “warehousey” feel of several areas. Although I was really disappointed you didn’t get to explore some areas you can see, such as the upper sections of the big warehouse near the end.
Some spots, particularly the corridors in the early part of the mod, just feel copy & pasted. I got lost so many times, just going in circles. It really was Azure Sheep syndrome – things needed to be edited for clarity or at least visually distinguished or signposted better. I think good playtesting would have exposed this problem.
There were some pretty cool sequences throughout, but also throughout were crates. Crates, crates, crates. Too many crates. Yes, crates are a staple of Half-Life but if you’re going to fill rooms with them, you have to start distinguishing the potentially valuable crates from useless ones – or make the majority unbreakable (and clearly unbreakable, like metal). So much playtime in HTC is simply breaking crates open looking for goodies, it really affects the pacing of the game.
I also thought the difficulty curve in general was poor. Most of the time you’re up against weak-ass aliens, and only in the big warehouse near the end does the action really pick up. It’s the best battle in the game, where you’re up against the Race-X guys and you have a lot of options tactically.
The finale battle was a ridiculous spike upward in difficulty, and unfortunately you had to resort to memorizing positions and learning by dying repeatedly. I really think the finale should have been reworked, but it still could have the clever “lights off” surprise. It felt unfair as is.
And the kicker, you never actually get to kill the “C” in the title. Disappointing.
50 Minutes
Hunq the Cunq !
Another really good experience
I was kind of lost at start walking arround looking for some weapon and didn’t know what to do and how to access the office with the wrench.
I know it could sound stupid but when I finally got the wrench I could do what I like in Half-Life even if it can sound a little stupid : destroy boxes and crates and sometime get a reward … this mod was fun for this.
Progression, was not only streight forward, it’s clear that some area suffer from a copy/paste feelling.
In my point of view the design looks really polished with good interconnection well design storage places and some dead end area that make you need to travel, the ladder that was not vertical to access a vent was a nice idea that cause me a lot of try to pass it…
Xen part has never been my cup of tea, in this time neither…don’t like those jumps but at least it offer some variety in the experience.
The story behind was also interesting with small cutscene animation to drive you when it’s needed mixing weapon of OF into HL is also something I Like
All in all I really had a great enjoyement playing this release.
Using Gauge
1 Hour, 20 Minutes
Don’t worry, the sequel won’t have any Xen nor any annoying jumping sequences.
Yes, it’s called Autonomy Lost.
It was a fun mod, I liked it
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
Either the levels don’t do a great job at directing you to your objective or I’m just that bad at navigation, it’s not fun getting lost most of the time (how was I supposed to know that one specific crate out of the hundreds around it was pushable?)
The spinning circles object in Xen takes so much trial and error to not get crushed, I gave up on this after reaching the part following it that requires shutting power down to….go somewhere, most of the doors were locked, everything was dark and the nightvision doesn’t really let you see too far ahead of you.
I really wanted to like this, there’s clearly a lot of effort put into the atmosphere and small bits of horror and those scripted sequences, but unfortunately I can’t say I was having fun or feeling challenged in a fair way.
Well, I’ll put it simply. I just loved this one. I know it may be not the best mapping design or even the best technical gameplay layout, but I really loved the whole concept. I believe it’s genuinely great the fact the main HECU character is a woman and not a guy.
Also love the concept of chasing that c*nt that just massacred your combat buddies.
But especially loved how this simple story script was told inside the game, the end it’s great and feels very episodic, I am already eager to play the sequel called “Autonomy Lost”.
Also, the Op4 weapons add an extra spice to the whole mod itself. and BTW I also played it on the hardest skill and the whole combat was delightful, I end up with this mod with 1 health point! But it was totally worth it.
This is a Personal Fav for me.
1 Hour
This mod is really good, and I’m looking through the other reviews and I feel like people are really missing a key factor in why this mod is so good: Tension. The modder has nailed this completely with a use of sound and details both big and small in the environment he manages to craft a sense of paranoia from start to finish which I’m convinced is fully intentional. The headcrab and garg noises at the beginning are worrisome when you have no weapons to combat them, but at the same time the mod seems competent enough to not throw you into a situation where you’re at such an extreme disadvantage, which it doesn’t. I really don’t want to spoil this aspect of the mod, so I’ve kept it brief, but this is some of the best usage of it I think I’ve seen from any game in the past decade, and this is in a Half-Life mod. Aspiring game devs take notes!
Conversely the mod’s greatest strength also plays into its greatest weakness, small things that break the tension. The biggest one is crates, there’s far too many crates, some have useful stuff in, most don’t. To be fair the crates are mostly easy to break as they only take one or two hits from the trusty wrench, but the slow swing speed and the sheer amount of them still makes this a tiring task. Towards the end of the mod there was a very cool scripted sequence that was ruined by the amount of smashable crates in the hallway because I didn’t realise getting too close to the door near where there were crates would start the sequence, and it was only after getting killed and loading a save I could appreciate it. A minor thing that I felt was a mistake was putting a Gonome early on, it lessens a later tense moment that involves them.
The mapping in this is fantastic for the most part, the maps themselves seem like they’d fit into the HL/OP4 world effortlessly and they look lovely despite using few non-original textures. The beginning has a severe lack of direction, which is again something I think was intentional, however in this instance I think it was a misstep as it is frustrating and only ends up padding out the mod. Scripted sequences are used very well here, except for Xen it feels like most areas of the mod use high amounts of scripted sequences but it’s believable enough to not be obnoxious or distracting.
The combat is one of the weakest aspects of a mod that does everything else superbly. It’s far too easy and it feels like most of the time you’re fighting zombies which aren’t terribly exciting. The warehouse battle was a lot of fun, as was the interesting fight at the end of the mod, I’d love to have seen this have another hour of playtime added with more battles like this.
I really like the background to the mod and the idea of playing as one of the female assassins, but it isn’t really used to full advantage. I think you run slightly faster than you do in normal HL, and the Opposing Force models are reskinned to fit the character, but for the most part you may as well be playing as Gordon or Adrian. The weapons have some changed sounds, and at the very least I’d make the pistol silent and include the silencer on the model (even though you do get it from a dead security guard). Missed opportunity really. I like the Opposing Force models and mechanics in a regular HL mod, can’t say I’ve really seen that before.
I fully recommend HTC, this is one of the most impressively designed mods I’ve played.
41 Minutes
Nice mod. The design of the map is very nice. Combats and puzzles are fun. I like the scary atmosphere when the lights are turned off. The fight with black ops in the dark is challenging. The ending scene is very impressive.
1 Hour
Short and interesting mod. Personally i think that this is more adventure than shooter mod, because most fights are pretty easy (except last two, and i’m pretty sure that you must run away in the first one), but atmosphere is GREAT, and mod have pretty good spook section, without screamers, but great suspense. Ending was rather anticlimatic though, deus ex gargantua.
1 Hour, 20 Minutes
nice short mod, but could have hints leading the player near the start of the mod as I had no clue what to do. It also lags on my pc for some reason
50 Minutes
Great mod, has some tough battles and i really enjoyed it.
43 Minutes
This mod is really Good! I had a blast playing it. I think I beat it in under an hour but can’t be too sure. I really like the level design, it has a mix of easy medium and hard stuff The last fight was a bit of a pain tho Ngl but I enjoyed it, and the platforming bit was pretty cool. It was a great adventure I gotta say, I did get a tad lost at one point scratchin’ me head and all, but eventually I sussed it out so no biggie there, So in the end it’s a great mod That i Recommend a lot.
45 Minutes
HTC is the beginning of a Trilogy
For the beginning, I liked it a lot, it has some moments of tension that I couldn’t handle because my hands were shaking, an interesting story to tell and the desire to know… what he did and who the protagonist is.
I liked it a lot, let’s hope the level goes up the further the trilogy progresses
50 Minutes