HMS Defiance

for Half-Life 2

26th June 2007

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3

In 1942, the prototype battleship, the HMS Defiance, went mysteriously missing without a trace. It is now 2018 and the HMS Defiance has been located and an expedition cruiser sent.

You are a member of the cruiser’s diving team and have been picked to go down to the cruiser to search the ship and bring back artefacts for study. However, when you are down there, you will trigger mayhem.

Most of the mod takes place in the cruiser and you are one of few survivors as most of the crew have either evacuated or been killed. There are few weapons on board the cruiser, so you will not have a massive amount of weapons.

Basic Details
  • Title: HMS Defiance
  • File Name: hl2-sp-hms-defiance.7z
  • Size : 26.28MB
  • Author: 8472 & Team
  • Date Released: 25 June 2007
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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Reader Recommendations
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9 recommendations, average score: 3.33 (out of 5), standard deviation: 1.33 (what's that?)
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Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 30 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by thepuzzler
Longest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by thepuzzler
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 30 Mins
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  1. Mel

    Love the idea and story line, hope they have done their research.

  2. Jimbo

    I just got done with the mod. Took less than half an hour. Wasn’t really impressed with it. Everything from the boxy weapon models to the annoying slo-mo matrix effect whenever you kill something didn’t register well with me. Ambience was okay, but I didn’t feel like I was doing anything important. Lighting was too bright. Going from unopening door to unopening door was a nuisance as well.

    Voice acting was okay– I got the objectives down, but sometimes it was hard to hear what they were saying.

    However…I did like the heavy shotgun sound whenever I shot something. But that’s about it unfortunately. *KABOOOOOM*

    If you’re looking for something to grasp your imagination and really get into–

    But if you’re just looking to kill half an hour–

    4/10 in my book.

  3. Play It Now!

    I liked the whole idea of thid mod and it has lots of potential.The slowmo thing got me too but it only happens after so many kills not everyone.It took me a bit to figure out the green lines shooting around wasn’t electricity thou.Its short but good if you don’t mind a million zombies etc.It would be a good first map for something bigger.

  4. McLure

    Short but sweet. Kind of good action, not hard to beat, immersive and fun.

  5. Mel

    Will assume first effort and be constructive with comments accordingly.

    Very basic design throughout, mostly decks and corridors sparsely furbished with common textures. A maze of doors most are redundant with repeated detail design and content throughout.

    Action is limited to zombie encounters, so gameplay is about as empty as it can get,
    weapons are equally sparse but then the two go hand in hand.

    Sets are boxy and empty with incidental detail and content uninspiring.

    There is some new stuff but it does nothing to enhance the playing experience.

    Sound effects were fine, with voice acting in the main ok.

    If this is a first attempt, then it’s not all bad and must be seen in the light of new mappers gaining experience, if that’s the case, let nothing said here put the authors off from going on to better things.

  6. bkadar

    ook nood on this one ,wtf start off 1st force field 2hours ,i promise no more drinking the rest of this mod, tried jumping the stairs ,valves,oooo so not under standing the ship that looks like a castle,not looking for a spoiler here , just some guidence ty.

  7. MadWolf
    Play It Now!

    Iif this is a first mod than it is not to bad but it needs more work.

  8. Maybe?

    From the author of outpost xen
    I find it a little wierd, everything is quite well put together and I suppose take place on a ship (?), regarding to the choice of environment textures I doesn’t really fits, weapons are self made but from another age (looks more like Duke Nukem weapons). For the rest the gameplay is well balance (like in outpost xen) and alternate easy fight with enjoyable puzzle it’s defenetly too short and regarding to the ability of the team there is certainly potential but it’s from the same bottle as outpost xen and nothings seems to be “up skilled” which disapoints me a little…

  9. Mel

    Well if this is their 2nd team mod,I would have expected a bit more content and slightly improved mapping.

    It’s still better than I could do.

  10. Mel

    Yes, I reviewed “Outpost Xen” and much said there can also apply here. So you are right ‘stef” no “up skilled here.

    Let hope they keep trying.

  11. Avoid It!

    I really didn’t enjoy this one at all. The design seemed very basic and the gameplay aslo seemed basic as well. The one part I did enjoy was the “trap”. That was about it.

  12. Fluffy the Hamster

    The Game? Half-Life 2
    The Mod? HMS Defiance
    The Author? 8472
    Is It Good? Sadly, no
    The Score? 4 out of 10

    Give Us A Story There, Bub:
    You are Generic Bob. Before Black Mesa you were a poorly paid self-amateur proctologist working for a day care. Now, with the playing field leveled, you skip freely across the mediterranean throwing pies at people.

    Or, you are Random Person and you wake up in a cell-like room, a broken bed with no mattress. You’d think, being able to develop large expeditionary cruisers with invincible LCDs, they’d buy some mattresses. Already starting off the day on a bad end, you meet with another random person, who orders you around like the bitch you are. Apparently, you have some deep sea diving to do. You have a HEV suit, for some.. reason… Stop asking stupid questions and start breaking crates!

    And for something completely different, I did some light research into the HMS Defiance. As far as I know, there were no ships in the Royal Navy by the name of the HMS Defiance during 1942.

    The Good:
    Everything is new. New textures, new objects, new weapons, new voices and so on. So far, the only thing that isn’t new is the sounds (ripped from half-life original) and the enemies. The mod’s overall graphics is highly reminiscent of the original Half-Life for some reason. The storyline and setting is rather cool.

    The Bad:
    It is short. You could easily complete this mod in fifteen minutes. The rooms are rather barren themselves, but the claustrophobia kinda prevents any object littering. The mod is boringly easy, with enemies that are easily killed due to the powerful weapons and puzzles that, well, don’t exist.

    The Ugly:
    The models are… well. They’re not atrocious, but they’re pretty damn bad. You will be sniping zombie’s heads off with what seems to be a grey puzzle piece and shotgunning them with a pair of half-feet pipes. Even a blind rabbit could make better models and being in the same paragraph made the rabbit commit suicide. Everything else isn’t particularly good either.

    In Other Words…:
    This mod is sad, because it really had potential. They made the effort to make their own textures, models, voice acting and such, and the storyline and setting is much better then the average “Kill all combine coming at you” clone. I rather hope that the author attempts this again when he learns a few more skills. As is, this is a big failure.

  13. Robspace 1
    Play It Later

    This is a short map and it is nice to have one on a ship but it does have problems. There is only a few enemies to shoot and the overall look of the mod is simple and not really that interesting. It’s ok but not a must play for sure.

  14. Maybe?

    Graphics: graphics on the sub could had been better designed, kind of bleak, the rest of the graphics in the game was good though

    Lighting: Lighting was dark and not well placed on the map where ya in a submarine, the all knowledge map the lighting was great, the future map there was a bit too much lighting

    Audio — Audio was great, over-voicing was sharp and understandable for the guy in the gas mask, the guy running the teleporter however was some parts sounded mumblely and too soft

    Game play — Game-play was great throughout the game except for the area where ya stuck in this little room and have to defend yourself from the masked protectors of the book of all knowledge, that area the enemy have a unfair advantage being that there no way to take cover from enemy fire, the mod was also very short

    Controls — Not applicable, controls is the same as the game base file (HL2)

    Storyline — Storyline was confusing, and kind of doesn’t make sense due to no back stories

    Multiplayer — Not applicable, this was a single player only mod

    Final Saying — The game was ok, if ya don’t mind bright bleak textured areas and confusing storyline

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