“What a party, eh! Those barneys sure know how to throw one, and the antics of that professor, what was his name? The one with the moustache?
Ah who cares, anyways, hell of a party, and then some. Of course, most of it lies quite dead in your memory, as you blacked out somewhere halfway, a short while after someone brought in some home made drinks, created in his lab while the supervisor wasn’t looking, then kept running under pretence of biological experiments! Applejack, that’s for sure!
Now its The Next Morning. You vaguely remember someone shaking you and shouting about an appointment at the Anomalous Materials lab. After having ignored them for long enough they left grumbling something about having to find someone else to do it.
You wake up with a sudden awful realisation that it’s the building, not your stomach rumbling, and all hell seems to have broken loose. You hop off your bunk in the dormitories level of the ‘pylon 4’ tower which you have a room in, and head off to investigate…
- Title: Half-Life: Shadows Part 1
- File Name: hl1-sp-shadows-part-1.7z
- Original File Name: hls1.zip
- Size : 1.14MB
- Author: ProMagnoN
- Date Released: 30 January 1999
Download directly into MapTap [1.1MB]
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You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy all the maps folder into your Half-Life/Valve folder.
- Copy pmcust.wad into your Half-Life/Valve folder.
- Launch Half-Life 1
- Open the console and type map pm00.
- Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
- Play and Enjoy.
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WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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1Last 7 days
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Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 14 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 13 Mins by monster_urby
Longest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by reaction
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 43 Mins
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Played ok, good mix grunts and aliens, design ok if a bit boxy, yet another part 1 to a game that never was finished. No end level.
Shows promise. The few maps are enjoyable. Comes to an abrupt end. Unfinished.
You know, sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference. In this case it was one level change. On a corner, right in the middle of a firefight. Never, ever, put a level change in the middle of a fight.
Of course, this was made 11 years ago, but still!
Anyway, it was quite fun but nothing special. Probably too many fights that you could sit out and just watch the action, then walk in a kill who or whatever survived.
Last level didn’t load for me, but I believe it’s just a room with writing on the wall anyway. Manually loading didn’t work either.
Fun for 10 minutes or so, but definitely don’t stop what you are doing to play it.
Talking about early mod, wow.
I think that mod had nice beginning, that first room wasnt so bad, nice scene. And second room gives another surprise. Overall mapping isnt so great, but I like those little details here and there.
And I dont think that there was too many mapping tutorials available during that time, so good work 🙂 Was there ever part II? Part I ending wasn’t so great, but at least you know that you’ve finished it…
All the hallmarks of an early set of maps by an early author, plenty of action, some you could elect to sit out, but I did like the early seen with the two zombie, you could entice them back up the stairs for Barney to finish off. Other then that, there’s nothing that memorable about this set of maps, can’t think of any reason to play it twice or any sequences worth repeating for fun.
The design is basic and boxy from beginning to end, although the end map/seen does not load, I did not detect any improvement with mapping skills, but hope the author improves with his next offering.
Play it by all means, it’s a classic example of unpolished early HL1 custom work.
Well this may have been the first ever Half-Life single player pack I ever played. Unfortunately time wasn’t really kind to it. It’s early HL and it really shows. There’s basic architecture and some awful lighting. I like the basic layout and flow but overall it’s very rough around the edges.
It does set up some 3-way battles which are always fun, although if you wait it out the enemies are really whittled down. I didn’t find any challenge in this set of maps at all. There are some basic puzzles here but nothing more complex than hit the button to turn off the generator.
It seems to crash on loading the last map but it doesn’t look like I missed anything. I did think of it favorably back in the day, but seeing how far we’ve come I can’t recommend this pack anymore.
This mod is a reimagining of Half-Life. What if Gordon was drunk and couldn’t run that experiment, so someone else had to do it?
We wake up in the dormitory and go to the surface. By the author’s version, the dormitory is located in a tower, so in this mod we reach the surface by going down, not up.
The design is simple, but very diverse, which makes the simplicity much less noticeable. The usage of env_sound aids the atmosphere. The turning off a generator is quite spectacular. The enemies are aliens and soldiers, they fight not only us, but also each other, so at times it’s better to wait.
At the end there’s a nice night outdoor area.
The last map is a simple box room, there’s a writing on the wall, something like “Well done, you completed part 1, part 2 is on the way”. There’s something wrong with it, so I could get to that map only from the second try. At the first time, the game crashed. After the change, the player is rotated 90 degrees, so reading is not very convenient.
All in all, it was nice short entertainment.
This is an ok mod, I think because is a part 1 it feels like cut in the middle of something important, I mean this is over as soon as u get out to the surface, and that’s why I can say this feels like it has no end, to me in the last part when i’m out of the surface, and I try to keep moving the game just crashes in the last loading charge, the game just stay muted.
Another fun action map with a few puzzles.
The action was fun but the puzzles were very poor. The game play was a mix of both grunts and aliens and also resulted in them fighting each other on some occasions, which was nice too see instead of them constantly pounding you.
It was obvious that this was an early HL mod and had some mapping flaws. I won’t deny that I myself am still learning how to map and am a novice, but some of these things stood out. Mainly the lighting, especially in the red stairwell.
I’d also like to add that after a poor start, the 100SDoN has really started to get good, as evident from the last few entries.
Not the worst so far but certainly not the best.
It starts off almost like some get out of the jail mods but its seems very disjointed and the ceiling turret in the HEV suit room! Why was it killing the scientists, surely just by being there it should be defending them and the suit?
The look and the layout are about what I would expect of a mod/map that was made just a few months after the original Half Life was released, but by today’s standards its a little rough around the edges. Like some of the previous 100 days it’s playable but nothing to get excited about, if nothing else its a coffee break game.
Walk into room
Barney Runs up
Sound loops
Manually End process with Task Manager
A pretty neat lil mod just like shortly after the Black Mesa incident.
-Quite good mapping, design + good lighting
-Very good combat sequences, lot action
-Good balanced
-Some nice scripts
-Some puzzles
-Short playtime
-Minor bugs (graphics)
-Game crashes at end (“pm01a” map), or is it just unfinised? (edit: it is)
-Only indoor areas (95%)
After producing some DM levels for Half-Life I believe, Promagnon has now moved on to single player levels and we should all be glad that he has.
Here we have the largest user-created set of levels for Half-Life yet with a whopping eight maps and a few new textures included in the package. While some of the maps are ridiculously small, there’s still a lot of playing time to be had here and, thankfully, it’s great fun. It’s interesting to see that this unit and Infiltration were released at around the same time because they both represent quite a leap forward in quality for add-on maps and bode very well for the future.
What’s most impressive about this unit is the way the Promagnon has coped with the scripting facilities of Half-Life. While Infiltration managed it on a small scale, here we have the first decent scripted events produced by a third party. The beginning is extremely atmospheric as you awake, surrounded by rubble, corpses and the groaning of the tower in which you’re trapped. Promagnon evidently understands what made Half-Life’s single-player side so great and here he shows that he’s capable of emulating Valve’s quality.
Despite how immersive the level is and how well the set-pieces have been implemented, it’s still far from perfect. The enemy placement isn’t too great [although he has managed to stage some great grunt-on-alien fights at some points] and the architecture isn’t up to all that much. There aren’t many mistakes but it’s quite plain for most of the unit apart from a nicely designed night scene towards the end.
While the visuals aren’t particularly wonderful and the combat needs to be improved – especially the rather poor spiral staircase areas – this is a lot of fun. When I’d played Half-Life and was waiting for the first new levels to appear, I was worried that authors wouldn’t be able to do much with Valve’s enemies and that SPHL wouldn’t even come close to the heights that SPQ2 has [and still is] attaining. However, this level and Infiltration have certainly boosted my confidence in the wonderful mapping community and I look forward to the next part of HL Shadows.
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Thursday, 4th February, 1999 by Morgan.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
Half-Life: Shadows Part 1 for Half-Life
Not the best, and not the worst.
Enemies are well placed, but it’s mostly aliens VS humans. Textures are nice, but not really great.
Lighting is awful at most points, and I understand it’s made in 2000, but I’ve seen much better.
The last level didn’t load for me, it crashed. I’m playing on the WON version, I don’t know what’s wrong.
Overall, it’s a nice mappack. If you want some action, you might wanna try this map out.
Play It Later
Shadows Part 1 joins the long list of early HL mapsets that I wish had their second parts released. You know the set is going to be good when you see the opening shot (something that a lot of, even contemporary, maps forgo.
Shadows is a very Valve-like mapset, you need to turn off power to be able to continue, crawl through vents and so on. It does have it’s own ideas, I especially liked seeing the scientists get mowed down by the turret in the HEV suit room. I very much enjoyed the fact that there are multiple instances of grunts vs aliens where you can hide and watch before cleaning up the winner.
The detailing in the map works well enough however the architecture is quite bare and boxy in places. I was able to cheese one of the later fights which takes place in a half-submerged room by sticking my head underwater and crowbaring 4 grunts in the crotch.
I’m unable to finish the mapset off as the final map, pmend.bsp, doesn’t seem to have a player1 spawn point. It’s a small bsp so I’m guessing it’s just an outro cinematic.
Check this release out if you like classic style maps and have 15min to spare.
15 Minutes
Welcome to a new campaing. There’s a war between soldiers and aliens. They are fighting to the teeth. They were tired to waiting for Gordon to give him a surprise. And after a long frustration of hours waiting for Gordon, they start the battle for power and when Gordon realize of that, he sit and camp to watch what is going on. Sometimes sit & watch is better than spending a lot of time in action, since action makes someone mad. We have some spectacular movies here Half of enemies will kill each other ladies and gentelmens, you just have to wait and watch the TV show here lol. The developer forget to put TV room and cameras. What a mess! I was looking for this rooms. It’s even interesting how team A crash the team B and stand by for next opponents, this is where Gordon gets in like a coward.
15 Minutes
Half-Life: Shadows Part 1 is yet another step on a looong walk down memory lane. This map pack came up in conversation recently, and I had to give it another look for old times sake. One of the first map packs I ever played for Half-Life and it has lived in my brain, rent free, for two primary reasons.
First, the story. While not conveyed in any way within the maps themselves, it exists purely as a section in the readme file which was fairly common back in the day. The fact that Gordon is hungover after a night of partying with the science team along with the line, “the antics of that professor,” which is literally what I Googled to find it again. I think this would have been the first time I played a map with an alternate timeline, where Freeman was never involved with the ill-fated experiment.
Second, the tower. It’s nonsensical and impractical and as such, very memorable. A three bed dormitory on the top floor, an enormous spiral staircase running all the way down it wait a… signposted “Observation Area” at the top with a desk and file cabinets. Who worked here? What was their job? What were they filing?
Half way down the tower there is a twisting series of corridors that lead to some form of fantastical power generator, which when disabled triggers a series of explosions, collapsing part of the tower but clearing the way through the previously electrified flood water. Amusingly, when reaching the exterior of the tower (which is notably smaller than the interior possibly due to science) none of these off-shoot rooms and hallways exist (possibly due to further science.)
The gameplay is fairly standard fare, jumping into the fray between Xenians and the HECU while pushing buttons and backtracking. There are environmental hazards to avoid here and there, but nothing more taxing than “don’t walk into the fire.” The change in the environment post generator shut down are a nice touch, with emergency lighting, a little more structural damage and of course a bunch of new enemies to pick off.
The player’s loadout is limited to early game weapons, suggesting that this was indeed intended to be the first part of a longer mod, but the enemies include alien grunts which I personally consider to be intended more for mid to late game encounters. However, the confined nature of the maps and aforementioned HECU presence means they rarely put up much of a fight.
Alas, it seems we never got a Part 2 or any other releases from ProMagnoN (besides a deathmatch map which I realised today was a favourite during our home LAN games), so all we can do is wonder as to what the full mod would have entailed. As it stands, Half-Life: Shadows is a short, strange experience that is over in little more than ten minutes. It took longer to write this review.
13 Minutes