Lever Softworks brings together leaked maps and specially created demo maps (by them) into one pack.
It’s not a story-driven experience, maps must be loaded manually via the menu (NOT console, don’t worry!), some maps do not even have combat or interaction, but others do.
All in all, it’s an interesting experience but do not expect a mod in the traditional sense.
Please note, this is NOT the same release as Jim Partridge’s Aftermath, it just happens to share the same name.
Release 1 of the mod contains:
- 11 levels created by Valve between 2012 and 2013, intended for Half-Life 3. Keep in mind that these levels were gameplay experiments, not actual storyline based levels.
- 4 demonstration levels created by Lever Softworks to show various functions and NPCs not seen in those levels.
- hl2eb_weapon_proto1_debug, a command which toggles the Developer Console spam created by weapon_proto1.
- npc_combine_armored, an Armored Combine Soldier, intended for Episode 3.
- npc_wpnscanner, a City Scanner with a laser gun, intended for Episode 3.
weapon_proto1, a Combine laser-gun that shoot through walls, intended for Episode 3.
Unfortunately, npc_surface could not be included in mod, as they do not have the sufficient source code. For more information, consult the mod’s ReadMe.txt file.
- This mod requires Half-Life 2: Episode One and Half-Life 2: Episode Two to be installed and working.
- This mod also requires Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer, with the beta branch set to “upcoming”.
I have listed this as Episode Two Mod for ease of categorisation, rather than as a strict description of its requirements.
This mod should be played in conjunction with watching this Valve News Network video, “The Half-Life 3 Beta Map Leak”:
There is also a Questions & Answers page on ModDB.
This file is too large to download directly into Gauge but can be used with it once you have it on your computer.
Download to your HDD [63.30MB]
You can still use it with Gauge once you have downloaded it.
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.
- Copy the HL2-Aftewmath folder into your …\Steam\SteamApps\sourcemods\ folder.
- Start or restart Steam
- Half-Life 2: Aftermath should now be listed in your LIBRARY tab.
Here is a blind playthrough, with commentary, of some maps. It is not meant to be an extensive playthrough of all the maps.
If I get time, I’ll add a couple of panoramic images.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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5Last 7 days
9Last 30 days
124365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 5 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 1 Hours, 47 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 25 Mins by Hec
Longest: 3 Hours by Diclonius Limeony
Total Time Played: 8 Hours, 55 Mins
This release is currently not in a collection
If you believe this release is missing important tags, please suggest them in a comment?

This is excellent. Especially the full maps Dog Gates and Resource Gathering Prototype. I had to quit the latter because of repeated “Engine Error ED_Alloc no free edicts”. I think this was near the end.
OK, downloaded manually and launched with Guage….Valve screen appears and then I get booted out. Launched directly from Steam, launches ok but no maps are available to be loaded in the menu. Had to load maps thru console.
Strange. Can I ask you to delete the installation and try installing it manually, please?
Ok, that did it. Installed manually and launched from steam. Works fine now. Is Breen messing with me again?
This is hard to judge because this is a compilation of playable map’s, most of Them unfinished or « bêta », just to highlight some ideas or concepts made, maybe, for HL3.
The most interesting, the one who justify to play all this mod, is the DOG one where you can upgrade thé robot with various weapons and items to pass through some hazard.
I think that RPG elements are the most useful elements we can get about what Ep3 could have been.
Here’s DOG with all upgrades available :
And a list of all these .
1) Mounted Machine Gun : a portable turret
2) Rocket Launcher : A RPG (unlimited ammo)
3) Resource Magnet : seems to collect the B/E/M falling from enemies (but it fails sometimes to work).
4) Bio-Health Converter : doesn’t seem to work. I think its purpose is to convert ressources into health packs.
5) and 6) Gate Opener and Shield Wall Zapper : allows D0G to open those kind of “doors” and that’s damn useful. Imagine to integrate upgrade DOG in past games or mods.
7) Energy Havester : seems to work the same way like Resource Magnet? But with Energy
8) Throw : to throw enemies… but it’s “broken” as D0G sinks in the ground each time he use it.
9) Directed Movement : doesn’t seem to work.
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
Have you played through and got 2 of 3 gate parts yet? This will likely require you get hundreds of ‘spare’ biological points and other points too while getting all the add-ons. and parts. At that point are you experiencing crashes/freezes with “Engine Error ED_Alloc no free edicts” error messages?
I’m wondering if I should start over or give up. I’ve searched for fixes for this error but they don’t work. It appears this mod overruns the capabilities of the game with the numbers of items. But I want to be sure it isn’t my computer.
I replayed Resource Gathering Prototype from the beginning. I enjoyed it so much it was one of those games I didn’t hesitate to replay.
There were times when the excessive action nearly overwhelmed the video card I guess. I had one freeze like before, but managed to reload and continue to the end, getting the 3 parts and getting through the radio gate. The difference seemed to be limiting the numbers of items picked up to what was needed, but it was still touch and go. i wonder if some of the people who can’t even get it to play could manage it if video settings were changed.
Either this taxes the capacity of the game, computer or video card. Still concerned if I have a developing computer problem.
Installed it and it stops loading on the third screen where it loads the map. I have both required games installed.
Have you started both games recently? If not, try loading them both and then come back to this.
have loaded manually twice now,but no maps show in menu.Game is sitting in steam libarary,opens but no maps.Help needed
What happens when you click “Level Select”?
Nothing at all – no maps to select after choosing the 3 levels.
Do you have Source SDK Base Single Player 2013 with “Betas” set to “Upcoming”?
yes – all set correctly.I have the same issue with another mod – lunar desent
This is very strange. Have you tried running the SDK Base Single Player 2013? Does it work?
Yep – have run that Phillip & it plays the test game ok.
Nah, this just doesn’t cut it. A couple of maps from HL2: Ep2, that have no enemies, and a few test maps with some zombies or combine. The “resource gathering test” map was a failure, no instructions on how to gather the necessary resources to get thru the gates, and no weapons to begin with, DOG was pretty useless, except as a draw for the attacking critters. Otherwise couldn’t finish the map because I couldn’t gather resources or defend myself.
Don’t bother with this one.
2 Hours
I downloaded this before it was posted in RTSL.com. Overall feels like a map demonstrator. Not very big deal and combat when is available is just a bundle of CMB troops spawning endlessly. So yeah I think is not much worth playing it, unless you like this kind of cut-off mods.
25 Minutes
It’s interesting to see what might have been with some interesting ideas. As it stands today, there’s not really much to it before exploring some beautiful levels void of enemies. Again, interesting so see some ideas in some of the levels but overall there’s not much here.
I did quite like the dodgy D0G parts but I like D0G, so… umm… But there’s little else here and it’s hard to rate this for the average gamer but I will say that I was glad to have at least tried this. HL2 uber fans will like this, I’m sure?
is it playable widowt buying the game on steam?
Nope it is not. You need the Steam version of Half-Life 2: Episode Two and the Source SDK 2013 installed.
Not sure, but I would say that I spent about 2 hours playing this Mod. See that others didn’t like it as much as I did. Hmmm. I’d say, download it and give it a chance. I liked it. Plenty of action to keep me on my toes. You decide.
2 Hours
Very Good, look at leaked materials that have been somewhat repaired to work properly
3 Hours