“You’re trapped! Zombies and enemy soldiers impede you, but you have to make it out. They’re both after you, so watch your back.”
Basic Details
- Title: Greenhouse
- File Name: hl2-ep1-sp-greenhouse.rar
- Size : 3.60Mb
- Author: Will W.
- Date Released: 11 March 2008
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Installation Instructions
- Copy the ww_greenhouse.bsp file into your Episode 1 maps folder.
- Run Episode 1
- Open the console and type map ww_greenhouse.
- Press return/enter and play.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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Architecture: I’ll be honest; this map looks horrible. The architecture is all basic and out of scale. That said it’s probably a first map so it’s expected that it won’t be perfect.
Layout: The planned layout is rather good though I did have to use No clip at one point because (presumably) something didn’t trigger. Also there is no ending, your objective in the map is to “find an escape” but I failed to do so even when I looked all over the map in No clip.
Lighting: Lighting is one of the good points of this map; I enjoyed the look of the outside lights which lit up the statues and alike. Lighting everywhere else was pretty basic but did the job.
Atmosphere: None to speak of really, there are no story or plot elements to this it’s just a run and gun map.
Difficulty: Very easy, you get the magnum right away and use it through the whole level until the end where you have to fire about four shots from the rocket launcher against a badly implemented hunter chopper. The helicopter didn’t even get a shot off at me and got stuck flying into a brush, it also had no effect on the map shooting it down (nothing else triggered).
Other notes: Nothing more to say really. The map is probably a first attempt and while my hat goes off to the designer for actually releasing a map they really need to improve their game if they want to make some really decent maps. This one was a little too buggy and basic.
I think this map severely reminds me that I need to fix or get a new video card. This map screamed HDR Bloom at me at a blinding rate to the point where half the screen was all white.
While it’s good to know that people are mapping, it’s not good to know that people are posting their first maps :/
Also, there really needs to be a required “ending” flag to these maps. I don’t wanna find more than half the play time is spent trying to find a non-existant exit.
Good point, maybe I’ll create a No Ending tag, so at least readers will know this before they start playing. Maybe I should just mention it in the notes somewhere.
If this is a first map, then it’s not a bad effort. The overall concept is pretty good, however, I do prefer maps that have plenty of surprises, with less open space, and enemies where you least expect them.
I agree about the lack of a proper ending. I wandered around for some time, before eventually giving up.
I applaud anyone who takes the time to create these maps. It is great that there are people creating single player stuff, and I appreciate their efforts. I hope the designer will continue, and hopefully, go on to create bigger and better maps.
I can only repeat all of Trcell’s comments which sum-up this map. Think twice, there are loads of better maps out there to spend your time on.
If it’s a first time effort by the author then there is plenty of promise here and he should go on the better things.
Yes! I too spent more time wandering about looking for the next trigger (after downing the helicopter) than I did actually playing the map. That there are several boxes of rockets makes me expect more foes.
And whats the button on the outside wall for?
A very odd map indeed. Occasional combat and a Helicopter to bring down – lovely.
Glad I played it, even so.
No ending that I could find.
A map to play when desperation sets in.
well as jasper stated above, this is an old map and desperation set in so I played it
A little map with odd architecture which looks experimental. Personally have lighting problem that make it horrible but probably due to my system.
Too few enemy, helicopter at the end is more interesting but dying after only 3 rockets.
Une map de troisième main.