“Enemy forces have invaded and let loose their secret weapon – a giant robot! Escape while you can and formulate a plan to defeat it and save the city.”
- Title: Giant Enemy Robot
- File Name: hl2-ep1-sp-giant-enemy-robot.7z
- Size : 3.14MB
- Author: Katie Birdwell
- Date Released: 18 July 2007
- Execute the .exe file included in the compressed file.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Run Half-Life 2: Episode 1.
- Open the console and type kbridwel_overwatch.bsp.
- Press return/enter and play.
I’m never particularly happy when mods come with exe files unless they absolutely have to. This one installed perfectly but it also added a readme.txt file in the maps folder that contains the following:
For this mod to work correctly, altered model files for the NPC Dog must be included in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\
Be advised that THIS WILL AFFECT THE DOG MODEL IN ALL OF HALF LIFE 2 EPISODE ONE, so please remember to remove these files before playing any other level or mod. A list of the altered Dog files are as follows:”
- dog.dx80.vtx
- dog.dx90.vtx
- dog.mdl
- dog.phy
- dog.sw.vtx
- dog.vvd
- dog.xbox.vtx
- dog_animations.ani
- dog_animations.mdl
- dog_gestures.ani
- dog_gestures.mdl
- dog_postures.ani
- dog_postures.mdl
I believe that the player should be advised BEFORE any installation begins. How often do people read the readme.txt file?
It should also be noted the there is an automatic uninstaller, which is nice.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010
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60365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 1 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 40 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 5 Mins by Daken50
Longest: 1 Hours, 15 Mins by Sarah Evans
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 20 Mins
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Is this some kind of piss-take on the “Giant Enemy Crab” phenomenon?
I really enjoyed this little map. It’s nice to see designers try and include some modified content. The start is well done and give the whole a mod a feeling or urgency.
Sure, the textures seem a but strange in some places but overall that’s not a big deal.
The map includes a little bit of everything, puzzle solving, action and manhacks, which regular readers know are my favourite HL2 enemy.
The screenshots definitely contain spoilers, so avoid them if you can.
I hope we see more from the author.
well thats a fun little bit o mapping,didnt get the final dog fight till I just now viewed the screenshots . gonna do this agian small,good flow,wouldnt mind a more strider like dog(chase me , stomp me)or maybe antlion ai,but the author should do more dont know if this is a first try or not but not to shabby
Architecture: Good over all, most of it was a little bland but it did the job well.
Layout: The layout was good although some areas seemed to be there for no reason (like the long corridor near the start with only one door.
Lighting: Lighting is pretty standard for a large outside map; indoor lighting was pretty bland however.
Atmosphere: The indicial atmosphere was excellent, watching the giant robot throw a car around and all the rebels running away. This could have been greatly enhanced with the use of custom sounds.
Difficulty: I’ll be honest it’s pretty simple. If you have two arms you can complete this level. The first real weapon you get is the magnum (snipe headshots) and at the only real battle in the level you get given a squad of five rebels which are more than a match for the ten or so combine in the next room.
Other notes: The ending of this level could have been done better. It was a bit of an anticlimax to simply shoot a rocket and the big tower then watch it (soundlessly I might add) make giant dog fall over. In all nothing to write home about although the giant robot dog is a pretty cool feature. I hope the designer will do more work with giant dog, maybe this time make him a bit more dangerous?
Ten minutes of pretty average play, but I liked the concept of the remodelled Dog, so much so I went back to Ep1 and tried to play it, sadly I couldn’t get past the part where Dog gives you the Gravity gun….Completely agree with the previous comments, Dog didn’t even fall over when he should have done…Still, I’m not a mapper, so I have no idea how much time and effort went into this…Good effort anyway.
Short —- -but sweet!
Too short, nothing interesting except an oversized dog that’s out to get us for some reason. I can go out near the building and fallen funnels and such but invisible wall stops me from going further so I got stuck and had to reload the map again cus I didn’t have any saves. Map is too big for no reason and it could’ve easily used a strider or more instead of the big bad dog. There was a mod where an actual working giant robot was built and I could actually pilot it.. This really didn’t deserve my time.
“Das Roboss” – hl2 mod, and quite good it was, too!
Nice map with huge room and … Dog, who is rare in mods.
Not enough enemy in my mind, but shooting manhacks at 800 m with magnum is pleasant. .
Download is down D:
Doesnt work for me…dont know if its faulty or not…
Using Gauge
1 Hour, 15 Minutes
What exactly didn’t work? IF you tell us the errors, we might be able to help.
Also, if it didn’t work for you, how did you play it for 1 hour 15 minutes?
I’m installing Episode One now and will test it soon.
UPDATE: It starts okay for me but I haven’t played all the way through.
Plain Jane. Forgettable.
5 Minutes