Get A Life

for Half-Life 2

26th April 2008

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Get a Life is a FPS Single player action/adventure total-conversion for Half-life 2. You play Alex Zemlinsky, who is trying to learn everything about his mysterious past

Claimed Features
  • 4 chapters (a total of 20 different maps) offering almost 7 hours of gameplay
  • Gripping story about the main character Alex Zemlinsky, who is trying to learn everything about his mysterious past
  • 10 different weapons, 3 of them upgradable with modules
  • Unique gameplay:
    • Enhanced AI (including squads and advanced combat tactics such as taking cover and fear behavior), developed in cooperation with the E.Y.E. mod team
    • New healing system with several body damage zones and diseases
    • Bullet-time system
    • Survival (fight off waves of enemies coming at you) and sneak passages (making noise just makes it harder)
  • Features a variety of enemies, with heights ranging from 2 centimeters to 2 meters, and a “gore and gib” system

Basic Details
  • Title: Get A Life
  • File Name: hl2-sp-get-a-life-v1.1.7z
  • Size : 625.48MB
  • Author: Get a Life Team
  • Date Released: 25 April 2008

Download Options

Download to your HDD [625.5MB]

Installation Instructions
  • Extract the Get A Life folder into your Sourcemods folder
  • Restart or start Steam.
  • Get a Life should now be listed in your Library tab.
  • Launch as normal.


Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Reader Recommendations
Avoid It!
Think Twice
Play It Later
Play It Now!

39 recommendations, average score: 4.15 (out of 5), standard deviation: 1.57 (what's that?)
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 2 comment(s) with meta review data.

Using Gauge: Users
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Time Taken:
Average: 9 Hours
Shortest: 8 Hours by Winterman
Longest: 10 Hours by beanz / milkmanbeanz
Total Time Played: 18 Hours
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  1. I will not be using a recommendation image or rating this mod because it’s not my sort of mod.

    Total conversions bring up interesting questions because they are essentially completely new games and this site is about Maps and mods for the Half-Life series.

    I started to play but stopped after ten minutes, not because it was bad but because it’s not the style of game I enjoy playing.

    I am seriously considering whether I should post ANY total Conversions.

    Anyway, try it and see if you like it.

  2. Maybe?

    Having a HUD, and maybe some enhanced features is fine, but Phil is right, it ventures to far from the Half Life 2 Style. Working on my mod, I’ve made a custom HUD, and even Volumetric Lighting, however I’ve kept everything else the same Warm, fuzzy, HL2 feeling.

  3. AI

    Am I missing something here? What’s the difference between this “mod” and the other mods like “Offshore” and “Minerva” plus some of the others out there?? From what I’ve played sofar it has been quite enjoyable! So this “old” man needs some enlightenment!

  4. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone at the moment. The game is completely broken and if they don’t do anything about it I would stay away from it as far as you can.

  5. What’s the difference between this “mod” and the other mods like “Offshore” and “Minerva” plus some of the others out there??

    This “mod” is actually a Total Conversion. This means it has no connection with the Half-Life universe and just uses the engine. It is the same with Surgical Strike.

  6. fragmaster

    I got some desktop crashes trying to load up this sourcemod’s Chapters I tried loading up the 1st & 2nd but went straight to desktop with a windows error message. Any else get these problems?

  7. Mman

    “I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone at the moment. The game is completely broken and if they don’t do anything about it I would stay away from it as far as you can.”

    What is “broken” about it? The only major problem I’ve encountered is a PC/HL2 engine issue that the developer can likely do nothing about (as it apparently randomly strikes certain computers).

    This is showing you can never win; make a “vanilla” HL2 mod and people complain it’s too similar, make a TC and people complain it’s too different. And how you can judge it in ten minutes? The beginning is very different from the rest of the mod.

    From what I’ve played so far it’s excellent, but I haven’t finished it yet.

  8. make a TC and people complain it’s too different. And how you can judge it in ten minutes? The beginning is very different from the rest of the mod.

    I don’t know if this comment is directed at me but I’ll respond to it anyway.

    I’m not complaining that it’s too different I am just expressing my opinion. I applaud and respect the team but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. In the same way I don’t like other SP FPS games, doom 3 for example. We all have our taste and I expressed mine.

    And how you can judge it in ten minutes? The beginning is very different from the rest of the mod.

    I can judge what I like very easily. It’s the same with anything. If I try something and I don’t like it then I stop. The gameplay may change but the fact that it’s not set in the HL universe is enough for me to stop playing. I wasn’t enjoying it and there are too many other games and mods to play to waste time on something I am not enjoying.

    The ending may be different from the ending and it may be regarded as the best mod ever released but I choose not to continue playing in the hope I start to like it.

    That’s why I chose not to rate or use images because I accept that my viewpoint is not neccesarily useful for other readers.

  9. Henry Swanson
    Play It Now!

    Another great HL2 Mod -calling it anything less seems to be hair splitting, IMHO. Nice set design, well paced action, the HUD & damage system don’t really add anything, good music, not enough spooky ambient noizes.. and no bugs (if you run Powerstrip, load it after the mod not before.) A lot of work has been put into this one and it shows. Check it out. Oh, and undead people lit from beneath by weird green light shining through a grid are terrifying 😉

  10. Bladesinger
    Play It Now!

    This might the best singleplayer mod for HL2.
    It has really intresting gameplay with a new healing system and some awesome new AI for the enemies (soliders leaning around corners). The zombies and the antlion looking enemies are quite scary too, especially when they jump out at you from some dark corner.
    The story starts out good but it worsen in the middle of the mod and finally gets better at the end.

    But that doesn’t mean it’s pefect.
    Many people have reported a lot of crashes, I’ve “only” had two crashes during my 10 hours in the mod. The mapping in the later levels is lacking but they are still decent, and the sewer levels get a bit monotonous after a while, but not boring.

  11. “What is “broken” about it?”

    The bleeding-system is what’s completely screwed and broken. Why are you starting to bleed when a zombie hit you one time or walking into fire? In the beginning there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it but just bleed out until you’re dead.

    After you arrive at a snowy place while a guy is telling you to use medkits, and while you’re slowly bleeding, to replenish your health, you do that and go into a cut scene. Problem is that during the cut scene you’re BLEEDING. Okay, say what? Why am I bleeding during a cut scene? Two guys are talking why you’re dying until you finally regain control BUT you just notice that you’re lying on the cold floor rotting.

    “This is showing you can never win; make a “vanilla” HL2 mod and people complain it’s too similar, make a TC and people complain it’s too different. And how you can judge it in ten minutes? The beginning is very different from the rest of the mod.”

    Maybe that was directed at Phillip but anyway. I’m not complaining that it’s too different from HL2, I always welcome mods that’s very different from the original game; in fact that is what I’m looking after in mods and especially MP mods.
    And about the beginning, how am I supposed to continue when the game is refraining me from doing it?

    If you ask me it could’ve used a bit more testing before release, releasing something with a gameplay aspect that’s not working correctly is just beyond me.

  12. Coudal

    You shouldn’t abandon total conversions. I understand that you’re more interested in mods that are within the HL canon but there is a very large audience for SP TC mods. I actually think there may be a larger market of folks looking for total conversions than HL canon mods but because of the apparent lack of developers not taking the time or initiative to commit to such a large projects we are left with lots of under developed (or just more of the same) HL canon mods, as well as, semi conversions that just don’t quite live up to the hype. It’s rare that a good total conversions comes along but same can be said for HL canon mods.

    There haven’t been a lot of great HL TC over the years (more due to lack of releases than quality of work). But to just abandon them, I think, would loose a chunk of players and readers at PP.

  13. The mod does have kinda bad design really

    Another great HL2 Mod -calling it anything less seems to be hair splitting, IMHO. Nice set design

    You shouldn’t abandon total conversions.

    I like Total COnversions too, but at the same time, Its nicer to see what people can do with wat Half Life 2 already contains, as its a giant constraint, and very few can pull it off.

  14. Tony
    Play It Now!

    I think you gave up too soon PlanetPhilip once you get past the instruction film (after the dream section.the snow scene Loke mentions) it really becomes a proper FPS .Maybe you need a giant tarantula warning (that’s what the headcrabs are in this mod)
    It did crash a few times ,but it’s such a good mod I persevered with it .

  15. Mman

    “After you arrive at a snowy place while a guy is telling you to use medkits, and while you’re slowly bleeding, to replenish your health, you do that and go into a cut scene. Problem is that during the cut scene you’re BLEEDING. Okay, say what? Why am I bleeding during a cut scene? Two guys are talking why you’re dying until you finally regain control BUT you just notice that you’re lying on the cold floor rotting.”

    So it’s actually from some sort of bug you got (that I didn’t get at all)? From the mod forum it should be noted a patch is supposedly coming in the next few days that gives the option to turn bleeding off (there’s supposed to be some scripting fixes too, so that training bug you had might be fixed anyway).

    My other comment wasn’t directed at you. Speaking of that, Philip, while you said you only played ten minutes, are the screenshots supposed to be of how far you got? If so that’s more like an hour, which makes a lot more sense.

    The second post actually makes me think of a small site suggestion; maybe “consider it” could be a more neutral colour like grey? As it is in terms of the lining up of the recommendation symbols, “consider it” being brownish-yellow seems to portray it more as “average”, when it seems like a lot of the time it’s used more as “I don’t like it, but others may/probably will,” or “I like it, but it’s probably quite niche”, a neutral colour would help give that impression, as it would make it more like a side rating such as “too buggy”, which seems fitting considering its general use.

    “The mod does have kinda bad design really”

    While I’m on the warpath, lets cover this too; why/what do you is badly designed? Flippant comments like that towards a mod helps no-one in choosing whether it check it out or not.

  16. “So it’s actually from some sort of bug you got?”

    I’ve got it and I have also read about a few more people who also received it. I wouldn’t call it a rare bug in that case and it’s quite strange that some do encounter it while others do not. Like I said before this mod could’ve had a few more weeks of testing to really squash out all the bugs in the game and crashes (although I didn’t encounter any… yet.).

    “From the mod forum it should be noted a patch is supposedly coming in the next few days that gives the option to turn bleeding off (there’s supposed to be some scripting fixes too, so that training bug you had might be fixed anyway).”

    That’s good to hear as I really want to play this mod and not have to put it away just because of some tedious bug.

  17. CrowbarSka

    Definitely could benefit from some more testing.

    Can anyone help me with what to do. I’ve just powered a lift and ridden it up (just after waking up in a strange place). When I get to the top the lights go out and I get killed by zombies. A door falls open but I can’t get through.

  18. Dont get out of the lift.Stay in untill it goes back down…..

  19. Andyno

    Please help me somebody. I’m stuck where there’s a giant antlion and don’t know what to do. 🙁

  20. Aint got that far yet.I’m stuck in the dark trying to figure out where to go after getting into the jail cell.I need to rest for a bit.Let the mind clear lol.Maybe a cold beer would help.

  21. Andyno

    The beer won’t help. Trust me. 😀
    Try change the brightness levels. It’s set really low on default and it’s almost unplayable. 😉

  22. Tony

    Don’t forget the flare gun has a flashlight on it .

  23. Mman

    I don’t know of the exact preocedure as I only watched my brother play, but after the Antlion is dead (guns worked just fine for him, but he was on easy, so there may be supposed to be a puzzle), go back to where you entered the room and there is another doorway beside it (which is further). Checking the brightness is standard issue 🙂 , although from what I’ve seen it does seem to affect GAL more than most SP mods.

  24. The Watcher

    I really want to play this mod, as well as The Citizen, but ever since a recent steam update (supposedly an engine update), I have been unable to play HL2, EP1, and any mods for either game. I get a launcher error every time I try to play them. I went as far as to reinstall steam and all my games, but to no avail. I tried asking for help on the Interlopers forum, but nobody answered my thread (basically telling me they don’t give a hoot about me). I’m already considering giving up hope of ever playing these games and mods again (it’s been at least a month or two since I asked for help). I may never play this and The Citizen, or be able to play gems like Minerva again…

  25. Andyno

    Thanks for help Mman – I didn’t noticed that opening before… 🙂 But I have another stuck problem – I’m in some big house (probably hotel) and I turned on the generator in the attic but don’t know where to go next…

  26. 3Lions

    Speaking as someone who is cringes at the sight of Antlions (and hated Zen on HL1), I love Total Conversions. Especially good ones like this which is fresh and well designed.

    Firstly, I am close to completing the game and have only had one crash. But I know the makers are working on a bug fix for those whom have experienced problems.

    You often need to wander a little bit, but not any more than other mods or even the Real HL1 or HL2.

    The makers seem to have taken a lot of aspects from a older Pc game called, Fahrenheit (it was a third person mystery adventure game)and I like that “off-the-cuff” feeling. What do I mean? There are some weird ‘memory flashbacks scenes” which you have to play through in monochrome and the “clue giving cutscenes” are just like those from found in this other game I mention.

    There are so many new ideas, i.e not found in other HL2 mods.
    I like the Health system and found the Bullet time flawed (not nearly as good as Max Payne.)

    Best of all is the level design and the Zombies are nice also.

  27. Mman

    Thought I’d mention that the patch is available now:

  28. 3Lions

    I just like to add two things to my comments above: (spoiler alert…)
    1) There are many scripted areas in the game, mainly with the aim of moving you onto the next area/direction.

    2) As mentioned before by others, some times these areas are buggy (maybe the patch will fix this?) for example a barrel explodes with the objective to move you down the stairs… but first time it happened I got killed. Some ppl get angry about this and call it a bug. But I just reloaded from the freqent autosaves and replayed it.

    Another time some zombies come out of a wall, to move you onwards, so I thought i’d hide behind the trolley… my mistake, as there was no clipping for the zombies and they took a lot of health. Again I simply reloaded a saved slot and replayed.

    As far as I’m concerned these scripted bits are really good fun(upto Valve standards.), so dont give up.

    Just replay it…

  29. SPY

    i have played this mod for about 80% I guess and overall I liked it, but I have to admit to many comments that are already said here. for instance that bleeding systhem that is odd, and the total health systhem, it doesn’t really add something to the game, other then itself.

    a real shame its not tested well before release, this would have solved many beginners mistakes, as for instance the fact of a cutscene beginning while the enemie is still shooting at you as player. and what realy surpriced me was to find so many models flowting above thr ground. when the mapper took a bit more time to add them he woudl have notice this mistake. also was the difference between the maps to large, it is very clearly shown that the maps are made by different people. not that that is a bad thing, but most of the times these mappers don’t have the same skill and quality.

    someone said above that the crashing was not the fault of the makers, but this is due to the fact that it is a TC, but this is simply not true. I noticed that most crashes where caused, (in my case at least) by the healthsysthem. most crashes accour after I opend the healthsysthem, or just made some changes in it.
    these crashes where very clearly caused due to bad scripting or other things that don’t work well together in the mod. maybe they worked well when tested in hl2 itself. but to often it can cause problems ones it is implemented in the mod itself. we have simular problems with our mod, and its just a case of keep searching untill you do find the problem that is causing the crashing.

    still, overall I think its a good mod that is too BUGGY, still I give it a recommandation of;


  30. Mman

    “someone said above that the crashing was not the fault of the makers, but this is due to the fact that it is a TC, but this is simply not true.”

    My crashes involve something completely different to that, and everything I’ve found about this particular crash points to it being outside the control of the authors. Maybe the patch has fixed the crashes you had?

  31. To stop the bleeding type -imanoob in the launch options.At least these guys have a bit of humor.

  32. The Watcher

    Fine, ignore me. It’s not like I need any help or something. I bet y’all will ignore this post as well. Jeez, just as bad as Interlopers. Seems like the whole planet is against me…

    Looks like I never will be able to play this mod, The Citizen, or HL2, EP1, and all the other mods ever again for that matter. This bites!

  33. Mman

    Why don’t you send a support ticket from the steam site?

  34. l1ddl3monkey

    Mod is interesting but broken. Broken mod is not fun to play. Just as I was warming to it it went very badly wrong.

    Watcher: Seriously mate, no one owes you a reply – this is a review site, not a technical help desk ;p

    However: what is your launcher error (what does it say exactly) and does it do it regardless of whether you click on the shortcuts on your desktop or the game from within your steam “My Games” menu? Give out a bit more information and someone may have an idea of what the problem is/ be able to help.

    Have you tried the faq and technical assistance forums at – they may already have an answer for you, there are several common launcher errors such as:

  35. Fine, ignore me. it’s not like I need any help or something. I bet y’all will ignore this post as well. Jeez, just as bad as Interlopers. Seems like the whole planet is against me…

    Looks like I never will be able to play this mod, The Citizen, or HL2, EP1, and all the other mods ever again for that matter. This bites!

    Please accept my apologies for not answering you.

    Firstly, it sounds like you have a general Steam/game problem and asking on a site that focuses only on mods probably isn’t the best place.

    Whilst I and my readers do our best we can’t always help.

    If you want help pl;ease create a thread in the forum becasue I am very strict about keeping comments on the mod’s topic. Tell us what launch error you get etc.

  36. At least these guys have a bit of humor.

    I actually think it’s being very rude.

  37. Andyno if your still in the attic climb the stairs and crawl across the rails to make the stove?/washer? fall down.Then go through the hole.There are ingame triggers to make all that stuff fall but I couldn’t find the spot for that one.

  38. Andyno

    I already did as you desribed but I think there’s no reason to jump down through that hole because the way leads only to some medkids and desert eagle ammo… or am I something missing…?

  39. When you drop down into the room go out the doorway and turn right and go through the hole in the wall.

  40. Andyno

    And next? It seems to me like dead end… there’s nothing here but the medkids and ammo… or I missed something?

  41. bkadar

    not just another run&gun, got a storyline,puzzles,fights and an ending.waaaayyyy better than some of the other recent releases this year.

    its a mod, some other hl1 and hl2 mods have no tie in to the hl story, but still fun to play, some with hud/hev some without. overall vey well done imho

  42. If you went in the right hole(closest to where you enterd the attic )you fall into a room with goodies.Break down the boards and go out.Turn right and go through the brick wall.There is a double staircase there.go down but dont jump into the basement.Jump on the boards and go across to the back.

  43. Andyno
    Play It Now!

    Hehh. I must have been blind or something. 😀 Thanks for help. 🙂

    Actually I’m at the final fight. There started some countdown and I was killed. I’m not going to try that again because I hate the final boss fights, especially when you have a little time for something…

    But I have to say that the rest of the mod was very good and one of the best I played ever (I don’t care about the story but lenght and fights).

    Many people here said they got problems with this mod but I didn’t notice anything (except the choppy thing in the beginning) so my rating is still *****.

  44. AI
    Play It Now!

    Compleated this mod finnaly, glad I remapped my quick save button!! That final fight was a good one! and I do hate bugs! (now) Only problem I had was a little laggy in some spots, other than that no crashes. Only 2 things I didn’t like about this mod were the flashlite and the spiders (I hate spiders!). This one I will play again! 😉

  45. Clunkfish
    Play It Now!

    An enormous amount of work has gone into this conversion and it really shows. The mapping is excellent, the gameplay is nicely balanced between puzzle-solving and fighting, there are often multiple routes, there’s a wide range of environments – in short I think it’s a real classic. In some respects they have reached too far – the bloodloss system is a bit wacky, the Deus Ex-style bodypart damage system seems a bit random – but rather reach high and fall narrowly short than a same-old same-old. I think I’m about 80% of the way through and have been having a ball exploring and getting fully immersed in their universe. This is top-notch stuff.

  46. cubedude89
    Avoid It!

    Way to buggy for me! I get crashes all over the place. Huge letdown for me! 🙁

  47. I’m stuck now.After getting in the container and waking up in some water filled place I followed the flares around and out the duck work.Gone through a few doors and am in a room with a hole in the floor that goes to a submerged area.Something I’m supposed to do down there?Got no weapons at all or a flashlite.

    Been a great mod so far.Lovin it.

  48. Andyno

    I don’t know where exactly you are but just go where you can go. 😉 It’s quite a maze down there I admit. 😀

  49. DeadMeat
    Play It Later

    Second chapter didnt work after aplying the patch. Skipped to third.
    Now Im stuck on top of that huge deep pit with some scaffolding. after the I got out of the elevator. Cant get anywehere

    Darknes is very annoying. After u switch from flashlight to weapong u cant see what to shoot. Many times u have to shoot almost randomly cause cant see without flashlight. Annoying specially with spiders.

    Otherwise it has been guite fun to play. Good potential to be much better mod. If no bugs, darkness-flashlight, and healing system I would give 5/5. Now its between 3 and 4 out of 5. ..well, play it later 🙂

  50. fragmaster
    Play It Now!

    I solved the crash problem by not uping the screen resolution on my LCD monitor 1280 x 1024 the crash happened when I uped to 1680 x 1500 .
    The level design is very colorful & intelligent.
    The Bleeding & the Medkit use was kinda Deus Ex health system while the Bleeding I remember from another 1st person shooter.
    I didnt get the value of the flashlight/flare gun at the beginning it seemed wasted there.
    The Hud reminded of FEAR with 3 center item icons.
    Enemies are TC but still look very good.
    Grenades pack quite a punch & The Turrets look mean.
    Ive gotten up too freeing the man behind bars.
    Ive downloaded & installed the patch I just hope the patch doesnt ruin the already good gameplay I had no problem with the bleeding system.

  51. Play It Now!

    No crashes
    awesome mapping
    new environments
    I know there’s a story but the mod is so long I forgot it.
    Love the spiders even thou I hate spiders.
    Graphics were damn good.

    Things I din’t like

    confusing at times
    some things didn’t work like the grenades on the special spez

    I think thats about it but will add a new post of I think of it.I’m at the end I think I just need to find the dynamite.

  52. fragmaster

    im stuck in the room with the antlion the real big one that comes through the ceiling well I killed him once & theres a red turn switch that doesnt seem to do anything.
    So I tried again by ignoring the beast & he destroyed a wall then when for the Center Machine & started breaking pieces off that making the lights short out.
    What order or what do I do in this section?

  53. Andyno

    If you’d read my previous posts you should notice that I’ve had the same problem. 😉

  54. bkadar

    isnt there a door that opens after the fight,next to the door you entered the room from,on the right?

  55. fragmaster

    Heres what to do:
    Kill The Antlion
    Break the Center Machine
    Flip the Red Switch
    Then go back to where the Antlion fell
    A door is open with the wall Sign “CAUTION Wear Your Respirator”
    It gets more intresting after that…….

  56. Me
    Avoid It!

    So much work, so much wasted potecial. I really don’t get it… Health system is annoying and prevent me from playing along. Some tutorial tips would by helpfull.

    I was trying to use a patch, but only change it made was that game crashed everytime I try to load my position.

  57. fragmaster

    I had some of those problems such as when I reached Campaign 2:
    -The Cutscene wouldnt load up & lost of HUD
    -Level would crash to desktop
    Solution play from Scratch.

    The Dynamite Section as follows:
    1st TNT Inside Steel Cargo Container near the Buggy.
    2nd TNT Ladder Leading down next to the Crane.
    Use Crane to make an Stepping Stone or Bridge over the Barred Gate use wooden crates too.
    Once over Follow the Dock & Ship A cutscene will kick in once your On the Ship.
    Inside use the Magnet controls once used Use the Magnet as a JUMPing Platform to get across the Gap.
    Inside the Foremans Office is the Dentator A Cutscence shows where the Last TNT is.
    The Bridge Breaks but Toss the Items below & then drop with them.
    Once on the other side where the Door is shut Go above Too the Crate & The Steel Platiing move these Aside & Toss the Dentator & TNT through & follow Set up the TNT & Dentator throw the Switch & Run Like Hell away
    Hope this was helpful

  58. Havin a hell of a time on boss level.Switched some elecric panel in the lab and turned of a steam valve.Shot out one crystal but can’t figure out next step.Lift’s dont operate yet to get up 2 second level and I cant find anything else to activate.All doors open except A1.

  59. SYMPLE

    30th April 2008 at 03:42

    I’m stuck now.After getting in the container and waking up in some water filled place I followed the flares around and out the duck work.Gone through a few doors and am in a room with a hole in the floor that goes to a submerged area.Something I’m supposed to do down there?Got no weapons at all or a flashlite.
    Been a great mod so far.Lovin it.

    You need to go to an office in the end of the underwater corridor and see the code on a piece of paper on the closeth. To get there use a bathtub that has a air pocket to survive. Then use the code on the near by door in the water.

    Im a bit stuck too. Just got to the outside of the sip and the crazy thing slides on its side. I fall to the water and those leech-fishy things ate me up. What should I do?

  60. I’m past that now but thanks for answering.For where you are load a save and when you come out crouch so you hit the railing instead of going overboard.From there you need to get off the ship by jumping to containers that have fallen overboard on the otherside of the ship.Dont go in the open water anywhere or you die.

  61. SYMPLE

    I got to the wood containner. What now? I rowed the damn thing to the ice and nothing happens. if someone could tell the name of the next map I would continue playing from there.

  62. Lantathae
    Play It Now!

    So what if there are a couple of bugs, this game is so good!

    Seriously scary, I was actually shacking through a lot of it!

    The whole change in the layout such as the heath system I found really refreshing having played Half Life mods so much lately, it was a really nice change. Also it’s quite cool how if you fall a hight you have to administer the med kit to your legs and stuff like that.

    The whole thing with the flashlight was a really weird. Since I scare easily I would say that I didn’t like this feature but I don’t think I would have enjoyed this mod half as much if it didn’t have it, if that makes any sense. One thing is that it made it about ten times scarier!

  63. fragmaster

    Im At the Final Boos fight
    Dont know yet what needs to be done to kill the Boss just alot spawned enemies to kill & several rooms of small puzzles & ammo pickups.
    If anyone knows how to properly fight this Dude I appeicate it thx.

  64. Anonymous

    Shoot the 4 lower crystals.That will activate the lifts.Go up and go up the stairs, “use” the buttons and watch the cut scene.Go through now open door and find a switch to deactivate one of the force fields surrounding the upper crystals.You need to do this twice.One both force fields are disabled,shoot the crystals then start blasting away at the boss till its over.I used 4 rockets and quite a few clips to kill him.

  65. dufferx

    Lot’s of mixed emotions about this one. Liked it’s length, but if it hadn’t been for noclip I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere. The few so-called bugs didn’t bother me as, in my experience, many of them are caused by the player’s machine rather than the game it’s self. Don’t like spiders and didn’t like the flashlight. I seriously doubt I will play it again.

  66. bkadar
    Play It Now!

    after some time replaying, this is AWSOM! imho.i know most mods cant be this elaborate, but this is good for a study. story,lighting,action placement,skins, very very well done. a final polishing and its $10 on steam.on a pesonal note one of my biggest peeve of some games is too many guns(opposing force)not naming any ,just dont have time to be choosing.1pistol 1 assult 1 shotty,just me thow,this mod 3 toomany mayby4 other than that its money

  67. Play It Later

    Very long mod, been playing this one for a while.
    Encountered several crashes (one of them while trying to load a save game), and managed to reach areas I wasn’t intended to reach (which happens when I don’t know where to go).
    The ending was a but weak, and the middle part was rather boring.
    It is very scary (much more than other mods), and I HATED the spiders…
    Anyway, you should at least give it a try!

  68. MikeG
    Play It Now!

    An enjoyable mod all in all, though not without quibbles: some of the cutscenes were annoyingly long, also there were four or five points where I had absolutely no idea where I was supposed to go next – though that may be more my fault than the mod’s. Oh, and not having a flashlight led to some very frustrating bumping about in the all too common pitch-black areas 🙂

    On the plus side, the spiders were enjoyably creepy as were the very nightmarish creatures encountered later on.

  69. Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
    I’m afraid to say that I’ve given up on this! After it crashed for the third time I decided that enough was enough.

    I’ve tried the patch, but this has not fixed the problem. Not only does it crash, but on a couple of occasions I actually fell through the map into dead space. Like many others, I seem to be experiencing problems due to the Steam update.

    It is a shame because this mod is otherwise very good. The designer has created a very realistic and impressive world. The lighting is good, there’s a great balance of props and obstacles, and a good balance of well-placed enemies. I really hate mods where you are either walking around looking for the enemies, or you are so overrun with them that you don’t have time to catch your breath.

    I’d recommend this mod, and say that it is definitely worth a try. If it runs well on your computer – enjoy, but if you have the same problems that myself and others are having, I’d check back later to see if there’s been any updates or patches.

  70. Denizen

    Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

  71. lalabox
    Play It Later

    This game should be called Phobia. It covers fear of spiders, of zombies, of the dark, of closed spaces, of bugs, of lack of direction, of a rather annoying health system. Well, I can only echo what’s been said about the heath system. At the start, at least, it was really hard to fight as I could only get enough health kits to get to around 56% health and I still had a chest injury. I died several times before resorting to “buddha’.
    After that, the game picked up in terms of gameplay, but most of the time, the player is utterly directionless. There is no driving force. You just walked forward, fought a bit, walked a bit more, there was no reason to continue apart from the fact that it was the only way forward. Sometimes the way forward wasn’t even clear. When I found myself in the arctic, I was rather surprised. The voice acting didn’t work that well either.
    In my opinion, the player was forced underground much too much. Too many sewer/mines sequences. The outdoor areas were much better. There was just not enough room to maneuver, and the combat areas weren’t that well designed. The flaregun was useless as well, you should have made it possible for the flares to set people alight, rather than going out whenever they hit an object.
    That said, the game really kicked off at the bit with the thumper. The open areas worked well, as did the great feeling that I got whiled working with the squad. But then I was forced underground, I came up at the town hall, and was forced underground again, taking much more time than it would take from walking out of the town hall.
    Despite all that, it was a fun mod. I played it, and didn’t regret downloading it. Just try and make better maps.
    Edit: and I didn’t encounter any bugs, though I did have to cheat occaisionally

  72. ~Jazz~
    Think Twice

    I finally finished this mod to say.. *Blargh* I hated it. the beginning of the mod is great, where your going to your daily grind job VIA subway. But then it becomes confusing.. and turns into a Resident Evil Rip off. Evil corporation is doing evil genetic science and make zombies so they hide them, then they get out and then they do operation “Hey, lets fuck it up some more” by killing EVERYONE then bombing the city Therefore making any survivors zombies, and they wonder why the failed at “Containment” Most of the content was ripped out of Counterstrike or DOD. Weapons where OK at best.. I found myself running out of ammo at really bad times. Finally the Health system is ASS, No offense but I’m not into super RPGish style health systems. I see health I pick it up and I’m healed a bit. that’s all I want in a shooter not this “Your Anus is bleeding, put a med pack on it” garbage. Parts of the mod are very confusing, like one part I’m at Ore processing factory and we have to protect the “Rock crusher” why? are we going to the ore business or something? We found gold in them hills? I didn’t get an explanation from the citizen I found because the sound file didn’t play at all, All I got was a mute citizen making mine animations. Overall It’s not an ULTRA bad mod, the story is somewhat intresting and if you need a time killer then this is it.

  73. Anonymous

    How to escape from underground section with flames and stone panels with hidden goodies? There is an underwater passage to some flaming tunnels but no escape from there either.

  74. Janosch
    Play It Now!

    A very good Mod !!!

    Enjoy It xD

  75. whgamer

    This mod is a bit too big for my liking, been at it for days now. Buggy as well despite the patch! crashing when theres lots of firing going on or doors not opening. And whose bright idea was it to seperate the flashlight from the weapons you are firing? BAD idea! ! ! Anyway I’m on the map that looks like some sort of vessel but its sunk, and there’s electrilly charged water to be avoided as well. Managed to switch it off but can’t find a way out. I’m going round in circles. Found a code for a storage room, but can’t find it anywhere. If someone can’t help me, I think i’ll try and skip to the next map.

  76. Volvo

    as soon as I get near that errarium the note pops up in my face and I cat do anything for there.

  77. Volvo
    Play It Later

    Ok guys, does anyone know how to get rid of the notes, that pop up, other then walking past htem?

  78. Volvo

    when will the distortion effect go away? its ompossible to play with that shit going on.

  79. roger

    this is a very good action game ……3 stars

  80. desertalienz
    Play It Now!

    I tried shooting the lower crystals, but only one of them is destroyable! The other lower crystals take round after round and do not blow up. Am I doing something wrong? Did I miss a trigger? Overall I think its a good mod. I don’t think it crashed on me once. The flash light and dark areas were extremely annoying though. Especially that damn flare gun! What a useless piece of junk! The flares barely stay lit long enough to switch weapons. But, overall, a good mod.

  81. Robspace1

    I know we should finish the game before posting but I just have to say that even though this has nothing to do with any half life game, it’s a great mod. I’ll go into detail when done. If you play it-turn up the lights! It’s a dark one.

  82. Robspace1

    “This mod is a bit too big for my liking, been at it for days now. Buggy as well despite the patch! crashing when theres lots of firing going on or doors not opening. And whose bright idea was it to seperate the flashlight from the weapons you are firing? BAD idea!

    Anyway I’m on the map that looks like some sort of vessel but its sunk, and there’s electrilly charged water to be avoided as well. Managed to switch it off but can’t find a way out. I’m going round in circles. Found a code for a storage room, but can’t find it anywhere.

    If someone can’t help me, I think i’ll try and skip to the next map.”-whgamer-I think I know where you are.If it’s a big round room with a walkway and water in the middle, and an office with a switch., then sorry can’t help ya. Just kidding. I walked around there for a while too-guess what?

    Dive down bud and go through the pipe under the water. When you surface you will again be surrounded by water. This time shoot at the center of the fence and hit the barrel there. Go through there.

  83. Robspace1
    Play It Later

    Just finished this mega mod.This thing is huge, well 800 mbs big. To be honest I doin’t really like it nearly as much as alot of others. It was too dark in most maps and the idea of shooting bugs in the dark was not fun for me. If the flaregun/flashlightlight had a flare that would burn up the spiders and other creatures then it would have been ok but to have to give up the only light source to switch to a weapon was a bad idea.I just don’t like playing in bad lighing.

    The maps themselves were very well made and alot of work went into this marathon mod. I was constantly getting lost though. There was not enough explanation or direction as to which way to go especially in the last 1/3 of the game. I found myself walking around the same areas a few times and going through the same bents a few times and it was getting old .When your on a 4 story building it can take along time to figure out where the next move is. Especially if the bad guys are not on every floor. This mod was very long, longer then it needed to be. The enemies were too easy to kill and the zombies were silly. I’d shoot off their heads and they would keep coming!?

    If you have alot of time, play it but just remember to practice shooting in the dark first because you’ll need those skills to play this one.

  84. Robspace1

    O-For those that are at the end and want to know how to take out the bad guy-if you shoot out all the lights that hold him up in the air then you go up the small elevator and start shooting him. I was able to use a rifle to shoot out a few lights but there must be bug here because I had to add a rocket launcher to take out the rest. Once he’s good and dead you’ll go into a cut scene.

  85. Maybe?

    Its a great mod, although the voice acting is a tad bit strange. Sure it’s not for everyone, but for people who love to wander randomly and shoot things, this is for you

  86. Mel
    Play It Now!

    What an incredible mod, just hour after hour of fun and mayhem, a work of amazing and differing environments with set designs and encounters within ensuring you won’t get bored with this enormous undertaking. it’s about as close as you get to a total conversion without being totally detached from the Half-Life universe. City 17 rebel forces are on-hand aiding your way through many of the set designs, some reminiscence of Half-Life environments plus plenty of familiar incidental content scattered throughout the mod. However, it’s the new content that catches the headlines with totally re-skinned enemy and aliens alike, along with loads of new and unique settings to battle and puzzle your way through. Just one word of warning; if you don’t like spiders you may want to give this one a miss. One of the new features is the HUD-system which at first takes a bit of getting use to, but I do like the idea of picking up health and storing in the HUD-system for future use, and while the rest of the HUD features are novel I’m not totally convinced they add much to the playing experience. The lasting memoir of this mod is the shear diversification of surroundings, its depth and detail resulting in a remarkable piece of work.

    I think all Half-Life gamers should play this mod, for all its new content it still has that half-life feel and flow with familiar gameplay format that we have come to love. If like me you find the first few levels different and a bit hard to get into, then I recommend you give it another try, I must have started this 3 or 4 times before being completely sold on this mod.

  87. geekofalltrades
    Avoid It!

    That’s it… I’m frickin” DONE. I’ve reached a large outdoor battle (defending a rock crusher) and the game is crashing to the desktop at intervals of two minutes OR LESS. I’ve restarted it maybe twenty times now. This is on top of the other random desktop crashes, some of which seemingly corrupt my previous quick-saves, causing the load bar to fill up and then – you guessed it – crash to the desktop. It’s a real shame, too, because it’s not a bad mod.

  88. Robspace 1

    Here’s a patch that’s supposed to correct alot of the bugs and a few other things.

  89. Jeff
    Play It Now!

    No bugs here except I had to noclip once to get unstuck from a doorway.

    I understand the heath system, but would be happier without it. It took a while to figure out what the “no feet” icon meant — you can’t sprint cuz your legs are too damaged. I actually liked the damage effects (which also include blurry vision and wobbly targeting) but I think manually applying heath to separate areas is just too tedious. I just wanna run over health and have it make me better.

    The story is well thought out, and while there were parts where I was totally confused, that’s part of the fun. I don’t want a mod to hold my hand. The maps and gameplay were a great mix, and overall I enjoyed it a lot, in spite of my general hatred of zombies. Kudos to the creators, and don’t believe the haters!

    ps: If you’re stuck, the developers have a discussion forum on their site.

  90. aq_guy

    Different for sure.

    Got a question. I’m only a little way into this. Got through the “dream sequence.” Found myself upstairs in the “Baltic Cafe.”

    The entire environment is shaking as if there is an earthquake in progress. Is this normal? it seemed OK earlier when there were appropriate earthquake type noises , but seems strange now.

    The jittering is VERY distracting. Not sure I’m going to put up with it if it’s going to continue much longer.



  91. aq_guy

    Ok, never mind, it’s one of the “low health” effects.

  92. I’m really liking GAL. I’m at the beginning and the world keeps shaking. Everything shakes so much that its giving me a headache. I’m sure its due to my low health but I can’t find any. The custom graphics are amazing.

  93. Play It Now!

    I liked the originality and the new story. I had to use god mode at the end cause my old system was a clunker. Might try it again now that I have a decent pc with a geforce 9500 GT PCIe. In general I like when a new textures and characters are not just and afterthought.

  94. gah… I’m about 1/3 way in(?), after losing all my weapons and before going thru some whiteout space, before the theater part where it all falls out. I applied the patch, and now I can see where the trigger places are, and some of them are like solid walls. Also can’t get past anything that contains a trigger. WTF???

    It seemed pretty good, very different, but the issues are getting to me.

    any suggestions?

  95. Your (un)personal stalker
    Play It Now!

    I myself loved the game. The first play through I had to use console to survive (yup, that health system f**ked me up too), but after my first play figuring out what to do I did (relatively) fine. If you absolutely can’t survive then you might want to use console to make the game a bit easier (“give item_healthkit” is one for the hp issue, and “noclip” if you keep getting stuck).
    The weapons were something I really liked. The weapon I hated the most was the flashlight just because it made some parts a real pain in the @$$ (but the complications made the game funner in a way). Weapon I liked the most was the smg just because I didn’t need the crappy ass pipe anymore (it’s realistic but damn the weapon sucked)
    Music often isn’t something payed attention to but I think that the music from here was pretty good as well.
    The maps were fun, and the cities looked great in my opinion, but I found it very easy to get lost in some parts especially when you accidentally do something to f**k it up/
    The game play itself was pretty fun and the mods at least long enough to possibly kill 8 or so hours.Also if you have arachnophobia (fear of spiders) I’m warning you now. If you don’t then hell you might just get it.

  96. Damn… I FINALLY finished this!! :eek:It was good, overall. VERY long, very involved, and sometimes almost too complicated to figure out some of the riddles/puzzles. I had to dig around here and on their forum site to get hints on how to get past a section, but I only had to noclip once (in the shipyard, when finding the TNT, and that was because I missed the trigger that would’ve put me in the caged room where the TNT was). The final battle was a bit hokey, I wasn’t too thrilled with the “alex zemlinsky” supermegaaliendemon thingy, reminded me too much of DOOM3 or DukeNukem3d. They would’ve been better served with something a bit less “supernatural” and more along the lines of “improbable but possible”. Note to future mod makers: Do NOT omit the stinkin” flashlight!!!! Or make it some sort of worthless flare gun! That was the ONE thing that detracted from the mod, and would probably keep me from ever playing it again. Hell, even the DOOM3 modders figured out how to duct-tape the damn flashlight to ALL the weapons; least you could do was let us have that!

    Overall, tho, a very entertaining conversion. The third machine gun/sniper rifle was highly useful at times; the 4th “machine gun”, tho, was a tad frustrating and just not quite what one expected from a “super-gun”. I also liked the silenced pistol and its laser pointer–very handy.

  97. Personal Favourite

    This was awesome! Even though it was mostly zombies to be killed (I’m not the horror type…) I had my pleasures!!!
    I loved the health system it was far more realistic. I have to agree the flashlight was annoying and also the fact that I could hear Half Life 2 Sounds in a non-hl2-environment was kinda sad.

    Still my personal favorite along with Minerva!!!

  98. Filthy McNasty

    I’m having a problem with the “Renaisannce” section of the mod. After the scene cut of the inside ceiling a building, the screen goes to black. What direction I’m suppose to go or is the next map should be seen? I played the mod without the patch and it would freeze up there. I applied the patch and started all over. The problem was resolved. I really would like to resolve this problem and finish the mod. Help from anyone is welcome.

  99. Play It Later

    The good:
    *The creators are obviously good programmers, and had a neat health system to show for it.
    *Very doom 3esk in the way you cannot have the flashlight and a gun drawn at the same time.
    *I also thoroughly enjoyed walking around the city at the start.
    *Neat game play mechanics.
    *Final boss battle was challenging, and fun.

    The meh:
    * I found that the slo-mo was, while cool looking, was almost unusable for combat. It was almost impossible to aim because you needed to lead your shots almost 2 meters in front of your intended target.
    * This was a long mod, and by long I mean looooooong. I’m not complaining on the measurable length of the game per say (don’t get me wrong it is lengthy) but the feeling it game me. I would go though hours of game play and have minimal story progression.
    * With the exception of the boss, I felt that the poor ending was self inflicted. Near the end of the game it started leaving clues about everything. But once you reached the end little was explained.

    The bad:
    *The game crashed on me a few times but not enough to make me stop playing it.
    *There are a few points in the game where the players can get lost and there is no clear path for them to take. Also the rocket containers are practically camouflaged.
    *The final boss battle room needed some serious optimizing. I was able to run the entire game on full settings but that room brought my computer to a crawl.

    The take away:
    While there were some things that annoyed me and a slow story, the final boss and game play made up for it and I felt it was worth my time.

  100. Play It Now!

    I disliked the first woozy bit and hated the life power-up system so no personal favourite hearts.
    The problem is that looking after the health of your legs, arms, head and overall life takes you away from the game. This decreases the enjoyment. Without this system the mod would have been at the top of my list.
    Otherwise awesome. The combat was a delight and the scary bits were startlingly gorgeous.
    The breadth and detail of imaginations used here are stunning.

  101. Rikersbeard

    I have just, reluctantly uninstalled this mod after spending a frustrating day trying to enjoy it!
    Graphically superb, some fine voice acting and an interesting story had me hooked from the beginning. It took being repeatedly killed in a room with a cadre of the “living impaired”, unarmed and near blind in those vital dark corners to alienate this player!
    I got through this with ” impulse 101″ to get the flashlight back. Nice weapons!
    I enjoyed the very weird and funny B/W sequence and found the weapon stash afterwards. So back to the start on ” normal” and no cheats!
    The blonde ” nazties” and matrix dudes are tough fighters. They’re sneaky; they even hide around corners shooting you! Not the bullet magnets the ” combine” tend to be. And then there’s BULETT-TIME!
    Then it is pitch black and I am being killed again and again by unseen spiders and ” thumpy” fellows.
    This game is worth staying with for some rewarding visuals and creepy monsters but seriously needs a good, long lasting suit torch, lantern, candle, or something.
    And always give a fellow a crowbar, pipe or pointy stick for basic health protection…………
    Give this game a good long try and you’ll be rewarded. Of course it’s buggy at times and the health system is a major pain, but the visual effect as you get more injured is a big plus.
    Always save frequently with any mod. So when that game play issue appears, just ” load game” and if those doses not work, quit then restart from your save.

    The spiders are seriously creepy !

  102. I guess I will have to join the throng of people who can’t get this one to run. I get an HL2.exe error every time. I know from experience that steampower do not offer support for mods even the ones in the ” Steam shop” Never mind, there are plenty more out there.

    1. They have a forum, if you’re interested:

  103. Personal Favourite

    I have to take back my previous statement. As “Evee” points out the development team have a forum where I stumbled apon the idea of starting the game initially in a window and then changing to full screen thereafter and, lo and behold, it worked.

    Total conversion or not, this mod is well worth playing. It is “game ” length and very clever in its approach. I am not saying they got everything right but it certainly was close enough not to make much difference. I agree with the criticisms about the health system as it was a bit of a pain at first ( no pun intended) but stick with it and it actually can add something especially the visual effects used to indicate eye/head trauma. It is hard to shoot straight when you cannot see straight..

    I would only counsel that the mod is in the early maps meant to be “wet your kmickers” creepy and being in the dark means you are in the dark dark. It is weapon or flashlight – your choice. So as an earlier commenter says if big,black spiders leaping out at you from the shadows is going to give you the “heebee jeebies” for a week then l would give this mod a pass. If not, then give it a go. I have no hesitation in giving it a PF.

  104. Personal Favourite

    The best HalfLife2 mod I have ever played.

    Great visuals and game design. The models and the textures are well done.
    This mod has atmosphere and the music and voice acting isn’t bad either.

    It took me around 15 hours to play this mod. That’s longer than some games I know of.

    The team did a great job.

    The only negative, not their fault. Is DataCacheDll errors.

  105. I’ve never played before this mod, it’s a shame since it was done from my French country 🙂

    I’m at 1/4 of the game, but this is clearly wonderful!!!

  106. Personal Favourite

    And a PF for me. It was very long, but not as long as Strider Mountain.

    It was really amazing from the beginning to the end, the enemies were cool, especially the spider-antlions and the giant zombies (scared the hell out of me). The story begins really well, it’s always pretty fun to begin as a “daily life” then all hell breaks loose. The story literally disappears for a while then all things get answered in the final part.

    About the levels, they were various and the tanker part and the docks part is really some sort of “Borealis-like” thing, they try to make a really awesome part here, I was amazed.
    When I finished mastering the health system, things were more easy such as the fights (the bullet time is not a gadget), they were many explosive battles (such as against Chopper on a beach, for example), the Antlions part were well scripted, there are many cool cinematics.

    I can’t really talk about wrong parts, I was on a little cloud from beginning to the end. The only problem was about the story which goes awkward by the end (the sister, what the hell? and what about this mysterious virus, and how the “final boss” managed to get from a dead corpse to a super creature nearly indestructible), but overall, this is one of my top of the top’s, one of the best HL2 mod’s of all time.

  107. Unknown


    1.Mod length was generous.

    2.Music most of which was custom made and good.

    3.N.P.C. skins were well good especially the spiders.

    4.There is a boss fight and possibly mini-boss fights.

    5.Enemies popping out of eggs that was an interesting feature.

    6.Infected enemies have custom gib effects and move fairly fast.

    7.Traps there were a few traps but I felt there should have been more of them.

    8.Un-expected their is normally a spider lurking around the corner where you least expect it to be.

    9.Custom N.P.C. voices for pretty much every N.P.C. they definatley paid attention to deal with that.

    10.Random Explosions this mod looks like a Michael Bay movie this can also sometimes get annoying but it also becomes an un-expected feature in the mod.


    1.Death Sequence takes a little long.

    2.Mis-Placed models which are oddly angled.

    3.Dialogue is incredibly quiet and difficult to hear.

    4.Flash-Light having to switch between the guns and the flash-light was a bit annoying.

    5.Health system becomes very tedious after awhile some of the health only allows you to heal your body but if you bleed it’s completely different.

    I found there was way to few health kits that allow you to stop your bleeding.

    6.Health this is controversial the amount of health in some areas is either too much or sometimes to little.

    Having to heal each body part individual becomes a little tedious and healing your entire body only restores your current health not any of the afflictions such as having a broken leg.

    7.Weapons there are a lot of areas in which you find a random weapon it’s usually taken away with a few minutes of obtaining it.

    8.Weapons if you find a customization for a weapon instead of just adding it to your current weapon it’s registered as a different weapon such as the S.M.G. with a scope attached to it.

    9.One of the maps you come across a Red Ant-Lion Guard you can easily avoid it by going back and fourth in between the door way so it can’t attack you. You are also not given any additional ammunition to eliminate it.

    10.Sounds in the mod are louder then the dialogue making it difficult to hear and are under used some of the sound-tracks are from Half-Life 2 their is more then enough custom M.P.3.’s that could have been used already available in the mod.

  108. Play It Later

    Get a Life is one of the most extensive total conversion I have ever seen. It’s right there on the same level with Cry of Fear. Let’s start with the thing that I like most. The health system is really fascinating and I really enjoyed the concept. You have spare some medkits to heal your body parts, or else you will get severe screen blur, bleeding, shaky aim, or outright cannot sprint. I wish other games use this concept more. You also have bullet time ability (like F.E.A.R and Max Payne), which is cool.

    And that’s the end of where I would give only praise.

    The weapons are pretty much almost the same as Half-Life 2, but you also have a flashlight as an actual weapon. It wouldn’t be too much of a hassle if almost half of the areas in the game are pitch black. It can shoot flares too, but they give very small amount of light and burn out quickly. Another problem is, I think it’s either of the problem of Source engine or the coding on the creator’s part, you can have both un-upgraded and upgraded weapons at the same time. That’s a bit nitpick from me.

    Enemies presented here are your Half-Life 2 enemies, but reskinned. Antlion’s reskin is extremely gruesome, terrifying, and has a lot more health. Headcrabs reskinned as giant, scary, black and yellow spiders really gave me heebie-jeebies. But they are used so often, I really get tired of fighting them. I pretty much preferred to kill more zombies and agents(reskinned Soldiers) at that point.

    Level design is OK, but there are some occasions where “story realism” breaks a little, such as when you find the pipe (your melee weapon), it just flat out lays on the floor or the transition from level to level is very random and makes little sense. One case is when a zombie boss appears in the church for no reason at all. Another case is the final boss fight, as you are left to your own devices and just try to figure out what to do on your own. The mod also seems to really like using underground setting, I got bored of it incredibly quick after spending 2/3 of the game going through mines, caves, catacombs, and such.

    The story is alright but I didn’t like it. It is only because the padding is too long, like 4-5 hours long. When it’s revealed at the end why you are just seems to be simply going one places to another, it didn’t click for me. It really could’ve been shorter if you want some build up. Also, remember when it says the protagonist has Leukemia? Well, that is very irrelevant to the story and you’ll forget about it midway through.

    The mod also crashes very frequently. Every time I tabbed out for walkthrough, there’s a huge chance it will.

    I did enjoy this mod until, as I said, halfway through the stories. It has good concepts and neat ideas, but the padding of the story killed it for me.

  109. Personal Favourite

    One of my all time favorite HL2 mods, absolutely love it. I think the story is really cool (even if it is kind of hard to understand sometimes), I love the inspiration taken from HL1 in a few places, the guns are fun and different, the bullet-time mechanic and the new health system is really cool and the health mechanic makes sense since considering Alex is not in the best health, the settings where the game take place are interesting and the colors used look very vibrant in comparison to hl2 and it gives off a different and interesting feel, oh yeah and the music is awesome, I even started listening to it outside of playing the mod. All this being said, it definitely shows it’s age. The hitboxes for the zombies are very janky and does not always hit or hits weird, a couple of the puzzles are very bad, and the spelling and grammar and voice acting are also not the greatest and you can tell it was not done by native english speakers, but it is understandable. When it is bad, you can at least find some of the aspects to be humorous.

    It is very weird and that could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the person, when it is cool, it is very cool.

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