Once again RunThinkShootLive partnered with Map Labs to bring you another Ville sequel. This time, it’s the follow-on to perhaps the highest quality mapping challenge we have here at RTSL: the excellent FusionVille.
In FusionVille 2, authors were challenged to combine 3 of the following previously-used themes, half from RTSL and half from Map Labs:
- Bridge
- Toxic
- Teleport
- Liberation
- Vertical
- Episode One
- Two Rooms
- Think Tank
- Companion Piece
- Back on Track
So here is FusionVille 2, Map Labs #10. It has 10 entries along with 2 bonus maps. Hope you enjoy, there are some pretty unique maps here!
As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord.
- Title: FusionVille 2
- Filename: sdk-2013-sp-mlc-fusionville2.7z
- Size : 610 MB
- Author: Attack Slug, HighFire, shoes, Klems, Dolmo, Niker107, Matt71490 AKA Event Horizon, ThatsRidonkulous, CertifiablyInsane, Ildarion, Lassi, Layla, Ada G//Adakam, Melomaniac
- Date Released: 13 September 2020
- Make sure you have the Upcoming branch of the Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer installed in Steam and run at least once. (Properties – Betas – select upcoming from the dropdown list).
- Copy the fusionville2, mapbase_shared, mapbase_hl2, and mapbase_episodic folders into your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- FusionVille 2 should now be listed in your Library tab.
If you decide to use the Per-Map Opinion Images, feel free to use the file below as a template:
Listed as they are displayed in the mod itself:
Unlikely Friends by Attack Slug
Breakthrough by HighFire
Citadel Core Meltdown Evacuation Protocol by shoes
The Temple by Klems
Metaphor by Dolmo
Rambo Male_07 by Niker107 & Matt71490 AKA Event Horizon & ThatsRidonkulous
The Insane Doctor Crossbow by CertifiablyInsane
Phoenix Contact by Ildarion
Interrupted Infiltration by Lassi
Identity Death by Layla
Adoorable by Ada G//Adakam (bonus map)
Mind the gap by Melomaniac (bonus map)
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
Each map has 5 screenshots.
3Last 7 days
15Last 30 days
238365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 5 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 1 Hours, 40 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 40 Mins by geezer1857
Longest: 4 Hours by Fan-of-Simon-Pegg
Total Time Played: 8 Hours, 20 Mins
If you believe this release is missing important tags, please suggest them in a comment?

Followed the simple install instructions, noting that there are several never seen before folders to go into Sourcemods. All I get is a crash to desktop after briefly seeing the “loading”?
Strange – as an afterthought I tried loading again, and this time it worked.
Same here, i think it’s some issue with the background map.
Many people have had this crash issue occurring just before reaching the main menu. To likely resolve this, go into your Steam library, navigate to your Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer, right click on it to navigate to its Properties, select the Betas tab, and change your version to the “upcoming” beta. Hope this helps!
I’ve installed and followed the instructions above. Loaded up Steam and it’s there so loaded the game – but everything is in a weird wireframe display. To say I’m gutted is an understatement 🙁
I’m on Mac btw. Appreciate any help, thanks.
Sorry, it works ok for me but I’m on Windows. You can try the Map Labs discord server linked above in the post, or their twitter. I don’t know if it works on Mac or not.
I must admit, I did wonder about this when there was multiple folders to copy over into sourcemods. Had my doubts then. Thanks 🙂
Thanks to everyone for some really good looking maps.
My personal favorite was The Temple by Klems. Really fun map with a lot of new elements. Great job! with honorable mentions to Phoenix Contact by Ildarion, Interrupted Infiltration by Lassi for some good combat.
I’m struggling in the temple and can’t seem to proceed any farther. I’m in the very narrow underwater tunnel and approaching 2 of the crab creatures. I can’t get by them and as soon as they latch onto me an invisible monster attacks my vessel and kills me. Anybody advice for how to get past this?
If you keep repairing any hull breaches on the upper decks inside the vessel the monster will eventually give up(?) and focus on you instead of the ship. Also you can squish the crabs with your mighty hands if you hadn’t figured that out already.
Appreciate the tip!
I am completely stuck having descended and turned the wheel to lower the brightly lit cylinder. Can’t see anywhere to go and tunnel doors closed. Any suggestions
See the crabs on the cylinder? They are sucking the power from it.
Tried running this on Linux, but almost all of the textures are missing. After looking at the folder contents, this mod is clearly Windows only.
You might try the Steam proton compatability tool. From library -> right click on game -> properties -> Force … compatability tool. -> choose latest version of Proton.
You “may” also need to install the mapbase addons to your sourcemod folder. Works for me under Debian 10. Hope this helps.
I really enjoyed this set of maps. The temple was my favorite and was hugely fun, but there were a number of good entries as well. Everybody should definitely try this if they are a HL2 fan.
Thanks for this maps, was very fun to play…
As usual with the latest villes a very mixed bag, but Unlikely Friends was really cool and The Temple was amazing! I wasn’t aware that creating a moving submarine in that way was even possible with HL2 modding.
Well, it’s not quite standard HL2 modding. Map Labs now uses Mapbase code, which is kind of like a mapper’s toolbox to do stuff you can’t normally do in HL2 maps. And it’s certainly opened the door to unique maps like The Temple.
I want to clarify something regarding for Unlikely Friends map. I managed to get out of the map by jumping from the truck, over the wall.
When that happens, I decided to explore the boundaries of the map and eventually the game asked where I was going and took me back to the last checkpoint.
Is this likely intentional or just an easter egg?
1 Hour
Metaphor crashed after leaving the first big room
RamboMale_07 i wasnt able to jump onto the train
Okay, Sorry to the mappers: If i copy the maps int to singleplayer 2013 dir under Linux for test. None of them chrases!
So it seems it is a graphical Driver issue under Windows. The latest Nvidia Driver has some problems with stability in some games…
I put all the folders in the sourcmods efolder, but I get a dialog window with the following error:
Tried to add
C:\……….\mapbase_episodic\content as a search path
This is probably not what you intended.
c:\……..\mapbase_episodic\content\readme.txt for more info
What should I do? The readme file that is pointed to doesn’t exist.
Did you also set the Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer to the Upcoming beta branch? And launch it once on its own before launching this mod?
Sorry for late response, just remembered for this again.
Yes I did.
I also tried installing the last version of mapbase.
Plase help.
Sorry, I don’t know what else to try. I suggest visiting the Map Labs Discord linked at the top of this post and ask for help there.
After 40 minutes, I got bored with the stories and program crashes. Skip this one.
40 Minutes
A few of the maps in this Map Lab crashed, but I got them to work.
However, Interrupted Infiltration kept crashing consistently during
the outside battle against troops and the helicopter.
I hid in some out of the way places to see if it was a missing texture
or something like sv_cheats being set to 1. It also crashes when
sv_cheats is set to 0.
<Is this why I can't find a walkthrough for the map ?
Thanks, and healthy gaming !!!!
Metaphor was the only one that I got to work. It was a good one.
The only one you got to work? Did you fully follow the Manual Installation Instructions – installing all 4 folders?
Metaphor was the only one that I got to work. It was a good one!
Can confirm asterixer’s solution works: copy all the mod’s folders into the (updated Beta) Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer folder.
Pingback: Phoenix Contact Map (Fusionville Mod): Widescreen Half Life 2 Virtual Photography Screenshots – Robert What
40 Minutes
Can’t get it to work? I followed the instructions – set the Source SDK 2013 Singleplayer to “upcoming”, launched it, then installed the folders provided in the zip into a sourcemods folder (note: I had to create my own because it didn’t exist for me, it’s in steamapps\sourcemods). Restarted Steam, “FusionVille 2” didn’t show up.
WOW, what the heck happened in this one people apparently didn’t follow setup instructions clearly so they give low rates!!!
This one has one of the most impressive mods I’ve ever played, “The Temple” must be a total classic from now on!
I hope this guy develops some “Challenger Deep” mod! Would be just awesome!
That whole entry makes it definitely worth it!
Valve must’ve put this author in charge of the submarine aborted sections in the original HL2 haha hope they hire him in the 3rd.
I only have to say quite a few things about this map-lab challenge. And one of them is “The Temple”.
Now let me explain better. Some mods are very memorable in the HL2 modding archive or portfolio, however, you like to call it. And some of them are not mods released on their own, and here we have the case of a total classic, The Temple it may be launched inside this bigger map lab, but it is an instant classic because of the whole concept around it. Now, I know it may be unfair to just talk about this entry when others were nice and also have great combat in this same gaming product, but in this case, this entry was so memorable because of the whole concept which never had been deployed before by any other author in, so far long HL2 modding history. When we played The Temple and we get the mechanics of our submarine, we really get into this amazing undersea voyage to the unknown and we actually discover an eerie story inside that cold depth. You know, back in HL1 modding memorabilia a total classic piece was “Challenger Deep” mod. In there, we actually undercover the mysteries of a submarine base related to Black Mesa. When I played The Temple memories of that mod came to my mind and just couldn’t stop thinking that “Klems” his author would be the perfect modder to bring to life a Source Version of that classic HL1 mod. Now I know some of the mechanics, especially the navigation HUD in the sub and that hectic part where you find the terrifying guardian of the subaquatic temple, are faulty but improbable, and so I truly hope the developer could launch a stand-alone version improved of his total masterpiece as if anyone asks me what is the aquatic HL2 mod for excellence, I’d say it is this one, and only because of this entry this whole map-lab challenge is definitely worth to play.
Now the rest of the entries are also very good especially: “Methapohor”, “Rambo”, “Phoenix Squad” (this one was a total military realistic combat delight to play), and “Interrupted Infiltration” All those make an excellent map-lab to enjoy intense combat, and cool stories inside the HL2 modding universe.
So yeah, absolutely play this, and please be careful when installing it, as if you miss some files to paste in your source mods folder you may have a bad experience with this map-lab, so please install it correctly and, please font judge this map-kab wrong for a bad setup, for god sake!
2 Hours