A room. Two levels. With three doors. Two locked, one not.
Three crystal cylinders. A crowbar.
Put them together and what have you got?
Play to find out.
- Title: Five Zero – Stone Temple
- Filename: hl1-sp-50hmc-five-zero-stone-temple.7z
- Size : 2.65MB
- Author: Andy Morris AKA Urby
- Date Released: 17 July 2016
MinimalismVille was a 50-hour mapping challenge. The focus of this theme was to use a little as possible. The mapper decided what was “little”. It was only open to Half-Life 2: Episode Two maps, that is why this is an unofficial entry. In addition to this unofficial entry, Beacon for Black Mesa was also entered.
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- Copy the fzst directory into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\ folder.
- Launch or Restart Steam
- Five-Zero: Stone Temple should now be listed in your LIbrary.
Coming Soon.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
3Last 7 days
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113365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 6 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 7 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 2 Mins by Ttiki
Longest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by Avantgarde95
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 6 Mins
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I love Half-Life. I do. This means that as soon as I open a HL mod, I am already in a good mood.
You can’t help but get a Portal vibe from this very short map but it’s built so well that you want to play more.
As it was an unofficial entry for MinimalismVille, it obviously doesn’t try to include too much. I like how the enemies are killed with one hit and the crystal cylinders are simple and an effective form of gameplay.
Overall, I really did have fun and the whole map oozes quality. You;ll definitely be left wanting more.
5 Minutes
Absolutely agree, this was a fun map, and I don’t usually enjoy Portal style games. Too short though, understandably so based on the competition it was made for.
Using Gauge
5 Minutes
Quick video for a quick mod. I get my butt handed to me because I know urby is pretty sadistic.
Nice little map. I’m such a sucker for this style of colourful, high contrast lighting (common in old school games like Unreal and Half Life).
Now if the author could just finish that which shall not be named……
Sweet, fresh, enjoyable, sadly too short…hope some sequel will come one day
Using Gauge
3 Minutes
A nice little portal style map indeed, but I had a problem using this with my old WON Half-Life version. The cl_dlls and dlls folders with their files are missing in the download and I had to copy them over to make the mod work!
I don’t think they are included because the Steam version of Half-Life does’t need them.
Phillip is correct.
I don’t support WON, only Steam HL and at a push, Xash3D.
It’s possible to not need to copy the dll files over, just open liblist.gam, replace the line
gamedll “dlls\hl.dll”
with this:
gamedll “..\valve\dlls\hl.dll”
While the map is looking nice and unique I required less than 3 minutes to complete it. Even for a competition map more could and should be expected 50hours is a long time.
On top of that I had a strange problem that the mod/map asked for:
w_m40a1.mdl & w_m40a1clip.mdl which weren’t included with the mod. Now it’s quite possible that this was only on my end due to extensive modding I did and still do for Half-Life but if not. Ya well then it’s just another bad aspect about this release. On top of that I even had to make copies of these named 2 models with the given names: v_m40a1.mdl, v_m40a1clip.mdl & p_m40a1.mdl, p_m40a1clip.mdl
Before that the mod wouldn’t even start as it crashed back to desktop. (Steam Hl1) Like I said it’s possible that this was only on my end. I need to verify my game cache.
As for the map itself. It isn’t very hard at all. You just smash some energy circuits to pieces in order to open additional doors while evading some reskinned headcrabs that look like chumtoads (cut hl1 monster). Really nothing special here. Play it only when you’re bored during a real tiny coffee break.
1. Yes, this is an incredibly short and lacklustre release for a 50 hour competition. Sadly, I lost half the time available due to a migraine.
2. Those model files you mentioned are nothing to do with me.
Not questioning your score, but just wanted to clear that up. Thanks for playing!
Short… But really fun to play! A unique Half-Life map! With some interesting idea! Maybe you could make a big mod from that idea? This would be really fun and cool.
The level design is very sweet, however, some places need some little bit of light…
2 Minutes
Here is The new Link. this time done in 0:49!
Very short puzzle mod.
You have the crowbar for smashing fuses which is the only puzzle in this mod, enemies are repurposed chumtoads that replaces headcrabs.
No HEV suit, but the theme was minimalism so it gets a pass.
Level design is good, sometimes can be a little too dark however.
I liked the explosion effect on enemies but that’s most likely caused by the crowbar’s increased damage, not an actual feature, nevertheless I enjoyed it.
As a competition map it’s passable but I wouldn’t say it’s perfect.
3 Minutes
Very-very good. Map remembered me of Portal series. I want sequel right now because it was incredibly short. MOARRRR!
Using Gauge
3 Minutes
Boy-O what can I say about this one? It was nicely done, and short, but sweet. Maybe a little bit longer would have been even better. Those new enemies were cool and very different from the same old boring ever HL1 enemies.
Yeah, Play it Now.
Using Gauge
5 Minutes
Very short, but enjoyable. I liked how enemies were used as puzzle elements.
It probably takes longer to install than to play, but it’s still worth it as you get a nice little map with some good puzzles and mechanics.
3 Minutes
Really Really short but it was fun
7 Minutes
Nice puzzle mod. I like the clean visual of the map.
30 Minutes