After constant Source problems, Lord has decided to stop development of Eye Of The Storm 2 and move onto a new engine and game. He has released his work in progress but no more development will happen on this mod.
Please be aware that this is UNCOMPLETED work and contains bugs, errors, missing textures etc.
- Title: Eye Of The Storm 2
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-eye-of-the-storm-2-uncompleted.7z
- Size : 14.04MB
- Author: Lord and team
- Date Released: 09 September 2010
Eye Of The Storm 1 MUST be installed BEFORE you install part 2.
- Copy the folders within the eots2 folder into your EOTS1 folder, which is in your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Eye Of The Storm should now be listed in your Library tab.
- Launch a new game and select Chapter 5.
If you require more help, please visit the Help page.
NOTICE: These screenshots were taken with an incorrectly installed mod. You shouldn’t encounter any missing textures or red error models. I just installed it incorrectly – sorry.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 800 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010
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3Last 30 days
60365 days
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Even though this is unfinished it’s still one of the best mods I’ve played this year. Lord has talent and I honestly believe that he could be working as a full time level designer.
The actual maps are a little dark for my liking but the layout is detailed and realistic. I found it quite hard as well, but I admit to not taking it too seriously since it was unfinished.
It would be unfair to comment too much on the gameplay suffice to say that it would only get better.
A great piece of work and I am very sad to see Lord leave the Source modding community, although we all hope he eventually returns.
what are the prospects on an individual who was willing to take up or continue work on the project? I’m not saying I definitely will, but I am curious about Lord’s stance on the matter.
Yes a PIN even in its unfinished state and despite the chequerboards (checkerboards?) in a couple of areas.
You’ll know when your at the end because it says END on a black wall. If you don’t stop you’ll damage your nose or more if you’re in Sprint at the time.
There’s not much point is pointing out the pluses and minuses of the mapping as Lord has given up with Source – and who can blame him.
What a shame to have lost a talent as excellent as this.
(even if he is overly fond of the yellowy green gunge upchucking Poison Antlions)
The gameplay then:
Everything works so no need to reach for the console.
Brilliant and darned hard. Great.
You’ll need your sharpest skills to get through this one.
Great combat of all sorts. There’s scope for tactical gameplay as well.
I’ve only played in Easy and Normal so far and reckon you’ll need your most cunning tactics to get through on Hard.
🙂 Important 🙂
There are two paths at the start that converge at the same point later on.
You cannot back track to the other path whichever way you go.
Best to find them yourselves by playing twice of course. Or
[spoiler]Straight ahead to the building aglow with the fire outside it.
There’s a hole to drop right into the fires of hell – you will survive.
Hang a right immediately, towards the raised roadway and into the building on the right.
There a nice dead Zombine to welcome you with a bang. Really – he is dead. Flat out on a table.[/spoiler]
Hard combat. There’s nothing better.
I’ve updated the post to include the correct installation instructions. Sorry about that. When you play there shouldn’t be the pink and black checkerboards or red model errors.
You should really take the screenshots again, then. Having all the pink checkerboards in the preview shots doesn’t reflect the quality of the actual mod and some people could pass it up because of that!
Agreed, I just haven’t had time.
Before I post my review, I have to say that its really ridiculous for Lord to just throw his hands up in the air, shout its too hard to work, and move on to do Starcraft 2 maps. Just saying.
I don’t see anything ridiculous about it. Lord maps as a hobby, not work. A hobby is supposed to be something enjoyable. If the prospect of fighting against continous unavoidable problems caused by someone other than him (forced engine and editor updates) was making mapping a pain for him, then it’s a decision I can perfectly understand.
Just because some people find it thrilling to spend half their mapping time in forums looking for makeshift workarounds for certain mapping and SDK problems doesn’t mean everyone does.
Agreed, if it’s not fun, then I would stop doing it too.
Well said
I really can’t say it better than Kasperg already did.
With all the problems with the tools since the June update, and all the crude homebrew “solutions” that may-or-may-not come to bite everyone later, I guarantee you that anyone who is sticking around and persevering only has passion for the game and its fans driving them anymore. There’s no other explanation for those who pour literally weeks or months of their lives trying to create entertainment for you, only to be undermined by something totally outside their control.
The point is, not only do I empathize with Lord, but I don’t blame him.
I agree with Kyouryuu. Valve should be blamed. It is a classic “bite the hand that feeds you” situation in that Valve has bitten all of the Source Mod community, who have collectively helped to keep interest in the HL2 series while we wait for Episode 3.
They decided to bring the HL2 series “up to sync” in order to allow it run on Macs, but didn’t bother to update the tools had available so long to Modders and more importantly, didn’t incorporate any way to allow older Mods to be backwards-compatible. Not only did it “bite” all mod developers, but was also like an insult in that there has been little or no help from Valve to get things working which were broken.
It’s completely understandable for a modder to give up on a project if it was merely a labor of love, especially considering we don’t know if Valve has further updates or changes coming soon which will ruin any current work-arounds to get mods working on the SDK as it stands now.
And a strange thing about their up to synch method is that the HL2 engine can draw less polygons than before (try playing The Citizen to see what I mean).
In some cases, like the map of the Fallingwater (Kaufmann House) mansion I made years ago, the exact same BSP file now causes HL2 to crash even before it has finished loading…
So disappointed this won’t be finished. Was a fun map to play and looked very polished indeed.
Can’t get this to work. Do I copy and overwrite the folders in EOTS1 or just the files in the new folders?
Both would work. The best way is to copy the contains of the eots2 folder into your EOTS folder and say yes to overwrite anything it wants to.
Don’t forget you MUST have Eye of the Storm episode 1
Search PlanetPhillip for “eye of the storm” – including quotes.
What I did worked for me:
Download from
Wait until download complete
Window opens
DON’t COPY anything
Double click or click the folder eots2
Sub-folders and files are revealed
cfg | maps | materials | models | detail.vbsp | GameInfo.text
Extract all to your SourceMods/eots folder
YES to all overwrites
Enjoy, I did 😀
No need to search, the link is included in the post
That’s what I did, but it will only let me select intro then it will lock on switch to next chapter
I got it! Just started map 211 at console!
So this REQUIRES EOTS1 to play? Must be installed and running?
Wouldn’t this overwrite the first and take it away? Or does it add to the end of EOTS1 and make it a longer experience?
It’s easy to see, even in it’s unfinished state, that this would be a great mod. Thank you for releasing it. Since the future is not written in stone, maybe Valve will fix the issues that plague modders and Lord and his team will return to Source.
Why don’t someone else take over for him?
Hell, even if I’m so sorry for Lord for not being able to cope with the apocalyptic problem caused by the SDK update (and who can blame him), I was disappointed there was no more story at all (even a little cut scene at the very beginning could have pleased me), and just fighting against AntLions and all… Besides, there was numerous bugs : I don’t care if the graphics are sometimes not finished, but inexplicably I couldn’t sprint or jump anymore, that was annoying.
And the fightings were too hard, IMHO, I never really liked Antlion workers but here it’s the cherry on the cake, ugh… It angered me many times.
Overall, I give a “maybe?”, maybe you should play it for some fights, but don’t, really don’t expect a “true” sequel to EOTS ep 1.
There was so much potential in this saga (creating a new Administrator, a different but realistic new City “XX”, a different Citadel…), agh, this is really too bad 🙁
I love Eye of the Storm! But this was disappointing. I liked the combat, and all, but there was to many errors and no storyline with John. I say this was “okay”, there are not much Ground Turrets at all in mods, I’m glad there’s finally one in here.
what guys need to remember is this is incomplete…. and thats the reason for the errors and the default textures….. however im sure lord is sorting this out as we speak …. anyway apart from the obvious this is going to be another epic outing … the original eye of the storm was excellent and one of the best mods in its class… however until its finished I wont rate this …. however as it stands it deserves a PIN
valve also need to consider modders and mappers…. a single update can destroy months of work in a flash… it happened to leon with final project… he lost around 3 months of work ( quote me if im wrong leon ) with a previous update… infact with so much work lost theres instances were some of the mods are actually disregarded due to how long it would take to fix them
I look forward to the completed mod….
Don’t. It’s been abandoned, that’s why I posted it in this condition. He has moved on to other engines.
Such a shame that Lord decided to call it a day on this series. I loved playing Ravenholme to death. Be nice if all 3 parts could have been combined into one huge mod, going from one straight into another. I hope Lord does return, but wish him all the best for his future mapping endeavours
OK, downloaded and installed this update, but there are problems.
Firstly, the game info.txt file needs an extra } at the end, as the brackets are mis-matched, and makes the EOTS disappear from steam library listing.
HOWEVER, once this is added, then you get the dreaded can’t find background’ error when it starts.
I changed the gameinfo.txt to one that started to appear when the steam pipe fix came around, and now the game works flawlessly.
Here is my GameInfo.txt file
game “Eye of the Storm”
title “”
type singleplayer_only
developer “Lord and team”
developer_url “”
icon “icon”
SteamAppId 420
ToolsAppId 211
AdditionalContentId 220
game+mod |gameinfo_path|.
platform |gameinfo_path|.
game_lv hl2/hl2_lv.vpk
game+mod ep2/ep2_english.vpk
game+mod ep2/ep2_pak.vpk
game |all_source_engine_paths|episodic/ep1_english.vpk
game |all_source_engine_paths|episodic/ep1_pak.vpk
game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_english.vpk
game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_pak.vpk
game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_textures.vpk
game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_sound_vo_english.vpk
game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_sound_misc.vpk
game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_misc.vpk
platform |all_source_engine_paths|platform/platform_misc.vpk
mod+mod_write+default_write_path |gameinfo_path|.
game+game_write |gameinfo_path|.
gamebin episodic/bin
game |all_source_engine_paths|episodic
game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2
platform |all_source_engine_paths|platform
Works for me, so go ahead and copy/paste this version.
I put the files together like it says. Steam doesn’t see it. Gameinfo.txt seems ok. I tried loading it up old school from the console. It’s plays the intro but he just sits in his car at the bridge.