A simple starting scenario: You find yourself in what appears to be an abandoned area. You need to make your way through the map and find the other rebels and help them escape.
Basic Details
- Title: Explosion
- File Name: hl2-ep1-sp-explosion.7z
- Size : 3.46Mb
- Author: Mr DirectX
- Date Released: 09 February 2008
Primary Download (Recommended)
Installation Instructions
- Copy the explosions_d3.bsp map file into the Half-Life 2: Episode One maps directory. (This is normally found in: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\
\half-life 2 episode one\episodic\maps - Run Half-Life 2: Episode One
- Open the console and type map explosions_d3
- Press enter and enjoy
Other Notes
Apparently this map will run in Half-Life 2 but will have some bugs. I haven’t tried myself – PlanetPhillip.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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I found this map via the great series of reviews by BobDog on the StarFoxWeb Forums and there are quite a few other maps I need to add from that thread. Anyway, onto the map itself.
There is no story to speak of and the map is littered with exploding barrels in total ridiculous places. If you can ignore this little indulgence by the author you may have fun. Neither I nor BobDog could find an exit, so that sucks a bit but you can’t have everything, can you?
Don’t expect this map to match your expectations about what a realistic HL2 map should be; there are Antlions in the strangest places.
I was wishing for more combat during the early part of the game but towards the end I felt as though there were enough enemies to keep me happy.
– Out of places enemies and barrels.
– No proper ending.
– Not enough enemies near the barrels.
– Fun to play.
– The author had a simple of objective and probably achieved it.
A storyless but fun 15-20 minutes worth of game that won’t tax your skills too much but still provide some enjoyable action.
5 Word Or Less Review
Who doesn’t enjoy exploding barrels?
Am I the only one have graphics problems with this?
Exactly what graphics issues do you have? You are running this in Ep1, aren’t you?
Yes I’m running it in Ep1 (I did try it in HL 2 & the problem was worse)
Certain things seem to be “glowing”(for want of a better term), for example in your 3rd thumbnail all the pick up items glow (except for the shotgun ammo) & if you turn round & look at the windows & pipe work they’re glowing too . The next room was even worse.
No, I’m having problems as well: weapons,artifacts and some off the props appear in black and white. And yes, I have put this file in the correct dir. Also tryed to play it in HL2 (even worse)PP you probably come up with a solution (you’re my only hope, Obi-Wan) so for now I will not give my recommendation
I’ve sent you screen shots to show what I mean.
I have the ultra-white objects too. Quite painful. I am a great fan of the crossbow, so at least that was nice, but the light bug and the lack of story are dispppointing.
Same bright white problem
Phillip, your screen shots do not seem to be showing the white glowing objects such as medkits and numerous other content and background that every one appears to be experiencing, any idea why?
About twenty minutes of exploding barrels, an antlion guard, a lot of easy to kill combine and , an interesting ascent through an unlikely building…..I freed the rebels, but had absolutely no idea what to do with them as they don’t form a squad or follow your “c” command or do anything much in fact….As has been pointed out though there doesn’t seem to be an actual ending….I like the use of the airboat/buggy gun, but had no enemies left to shoot by the time I got to it, just more barrels….I don’t have a very hi-spec PC and didn’t experience any graphics bugs at all, though found I could climb out of the map by piling boxes & things up…..Other than that it was a bit of fun.
A bit late in the day but I’ve discovered the cure for the bright white problem ,it seems you need to type “buildcubemaps” into the console to cure it .The answer to this problem was in the the readme for the Otherworld mod .
I had the above problem when loading via HL2 but did not experience the problem via HL2 EP1 load. Yes the barrels were ridicules but the map is called “Explosions’. The ending is not structured but the readmefile does state, not very clearly, that you need to release the hostages, so I assumed that’s it.
A lot of work went into this map and maybe due to the graphic issue expressed by others the map as not got the amount of play through it deserves, I recommend you give it a try, it not great but will give you 20/30 minutes of fun, make sure to load through EP1 and if you are still seeing glowing object then do as Tony recommended, i.e. type “buildcubemaps” in console.
Funny mod. This author really likes to blow stuff up! I was really wondering why any soldiers would be dumb enough to have 50 gal. drums of gas stacked in the indoor offices and next to the computer rooms? Seems a little dangerous and oops-it was! But this one was not really supposed to be a tough one to figure out. Once I found the good guys and opened the door we all started shooting the Combine and when it was over, I turned around and they were either dead or gone. Not even a thanks?!-Ungrateful rebels! It’s a fun, short ride. Try it.-I had no tech problems after turning things down.
The original boomfest!
Tip: If you get black and glaring white textures type buildcubemaps into the developer console.
See Phillip’s “How To” tab at the top of the page if you need to.
Hit enter and wait until the software does the job and returns to where you are. Proceed to enjoy – lots.
I preferred this to the sequel Explosions 2. It has even more explosions.
There is combat and very nicely done especially for this type of map.
Glorious, mindless, fanatastic mayhem – Kaboom!
Neither of the download links are working, does anybody still have this map?
I have fixed the link.
Just as the name suggests there’s lots of explosions. Lots of exploding barrels…and a lack of story (or at least a good one).
Health packs are bunched together, weapon placement is bad as you only get the pistol near the end of the map (which doesn’t seem to be present in any way) and tons of canisters placed mindlessly everywhere, like a child’s dream.
I won’t comment on the graphics bug as I was too lazy to try it out and didn’t bother me much. Other than translucent Antlions in the dark which seemed pretty cool there wasn’t much to complain of.
Fun for as long as it lasts but go with low expectations on this one. You’re in for a bunch of blastin’ and nothing more.
25 Minutes
Every now and then something silly appears and it’s blumming brilliant! I agree, there should have been more creatures stupidly stood near the barrels waiting to be blown up but the rest is pure fun. I’ve played it around 4/5 times today and loved every second!! Glad to see the crossbow to pick off those early soldiers. The map might look terrible (with horrible white objects) but this is all about explosive fun. Just play it 🙂
Had potential. Uninspired areas.
10 Minutes