Escape 2 continues the story and events started in Escape by DMC Interactive. It’s quite a large mod and contains lots of new levels (Obviously!), new sounds and textures. The homepage is in German
Basic Details
- Title: Escape 2
- File Name: hl1-sp-escape-2.7z
- Original File Name: hlescape2.exe
- Size : 25.0Mb
- Author: DMC Interactive
- Date Released: 23 September 2007
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Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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81365 days
Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 2 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 1 Hours, 30 Mins
Shortest: 1 Hours, 25 Mins by AnRet
Longest: 1 Hours, 35 Mins by shaboo
Total Time Played: 3 Hours
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 1 Hours, 30 Mins
Shortest: 1 Hours, 25 Mins by AnRet
Longest: 1 Hours, 35 Mins by shaboo
Total Time Played: 3 Hours
I’ve only just started this mod but I wanted to post it immediately. I’ll post a full review here once I have finished it.The opening seqeunce is good, although I am sure I recognized the music from Spiderman.
So far the gameplay is a bit repetitive, but perhaps I am being over-critical. There are too many pairs of enemies, walking in snyc.
I know some people feel I post too many screenshots but you don’t have to look at them. The download link is always above the images, so I am not forcing anybody to scroll through them.
I WILL be adding plenty more once I post the review.
My Recommendation after 20 minutes of play is:
It’s not often we get 25Mb of new Black Mesa fun, so get it and enjoy it while you can!
Will do, downloading now.
Well, what I can say about this… My first impression when I saw this is “ohh another simply Black Mesa mod with the same HL design and stuff…” but its not, its better, the maps are highly detailed, great brushwork, cool effects, the models are incredibly awsome, the last scenary, the outdoor warzone really impressed me, I really like the destroyed zone with the fight between marines and blackops, also the tanks shoot on the monsters too, thats really good… My only complaint about this is the difficult, sometimes you get too many soldiers in some small places, this may cause some lag too considering the models have a high number of poligons… This is a very very fun mod, it must be on your mod list…
I hadn’t played the first one (Escape), I like to play ’em in order, just got done with #2. Both played well, no lagging on this end, but I did get stuck in one of the elevators (thank goodness for no-clip!) Graphics were better in the second one, and I like the way the keycards were marked (a novel way) I do wish the dialog was in english, my german is not to good anymore! Lots of fun and plenty of action! I’ll say:
Well, well. Let me tell you. Compared to Escape 1, this mod just decided to grab me by the hand and not let go. In fact, compared to Escape 1, I liked this mod. Let me tell you why I like this mod and explain its unfortunate downfalls:
I’ll begin with design. Compared to Escape 1, this mod has astounding level design. At first it appears to be no more than just above-average. But then you go further and see some fantastic architecture, neat brushwork, tuned texture work and welcoming trimwork. During the last third of the mod, the mod reeks of quality. The warzone section was amazing! Of course, it’s not all great. At times, the design took an average stature and I’d occasionally find a bland looking area, other times an area lacked trimwork or even seemed to be highly repetitive and lacked variety – But overall this mod’s level design is of professional quality! (Serious.)
The set-pieces are arguably some of the best. While the first two-thirds are nothing special, there’s some sweet stuff to be had in the last third. Whether it’s a jet bombing the hell out of a sky bridge or the fantastic set-piece visualized in the climax, (I’ll not spoil it for you. I’ll admit it’s not on par with today’s games, but it’s damn good for Half-Life 1!) the author(s) have simply made this mod a treat to look at.
There’s some nice new content here, too. There’s the obvious new hand model from Escape 1, but there’s some very nice hi-def models (Including some from the Blue Shift pack.) and even some new skins. (The bloodied scientists look very good.) There are also some nice new blood splatter textures. I’m surprised by this mod’s low download size!
Onto gameplay. The first third of the mod is decent. To be honest, it’s nothing too special and comes off as being a bit repetitive at times. However, this is countered with being quite challenging and I found some very smartly-placed enemies a few times throughout the mod.
The second third of the mod is a clear, utter disappointment. I nearly thought of giving it a ” Consider it” or ” Avoid it” recommendation JUST from this part of the mod. (That’s what I was thinking whilst going through it.)
See, the author’s idea of 10-15 minutes of gameplay is chuck the player in a dark, cramped set of corridors and throw an absolute TRUCKLOAD of zombies and gonomes at you. That’s it. It comes off as bland, repetitive and boring. it’s obvious I had no fun here, either. After this ” delightful” little section, you’re ” treated” to MORE zombies and a bunch of soldiers in some varied environments, mostly a giant shipping area. I didn’t have too much fun here, but the turrets were placed VERY well and the odd grunt fight was quite fun.
Then there’s the last third of the mod. This is the best part. (And easily balances out the awful second third of the mod.) Awesome gruntfights, good cover and tank fights, too. Occasionally there was an annoying little grunt bottleneck which wasn’t too fun, but everything around them — facing the grunts AND the black ops — was excellent. I had a blast! Honestly!
Anything else, guys and gals? Well, the intro I hated. It was cool, but dragged on for too long. (I liked the music, though!) Speaking of music… There’s none except for the intro and outro. Unfortunate, but I lived with it. There was a lack of friendly NPCs, which would’ve been awesome to drive whatever story we were facing here, but I’m… gonna… live! can’t think of much else.
Overall, I highly recommend this mod. It doesn’t bring anything very new to the table, but it holds out as being a very fun, energetic thrill ride, even with the inclusion of a somewhat disappointing 25-30 minutes of gameplay standing in the middle.
My recommendation:
I think there is a bug in the game and I got stucked too. 🙁
When I push the power button below the ground (at the container are) the train is immediately goes out and I dont have even the chance the get on it because I cant reach it 🙁
Aside from the “unoffical” noclip cheat, is there any way to get on this train without cheating?
Anyway very nice mod:
I didn’t suffer such a problem. The train only moved when I was onboard. But hey, every mod reacts differently to every system.
May I suggest reloading your last save? If that doesn’t help, reload to a save point (If any.) from a PREVIOUS MAP, then play on and see if that helps.
If the bug still occurs, then I don’t know what I else I can suggest.
If you actually had trouble GETTING too the train: Simply go to that central area where all the grunts originated from. (Where the enterences/choke-points are defended by turrets.)
Find a container with one side open. There should be a stack of crates – climb and jump into the container and out the other door. (Should open automatically as you walk into it.) Jump accross the containers. You’re on the right track if one container cracks open and you fall into it. Just backtrack and follow the same path. Get onto the crate under the train, climb the ladder, go over the train and hop inside the train.
Hope I helped!
By the way, I’d like to mention another downfall with this mod:
It’s plagued by the evil invisible walls! (But so was Escape 1!)
i’m trying to like this one, but the endless supply of zombies is starting to annoy.
back to playing.
I liked the first one, but have a problem with this (so far very much superior) second game. As soon as I get to the point where you first meet the grunts, the game freezes, closes and then I stare at my desktop about to cry.
My computer is quite powerful, so I’m guessing it’s the game. But as no one else has had this problem…
(By the way, the bloody scientists were from the HIT forums, and I’m suprised they didn’t reskin the barney models)
I’m halfway through now and while the mod itself is fine, I wonder what happened to getting the installation details right? I mean no version number and no size in the selection window? Including a config.cfg instead of automatically using the player’s config? Map not found error when selecting the Hazard Course instead of linking the mod there as well? I would have guessed these should be standard by now…
Can it be that they disabled the console in this mod? Because I couldn’t get it open when I got stuck in the elevator to the staging area with the tram. I had to retry several times to jump because when not in the air I couldn’t move when the elevator stopped…
After playing two days ago escape 1 I was prepared to play this one and…i’m a little disapointed.
Even if in some place details was much better than the first part, in other there where still a lot of excessive ambushes (i found it quite hard at average skill) I didn’t like the dark part full of zombies attack…btw there where to many zombies and alien slaves.
I really dislake but it’s personal the way to smash wood boxes that give a metalic sound and 90% of them did…
I needed 4 times to restart HL and even one time my computer because it was totally blocked…don’t like this too.
It misses more puzzles and sadly in the first area included room already present in escape 1
The intro was nothing exiting, like the ending
It’s not that bad and give especially at the end some interesting detail and mission orientation but I would have hope for something more polished less frustrating and like already mentioned before without a modified config.
On average took me 2 hours
I also don`t like the dark part full with zombies with the flashlight that you have you cant see where are they going.DOOM 3 have a lot of dark places bath you have good flashlight.
I don’t have much to add to what’s already said. Overall it’s a very good mod. But he ambushes by alien slaves are a little overdone, the amount of zombies in the middle part is also too much, and in some places, there’s a soldier behind every door you open. It gets a bit boring. There are way too little puzzles. I remember two doors needing a keycard, and a scanner room where you need a crate to proceed, that’s about it. Oh, yes and the train ofcourse… Almost every map has a fight between soldiers and aliens, or between soldiers and black ops, that was also a little overused.
So summarizing: Overall high quality, but overuse of some elements, like fights and ambushes, and underuse of others, like puzzles.
By the way, I already saw the gonomes (the big fast zombies) in ‘dead sector’. I was wondering who made them first…?
I just finished playing this mod and I thought it was amazing!
I played the first Escape back in 2003 and liked it a lot; yet I think Escape 2 is much better.
Gameplay is quite challenging but never frustrating; moreover, mod developers did a pretty good job with the improved models and textures.
I hadn’t played HL mods in a while; I’m glad my return to the game was prompted by such a great mod like Escape 2 🙂
My recommendation:
Gonomes appeared for the first time in “Opposing Force” (Half-Life first expansion pack).
I guess you haven’t played it yet 😉
Sorry 4 double post.
@ Christoph Buljo: dein Mod ist einfach fantastik! Die Feinde sind super gut modelisiert!@ all of the gamers here: play it!!!!
As with Escape 1, I could not take the HEV suit. I read a post in Escape 1 that the “final” version allowed the HEV suit, but even with that version I could not get it.
Since I saw no post regarding the suit, I’m wondering if anyone else is having this trouble with both Escape mods ?
Despite some really annoying things, playing this is a must 😀
lots of unbreakable crates
overuse of slaves and zombies (and dark, tight places where your flashlight dies on you and
when you charge it a little and use it, you find yourself next to a zombie – scaary!)
no/little puzzles (except the one with double doors), no story
some doors closing hurt me
in some places, the mapping has some flaws; from some angles, dark stripes were visible
in other places, incredible design, ideas and placement of.. everything
little or no health after long, hard fights
some maps look really familiar, but not quite the same (like the elevator that takes you
to an open space looked like case closed, and a setting in the end of e2-5 looked like
one mod in which there was a cutscene with Gman when you walk towards the big door, by the booth
enemies keep popping up even after you think you cleared the area
enemies are not on a set route, if they see you, they come after you
very intense, few moments of catching one’s breath; I know for some this was frustrating, but I kinda liked the pitch black, full of zombies part, it was like a small thriller
all in all, great gameplay
some new stuff (God DAMN, those were some huge, scary zombies that made you scream for mommy when
they came after ya), more blood splatters
nice pics
some cool set fights and scenes with the jet
Never got to use the rocket launcher and the ending is somewhat stupid, after you had no purpose but to stay alive, you die (I think) from an explosion coming from the mountains or sumthing.. nice touch, though, with the final status: “relocating to city 17”.
I give it a “Play it later” for there was no actual story and very few puzzles 🙁 other than that, I loved it!
way too many xenians :S yeah I mean those electrical dudes…
pretty good mod..I like the new zombies (those that are running to catch ya lol) but the ending it’s absolutely stupid..after seeing G-Man twice in the game I thought ‘damn this gonna be tight’..a bit dissapointed on the ending but overall nice 6.5/10
Continuation of “Escape” (who would have thought?). Oddly it starts somehow different than part one ended.
Nonetheless it’s worth playing as the nice mapping also continues with very good combat scenes, new stuff like models and textures from other mods etc. and very good balancing.
The alien spawn madness also continues. There are also again outdoor areas and a few puzzles to solve.
If you want solid action, take a look at this mod.
-Decent mapping with many new stuff, also outdoor areas
-Nice combat scenes
-Very good balancing
-Some nice scripts (but usually alien spawns again)
-At least a few puzzles
-Good playtime (around 1 hour)
-Neglectable story, it even doesn’t continue at the point where part one ended
-Almost no puzzles
-Minor bugs like elevator etc.
-Stupid AI
-Many locked doors
-Minor performance issues
-Weird atmosphere (that’s what I felt)
I liked this mod as much as I liked the first one. For those who haven’t played the first part, then the only thing that you should is expectis classic HL1 action.
Most pros and cons are the same as the first one, with some exceptions. First of all, the combat is more boring than the first one. Sure, there are grunts this time, but there are way, WAY too many Vortigaunts. The mapping is slightly better here, so it’s not too boxy or boring. The improved model skins are really nice too.
The ending was very surprising, but I wish the character made it out alive.
Overall, I definitely recommend this mod. If you liked the first one, then you’ll like this one too. If not, then stay away.
I just finished this and – looking at all those “Play It Now!” ratings – was quite underwhelmed, to say the least.
Like the first “Escape”, I found it a very generic and in parts simply boring experience. Basically you’re just playing along – using the same few weapons against the same few enemy types (mainly grunts and vortigaunts) in mostly greyish areas – without any puzzles, surprises or even WOW effects. Environments and architecture are functional, but not particularly nice or interesting. This mod has little more to offer than fighting, but even that is mostly generic and straightforward, making the general gameplay quite repetitive. Additionally, to compensate for the missing HEV suit (just like in the first episode) combat was toned down accordingly, which makes it, well, just not that exciting.
The “zombies in the darkness” part was just tiresome and the ending disappointing; wooden crates sounding like metal crates and occasional crashes with an “out of handles” error didn’t help, too.
I wish I could say something positive (and surely this mod isn’t completely awful or terrible), but apart from having no obvious bugs or situations where you could get stuck, I’ve just played too many better and more varied mods to be impressed by anything I see here.
Please note that there’s also a separate “Escape Trainingroom” map. Unfortunately it’s not available here on RTSL, so you have to download it somewhere else. I had more fun with this little map than with Escape 1 and 2 as a whole, so I’d recommend to take a look at it.
1 Hour, 35 Minutes
Difficult(in a good way) high-octane combat mod. Continuation of the first Escape mod /posts/escape-by-dmc-interactive/ Great gameplay, worthy of checking out both mod parts(plus training room)
1 Hour, 25 Minutes