“My first Half-Life level, and yes, it’s a scientist killing level. No co-op, deathmatch, or difficulty settings here, just a single player map. No new sounds, graphics, monsters, demos, or models, just plain old boring Half-Life. Wait a minute; “boring Half-Life” – isn’t that an oxymoron?”
Something is amiss in this scientist killing level. The Administrator has come to inspect it, to be sure it’s ‘up to SKC standards’ (or so he claims). What he doesn’t realize is that you have already entered the level, and have followed him through a teleporter. Ahead lies the Firing Chamber, where you just might be able to put the Administrator out of his misery
- Title: Energy Weapons Testing Facility
- Filename: hl1-sp-energy-weapons-testing-facility-ewtf.7z
- Size: 0.3 MB
- Author: Karmakaze
- Date Released: 3 November 1999
- Copy the ewtf folder into your SteamApps\common\Half-Life folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- ewtf should now be listed in your Library.
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Single map. Looks like a practise map for Mr Edwards. Good textures and colour. Sparse layouts. Pointless gameplay.
Chris, make a First Person Shooter with enemies, puzzles and goals.
Not a lot of point to this one, an over elabotate means of killing off a certain HL1 guy. Yes, that it and other then seeing how he is killed off, it’s not worth the download.
I’ve added 4 screenshots kindly supplied by piledriver.
hey what do I do in this map
EWTF was one of the maps that was made for the Scientist Killing Club – the name tells it all I guess.
Here’s more info about the Club, which unfortunately no longer exists…
what should we do
Boring & pointless.
-Where to start?
I skipped this one because there’s not a link. Is this one still available??
Added the link. Fair warning on the lack of quality though.