Doomed Life

for Half-Life

2nd April 2006

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3

The year is 2832, Earth is going to its fall. Many cities have been destroyed. You are a man called Edvard Jones. Your parents were killed in a hover accident, so your closest relative has brought you up. You live in a city called Rodor. You are on the way home from your work, when you hear an explosion. You run out and see that the whole city has been destroyed. When you stand there you see a room in a building that still has a light on…

Basic Details
  • Title: Doomed Life
  • File Name: hl1-sp-doomed-life.7z
  • Original File Name: doomed-life.exe
  • Size : 37.5Mb
  • Author: Doomed Life Team
  • Date Released: 27 October 2004
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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Reader Recommendations
Avoid It!
Think Twice
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6 recommendations, average score: 1.83 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.47 (what's that?)
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  1. Darth Marsden

    It’s been many a while since I played this, but I seem to recall the best thing about it being the new MP5 model (Top right screenshot). There didn’t seem to be any backstory to it and you jumped around from one region to another without any rhyme or reason.

    But then I haven’t played it in ages and my memory is sketchy at best. It might have gotten better. I really must replay it!

  2. Christian

    I am not sure where you got the screenshots from. As for me, this mod is terribly bugged, and I have not been able to reach some of the locations displayed here.

    Some transitions between level are dodgy (for instance L4 to L5: you arrive looking in the direction you come from).
    Several locations will make you fall in the floor, with only option of reloading a previous game.
    NO autosaves from this mod.

    On map 5, you will find a small guardhouse, in which you have a button to push. The front door does not open, but you have a high window and a crate. But shame; once in, you CANNOT get back out.
    My workaround is to click the button (inside) from outside the back of the guardhouse.
    The door thus opened has a small delay before it closes back, but it is feasable this way.
    Once inside, you find another button, which should hopefully grant access to next area, but NOTHING happens…

    This mod ends here for me, clearly a case of untested mod.

  3. I got the screenshots from their website.

  4. Christian

    Well, in that case, unless someone else manages to get through (and I would like to know how), I suspect that they got them from developping stage rather than from actual play stage…

  5. heyzors

    this game wasnt all that great although it had the potential. the ending was bad, you jumped around where you are too much and it really didnt have a story line. It was still pretty good though.

  6. adam

    completely random maps with no purpose WHAT SO EVER.

    why do people give a mod a great name like “Doomed Life” which makes you think good things about the mods only to find that the mod is a sliterister!

  7. Ahem

    i kno how tog et past that part
    * press ~ abnd types in sv_cheats 1*
    *then retstarts the map and types in “noclp”*

  8. Christian

    I never use cheats.

    If a map is not playable without, then it is not worth playing.

  9. heyzors

    Christian, are you talking about the meadow place? I remeber that part, but I did get past it. You have to go back into the basement or something, but its really not worth playing. The ending is horrible and this mod just really isnt worth playing at all.

  10. poisonheadcrab
    Avoid It!

    This was a very poor mod.

  11. TheRipper

    I remeber that part, but I did get past it. You have to go back into the basement or something

    So what is it that you do in the basement? I’ve smashed and shot about every square inch in there, but nothing’s happening…

  12. RedBone

    its ok this is my 1 mod I liked it till it waz over the ending is dumb! and really short if u want to play a game 4 like 15 min its ok!Photobucket

  13. SuperGarompa
    Avoid It!

    Just a good piece of rubbish

  14. mcrip
    Think Twice

    More stuff in hl-scenes but the leveldesing brang not much fun :ii jumped – too short – died. Again some times. Some doors did not open, noclip-cheat was needed some times. No story, the ways and the reasons to walk where unclear so the fun-level was not so high.

    Think Twice

    If you like to test the new sub-machine gun. The only good thing good for this mod is the new MP5 model.

  16. Think Twice

    It’s a weird mod with lot of strange happenings such as odd mapchanges and story.
    There are almost no puzzles and the story is a joke. Only the new stuff like textures and some beautiful skies, and also customized weapons are nice. The combat is okay but the AI is silly. The best thing might be the balancing in my opinion…
    There’s is *NO* need to cheat, as it’s possible to solve the game without using them, yes, no noclip needed. (see hints section at the bottom)
    You just have to hurry sometimes, after hitting a button, some doors close after a while.
    I’ve noticed (maybe I’m wrong) that very less headshots are needed to kill a grunt, so good aiming can save ammo.

    -Very good balancing (combat)
    -Some nice new stuff, graphics, layouts and customized weapons – a positive feature are outdoor areas
    -Some combat, but stupid AI
    -A few puzzles
    -A few (but odd) scripts

    -Silly mapchanges
    -Bugs like mapchange failures, clipping etc.
    -Tough beginning (jumping, combat)
    -Weirdness everywhere – you don’t know what to do first, or where to go
    -Deadly ends

    – to get outside the guardhouse, jump on the chair, and from there duckjump outside of the window
    -just don’t forget to hit the button inside, so the door next the to guardhouse opens, and then hurry as the doors closes again after a few seconds
    -once inside, hit the button and a cutscene should appear, blowing up a the tank and create a hole in the street, go there[/spoiler]

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