Basic Details
- Title: Deth
- File Name: hl1-sp-deth.7z
- Original File Name: deth.zip
- Size : 530Kb
- Author: Deth
- Date Released: 16 April 1999
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Uh-oh, “Deth” is a classical “my first map” submit. The brushwork is awful, the player start without a HEV (and isn’t able to find one during gameplay), the ligthning causes headache and the only thing that prevented me from quit right after the beginning was the hope and experience, that some maps get better over time as their designer learned trough the process of creation. Not in this case. The second map is completed in around 30 seconds. But the brushwork gets interesting, a huge flying thing with a tricky way to get on top of it. Not really worth playing – but sure a good way to show what you can make wrong.
Every mapper started with awful maps. Nobody is born as a star-map designer. But there is no need to make your first-time-i-used-worldcraft-map public!
A couple of good small maps with a mix of aliens and Grunts, nothing soecial but worth a play, end not structured.
Right Noel, it’s a very simple this-is-my-first-try map(s). Really nothing special, but at least better than most imo.
By the way, there is a HEV suit! Just break the non-transparent glass inside the room near the HEV charger!
All in all, it’s yet another kill all resistance / push two buttons boring mini maps-“mod”.
-Some nice combat
-Lil puzzles (finding HEV lol, how to open that door, how to climb that thing)
-Old but for it’s age good design, just don’t expect Picasso 😉
-No HEV at start
-Too easy (except for last trickjump)
-Very short
-No story, variation, no real puzzles
-Mostly basic design & look
Hey look! This level’s got a nudie picture it in! Let’s all download it… Oh wait, nevermind… the map sucks, and the picture is of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky… yuck with a capital Y.
Maybe the author intended to provoke reviewers into mentioning this level’s little distraction to get more downloads, it certainly serves no level-enhancing purpose in a map that needed all sorts of enhancing.
Not to sound harsh, but Deth was a downright poorly done map. There’s very little to compliment this map about. The design was boring, with very square architecture. The fighting was crappy in many areas, and there were no good pieces of action to make up for it.
What Deth gives you is a short and lackluster experience. You’ll be burned if your expectations are high for anything when it comes to this level, the author made no attempt to make this map interesting… Except for maybe the ending, which was unique, but frustrating enough to finish and it seemed like a very cheap recreation of that alien transport thingy from the movie Contact.
My recommendation is that you shouldn’t waste your time with this. Deth is not worth your while anyway you put it… yes, even if you’re horny 🙂
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Sunday, 11th July, 1999 by Jiang.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
Link does not work but there is a DL here – https://www.quaddicted.com/files/idgames2/planetquake/planethalflife/radium/maps/sp/deth.zip