A short map with a clearly defined objective of delivering the Gravity Gun to Dr Kliener.
Basic Details
- Title: Delivery
- File Name: hl2-ep1-sp-delivery.7z
- Size : 16.48MB
- Author: Mario Notaro
- Date Released: 18 February 2008
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Installation Instructions
- Copy the 3 .bsp map files into the Half-Life 2: Episode One maps directory. (This is normally found in: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\
\half-life 2 episode one\episodic\maps - Run Half-Life 2: Episode One
- Open the console and type map town_run
General Notes
- Found Via: Interlopers.net Completed Maps Forum
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
Reader Recommendations
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88365 days
Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 3 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 47 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 20 Mins by Daken50
Longest: 1 Hours, 5 Mins by shaboo
Total Time Played: 2 Hours, 20 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 47 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 20 Mins by Daken50
Longest: 1 Hours, 5 Mins by shaboo
Total Time Played: 2 Hours, 20 Mins
I enjoyed playing this map and whilst it’s not perfect it does a good job of keeping the player interested.There are a few graphical errors but nothing that spoilt the gameplay for me.
Just played this game and I think it is still in the progress of completing.Not even a beta!
It is full of errors: purple hills, a beach into witch everything sinks away.I had to cheat another jeep after I was off the beach. Some points you walk into a white surrounding and only then the graphics reappear.And in the last episode I couldn’t get the jeep over the gap in the road, could be my lack of skill I suppose :S Anyway I gave up.To bad because it looks like a great game when its finished.
Oh, before I forget:
Thanks Phillip, for your wonderfull site. I’ve been lurking here for quit a while now and I appreciate your efforts for the SP community very, very much
Strange. You did install it in the correct place and have Episode 1?
You are more than welcome.
BUBR : bugged up beyond recognition. Too bad, superb landscape.
Strange. You did install it in the correct place and have Episode 1?
Yes,I have Episode 1 and no,I don’t have a directory as mentioned in the above installation instructions…funny.I’ve placed them where I place all the other .bsp files: …\half-life 2\hl2\maps directory. Might that be the cause of all the glitches and errors? I do have a c:\Program Files\Valve\Steam dir but its empty
Sorry, “nOOb” here I can’t seem to get that quoting thing right
Have you run Episode 1 recently, perhaps after a reinstall?
What folders DO you have in your Episode 1 folder?
That definitely won’t work becasue it requires Episode 1 content. That’s why do have the problems you have.
That’s not a very helpful comment. Imagine you are the author of the mod. To improve you need to know what bugs a player has encountered.
I’ll also ask the same questions as I asked Nick. You did install it in the right place didn’t you.
I’ve also removed you recommendation image becasue they are not really designed for bugs or errors.
I do have Ep1 legal and paid. I installed the maps in episodic/maps and the same for graphs.
I think that my PC ain’t specially screwed and I expect anybody should encounter the same crashes:
1) end of town run, on the beach: severe graphic flaws with missing parts, looks like a noclip view from “outside” the game.
2) then I ran part 2 “beach_run” : I don’t have any weapons left and start at 44 health count. I can’t go through the fence in the tunnel. So noclip, just to get further. I made it to the hideout, opened the door, went carefully towards the GG and the game freezes. Start again: second time, Windows stops the game at the same place, syaing “major crash”.
That’s what I call BUBR. I’ll try the third run now just to see whazzap. It’s really irritating because the mod is beautiful and I attach a lot of importance to the scenery. Part one was really nice however so one can give it a try. As someone said, it’s not even a beta.
I must have screwed things up bigtime because I have 2 Valve accounts (one I didn’t know of anymore)In my old account there is a playable episode 1. It contains the Episodic folder you mentioned. So I will put the file there,play it again and, if necessary, rejudge it.Man, I’m such a dork in these matters. Thanks for your help, Phillip
Very weird: I ran checkpoint_run. I went down the road, back to the beach from “town_run” (nice quiet walk on le plage) and the graphics around sewers entrance are now OK. I found a shotgun on the road so I could shoot the plywood, got into the sewer and again I can’t pass the fence. Noclip. I went to the hideout, and found that going backwards towards the GG works: I got the GG and no freeze. Then I went upstairs, after doing… and loading …(no spoil)… and there, at the moment the combine grunts broke in, I lost all my weapons and could not retaliate : dead me.
Anybody has a clue?
Phillip, just played it again with no errors whatsoever, even found some weapons and the crowbar I didn’t had before. I have to make my sincere appologies to the author for my first comments: this is a well designed and very enjoyable little map, I hope there will be more.So now I will give it a:
I really enjoyed these maps.
Let’s do the negative first:
There are several graphical glitches, mostly displacement gaps and problems with road surfaces. Also some places I got to, I’m not sure if I should be able to get there, because I could see through a lot of surfaces. But I didn’t cheat to get there.
Some of the larger cliff sections have tiled textures which, from a distance, are obviously repeating.
You also need to include the AIN files for your maps so that people don’t get the “Node Graph Out of Date” message when they start playing.
Now let’s be positive:
These maps look pretty good even with the glitches. I enjoyed the attention to detail, which is quite good and reminded me (a little bit) of Resident Evil 4.
I think the atmosphere is very good. I loved the way it starts, and hiding from the Strider while finding where to go next.
The puzzle to charge the battery was excellent!!!!!
The driving was quite fun also.
Achievement : Antichrist!
— I laughed my ass off when I got that! Nice touch!
Really good stuff. Author has talent!
This a decent sp mod I didnt notice any graphic errors.
Item placement is excellent although no armor paks of course that wasnt needed here.
Good challenge & setup I played on Normal skill level.
Weapons were easy to comeby.
Only parts I didnt like was you couldnt kill the churchtop sniper & what was the sewer lift at the 2nd ladder near the buggy used for I thought was for the battery to be put on to get it to the upper floor.
Frankly I hope the Author makes more maps maybe expanded this one into a full length SourceMod
I killed him.
That’s what I got “Achievement: Antichrist” for!
Me too.
I killed the sniper too. The way I found was really fun. I checked my Ep1: works perfect. I’m trying “Delivery” again tonite from scratch.
PP, I saw you added a new “TBTR” recommendation. Good idea. A heck of a webmaster you are. Whatta site….
OK, I got it. The mod is not “error-proof”. That is if you progress the wrong way (i.e. to the beach on foot after killing the sniper), everything bugs constantly.
If you go back in town…(no spoil), then the game cranks on correctly. Final advice:
LOL I played it again today for a 2nd time through & I thought taking the sniper out on the 1st level not the 3rd oh well.
Well maybe The Author will release it again in a patched version or like I stated before expanded it into a Sourcemod with maybe more levels & content.
Oh BTW the Cross stuck in the top of the Church after you blow up the belltower, throw a few Grenades inside to POP the Cross outa the Belltower its truely funny 🙂
The Levels were smart adding stealth/combat/chase mood.
Looking forward to the Authors next release.
I did that…I was confused for a few minutes!
That area definately needs sorting out – or even just clipping off (but preferably in a believable manner)
I enjoyed this mod. There were certainly some visual issues with texturing (the cliffs texture should have been scaled up by at least x4) and lighting (needed more mood lighting) but the gameplay more than made up for that. It was inventive and unpredictable. I really liked the way the buggy was accessed, that was very cool. The battles were challenging and certainly had me panicking at the end, but it wasn’t too tough.
I’m refraining from giving this a full 5/5 as there were a number of glitches and problems, but nothing that really prevented me from enjoying the game, just aesthetics I guess.
I rarely use Phillip’s “AVOID IT” tag, but have to do so with regard to these maps. The first map seems unplayable. It’s easy to get to the beach, then the game regularly crashes. After wasting a lot of time getting past the crashing I discovered that the mapmaker apparently didn’t mean for the beach to be accessible at all (even though far out in the white, code wilderness he leaves a zombie wandering around), since there’s nothing there but a view up into the setting we’ve just left. That wire-frame view does indicate a passage down through the grate behind the auto mechanic’s shop, but having previously, and thereafter, tried every possible way to open the grate, including carrying the three explosive cylinders to the grate and detonating them, I’ve had it. I really don’t like having my time wasted like this, and the occasional mapmaker who does this kind of thing isn’t keeping up his/her end of the bargain.
I don’t normally defend an author because it’s their job to justify their choices but I feel this short mappack is slightly misunderstood.
I know what you mean about the wandering Zombie but wouldn’t we just class this as detail? Things like this make the maps seem more realistic but also create the concept that there must be something down there or the author wouldn’t have put a zombie there.
Shawn, in case you didn’t realize your objective is to find the buggy and use that to drive along the road and beach.
I’m not trying to be rude but just help you.
It’s certianly not as posihed as players” would have hoped but it’s really is worth the effort.
Good Luck
No-one wasted your time except yourself.
I doubt very much that the author forced you to play it.
I think that sums up this mod very well for me.
Hmm… That didn’t turn out right… That didn’t turn out right at all!
Ok, that was weird… first time it didn’t post.
Sorry for the delayed response everybody, but I just started a new job (as a game / level designer!) which I had to move for, so I’ve been really busy.
First of all, thanks to everybody who played the map. There are lots of professionally made games out there that you could be spending your valuable time playing, so the fact that you take the time to play maps like mine means a lot. Thanks.
I’m glad you guys did things like get the antichrist achievement. Did you get any others…? Sorry for the problem with the cross. I’ve been wrestling with that for some time, and thought I had it fixed.
Issues: I know that this level is not 100% polished. Believe me that I spent a LOT of time working on polishing it even to the state that it is now. Obviously I don’t have an army of playtesters, and only one mediocre computer for compiling my maps on so it takes a while to find and fix errors and bugs. To give you an idea, if I compile all the maps in entirety including hdr lighting it takes roughly three and a half hours. And that’s using a fast compile! I suspect that the lighting would be better if I took the time to do a normal compile, but that would take days and days. Seriously.
To address some specific issues:
In regard to the issue of getting down to the beach in the first section of the map, how were you able to do that? I was pretty sure I made the stone wall high enough and even added a player clip on top of it for the truly “creative” players. Evidently something slipped through the cracks, and I apologize. If you tell me what it is, I’ll add it to the list to be fixed when I have the time.
As far as other issues, if you continue to describe them well on here, I will address them in the next update.
Again, thank you everybody for playing, and I will try to check this forum regularly to respond to your comments.
“I’m not trying to be rude but just help you.”
You’re not rude in the least, Phillip–I always appreciate your insights and comments.
I don’t mind unfinished maps or maps with flaws, per se. I do understand that people get busy, or haven’t been able to polish everything the way they or we might like… imo, though, that’s partly what readme.txt’s are for. I’m always grateful for a mapmakers directness–if you had some problems, let me and us in on what they are, so that we can anticipate them (and perhaps make suggestions toward improvements), and not waste time if we choose not to.
Mario–thanks for your thoughtful post, and your question. IIRC, there’s a place in the road where the wall seems a little lower than elsewhere–it’s about where the road starts to go uphill, toward where there’s a big break in the road. I found it easily, just so you know. There’s also another glitch, up around the same level of ground that the church is on. There’s a huge combine barrier in the road which it’s possible to climb around by using the waist-high wall to the right (facing). The problem is that the road one winds up one is yet another dead end–a road that ends abruptly out of carelessness, it seems, rather than intent. When you add to that the broken grate that can’t be opened, when game conventions tell us that that’s where we should be expending our effort–I just felt you either hadn’t put enough time in (though I don’t doubt you spent a lot of time and effort on these maps), or didn’t want to bother with including a cautionary note in the readme.
It just seemed… unfair.
Good stuff, liked the puzzle and the 2 snipers, buggy drive good as well, needs a little polish on the graphics – see through joins etc but otherwise look forward to the sequel
I played it and it was tough but interesting.
The maps are very large, but I suspect that when all the errors are patched up, and a lot more optimizing is done, you should be able to get the full compile time down to a few hours. If you need any help with optimizing, let me know.
I can’t specifically remember now, but I remember that I wasn’t trying to get anywhere I shouldn’t be – I just stumbled into it while I was trying to work out where to go next.
I’ll play it again and make a video, when I get time. I’ll post the link here when it is done.
In regard to the road that ends, you aren’t supposed to ever be able to see that, so the road ends in order to optimize the map. Obviously I missed the spot that you were able to get up on the wall, so I will fix that when I update the map. Thanks for pointing it out.
As far as the broken grate that can’t be opened, where exactly are you talking about?
Thanks for taking the time to post about your problems in a constructive way. It’s always appreciated.
I had never actually seen somebody be able to get past the sniper and throw a grenade into the belltower, thus allowing the player to go around the church and get onto the road. None of that was ever meant to be seen. Obviously I will need to do something to fix the problem. I can think of two possible solutions off the top of my head.
1) Ratchet up the sniper speed as the player gets closer to the tower.
Initially I had slowed down the rof of the sniper in order to make crossing the gap in cover to the wall easier. I may make it so that the closer you get to the tower, the faster the sniper fires.
2) Don’t give the player any grenades with which to kill the sniper. I actually never intended for that sniper to be killable. It was more of a method of controlling the players movement without having to use hard barriers. The grenades just fell because I didn’t check the “don’t drop grenades” flag in all the combine soldiers, and I didn’t think it would be a problem. I was wrong!
Thank you Chris for taking the time to record your gameplay. Above and beyond man.
I’ll keep thinking on these problems, but if any of you have what you think is a good idea, let me know and I might put it in. Anyway, thanks again.
“As far as the broken grate that can’t be opened, where exactly are you talking about?”
It’s the nearly circular grate right behind the shop with the two cars inside. You’ll probably recall how, often, mapmakers will give some indication that a solid looking object can be broken by putting cracks in it, or gaps, or in the case of bars, the bars will not quite connect all the way along their lengths? That’s what I observed here. In combination with the grenades and the moveable, explosive cylinders inside the shop, it seemed very plausible that it was necessary to break the grate to continue through the level.
btw, I was also able to do what Chris did–grenade the sniper, and stumble down the steep bank by the break in the road. Since there were two ways down to the beach it lent credence to the idea that that’s where I should be heading.
Hope that’s helpful!
Chris–if you’re reading this and feel like answering, how did you make the video of your gameplay?
Shawn – I have FRAPS, a program which allows you to record gameplay from any game that uses DirectX. I’m pretty sure there’s a free version too, so you should be able to search for it and give it a go. I uses Windows Movie Maker to compress the video, because (surprisingly enough!) it’s pretty efficient.
koopatroopa –
I remember some time ago I released some HL2SP work in which I’d tried to prevent the player going one direction by putting in a fight which I didn’t think anyone would ever win (without cheating).
Oh how wrong I was!
It’s worth remembering as you map that someone, somewhere will do everything you least expect. If you really want to stop every player going somewhere, you really have to take firm steps. Usually this involved hard clipping, followed by lots of work to make the clip believable as part of the setting.
I don’t recommend you just turn the sniper speed up, because someone will still get past it.
You could use a cheating sniper, which kills instantly and doesn’t ever miss…..but some players wouldn’t like that. I found that out the hard way, in the third map of Citizen 😉
Best of luck finding a good solution!
Hi Koopatroopa,
you wrote:
“I had never actually seen somebody be able to get past the sniper and throw a grenade into the belltower, thus allowing the player to go around the church and get onto the road.”
The trick is you can’t throw a grenade through the side window where the sniper is but you waist him easily by throwing the grenade into the window above the porch.
Then you walk up the road to the break and find the place where you can slide down the slope to the beach without harm. It was pretty long then to walk to the broken bridge, up the road and get a shotgun. What are those midair lights on the beach BTW?
Funny enough, when you are doing this walk, no enemies appear, while when you play the predicted way, with the buggy, you run against troopers on the beach.
I did not find the antichrist trick although I shot the cross. Got to play it again. Please debug the mod and extend it. I can’t wait for the sequel.
Thank you for the information. I’ll check it out.
So far, enjoying this mod a lot. Smart mapping, and it’s all made good use of (no pointless space).
FYI: When I downloaded the rar (secondary download), it was corrupted: I was able to extract the town_run.bsp and checkpoint_run.bsp but the beach_run.bsp gave an error about the header being bad.
When I downloaded the rar from primary download, it was fine.
OK, I’ve finished the mod. It is short, as advertised, but builds to a good climax, and achieving the achievement is satisfying “revenge”.
Despite its minor flaws I give it high marks.
I had fun. Unlike a lot of the bigger mods it seemed to focus on gameplay instead of just voice acting. I’d like to see more maps like it. 🙂
(I rated this before I played other mods, unfortunately, so I gave it a 2. Would certainly give it a 4/5 if I could rerate.)
Despite a couple of little glitches I really enjoyed this! Well thought out scenery, great attention to detail, and great gameplay. I wanted this to go on and on, hopefully there will be a sequel *hint* 🙂
There was a lot of elements that I really liked – the battery puzzle most of all.
Great work – I’d recommend this highly.
I’m really tired of people with bad video cards and/or cheap systems, blaming the authors of these mods when their pc crashes or they have some other problem that has nothing at all to do with the mod itself. It’s not only not fair to the mod makers but is a waste of time and space in the telling. If your having trouble and you can see alot of people posting positive feedback, why not look at your own computer for the source of the problem?
This mod was not perfect but it was really good and I had no tech problems at all. The gates opened, the sniper was killed and I won the game without cheating. My pc is not new and not top of the line and my graphics card needs replacing but it ran fine for me and I would definetly suggest playing this short, fun mod.
I thought it was an exceptional map. In fact I’ve never seen ANY map so well designed in terms of coordination between areas within such a small overall physical space. I found the flaws to be minor.
Gameplay was very difficult for me, lots of retries after getting killed. Unlike the previous poster, I never managed to kill the sniper, I had to fight and kill everything up top before being able to proceed into the tunnel to end it. So it took quite a lot of gameplay to complete it.
This is the type of short mod I totally enjoy. Your circumstance and goal are clear from the beginning. The cliff-side cave you were trapped in for weeks and starving, provided a believable starting point for this short story.
The visuals were not perfect but the gameplay had a nice mix of enemies, combat, puzzle solving, and a challenging final battle. The large combine walls seemed way out of place in this small beach side setting. Any other form of blockade would have worked better.
The gameplay won out on this one and I will probably play it again sometime.
Very, Very good indeed. Also very hard even in easy.
In hard I was not feeling very well at the end!
There were some glitches in the mapping but no game stoppers and nothing to detract from the excellent combat game play.
There’s not a lot of room for tactical gameplay but not a “run and gun” either.
You need to be cunning and get your timing absolutely spot on in the first 2 maps – not a bad idea for the last one either!.
There’s loads of action in a very small area that makes very effective use of multilevel 3D mapping and a Sniper to keep you on your toes.
Imaginative with great combat gameplay.
any chances of this mod being reuploaded sometime soon again? it looks pretty nice
I have updated the post to include a working download.
one of the best hl2 ep2 maps ive ever played… nice mapping and allthough theres no real storyline as such theres enough firefights and puzzles to keep you interested
I really enjoyed the battery charger puzzle … and the way you can use the dumb waiter to transport the battery .. that was a excellent idea and stumped me more than any other part of the map
the beach area is good,and if you time it right you can actually run over the combine which saves time…. theres very few maps that include beach area,s . one that springs to mind is “minerva” …
overall one of my favourite hl2 maps ( hence the PF ) …. well done mario,and I hope to see more maps and mods … infact delivery could easily be converted into a mod with some extra levels/map .. I hope so
well done mario !
Using Gauge
55 Minutes
Absolutely love it! There really are not that many 1-hour-mods that are better than this! Wish we’d seen more from Mario …
1 Hour, 5 Minutes
Obviously my PF rating has been removed, because my review was too short. Yes, I could have repeated everything that’s already been said several times before in other reviews, but I honestly didn’t see any point in this, as long as I doesn’t have to say anything new. And by the way, Phillip, your own “review” of this mod consists of exactly two sentences, which did not hinder you from giving a rating, too.
Yes it has. Firstly, my review was writing 8 years ago BEFORE I added the rules about the size of the review and secondly, since it’s my site I can essentially do what I please. Just like if I were a guest in your home, how I had to behave would be different from you. That’s the way host and guest relationships work. This website is an extension of my home.
Of course, your site, your rules. No problem with this. It’s just that after playing some mod I’m often in the mood for immediately giving some short, but fresh and honest recommendation/rating, while not being in the mood or having the time for some longer review, especially as English is not my first language, which is making any reasonably elaborate review a quite time-consuming matter.
Of course it’s understandable that you want ratings to be accompanied by reviews, so I’ll just refrain from giving ratings in the future, if I feel that my sentences are too few.
Keep on the good work! 🙂
Not so much “My site, my rules” but more “My site therefore I can break my rules”.
Remember, my review, which you may have noticed I have removed my rec. img, was written 8 years ago, before any requirement of review length.
I also understand that for many people who use the site, English is not their first language and I try to consider that aspect too. My suggestion is to add the reviews and let me remove them if I feel they are too short. Lastly, the length of the review is tied to the average playtime of a map or mod, so I don’t expect a lot of words if the map only took 10 minutes to play. But one short paragraph for a mod that took 2 hours would be unacceptable for a Rec Img.
I always enjoy maps like these. It’s almost a mini adventure even though they’re actually quite small, they feel a lot larger. And this is what I got from this collection. Okay, I can live with the graphical glitches and an unfinished feel because there’s a great game here. I thought the storyline played out well from the very start and I enjoyed sussing out the second battery puzzle. Quite the rush during this part!
The second stage is superb but I’d have like this to have been a bit longer. I cant deny though that it was well done but I feel it went downhill afterwards. I didnt really care much for the final parts – and the combine supply ship turned up the same time as the gunship which made things very hard (for me). Funnily, this ship actually landed on me and my vehicle to crush about 70% of my health 🙁
Not the best download but certainly has some great ideas, esp in the first parts.
Looks good. Plays good. Interesting end battle. This is for E1. I see a lot of people get purple textures and ERROR, you will unless you play in E1.Once I got through the beach part I just huffed it out on foot.
20 Minutes