This is a 6 map mappack that was released as an illegal stand alone Half-Life 2. That does not mean that the author(s) of this mappack were involved because as we have seen before people collect mods and add them to pirated Half-Life 2 and sell them.
The pack contains Black Mesa style environments, outdoor areas, driving sections and plenty of action. Without giving away any spoilers, the last map contains an innovative use of a trainyard.
- Title: Deal With Destiny
- File Name: hl2-sp-deal-with-destiny.7z
- Size : 61.27MB
- Author: Unknown
- Date Released: 02 January 2009
A huge thanks Vicpas for helping me find the files and to Andyb for converting this into a normal mod.
- Copy the Deal With Destiny folder into your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Deal With Destiny should now be listed in your Library tab.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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Longest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by Daken50
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 30 Mins
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I loved this mappack. But be warned, it’s not the most polished set of maps you will play (You have been warned Chris!).
It features plenty of variety with indoor and outdoors areas. There’s a Black Mesa style are that has a huge ????? which is fun to play and I actually think that this was underused.
I had to cheat once, around image 51/52 because I door that should have opened didn’t Maybe you won’t have a problem.
I had trouble finding the link from map one to map two but I am sure you are smarter than me! I nearly made this a Hallf Of Fame 2009 but It’s definitely on the Potential list, that’s for sure. Certainly not for the detail but for the overall feel and the battles.
If I get time later today I’ll add one, maybe two panoramic images.
I highly recommend you playing this, but don’t expect perfection.
Send me the whole files you have and I can maybe put it into a source mod folder instead of maps.I personally hate anything I cant launch through steam.Have fixed many this way.
the graphics in this game are unbeleivable. cant wait for half life 3
Yes, thanks Andy B. I too hate when you have to type in the map name. EVERYTHING should be put into Source Mods.
I really liked it until I got stuck in the big room with the buggy. I can’t get it out of the tunnel. When I head in I come to real bright, blinding lights and then the map ends!-I’ve tried noclipping and can’t see any way out-I did have a couple doors not open also.
@ Robspace1 if you carry on through the blinding light there seem to be two loading points close together, though I’ve no idea why….This is not the best map-pack, though is quite good, some of the combat is overwhelming, continually spawning combine & so on, but it’s well worth the download. I’m sort of enjoying it, but there have been moments when I’ve thought it wasn’t worth going on….
Thanks-I found out what the problem was. For some reason the download manager didn’t give me all the map packs. I was 2 short. I reloaded and just finished it but could not figure out the ending. I had to noclip but have no idea how it’s supposed to really end. The last part in the railyard gave me trouble. It is really a good mod with very few bugs. I had one door not open. Definetly worth playing.
It’s always good to see a longer mod, and this one has some pretty difficult combat too so it takes a while to finish. It does have a slightly unpolished feel in places – it’s possible to wander to the edges of some maps and to see through gaps in textures in others, but some of the level design is extremely well thought out. The trainyard segment has many places where you can hide – but only just – from the many enemies, so must have taken an age to plan and implement. I too had a non-opening door bug, but overall this is a very good start to 2009 🙂
Some parts of this mod look fairly good, like many of the cave areas – nice work there, and even some of the indoor black-mesa style areas have their moments. The big outdoor areas are admirable attempts but fall short of being totally convincing. It is obvious to me that the author spent a lot more time working on some areas than he did on others.
In general, there is a lot of bland lighting, some lazy architecture in places, many badly aligned textures, displacements with gaps, and light posts which float 3 feet above the ground! (did you spot those?) to name just what I can remember from memory.
After the obviously good and bad visuals, there are a couple of areas which look OK but have little things wrong that put me off. For example, the missile silo that you climb up looks fairly reasonable – except that the big red flashing lights in there don’t actually come from anywhere! There are no light fixtures actually producing the lights!
I understand that many of you may be able to ignore these problems with the visuals. But I can’t.
There were also some annoying design elements (there was one invisible wall in particular that really irritated me!) and I managed to lose the car a couple of times by driving it into water – it’s possible to leave yourself with a very long walk ahead !!
There were some areas where I found the gameplay a bit frustrating … especially those moments I would describe simply as “using too many soldiers” – this is a taste issue really, but I get bored fast with hordes of enemies. I prefer fights which are hard for reasons other than the amount of opponents there are to kill.
However I did enjoy the driving section, it was large and fun, and, assuming you don’t ditch the car in the first pond that you see – set up so that you go past everything so fast that you barely have time to look at the details. So that was great – I was sad when that bit ended. Best part.
I thought the rotating rail platform at the end was a very nice touch – it was just a pity that it ground the engine to such a crawl. My PC is no slouch – and I was dragged down to 20fps during that section. But nevertheless, still a nice touch which I can see being difficult to get right.
I did come across one door which just wouldn’t open (it seems other people saw that too) but apart from that I didn’t have too much trouble progressing. I felt the layouts of the maps, while not visually stunning, were at least thought about in terms of access and playability. Oh, I mean except for those couple of annoying invisible walls, that is.
The node-graphs are missing from these maps and this causes this error:
“Node Graph Out of Date – Rebuilding”
at the start of every map on the first time you play it. It isn’t a fatal error because your computer can generate the graph.
The problem here is that some of these maps are VERY large in physical size and they have a relatively large amount of node-graph data. This can make your PC stop in it’s tracks (probably with a looped sound playing too) for several seconds at the start of each map. This is especially problematic when you are driving the buggy into the tunnel full of light – because the white light is so bright you can’t even see the error message! So I can understand why some of you above had problems with that map change.
The solution is simple – include the nodegraph files in the download – and it’s goodbye to start-of-map-stuttering.
I sent the node-graphs generated by my PC to Phillip and so he should update them into the download.
Future players of these maps will not experience the node graph error.
I’m not going to bash on about the maps not being in mod form because, although it’s a simple matter to make a mod really, trust me that when you’ve never done it before, it can be tricky and time consuming.
And there’s no custom content anyway, which reduces the need for it to be a “mod” simply to a matter of convenience.
So this is an admirable attempt in many ways, but it has it’s problems.
Play it later … the driving section is fun enough to warrant this rating. If that section was missing, I would have said Consider It instead.
The repack will have the node graphs before I send it to philllip :p Hopefully it doesn’t take as long to redo it as it is to download it lol
Hi all, Any hints to get past the area with the house ,friendlys, gunship and snipers? Whew! I wish there were a rocket launcher in the basement.
Thanks, Brian.
I’m not sure if this is the “proper” solution but I just ran around them!
Brian-I noticed the lack of the rocket launcher there too, so I had to cheat and add one. There should have been one and if it was somewhere in that house, I never found it. I did impulse 101 to win that one. I was also wondering why Dr. Breen says nothing in the segment he’s in. That part made no sense to me.
Spoilers – Brian, it’s a matter of tactics, don’t run around aimlessly let the Combine come to you in the house it will take a time but in the end you will kill them all, once this happens the gunship stops bothering you. Now, edge your way using the left side until you get under the snipers windows, then take them out with grenades.
Robspace1, I had the same experience with Breen but seeing I had to noclip the door I was wondering if that is what Breen was meant to do, i.e. open the door for you in some way, so put this sequence down to being bugged.
Mel-that’s what I was thinking too. I tore the room upside down, literally, looking for some key, door, tunnel, pipe, or transport device to make it out of there without resorting to noclip but once again cheating won the segment. Breen never said a word and just looked at the controls there. I don’t know why all the various enemies were behind glass and what I was supposed to do there. That whole part was, for me, not understandable. I hate it when that happens and it happened again in the end as I could see no way to get across the rail cars.
I would say the buggy ride in this one is exellent like Chris said but the author could have spent more time on all the other areas just making it more playable. The maps are great, just tough to figure at times. The big open areas are fun to run around in but hard to know where to go. Several times in the big industrial complex’s I found my self sitting in the buggy having just killed all the snipers and not knowing which way to go. I reallyt enjoyed kicking the buggy into turbo and flying over the ramp and right into the two Combine. Now that was fun! Legal vehicle homicide.
I really hope this mod maker keeps doing these but will spend just a little more time on the finished product before releasing it. But then this is how you learn right?
In post 14 I said take the left side, I meant the right side either way keep a look out for the sniper blue laser to time your advance.
Robspace1, not sure what you mean by getting across the rail cars? I had no problems with the end sequence.
Mel, in the train yard turnaraound area I pick up the rockets and launcher off the flatcar, jump down, the room turns but the gate’s still locked in front. If I go out the back and try to cross the railcars to get to the cement step and into the wood railcar, I can’t make it over. The map ends.I don’t know. Like I said, I never quite figured out the real ending of that one. I may need to re-install and give it another shot-if you want, email me with the ending. Robspace1 [AT] msn [DOT] com
Please note this short review my include Spoiler.
This is yet any ambitions project, that’s two posted over last week or so. With this mappack we get treated to the big outdoors and whilst not all the exterior settings are prefect it does afford the player the luxury of space and scenery. With it we also get to ride the bugger, however there were sequence prior to the buggy ride that appeared to have been designed for a road bugger and the water bugger, I tracked back a couple of times thinking I must have missed them.
The combat encounters are not the best stage affairs; here the author opts for throwing gangs of Combin at the player as opposed to constructing more thoughtful engagements so building-up the intensity of the action. Little thought to concealment and emplacement of troops is present with them spring-up from no where. However I did grow to enjoy the sniper encounter which took a few attempts to achieve and relies on the sequence of actions you take with the entire foray around.
If you like wandering around then some of the depot and warehouse site settings will be to your liking, here you can search for stores with the old skirmish thrown-in. This aspect of the game is a welcome relief after playing so many minor games of late that don’t give room to swing a cat. (I am a cat lover, just a turn of phrase)
The bugger ride was good, is seems ages since we were treated to one in a custom mod, but then this represents the size and ambition of the mod, and coming from an author that appears to be happy mapping the big outdoors in the grand scale of things. On your travels you have the option in most cases of taking on the Combin out with your bugger gun or opting to encounter them on foot, I opted to do both that way extending the action.
I don’t know anything about the mappacks background, whether it was created by a sole mapper or a team, I think the former, if so it’s clear that the author heart is with designing the big outside but appears neither to have the time or patience to detail to perfect the large set which show obvious faults, misalignments with unfinished terrain. Coupled with these errors there appears to be a weakness in creating gameplay and staging combat, these all appear to be reason to expect that the author would benefit working with a team for any future projects.
Except for one door that did not open, near the encounter with Breen which I never saw the point of, was he meant to open the door for you? I did not experience any bugs or crashes or major slow-downs throughout the mappack
Whilst this mappack is in no way a classic and I can’t imagine it ranking in anyone’s top ten, nor featuring in the honors list for 2009, if it does that will only reflex the weakness of new year release, however having said all that, this is still an admirable mappack with plenty of content to keep most players immersed. Its well worth the download and play through being a much welcome relief to the mediocre short and sloppy release of late.
Plenty of spoilers to be seen in this review.
“It’s nice for a first map release” I suppose it how I’d paraphrase it.
Most of the textures are not aligned correctly and many of the displacements are not Sewn. Each map it littered with areas the player could climb into and not be able to escape from. The buildings follow no logical layout in the outdoor areas and most of the indoors sections are bland two color squarish rooms.The scripting is constantly breaking, causing me to have to noclip through doors that won’t open. Some random doors throughout the “Black Mesa” section are not even solid. The lighting doesn’t seem to come from anything most of the time and a mood is never set.There is little to no thought put into enemy placement. They just seem to be waiting around every corner for you to come along to them, an innumerable amount of times the NPCs were not even facing the direction of the player as they turned the corner. NPCs would also randomly spawn in dead-end rooms long after you cleared them out the first and second time. There’s no Node graph for any of the stages so the AI just runs at you and never uses cover or anything resembling tactics. Many times you’ll be swamped by seven or eight elite guards all rushing around a tight corner giving you no chance to respond.There is almost no cover throughout the game, causing you to stand in the open during shoot-outs. Combined with a constant starvation of health and ammo the player is usually forced to hide in doorways to pick off the onslaught of combine guards.
The player was given little to no idea what step was to be taken next resulting in the quick-save button being used nearly as often as the fire key. The driving sequence turned into a shooting gallery with no warning as elite combine tore the car and player to shreds as they rounded a tight corner. In fact the game starts with breaking it’s own rules. After a long and unneeded intro you are shown that windows do not break, until you go a single floor down and now “Some” of the windows break though there is no rhyme or reason as to why.
Any extra areas usually have no benefit to them. There are many trucks with enticing though empty trailers behind them. Huts with nothing but four walls and a roof while supply crates lay randomly thrown across the map. The map-pack starts with every hidden turn having a prize at the end, but like most other “laws” they establish this is quickly broken as well. Even a large monitor room with rows of desk in the “Black Mesa” serves no function. You may go into it but it contains to items, no new weapons, just.. somewhere to go and kill two more zombies.
There are a few memorable moments. The beginning of the driving sequence is fun, though many areas seem pointless. Plenty of soldiers to run over and dips and turns to keep the pace somewhat quickened and interesting. The final fight with the combine gunship was unique if not for being plagued by too many elite combines and too little health. The final fight with the turn-table stadium was easily the most intriguing part of the map. If only the other 5 levels had been as well thought through.
Think twice before you download it and give an hour of your life though.
Great mod.
Unfortunately it bugs in the canal at the beginning of map 2. Machine gun fire starts somewhere further, then gets repetitive then the game freezes and windows dialog box shows up sayinf HL2.exe encountered a problem.
Il this can be fixed, it will be one of my favorite games. Still, I give it a PIN!
Well, there are minor bugs (as mentioned before) and I had to “noclip” once to advance my progress but that doesn’t mean this isn’t probably the best mod I’ve played in months.
Great start to the following year!
Nice to see people having problems, technical ones that is, where I did not, makes me feel better about my negative views of Pyramid and the fact I could not finish that mod for bugs and crashes.
Mel-you and must have bought our computers from the same guy cause I also could not finish Pyramid. I ended up stuck in the last map, very frustrating for sure. Now this one, which is also good but flawed. For some reason I never got to shoot at a gunship. Thanks for the e-response and I will have to reinstall this just to finish it-I had problems early on with some of the maps not loading. I suspect I may have not gotten the 6th map installed.
I have sent a repack to Phillip to check.It works fine for me and includes the missing audio which I suspect in the case of the breen scene causes the door not to open.I played through it and it worked fine.I did this very quick but I don’t think I missed much.Chapter pics are just standard hl2 as I don’t wanna go that far into fixin it.Once I get the others done I may go back and do a closer look at the files
Can somebody please make a video of this map pack? (just to showcase gameplay).
Why?Download and try for yourself although I’d wait for the new file.
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I had a good time with this map.
Nicely done, huge environments.
I got stuck at the room where you see Dr. Breen,
but it turns out that it’s the end of map 3, so if you
just manually load map 4, you start on the other side
of the door that doesn’t open anyway.
The Pain’s review rings true, if a little harsh. 🙂 There’s plenty of action here, but there’s little nuance. More than any other mod i’ve played, this feels like playing on a movie set, where you occasionally run behind the scenes, where you weren’t supposed to.
My most memorable annoyances were misbehaving doors, combine with mismatched weapons and combine that didn’t drop their weapons when I iced them. Minor, but certainly off-putting. Overall it’s a good mod, but it needs a little more oopmh.
I don’t understand Russian, but I enjoyed playing it. I did have a problem when below the snipers they were able to shoot me through the rock.
The gameplay is a bit crudely arranged at times, but the firefights with the Combine soldiers are a legitimate tactical challenge overall. Design wise, there are some nice ideas here, but the maps are full of holes and are architecturally simplistic, and speak of a mod in its early stages of development. To be honest, that’s the feel the whole mod gives off, that it’s not finished. The presentation is very poor indeed and suffers from the common “poorly assembled mod” bugs, like the UI elements such as the weapon names coming up as #HL2_Crowbar, #HL2_Pistol and the like.
To sum it up in an analogy, this mod is like a skeleton. It functions, but it needs a lot more work — to be “fleshed out”, so to speak — before it can be considered something special. It needs some playtesting, the maps need a lot of polish, and the dialogue needs English subtitles. If there’s no chance of this being updated in these ways, that’s a shame, because there’s potential for a very nice mod here.
I loved it, with the exception of getting stuck to the floor in a few spots, especially near the end.
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Hey folks. I’m actually the designer for this, and I felt I should clarify a couple of things, so you all know the history behind it.
I actually made this about 5 years ago now, when I was first learning the Source Engine. I had done a little bit of map making for Goldsrc, and knew my way around a bit, but this was going to be my first major project where I had to complete an entire mod by myself. I spent a fair amount of time doing things in this mod that I had never done before.
This was completed in less than 5 months as a contract project that I had found on the internet. I was asked by an interested party to put together a mod, so I pitched a basic game design and sold the project. The fellow who was financing it was intending on selling it in his “cyber cafe” as he put it. I didn’t really pay attention to what was done with this, as I actually worked on a second mod for the same party immediately after this one, that was longer in scope, as well as more refined. (As a side note, I can clean that one up and post it if you’d all like to see it.)
I’m not excusing any of my design choices, but I look back at this now and see every one of the flaws and more that your reviews have pointed out. Forgive the crassness, but it’s a bit like looking at your child that’s suffering from a mental disorder. He may be retarded, but you still love him.
I’m glad if you were able to get any enjoyment out of this. I’m looking forward to releasing some work I’m doing for a L4D level at the moment in the near future. It should be heads and tails above this freshman attempt, as I’ve had 5 years to improve my skills now, and I’m no longer under a time limit.
ive followed the instructions as to where to put the file,
but it aint happening, I dont usually have problems with placing things in source mods. untill now,,, its not appearing in my games list — HELP (soonish please)
yours “T”
The beginning is average, some enemies here and there, some goodies here and there but then takes up speed, good finish, very good mod to waste some time.
quite a nice and entertaining pack
not much detail but instead really big environments which are kinda cool
fights were also quite nice and diversifying, just I don’t talk russian! 😀
Overall, this was fun(-ish) to play. I think the “ish” is because most of the time I was running around with barely any suit battery, and there weren’t always weapon drops. The few times my battery was near full, it didn’t stay that way for very long.
I was sort of confused at screenshot 9. There’s an invisible wall there and, though I found the alternate route easily, once I jumped down, the Combine soldiers from a different building would run in front of the building I was in and face the other way–even though their buddy had just been killed by me from inside the building. There were also other instances where I was mostly ignored, too–but I was taking enough damage in other places, and it just makes them easier to kill. 🙂
I did get stuck once at the end, when I was fighting the gunship. I had to noclip to move again.
I’ve just replayed this ‘deal with destiny’. Destiny dealt with!
When it first came out, I thought it a bit ‘so so’
Now it’s a PIN.
Maybe I played this before andyb with Chris Fox’s node graphs changed things. Certainly the door in the “Breen scene” opened which it did not before. It seems that including the audio did the trick. Thanks andyb.
No bugs, no game stoppers at all.
Great combat, great buggy ride.
If you played before, it’s worth considering a replay.
If you haven’t, it’s a must play.
I just replayed this and never did post my thoughts the first go around. this is worth the dload and I quite enjoyed the entire mod, there is a bug or 2 throughout but nothing that stopped me from playing. nice areas different environments . overall I liked it.
Both download links broken or missing file. :/
Maps are big. Would have been better if they were trimmed. Takes a bit to get going. The indoor maps are very good. Once you get to the buggy, it’s not clear which way to go. Kinda lost interest at that point.
30 Minutes