Author’s Notes: “My first Half-Life levels. Your mission is to blow up the power generators located in the underground of the complex.
To accomplish that you first need to gain access to the only entrance available to the underground of the complex located on the top floors of the complex. You will need do pick up some access cards and discover how to pass some doors to accomplish the objective.
In these levels Scientists are neutral and Barneys are ENEMIES!”
Basic Details
- Title: DAV’s Half-Life Pack 1 featuring “HLArches” and “HLAttack”
- File Name: hl1-sp-dav-pack1-mod.7z
- Original File Name:
- Size : 1.39Mb
- Author: DAV
- Date Released: 15 May 2000
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Installation Instructions
- Copy the davpack folder into your Half-Life folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- DAVHLPK1 should now be listed in your Library tab.
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played the mod, and I am not shure that it ended. I got to a elevator and a room with barney saying “this is the end of the line for you”. was fun even though a door wouldnt open and I heard marines in need of a good bashing.
Lots more to do john, blow something up to carry on.
Shortish mod from DAV. Usual high quality gameplay and environments, usual tricky multiple key card puzzle to solve while battling your enemies. Even Barney is a nasty in this one.
Dav has his own style, so when you’ve played this, then DAV train, then DAV sub, you will know him well.
where to in stall?having some pak issues
bkadar, use GCfscape to extract the pak’s contents and the rest should be simple enough
got it to start but as soon as I spawn the game ,hl ,closes. no prompt,no opps this is wrong,no goodbye?
This is a Pain-In-The-A**-map because no installation-exe. I copied the files in my half-life directory and the programm crashed. It is a very good idea to safe your hl-directory in a .zip-file, so it coud be fixed it in no times.
HLarches makes my game freeze, which sucks cause I really like that one.
The moment I open this mod I was worried. Just check the first screenshot to see why! I was worried that it would be badly-proportioned and very blocky.
It was, but only at the beginning, which was a relief.
The general feel is one of function over form, meaning that the gameplay was hard and challenging but the visuals didn’t match the quality.
I didn’t hate playing it, but felt it was really just “experiments” joined together.
Two doors didn’t work for me and I had to noclip through, but perhaps I missed something.
Anyway, all in all it was fun to play but let’s hope the next two DAV levels (tomorrow and Friday) look nicer.
Hey Phillip, I have a question. I have read every single review you have posted since the start of 100SDON. It seems like, 80-90% of the time, you have to noclip in whatever map or mod you’re playing. Do you use the console every time, or have you gotten to the point where you have sv_cheats 1 set in the launch options, and have a key already bound to toggling noclip? It just seems to me, with the frequency at which you encounter map errors, the amount of time that you would save in the long run by doing it this way would add up and be worthwhile.
It’s an excellent point, but I don’t have the command set in the launch options, for two reasons. 1. I wasn’t smart enough to think of it and 2. I go into each mod full of hope and innocence. Trusting that the great Headcrab in the sky will favour me this time and allow me to play all the way through unhindered by mere broken mods. Alas, the greater Headcrab in Hades, always shits on my hopes and dreams and does his best to make life as hard as possible for me.
I do have to noclip but I would be surprised if it was as hiogh as 80%, but scary if that’s true. You also need to consider I am on a tight schedule and I can’t afford to take breaks and “come back later” to a mod. I have to finish it in one sitting in case I get called away. In my real life I am a famous and world-renowned brain surgeon and can get calls any time of the day. I keep my kit bag waiting by the door!
Did you have to no clip through this mod? I wonder if I missed something.
I didn’t need to noclip at all. For the first door you have to shoot the camera, and then after that there are keycards you can find to unlock locked doors.
I’m surprised that I’ve not played this as I’ve played the other DAV levels before, as well as Davide Cintrao’s collaborations, POV and Azure Sheep. it’s certainly hard gameplay but it was fun!
As a first released mod for DAV this appears to show he likes/liked making things difficult but not impossible for the player, but the use of gun and rocket turrets seems a little excessive. Once you get past the beginning it starts to look like standard HL fare, but some areas are repetitive.
There is plenty of health and ammo to be found but its balanced by the amount if incoming fire from the afore mentioned gun and rocket turrets as well as grunts.
All in all not the best in the 100 so far but it is better than most. I await DAV Train and DAV Sub with my rose tinted glasses.
Without question, DAV is one of the most prolific mappers around – take a look at his web page to see the various maps he’s released for the various games over the years. Apparently, DAV concentrates his efforts on small- to medium-sized maps, judging by Jay’s reviews of DAV’s Quake II episodes: Caves, (Various), Strogg Towers, and Teleportation System Complex. The small and unimaginatively titled DAV HL Pack 1 is the author’s first Half-Life map, and it looks like he picks up right where he left off with Q2.
DAV HL Pack 1 is a straightforward level; don’t expect a gripping story or a complex unfolding plot. Plain and simple, it is a grunt fest. And it will challenge you. To mix things up, there is quite a good variety of turrets added in that want to make minced meat out of you. What did you ever do to them? Nothing. But that’s the beauty in a pack like this. Not much rhyme or reason, just combat.
The architecture is solid, but not outstanding. In terms of setting, there is a mix of outdoor base areas and indoor office hallways. There are simple objectives in the pack, but nothing more than ‘find the keycard’ and ‘destroy the generator.’ Most of the fun will come from the challenge. Enemy placement is pretty good, with a couple of bottlenecks that I found to be pretty tough to get past alive.
In all, this level is rather lite fare, but it gives you a good place to practice your combat and assault skills. Not much replayability here, but it’s worth the download if you like a simple shoot-’em-up now and then.
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Sunday, 13th August 2000 by Unquenque.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
DAV proves with this 2-map set that he’s a skillful mapper in Half-Life. He of course went on to much bigger things like Azure Sheep and Point of View. The maps here are simple gruntfests, although with decent layout and “base-style” design.
The real reason to play this pack is the tough combat. The areas you’ll make your way through are chock full of grunts, sentry turrets, and manned turrets (including rocket turrets). The layout of the base is pretty nonsensical, but if you can live with that there’s some fun to be had just picking apart the bad guys. Often you’ll have 2 paths you can take to progress, but often one of them turns out to be easier to navigate and you’ll only know that from trial and error.
Otherwise there’s little in the way of atmosphere, and no story or motivation. That’s why I feel it’s a pretty hollow experience.
As tough shoot-em-ups go, this is a fine 2-map pack. If you’re looking for any depth, skip it.
DAV Pack 1? Something familiar, but I can’t remember. Is that the mod with the poorly realised hostility of Barney?
We attack the enemy base. At the beginning, there is a hard puzzle, which makes the player want to simply open the door by pressing the button through the wall. But I decided to think a little longer and found that we’re supposed to [spoiler]shoot the video camera.[/spoiler]
The design is simple but beautiful. I liked the columns. The battles are very challenging.
After the next puzzle, where it once again turned out that we’re supposed to break something (and it’s even harder because we don’t have the crowbar), I found an answer to my question: I met Barney who started to shoot at me. I noticed that he is shooting not at me, but just forward. I approached him, pressed the use key and we went to fight against soldiers together.
After the canals the design became worse. Some grey buildings, mountains which look flat.
Our mission is to blow up the generators, but we can complete the mod without blowing them up. The explosion looks cool: collapse happens, cracks appear on the walls.
It’s a reasonable mod that gets better as it goes along, but found the beginning to be a little buggy. I got stuck once in an area where the space was just the right size and had to noclip out of it. I also never got a crowbar, and a few of the enemies I killed in the office complex were blocking the door from opening so I could exit a room. I didn’t want to empty out all of my ammo trying to resolve the situation so I used noclip to get back out of the rooms in question. Maybe I missed the crowbar! The sections where you avoid the heavy guns by crawling through the water tunnels are good and always give you a chance to succeed if you are careful. Overall it’s worth playing but not super quality IMO
Ok this is fair enough for a PN, and inmediately, u can see is DAV stuff, I mean, you can look those colours and textures, are from him, and escort him along his most famous mods AS and POV, the combats are rough but enjoyable and require a llittle bit of strategy, specially on those trenchs inside a bunker which are pretty fortified with machineguns and rocket launchers, so make sure u have some explosives. I don’t know if i’m wrong but it seems to be that this mod is crowbarless, because me too I didn’t found it at all!, but despite that litle annoying fact the mod is passable with the guns and ther’es plenety of ammo round there. the only issue with this mod, is that I have some trouble with some stuck doors.
There were many things in this mod that annoyed me, but it was alright.
This was a very hard mod (for me anyway) and can be frustrating at times, both in combat and puzzles. There aren’t too many bugs in it but there is a few cases of bad decision making or bad mapping. I had to use noclip on one door, but found out how to open it right afterwards. There were too many turrets in this for my liking as well as too many “incorrect paths” which lead to dead ends and use up too much ammo.
Can’t think of anything else to say.
A grunt fest map with boring mapping.It’s also pretty hard combat wise.No story at all and overall just boring.
Well, this MOD is absolutely fun to play. Considering that it is DAV’s first effort for HL, it’s a good map but he has had mapping experience in a similar platform before in Quake d;.
Mapping – Both the maps are good with proper lightning and texture application. The door buttons near the grunt and sentry area is something new for me :D. It feels more advanced than original HL door buttons. But the areas, pathways are too small and cramped for a Power Generation base especially in the the power generation area itself. The enemies in the “office area” in “Attack” are placed just behind doors so if they die… the door doesn’t open forcing the player to use noclip or retry the map from a previous save. Regarding, saves there are no autosaves in “Attack” but there are 3 autosaves in “Arches”, one in the beginning, one in the Apache area, and one right in the end at the door before the osprey. (???!!!)
Architecture – Basic and weird. Everything is ‘rectangular’. But it nicely simulates a small Power Plant Base. Both the maps have a really, really weird layout.
Gameplay – We start with an HEV, and an MP5/M203 hybrid. That’s a plus point since most SP maps always require the player to find the HEV and it is very much irritable since these SP maps drop us right in he middle of combats without an HEV ._. There is a bug in the beginning. The button on the other side of the wall can be pressed from the player’s side. There is another solution here actually :D. The combat is quite difficult in the beginning. Later on you start receiving batteries, health packs, ammo, grenades in a steady supply. We don’t actually need so man grenades but you can have fun with them. After you encounter the Apache, the enemies placed in that open area are too far away. They don’t even shoot at us so we can pick them off with ease. From here on, combat is too easy with the poor placement of enemies and super supply of batteries, health packs, and grenades. In the power generation area, you don’t even need to kill the enemies *_*. There are some good puzzles in “Attack”. The positive point here is the use of barney as an enemy without even a minor change to the HL code.
Gameplay Time – 45 min. (approx.)
The Map Pack lacks the grand atmosphere of a power plant but is overall fun to play for those who enjoy a gruntfest.
For anyone wanting to have a laughter moment (some might not find this funny), destroy the Osprey which you encounter in the end :).
2 map minimod of the popular mapper DAV (also see DAVtrain + DAVsub). According to the readme it were his first maps and I must say that’s pretty obvious but also that’s some kind of how my first maps would look like (I never did mapping…yet)
There awaits nothing special as the “story” can be neglected, it’s simply fighting your way through quite many grunts (gruntfest!), picking up some keycards and proceed to the next area. This pretty much sums it up.
The leveldesign is boxy, undetailed and nothing special at all, besides oddities such as military barriers inside of buildings – with multiple ways to engage sometimes. This is just weird as it does look like a tiny military training course…
However, it’s fun to play – but only if you like gruntfests! There are no puzzles and the only thing that makes it worth playing is the combat, which often requires tactics to survive it.
So if you’re looking for a story, puzzles – you’ll get disappointed here.
-Neat combat action – strategies required
-Good balancing, except too much ammo imo (for machine- and shotgun)
-A few scripts
-Very few “puzzles”, or how to call them – in the meaning of finding keycards
-Decent, but by far not great leveldesign
-Very short
-Oddities in leveldesign, also undetailed, boxy
-No story, no puzzles
-Minor bugs like doors getting stuck if a grunt dies near them – annoying
-Stupid AI
-No atmosphere
Was this made to be played on easy?
This mod is from DAV. You may know him from his better projects like DAV Train or DAV Sub. DAV Pack 1 includes the first two maps he made.
The combat was tedious and hard. Grunts coming out of everywhere is not that smart of a move.
The mapping is like if it’s a dupe on GMod or something. Could have been better.
I know it’s his first maps, but for the fact that he made DAV Train and DAV Sub, which were great mods, was kind of disappointing. If you like gruntfests, then you should play this. If not, then you won’t like DAV’s mods.
Very very hard, but I made it somehow.
Of course, another gruntfest entry but it’s a decent one. The first map is easy but the second one comes all the tough battles. Turrets, manned turrets, and missile turrets, they’re everywhere. It may look unbalanced but I’ve managed to destroy them all.
I almost forgot, puzzles are almost non-existent. Only annoying fetch quest and your own tactics to beat DAV Pack.
DAV, how can you put so many units on the map, so many turrets, so many rockets. Your map is like a navigation through the mine field. One wrong step and my head is blown. LOL, you should add more enemies, I want in the next DAV map, one HECU every 3 meteres in all corners of the map. And no cover. How about that?
25 Minutes