
for Half-Life

1st January 1998

Basic Details
  • Title: Database
  • File Name: hl1-sp-database.7z
  • Original File Name:
  • Size : 411Kb
  • Author: Jeremy
  • Date Released: 28 September 1999
PlanetPhillip Download Servers
Reader Recommendations
Avoid It!
Think Twice
Play It Later
Play It Now!

7 recommendations, average score: 2.29 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.78 (what's that?)
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 4 comment(s) with meta review data.

Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 4 Users

Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 14 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 7 Mins by reaction
Longest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by AnRet
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 57 Mins
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Maybe?Think TwiceAvoid It!Avoid It!Maybe?Maybe?Maybe?


  1. Maybe?

    Single large map. Jeremy says he was a beginner when he built this, so don’t be too hard on him!Amusing in places, the battles are hard.
    There’s plenty of basic mistakes in the design but at least it’s playable.

  2. shawn

    The readme doesn’t open. Not sure why the single “consider it” recommendation deserves a 5.0 on the Phillip scale… 🙂

  3. Not sure why the single “consider it” recommendation deserves a 5.0 on the Phillip scale… 🙂

    It doesn’t, which is why I have been trying to convince various coders to accept the project of combining my recommendation images with the rating system to provide a better system.

    I presume that different people rated the mod and added the recommendation image.

  4. Think Twice

    Very old, single and first map of author Jeremy, a huge hall, filled with some human grunts, a few zombies and a Garg.

    -Almost every weapon, lot of ammo and health

    -Very poor design
    -A bit too dark (but firefly aura around enemies)
    -Very short
    -No puzzles, story
    -Stupid AI
    -Falling damage immediately after start, no HEV –> 54 health

  5. Avoid It!


    This is of a similar vintage to to the atrocity that was Rogat which still holds my record for becoming bored with a map (30 seconds)!

    Although this has walls, it is still only one big arena, but in the dark. At the time it was released it probably impressed the authors friends, but it was in my mind an early effort with only one aim, kill everything!

    There are missing textures which gave the impression that the author could not be bothered to put in a bit more effort.

  6. Ten Four Reviews

    Hey this map was great! Wait a minute, no it wasn’t…

    Database was just a joke of a level that goes wrong in every way possible. It was too dark, it was impossible to beat, enemies had some stupid yellow glow to them, the framerates sucked, and the texturing and architecturing reeked of toe cheese. The difference between this and Rum, was that Rum wasn’t frustrating, true, it was awful, but it was awful in a way that it could be funny. Database is different, Database is on the opposite side of funny or fun, the very opposite, in a way that if it were changed in any way or form, it could only be either redundant or for the better.

    Run, no, make a mad dash away from this map if you want to be safe. If killing the map is possible, do so; the level should be sacrificed and it’s brain sent to your closest research center to test for rabies. If you come into contact with Database, you should get vaccinated.

    This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Monday, 25th October, 1999 by Jiang.

    This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.

  7. Avoid It!

    There really isn’t a whole lot that can be said about this map. It is a lot like the things I would have made when I was first getting to grips with Worldcraft 2.1

    What we have here is a massive free for all inside an enormous killbox. Texturing, scale, coherence all go out of the window with multi-story vending machines, boxy healing stations and every single enemy is clipping into the floor. Literally every single one.

    Map should be called “Hurray for Fireflies”

  8. Maybe?

    Well, pretty not so bad map. As I understand it a very first map of a popular mapmaker. You can play for knowing custom maps history of Half-Life

  9. Maybe?

    This is a sandbox map, chuck on god mode and give yourself all weapons and ammo. The map has the biggest pushable box I’ve ever seen. It’s entertaining enough for a few minutes, even if only to blow up 20 hgrunts.

  10. Maybe?

    After the first room, pick up the crossbow and head forward to the next passage. Headshot all of the 5 soldiers behind sandbags with it. Pick everything up, 1 health staion is there as well another is in previous area and no more. If the spider is still alive try to be seen by the soldiers near her so they kill each other. Another crossbow near soldiers area behind crate walls. Now proceed to the next room with many zombies. Use energy weapon on alien grunts by charging it. And with the rocket go to the final area and use it on the group of soldiers behind of sandbag. For an advantage place yourself on the sandbags on the other side near Barneys. If some soldiers remain use the crossbow. Now what you can do to finish is to satchel all your remaining friends and the level will reign in piece of tranquility.

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