Authors Note
“After 20 years after first part, John Bekid turned out to be in unknown city, City 13. He it is necessary to run down from city. In this he will help the doctor Saimons, which already Two years makes out scheme escape. But power of the Combine this dislikes. And they try to stop John. This will Bring about uprising the people of this city against Combine. But while people and Combine fought with each other, other extraterrestrial races have already Begun the seizure of the EARTH. Power rebel and combine to come be united to survive… “
Basic Details
- Title: Danger 2
- File Name: danger2install.exe
- Size : 239.20Mb
- Author: Sergey Zemenko
- Date Released: 20 November 2005
- Download: PlanetPhillip Filecloud Server
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weee!!!! a gunship
Vast and fairly well-textured. Enjoy the apartment complexes reminiscent of the Soviet era. Could be a few more enemies in all that space…
Got as far as the third canal map, where “AI Disabled” appears just after the map switch. Attempted correction by using “ai_norebuildgraph “0”, and “1”…same problem.
I believe the cause is that the author did not specify graphs to be built after the 2nd canal map. .ain files are only present for the maps I was able to play with AI. It needs correction to work properly.
thats werid nothing happend to me
Lacks enviromental detail
Senator33, you are right, exactly what happened to me. I was enjoying the air boat ride and looking forward to the rest
I hope it gets fixed, it was a fun mod, anyone who speaks the language (Russian) got a contact with the mod maker?
The outdoor section looks a bit flat and uninspiring. I’ve just spent the last hour trying to find my way out of the plaza. There’s a hop, and a gap in a fence…. wjat am I missing here folks? I’m bored.
The outdoor section looks a bit flat and uninspiring. I’ve just spent the last hour trying to find my way out of the plaza. There’s a shop, and a gap in a fence…. wjat am I missing here folks? I’m bored.
Finally got all but canals 3 and 4 to work. Had experienced a previous problem on user maps switching to AI Disabled. Just had to dig up the old fix.
The process involves forcing HL2 to regenerate node graphs each time a new map loads. For some odd reason, I could not force Canals 3 and 4 no matter what I did…
Not a bad mod, all things considered. Could have a lot more action in all that space as I said previously. Hope we see more from the authors. Spasciba!
I ran into the same problem “AI disabled” here I thought it was refering to me!!! Sure wish it was in English!! At my age it’s a little late to learn a new language. I sure hope the rest of the mod dosen’t have the same problem.
Doug and AI, [CAPS are for emphasis only]
First, insert the following in the mod’s autoexec.cfg:
When you reach canal 3 and AI Disabled appears, either move to canals 5 or enter the map in your console. then type:
That should bring you back to normal killing mode. There is one other map farther on that you will have to do that with, too.
I am by no means a mapper, but have learned all this by some earlier experiences with user maps in the Source engine.
Pretty Cool… This one looks a lot better than what I can do.
There are some quite entertaining spots, and some pretty drab ones. (I agree that the outdoor spaces are too big, with few details or enemies.) There *might* be a story line, but you’d have to know Russian to figure it out.
How come after I install this, nothing shows up in my source mods folder? It installs all the way through, but I can’t find it anywhere. Has anyone else had this problem?
Nope.Mine goes there.Does the installer show the correct path for your source mods folder?
Also try doing a search on your pc for Danger_2.bat .I think its part of the uninstaller but whereever it is is where the Danger 2 folder is.
The default installer path is correct but, I did a search andyb for that file & it actually created a new folder on my C drive as follows: C:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\sourcemods. I’ve never had that happen before. I had deleted it last night & tried d/l the file again but, this morning I had an error message about copying to a folder so I’m d/l it again. I will try to manually direct it to the folder it needs to go to when I run the exec & see if that works. If it doesn’t & creates that folder again (C:\games…) then I’ll just cut & paste the files & see what happens.
Ah, still had the files in my recycle bin. Restored them & then cut & pasted the files to where they needed to be so all is well now. I’m still d/l it again just to see if it installs like that again even though the directory the exec shows is correct but created that “games” folder on my c drive. Thanks for your help again andyb.
Tried d/l the file again from here & when it’s almost finished, I get an error message copying to file or folder; access denied; etc.
sounds like a setting on your pc.I’m downloading it just to see.
EDIT: Worked fine.I’d check your permissions on your pc and make sure your drive isn’t getting full.
Oh, I have plenty of room. I restarted my computer just to see & when it came back up, it said it had recovered from a serious error. D/l again & it’s fine. I am so bored. What’s the best mods recommended for HL & HL2?
Hi. I’m stuck in some dark street. There’s a ladder leading to a zombie by the window… and nothing else here to find. Can somebody help me?
This one is a bit better then the first one..
I cannot tell you too much about the story since it’s all in Russian. However, I can tell you that it’s a long game with two thirds of it being an absolute bore with the last third just about above the boredom line. So if you want to skip this review I will understand; it’s not going to be very interesting to write either.
In many ways the opening sets the mood for much of the mod – a dubiously scaled room also appearing about three times larger than it should be and sparse furnishings with isolated items that look lost. The oversize theme continues through adjoining rooms and corridors and then into the big outdoors. In fact, it continues right through the mod. it’s as if after finishing the mod someone thought it a good idea to enlarge every set and structure by a magnitude of three.
The design faults continue with the outside layouts and structures therein. Here we have sets that continue forever and building blocks that are huge and endless. I personally like outside HL2 environmental settings but these are lifeless, featureless, boring, flat and empty of any gameplay.
So it continues through various changes of surrounding and all exhibit the same faults but we do get some relief with the road and water buggy rides. Here the size and scale factor are a plus that permit high speed maneuvering and at last, we have some action.
For most of this mod there are very few encounters with anyone, such that you will not need to bother checking your health until about three quarters of the way through the game. it’s very much a matter of bashing the odd zombie and headcrab and a few very obviously positioned Combine standing in the middle of nowhere like practice targets. Up to this point no thought to strategical placement of Combine troops appears to have been part of the script – not that any of the layouts so far afforded any opportunity to deploy troops this way.
If you have stayed with it so far (by that I mean either the mod or the review) then there is good news; it gets better, with better being a relative word in this case. There is a definite and steady improvement in content, design, texture and gameplay from about the two thirds mark once you have been captured and then break out from the prison. The prison settings exhibit all the previous faults. However, once you have made good your escape the architecture improves with the outside terrain looking in balance, with the natural detail of the coastal setting appearing acceptable even though all the landscape is flat topped looking as if it had been sliced off with a knife.
The combat also steadily improves; building in intensity and frequency with Combine numbers increasing and noticeably more thought given to their deployment. You will now need to be checking and looking around for ammo and health which comes mainly from fallen Combine.
As I said at the start of the review, I don’t know what the story is all about. There is endless dialogue throughout the mod that is all in Russian such that I cannot comment on the voice acting other than saying it sounds convincing. The sound effects were good in parts, with new sounds to some of the weapons and good storm sound effects that also included sequences with steam rising from the walkways as the rain falls.
There are a few technical issues. Apart from leaking seams in places you lose AI in three different levels but these were put right in each case by typing “AI_Disable 0” in the drop down console.
Negative Points:
– Too many to mention
Positive Points:
– None worthy of a mention
I am not going to say much to conclude. Anyone that has persevered to the end of this review deserves a break. Just be very sure you want to consider playing this. it’s not the worst mod out there, only the longest worst mod out there
It’s difficult to decider whether to give a “Consider It” or “Avoid It” recommendation, maybe a “Consider Avoiding It”.
Five Word Review (What’s this?)
Boring with dubious designs throughout.
My Recommendation:
I quite liked it, quite easy all the way through, even on Skill 3 (Hard). Did anyone spot the music during the final credits as being a remix of the Max Payne Theme?
Again another page with a dead file link or no link at all. I’m just leaving a review so it no longer comes up in my search. It’s not on Moddb either.