This map was made for the ‘Best Train Ride’ Contest at the Valve Editing Resource Center. I searched but I couldn’t find anything there. The thread describing things in detail can be found here: Chatbear Thread.
- Title: Contest 2 Maps
- File Name: hl1-sp-contest-2-maps.7z
- Original File Name: contest2.zip
- Size : 2.49Mb
- Author: Various
- Date Released: 18 June 2001
Below the images you will find the text from the, now dead, Verc contest page. ALL the maps listed below are included in the pack except hldungeons because it was never released. Only an image is available (included in the pack!). The images below are taken from the winning entry.
Best train-ride sequence.
Contest Description:
Best train-ride sequence. Half-Life, Opposing Force, and now Blue-Shift all started off by taking the player through some game areas and immersing him in the situation while not allowing any interactivity. This helped give you a grasp of where you were and what was going on around you. It’s a great effect and allows for some cinematic situations that can leave a large impact on the player.
The goal of this contest was to create this type of situation. Vehicle type wasn’t limited to trains – any type of vehicle would do. I used the term “train” because basically, you’re on a rail and have no control over the vehicle you’re in.
- posted: June 4
- maps due: June 18, 11:59pm pacific time
- winner announced: June 25
Below you will find the contest winner and a collection of some of the better entries from this contest.
- Sandblast by Unquenque
Unquenque did a fine job with Sandblast. Basically, this is an alternate opening sequence for Opposing Force. Instead of a plane, you start off in a train. You can see the original planes and some of the original terrain out the window. Unquenque also makes use of text in the same way as Half-Life and other opening sequences, providing background data on who you are and why you’re here. All in all, this is an excellent example of how to make an opening intro for a game.
Runners Up:
- Contest2 by Worldcrafter
Worldcrafter’s map involves you overtaking a speeding train while on a speeding truck. It reminded me of something you’d see in a Mission Impossible movie. This is a spectacular effect and I hope Worldcraft will contribute it as a tutorial soon. - Knock by Mr. Yuk
Ever wanted to take a leisurely boat ride through the sewers? Well, me neither, but Mr. Yuk’s attempt at bathroom humor makes it interesting, at least. 🙂
Please note: These statistics are valid from December 2010
0Last 7 days
0Last 30 days
66365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 15 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by El_WaKa
Longest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by El_WaKa
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 30 Mins
The original page at the VERC has this url: http://www.valve-erc.com/resources/?page=contest2
The page is dead now, but you can search on http://web.archive.org to find the contest description and list of the winners.
The Chatbear thread on the 2nd contest is here: http://www.chatbear.com/?P38799
how do you install and play these maps?
The readme’s are there for 2 of of the files.The one with a map named contest2 will go in valve\maps.
to start it open console and type
map contest2
‘sandblast” is an opfor map, so it doesn’t belong here I think… As for map “knock’: How am I supposed to get on that train alive? I’ve got about enough ammo to kill 1 or 2, and there’s no cover on the truck. Am I missing something?
Sorry, that’s map “contest 2′
The .zip file includes three different maps, each one showing a different ride, I’m not good at judging mapping, which is the main draw of this kind of contests, but I’ll try
Knock.bsp: This one was… interesting, you take a boat for a ride through a sewer, it has a lot of toilet humor, like a Barney killing a rat by farting and other similar surprises, I liked it, it kept your interesting and made you want to see what appears next, but the humor is pretty childish and can be a turn off for many people
Contest2.bsp: My favorite of the three, it evens add a bit of gameplay! you ride on the back of a truck, following a speeding train, I love the effect although it can be a little hard at the start due to the lack of cover, after a while, the truck gets near the train and you can get inside where you can fight some more grunts, eventually a tank will appear and blow one side of the train, and once you get to the top of the train you’ll reach the end and and a plane will appear, overall this is an awesome concept and I would love to see it again in a more polished way
Sandblast: This one requires Opposing Force, but it looks excellent, it almost feels like is the start of a much larger mod, can’t say too much about other than that, is just great
Overall, I’ll give it a “Think Twice”, mostly because there isn’t a lot of gameplay to be found, otherwise, I would’ve given it a “Maybe”, but they are definitely worth a try
15 Minutes
Pretty nice, felt like I was riding some attractions in an amusement park or something.
Very nice maps, I was enjoying them a lot. Especially in the one I have nothing to do, just sit and watch. I am still curious how a guard can kill a rat with just farting or at least make the rat dizzy for a time. It seems there’s not enough toilets in the country and the fatigue to go inside is insane.
15 Minutes