
for Half-Life

29th August 2011

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

This is a simple 3-map mod, where you must move through a multi-story building that is the process of being constructed.

Army grunts are waiting for you, so be careful!

Take your time and explore – there is enough health and ammo available for you to reach the roof.

Basic Details
  • Title: Construction
  • File Name: hl1-sp-construction.7z
  • Original File Name: construction_1.exe
  • Size : 2.63MB
  • Author: Alexander Hubl
  • Date Released: 01 September 2001
PlanetPhillip Download Servers
File Format Note

I haven’t changed the format of this file, even though I wanted to, because there is a Licence Agreement as part of the installation. It would be wrong, even after all this time, to remove that without the author’s permission.

Installation Instructions
  • Create a folder called construction in your Half-Life folder.
  • Copy construction_1.exe to a location of your choice. I used the desktop.
  • Run the executable file and select the path to the construction folder you created.
  • Restart or start Steam.
  • Construction should now be listed in your Library tab.

If you require more help, please visit the Help page.


Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
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15 recommendations, average score: 3.53 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.65 (what's that?)
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Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 10 Mins
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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
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Maybe?Play It LaterPhillip says MaybePlay It LaterMaybe?Play It Now!Play It LaterThink TwicePlay It LaterThink TwicePlay It LaterPlay It LaterPlay It LaterPlay It LaterMaybe?


  1. Mel

    I played this game some time back and noted then: OK/Bit Short/Design and Light Good/Combat Hard/No Puzzles/Frame Stability Shaky in Parts/Worth the Download.

  2. geekofalltrades

    A short-but-sweet romp through a soldier-infested construction zone. I enjoyed it.

  3. Play It Later

    Construction is short (three maps), features no puzzles, and has a ton of human grunts situated within a (duh) construction zone. Breakable glass makes the running and gunning element fun, but you’ll have to play smart too, as health isn’t stingy or generous either.

    Not great, but much better than those other random mods out there.

  4. Phillip says Maybe

    As much as the general feel and gameplay of this mod is average, I was actually impressed by the lighting. The author did a good job of making it feel like a construction area and if some of the walls had been thin enough to shoot through, that would have added another dimension to the gameplay.

    Of course, such a short mod is never going to get rave reviews, but if this were part of something bigger and the route to the upper floors more complicated etc, then I think we may have all enjoyed it.

    I am on ly giving it a MAYBE because there is just not enough there to make to really fun.

  5. Play It Later

    Another coffee break map but without much gameplay or combat, however Phillips right about the lighting!

    I played this twice in a row, the second time in god mode. The reason for playing twice is that the first time was over too fast to look around and really take in the surroundings.

    OK so the impressions from the first go, some of the enemy placements are nearer to what I’d expect in a real situation i.e. they are behind cover in such a way as to make you exposed to attack them. The collapsing wall was a nice touch and the breakable glass walls were a bit like the practice area in the Mars based FPS Red Faction which came out on the PS2 a couple of months earlier.

    The second go gave me time to look around, for its age this looks quite good and although the proportions were about right some of the areas seemed too spacious.

    Overall not difficult and Phillips beat me to it by saying it would deserve a higher rating if it were part of something bigger.

    Installation if you are using 7zip it doesn’t require extracting the .exe to another location, the .exe can be run from within 7zip.

  6. Unq

    A short pack here, it’s really 2 maps of play and a third map of the rooftop lasting about 30 seconds. It’s a decent challenge since health is pretty sparse and your enemies are all grunts.

    The gameplay is average, but in general the maps are attractive, with decent layout, nice construction-style textures, and good lighting. What’s really missing is atmosphere. It would have been nice to have this take place in the upper levels of an under-construction skyscraper, where you’d catch glances of the outside or the ground way below through openings or windows. Or some appropriate ambient sounds, perhaps. It feels lifeless.

    What’s here is fine to play but it feels like more of a demo or test levels rather than a map pack.

  7. Play It Now!

    I liked this one. The design looks beautiful, fresh and original. The atmosphere of the building which is being constructed is very well: there are girders, building materials, pipes, ventilations everywhere. We’ll go through the rooms of various sizes.

    The gameplay is intense enough – there’s no energy and the health is bare. I liked the moment where soldiers broke the wall. The big room is very challenging.

    Overall, it has room for improvement. I agree with Phillip that thin walls and more complicated route would make it better. It would also be nice to visit rooms which are on the edge of the skyscraper, and, therefore, have windows. From the outside, it’s possible to see that the skyscraper has no windows at all, which is not nice.

    The game Mirror’s Edge might be a good example of how a skyscraper level should look like.

  8. 2muchvideogames

    Three floor gruntfest. Second floor is quite difficult. The designs aren’t particularly dazzling but is appropriately dull-looking for a construction zone, littered with construction materials everywhere. Soldiers are placed in well-covered places and nodes help them navigate pretty well. This is a pretty good, fun, and challenging fight against the soldiers, so lower your expectations from those total conversions and give this one a go.

  9. Hec
    Play It Later

    Ok this is a perfect 20-25 min combat fun distraction, and the light as the more recent in the 100 DoN mod called “smart decoy”, have great lighting perfect ballanced colours, what makes an esential part of any map u want to review, actually is amazing how even some L4D 1&2 mods have some really big trouble regarding to the lighting, and conssidering they’re developed in source plataform, here in HL1 Gold Source engine or the original worldcraft, I insist lights are the most important part of the whole mapping environment. So for my liking I have the feeling that the author reached the goal of create as he said: a hl mini mod set in a multi-story building combat, indeed there are some interesting battles like the one prior to the end before u reach the Apache, is cool interesting, and require some very basic fps coimbat strategy, to beat the grunts propperly located in their combat positions.

    The really low points with this one is that sensation of lonliness at the first level and just scattered few combat, so another good tip is to play this on hard, thing that I don’t usually do, because I know if a mod has a good gameplay and combat dynamic almost allways playing in average, or medium-normal skill.

    What else, oh yeah, this mod reminded me the great Night at the Office Mod where u fight against terrorists with a melodramatic hollywood style story, I recommend to play it that one, and that got me thinking that, maybe this three maps plus some aditional 2 or other 3 maps, could make this original core set of 3 maps, turned out to another medium or total good converssion mod, that would be pretty interesting, I mean here the first level look office-like but the 2nd one is perfect to be decorated more as a mall or big departamental store like.

    Overall this is a perfect play it latter because don’t hindrance your time and is a quick combat time, to be a PN would definetly had so much more combat, and enhanced areas, plus some little puzzle round there.

  10. Think Twice

    Modification of questionable quality. Walk on a square room, killing soldiers in small numbers. Everywhere lying around pipes and other fittings. Apparently, the author has made a mod for his friends, because it is not clear to which category of people it was intended.
    The idea is to climb to the roof. On the roof we understand that in areas traversed by us did not have windows. Mansion guest workers?

    Uninteresting modification, do not waste time.

  11. Play It Later

    This came pretty close to a PiN for me.

    This is a fun mod which only lasts for about 10 minutes on a normal difficulty. The gameplay is pretty fun and challenging too, be prepared to keep ducking behind cover and using skill to get through. The maps were well made, and for me it actually looked realistic and like a construction site.

    Very short but worth playing.

  12. Think Twice

    Short construction site-themed maps going up to the rooftop.
    More like a lil gruntfest inside a grey box with several things as details, not spectacular at all.

    -Little gruntfest, needing tactics
    -Stupid AI – good balanced (yeah yeah..)

    -Very short
    -Very undetailed, grey in grey maps, very basic
    -Less weapons, enemy types, less variation at all
    -Looks very unfinished

  13. Ten Four Reviews

    The HLSP scene doesn’t get too much of these anymore. That is, small map packs designed to offer a diversion aside from heavyweight mods like the recent Azure Sheep. But where others disappoint, Construction is a nice surprise.

    Level design is probably the highlight here. The theme is a new one based around an area that might have once been a construction zone for some type of warehouse (hence the name). Boosting this theme is a nice array of objects lying around, wooden wall constructs, plenty of glass, and garish lighting (usually garish lighting is a bad effect but it serves to convey a different tone here). In a few places, however, the notable sparseness of objects makes apparent the basic framework of the mapping itself. But for the most part the areas are cleverly conceived with some good (if small) set-pieces that serve to dish out varied combat.

    The only enemies here are the Marines, which really is unfortunate because with the level design a number of nice scenarios could have been staged. At least the various battles are engaging and fun, but often unnecessarily difficult. For example, having to dispose of the first Marine with the mere pistol is, frankly, a poor design choice; the more-effective .357 magnum would have been a much better alternative.

    Ambient effect may be lacking and the solely Marine combat disappointing, but it’s obvious there’s a hidden gem of a map here dying to get out. The author could have taken better advantage of the level design and gone much further for a real Half-Life experience, but as it is, Construction is definitely above-average and likely deserving of a play.

    This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Tuesday, 16th October, 2001 by Calyst.

    This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.

  14. Play It Later

    If you are looking for good small combat mission against grunts – try this one. Nothing special, but all is nicely done.

  15. Play It Later

    There is not a lot to say. It’s another pleasant mod.

    The story is that you need to escape a building.

    The atmosphere is really what makes this great; the lighting is pretty good, as Phillip said and it’s pretty. I like it.

    The combat isn’t anything special. The maps themselves are simple gruntfests.

    If you like short maps and gruntfests, then play this.

    P.S. What is up with the Zelda music at the end? lol

  16. Play It Later

    The gameplay is very balanced to say the least. The difficult ones are usually close quarters combat. Otherwise, I would’ve sniped everyone down with a handgun.

  17. Play It Later

    The gameplay is very balanced to say the least. The difficult ones are usually close quarters combat. Otherwise, I would’ve sniped everyone down with a handgun.

  18. Maybe?

    You are in construction yard, the building is not finished and there’s a chopper on the roof, it is kind of strange. Still those grunts came here for unknow reasons hunting someone like you and since the building is under construction there’s barely items and weapons in the level to the point you have to fire at everyone with en empty finger. That AR grenadier he is pissed off, he haven’t stopped to launch his stupid grenades one after another and all through the door like I am standing there in the middle of the door, he’s a good guess man.

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